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Everything posted by hyruga

  1. Fear is not real. It's due to your imagination.
  2. Read 12 rules for life by Dr Jordan Peterson. And then, read 12 more rules.
  3. Well done! Hot topic of the week! First, it is Teal swan. Second, all of us have some tinge or parts of 'niceness' in us. Have fun discussing!
  4. Some of my fav games: Super Robots war Aardwolf or prophecy mud Football manager or Championship manager ROTK Left 4 dead Command and Conquer series Age of empire and Age of mythology Marvel super heroes vs street fighters Tetris and Tetris battle Half-life or counter-strike
  5. https://www.ign.com/articles/best-xbox-one-games-2
  6. Instagram isn't really a dating app. It's more for people who already knew one another and a way for them to show off their lifestyles to someone else. Still helpful especially for going to the next level with acquaintances.
  7. Change your thinking change your life.
  8. Sometimes you have to share your life purpose. I have some friends who told a group of friends that they are selling some drinks or some cosmetic products. When people asked them for the brands, they just keep quiet about them. How is their friends going to help them? Sometimes, the friends will even buy in secret to test out their products but if they don't even tell the brand, then there's fewer sales.
  9. Detachment isn't good. It makes you quiet and half-alive. For example, if you are detached, you don't even care about how tasty the food you eat. You need to be more involved which means more vibrancy and more emotions. The problem is that bad things may happen and we tend to overthink the negative stuff Or sometimes the bad things didn't even happen yet we just think of them constantly. We tend to discriminate the bad things and these bad things pervades into other aspects of our lives. So we need to be aware and rise above the these stuff.
  10. By becoming more aware, you create a distance from your thoughts. Or just focus on insights like Life is short. So why be miserable?
  11. Because very few people wants to watch a boring movie. It's too bland. You might as well sleep or do your own stuff! Life is energy! Watching a movie does not accumulate that much bad karma. Your intentions and thinking can create even more bad karma. The more you try to resist the show, the more memories you accumulated. You might as well go through it and let go.
  12. Info itself is useless. Your mind still wander. So I guess you need more meditation?
  13. There are so many things to talk about on confidence. One thing I will add is that if you need to have goals and a clear game plan of how to achieve them, then you will naturally become more confident.
  14. Music is still possible as those from AI sound hideous and fake. Art is harder. Good luck.
  15. Yes people degrade quickly when they have a major health issue. Time to repent and seek God.
  16. Yeah they don't derive enough joy from it anymore. They didn't get emotion mastery over it. For example, a mathematician may have written some scientific journals and initially he may be proud of it but thinking back, he realized his journals may not have helped many people so he grew disillusioned. On the other hand, a construction worker may not have accomplished much and is not a prodigy (back to topic -grins-) but he will be proud to tell his parents and children that he built this bridge and that building over there.
  17. 40 years? First 10 years must have been Tv screens since internet only becomes mainstreamed in around 1990s.
  18. Yeah when you check his YouTube channel, you can see he's still focused on dating and women. So all the talk about letting go of getting girls and going beyond is bs.
  19. Listen to Casey Zander on YouTube for dating advices and what women wants.
  20. Yeah it's like the thread about being a real man. In the end, you realise an accident or a disease could easily screw a person up real badly. Time to repent and seek God.
  21. Ok here's another truth. We are all going to die. There's not a single man known to humanity who can live beyond 150 years. (Maybe you know of some vampires who can live beyond that). So we are all in this together. And, If you don't like the fact that some people are rich? Then get rich yourself, bro!