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Everything posted by hyruga

  1. Swami mukundaanada once said if something negatively affects you, try to hold back on your outburst. If it's positive, you can share it immediately.
  2. Is this written by AI or by human? When was it written? Who wrote it?
  3. The examples used in the book is quite good. It's quite amazing if it's done by AI.
  4. @Tristan12 You are probably the type who likes to overthink. Don't worry so much. You will probably be able to survive with the resources you have. Just be disciplined and do the work required. One purpose of doing meditation is actually to bring back control of your mind. The mind seems to overthink a lot. You can try to drown yourself with work or activities. The other way is to gain back control of your mind. If you think about it, people who committed suicide are mostly people who have lost control of their mind. Stop overthinking. Another way is to practice letting go.
  5. Record down the books you read on Goodreads.com https://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/self-help
  6. It depends on what you need. If you are doing sales, read a book on sales. If you are doing deep work, read a book on deep work. 🤣
  7. Needs Magnus to come back next year to challenge Gukesh, Ding or others for the world title. This will bring more viewership and money into the chess industry.
  8. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8b9T-WpP2C/?igsh=YzljYTk1ODg3Zg== Well, when you help others, you feel you have led a meaningful life. There's two types of happiness: oh I forgot what are they 🤣
  9. Yeah don't join. You can easily find courses which cost like $500 each
  10. He didn't say it is a reality. He points to what your mind is probably thinking.
  11. The more you have success in something, the more confidence you get at it. For example, the more sales you do or you visit a certain country before, the more confidence you will be in that area when someone asked you about them. So you can climb your way to the top or to success whatever you define it. However, things will come crashing down when you have illness or is about to die. All will die one day. There's no need to be egoistic and laugh at someone for not knowing this or not being able to close sales. Time is Life.
  12. Napoleon Hill even talked on video tapes and sold many books. Highly doubt that he died penniless. If he did, then so too are millions of Americans who also died 'penniless'. These people may have fewer than $100k to their name when they died and that's considered penniless I guess. In any case, he lived till 87 years old which is better than average at that time.
  13. Not so sure about jack Canfield's book. I read it. It feels good but I cannot remember much about the book. Think and grow rich is different. Your will remember about the burning desire or the transmutation of sex, among other things. It's hard to say for sure because I read over 300 self help books. Yes I am a self help junkie. I didn't do well in my career though but i kept my job. I also got lucky in real estate. Earned some profits and rentals income. Good money. May not have happened without the books I read.
  14. Well I think Napoleon hill's writing has a certain level of intensity which will help you remember his points better. You can check out his Master keys to success book or law of success to learn more. In my opinion, 7 habits and mastery also do not focus much on taking action. Gtd is outdated already. There are so many apps and also AI which can help raise productivity.
  15. Trump won because he has been campaigning for 9 years. Harris lost because she campaigned for 7 weeks. While the reason is arguably not so simple, it actually is one of the main reasons.
  16. You can go to websites like Goodreads so that you can chronicle your self help journey. Once you are set on the path, you will start to read more books rather than putting them away.
  17. Insights don't matter until you do something because of them.
  18. Well, if you are aiming to be in working programming job, you will need to sit down in front of a computer for hours so the book Deep Work will be more applicable for you.
  19. I usually write my notes and then after I finish reading, I will do a revised book summary or book review. You can also follow Brian Johnson's style. He summaries every book into five main points.
  20. The 21st century adaption of think and grow rich is somewhat different from the original. You can read that if you haven't done so. Someone who likes doing research and data analysis may gain more insights reading Deep Work by Cal Newport. But if you are interested in doing sales, then read books like Art of closing the sales.
  21. Here are some books which you can read when starting a new business: https://www.amazon.sg/100-Startup-Reinvent-Living-Create/dp/0307951529 https://www.amazon.sg/Lean-Startup-Entrepreneurs-Continuous-Innovation/dp/0307887898/ref=pd_aw_fbt_img_m_sccl_2/355-5197574-5757543?pd_rd_w=8IMwn&content-id=amzn1.sym.19faa695-6c08-414b-b347-38d89a6e9afa&pf_rd_p=19faa695-6c08-414b-b347-38d89a6e9afa&pf_rd_r=TZTD88YX83C9V8R72JXJ&pd_rd_wg=GVdDK&pd_rd_r=31ae04e3-455f-4fc8-aac8-778be878de49&pd_rd_i=0307887898&psc=1 https://www.amazon.sg/Solving-Procrastination-Puzzle-Concise-Strategies/dp/0399168125/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1HFDC4HDFHQO6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ZgcOYZDwito5VwHilMqJ4j9jN_L1BBrMRGvCXGnRstXMzYD1b-R_rUtrT4LGxYXTCy2gYd2QXRUADXcQmwdnxrbxmLfjHR3cuYdlaWfgmMNv29vL1muQ2n0IbmJpCxXOR63eMriLDyAzyVMuSDy7f7g82aI_gONu4jMoqBIDtQa_UCHQdz1WlBTovaDQSymDnn-pKs8EevHg48q6Dnjlfw._6Z5Y1ywi6NbrO8YVWRz0Axzo7kcexQuOvFdERJp5VM&dib_tag=se&keywords=procrastination&qid=1732444994&sprefix=proceastin%2Caps%2C288&sr=8-3
  22. Well, it boils down to how wealthy you are. If you are insanely rich, you can reject some petty or fussy clients.
  23. Andrew's stuff will make you angry unless you become wildly successful. But most people won't be able to achieve that so they will remain angry.
  24. If you are struggling financially to make end's meet, your number one priority would be to earn money. Doing self help stuff is good but it doesn't earn you money in the short term. It may be helpful in getting you a job from job interview. If you already have a good amount of savings, then of course you can use this time to see if you can pursue your passion.