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Everything posted by hyruga

  1. Not red enough. I want to see blood. Tell me why Donald trump is in Stage Red? What about Saddam Hussein? Tell me what are their minds thinking which cause them to become red?
  2. It's all in the mind. Nothing in life has any meaning until you give it meaning. You are creating your own suffering.
  3. Hmmm interesting. I didn't lose friends. I gained more friends because I was able to look past the egoic mindset that I once had within me or among other people. I no longer despise people because of the way they talk or walk for eg. I also gained more friends because I read more books on social communication. My body language and tonality is now better and more people want to talk to me.
  4. wake up, drink coffee, eat, watch YouTube, read actualized.org forum Other things I have not done them on a daily basis (besides the obvious like sleeping, brush teeth) to be counted as a daily routine yet.
  5. No. It can increase motivation. If you never tell them, maybe right now you would have forgotten all about your goals and you are gaming heavily right now
  6. We are now living in the 20s!!! Why are there still people who doesn't know what's YouTube channel actualized.org? You can go to the channel page and view back all the old videos!
  7. You have to let go of everything. But take note, let go of everything does not mean you forget everything. Haha if you forget everything, you would have lost your memories. To let go means the triggers/events no longer affect you. That's easier said than done. From time to time, the emotions will just come out and you have to process them again. After processing, you just have to stop thinking so much and just do more things. But during a critical moment say an interview/impt event when you have no time to process? You have to just think another tot or accept you are out of state and remain positive and loving to yourself. Go back home, think about them again and love yourself.
  8. Here's what I processed through: Some deep thinkers like to think but they have not fully processed their thoughts so they are left in thinking mode. They need to get out of their head and start doing something. Stay fun, carefree, authentic, passionate, provide value and be courageous n confident. Be non-needy.
  9. Check out Owen Cook's program!
  10. You will be loving when you accept yourself fully. Now this is not an easy thing to do because many of us will say: I will be happy when I earn a million dollars or get a hot girlfriend. A smaller step in this direction will be to accept where you are in any situation and be present.
  11. Let go of judgements and practice unconditional love on yourself and others. Do Shadow work. *** LOL at Gregory's signature!
  12. Why not read the author's other works: Turning pro, do the work, lion's gate, nobody wants to read your sh*t
  13. No. It is not lying in the eyes of the law in almost any countries. The company will not be in trouble (most of the time) because everything is worded based on facts.
  14. Just go to YouTube and type 'bias actualized.org'
  15. These aren't lies though. They are just worded in such a way to promote an agenda. For example, a company may have pathetic sales of $100 in the first month and a better sale of $5300 in the second month. Then the company can say they have a healthy 50 times increase in sales in just 1 month! You have to analyse and discern it.
  16. It was probably a trauma caused by a head/brain injury. His neurons pathway got disconnected or something. Now it's fixed! Your consciousness is maintaining the brain.
  17. Torero's crimes isn't punishable by death and he shouldn't commit suicide. RIP. Time to close this thread as it's not really related to Dating, Relationship or Sexuality.
  18. Girls under 25 seldom use dating apps (unless they are in US) except for these groups: 1. Too short, Too Plump, have certain issues 2. Minority in their country 3. They are too smart and they know they have to kickstart their own love life. Or they have a Master degrees or something and they know they are overqualified. 4. Just testing out.
  19. People rationalize all kind of things whether they know it or not. Some people may think: It's okay for me to laugh if they did not die. I am learning to laugh more. Laughter is the best medicine.
  20. ~10% of the time you are aware, meaning the other 90% you are sleeping or in a hypnotic state.
  21. Grace can come from many ways. The most grace comes when you do God's work. When you made donations anonymously to charity or do volunteer work or help someone out. You naturally feel happier.
  22. @aurum Good point @Phil King Good point too
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAj0mjLtQcU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPH80MGsypk
  24. When so many people died, there will always be conspiracy theories and stuff. Just move on if it doesn't affect you that much.