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Everything posted by hyruga

  1. He purpossly spoke with an Neo-Advaita approach to get attention.
  2. What about for cell/hand phone?
  3. I read in an article that pfizer vaccine will be removed from our body within a few days, maybe weeks as most. The vaccine basically works like a flu virus which cannot multiply. It trains your body to fight against diseases such as Covid-19. After that, the fake virus 'Pfizer' will be removed from your body system. You need 2 doses though to effectively train yourself against such virus.
  4. Remember death. You won't live for another 7000 weeks.
  5. People are going to be damaged whether they consumed spiritual content or not. Just be aware.
  6. Kobe aim to win. He did not cheat people's feelings or steal people's heart. Kobe was still a good person.
  7. No. I didn't say all the sub-facets are each their own personality type. *** The correlation was not proven at all. Where's the proof that one traits lead to another? There's no proof or survey done. Not rigorous. A child can just drop an arrow from one to another and he might still be right.
  8. Nice table but dumb arrows. I don't believe that if someone is intelligent and open minded, they would not want to look better and take more action. Or having high intellect make you dream bigger (better fantasy)
  9. Indirectly believing something bad will happen.
  10. Bob Proctor, the one who mentioned that his life changed because of Think and Grow rich, died this year...
  11. Guys have to lead so the best way for you is to subtlely get him to lead. You know in the olden days, girls pretend to drop their handkerchief all the time so that the guy will pick it up and pass to her. You can also pretend to like fall down, sprain ur ankle so that he cares for you. It's manipulation. But what isn't? You means guys don't comb hair? Don't wear nice shirt when going out?
  12. Yeah watching football, eating pizzas and chicken wings all day long while having fun.
  13. So is this an insight from you? The insight after your last insight?
  14. Understand that life is short. Why care so much?
  15. Depends on if you are still schooling. If you are schooling, then you should concentrate more on your studies and get an Honours/Masters/PhD. If not schooling, you can study self help and improve yourself without worry about it affecting your study.
  16. INTJs are actually very studious but most of them are not open minded so they don't try out new things until they become old. So most of them may have low awareness.
  17. https://bookishwisdom.com/why-do-we-seek-knowledge/
  18. If you believe in Abraham's chart, https://www.idoinspire.com/hs-fs/hubfs/a22e994c3e23384668a11a435ce34f13.jpg?width=932&name=a22e994c3e23384668a11a435ce34f13.jpg
  19. Who cares really? Venant is very smart probably Iq 140 or more. He has strong marketing skills and a powerful system to train new facilitators into his system. Good for him. If he really wants to help more people, he would have provided the course at a more affordable price. But he has his own winning strategies and agenda.
  20. Where's NoVac Jokecovid? Just Joking
  21. Haha don't be fooled by all these marketing tricks. First, they will make you say yes and want to attend. And then they offer discount of a few thousands to make you feel that a 3k or 4k course is worth it. Ahahaha.
  22. Not sure why so many Americans hate Trump. He's pro-America. He protects America against several of the unfair trades made by China, Asia and many countries. He created jobs for America. Most importantly, he is passionate and out to serve. He also wants to end war and manage to pacify the situation in North Korea. Sure he made mistakes but who doesn't? As compared to Joe Biden who just seems to hide everywhere he goes. If you are not American, I may understand why you hate him. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/
  23. New age has been around for more than 50 years already. So I guess we need 'newer age' next?
  24. Almost everyone can have a fraction of Trump's achievement. Even 1/1000000 is a fraction.