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Everything posted by Corpus

  1. That is one perspective or explanation; another could be a self-limiting condition called alopecia areata.
  2. Light, heat and moisture are the enemies. Liquid vials should be put into a dark plastic bag before placing in the freezer; blotters should be folded to provide the lowest surface area, tightly wrapped in foil and on top of that clingfilm before placing them in a small glass jar with a sachet of dessicant.
  3. Great topic. We are well into paradox territory here. Robert Wolfe explores what's prior to consciousness, which is simply "a derivative consequence", and ventures beyond the notion of Absolute. It's been taught by certain masters but is not for "the general masses" for whom non-duality and Absolutes is sufficient. Its called Ajata; here's some stuff on it: Once you comprehend this (if that is possible) one can understand why stopping at non-duality as a teaching seems to happen. Parsons and Newman are likely "aware" of ajata.
  4. For 5 MeO DMT freebase vaporized, 8-12mg will do the job; this amount of venom will not. 100mg of B Alvarius venom could potentially deliver 20-25mg 5 MeO DMT which could be psychologically very damaging. Then again, 100mg venom could give you 10mg which is a good amount and in the ballpark of what one would be aiming for. That's the trouble with venom- its not standardised and a bit of a crapshoot. The safest way to proceed IME would be to use freebase 5 MeO DMT at a dose of 8-12mg vaporized because you know what you are getting. In the absence of cardio-respiratory disease this is unlikely to be physically damaging. Respiratory arrest is most unlikely at this dose, certainly compared to what could happen with strong venom at a total dose of 100mg.
  5. Suboxone is a tough one because its a much longer haul, less intense than oxy but leaves you wiped-out with PAWS (Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) for a couple of years once established then cured of it. Opiate withdrawals are scary. Please don't take this the wrong way but if someone can "get by" on 100mg/day then taking 200mg is a bit of an indulgence. If you can get them, the following can be useful BUT you would need to educate yourself re best use: 1.Loperamide; 2.Seroquel (quetiapine); 3.Clonidine; 4.Some people have also found dissociatives to be vey useful, though I note ketamine didn't help. 5.Benzodiazepines. Message me if you wish.
  6. Don't forget the defibrillator. You really need to have an ECG/EKG and liver function tests performed before using ibogaine; its potentially lethal stuff.
  7. What is her daily dose of oxycodone? How motivated is she to quit? There are certain options which can help with the acute withdrawal but I wouldn't put psilocybin amongst them. Using psilocybin after the acute withdrawal could help foster some useful insights, but again, this would really depend on her motivations.
  8. NO. 3g dosage is for the seeds, unadulterated. Do NOT take 3g of your extract, the composition of which is not known to you. I have made my own extract before- 200mg of that was where MAO inhibition was evident. You are in murky waters without knowing what yours actually is. Maybe try and get some details from the source to put yourself in the know.
  9. @karkaore - can you provide more details of the rue extract you have (concentrated or not, any ratios given)? Pharmahuasca can be hit and miss with DMT requirements varying a lot. Once you have a MAOI dose on board, you would be wise to wait 20-30 minutes before taking the DMT. If you are using freebase then dropping it into Coke (to make an ascorbate salt) is less rough on the guts and more likely to work. If you feel nothing after an hour or so, eating something fatty can kickstart the effects- sometimes in a very dramatic fashion. Rue seeds are cheap and pretty dependable- 3g is enough to inhibit MAO-A fully.
  10. We live in a world which has both physical and metaphysical aspects; despite assertions that "brains do not exist" which can be interpreted in different ways based on ones grounding, it has been demonstrated that consciousness as relates to the individual experience is clearly related to serotoninergic function in diverse areas of the brain and disrupting this, particularly through a subtype of receptor designated 2A, dramatically alters communication between certain areas which can produce "expanded" consciousness as experienced when consuming LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, DMT. So calling it all "Consciousness" is an incomplete understanding, and ignorance mediated through bypassing. Taking an agent called ketanserin (a blocker of 5HT 2A receptors) and then taking any of the aforementioned psychedelics will produce no effects on consciousness. Call it simply correlation, or causation, but either way that's something relevant to the question and observable. Consciousness is not a monolithic entity; it has many many dimensions, and how these interact with each other strongly suggests that one cannot exclude a physical component as being instrumental in producing the perturbations noted when different psychedelics are taken. If you take enough trips these subtleties become undeniable. Heres a nice paper which looks at this:
  11. Its not rude at all. I do struggle with my ego, but I have full faith in reading every word you wrote. Between the lines is empty space and behind the lines is obscured by your words, and therefore when it comes to written communication especially unclear. Be well.
  12. If you can show where you stated synthetics weren't available (other than in this quote of yours), without applying any more re-edits to your posts, I will humbly leave this thread, suitably chastened.
  13. Worthiness doesn't come into it but several hundred trips over 30 years gives a pretty informed perspective. Leo is right- 50 trips scarcely scratches the surface. Ayahuasca refers to the vine only, despite the morphing of the terms' meaning since the brew has become more popular and well-known. Using the concentrated extract is in some ways similar to going for synthetic 5 MeO rather than toad venom. The nastiness of the brew is unnecessary.
  14. I don't see the word "good" used in my post. Do you? Apologies if my use of the words "If you are a purist who believes" offended; let me change that to " The those who believe". My error.
  15. If you are a "purist" who believes you need to drink the foul brew to breakthrough and "purge" (for its own sake or as a "purification") then so be it. Alternatively locate some concentrated caapi extract and take that with freebase DMT (in warm water with citric acid) and you will get an analogous experience with no puking/shitting. In my experience this is easier and avoids such incapacitation. There are sources out there for caapi extract if you look. The subtle but overlooked nature of psychedelics is its impossible to enter the zone without intentions. This includes "having no intention" which is an intention. Shamans have their own motivations for their practices and hence their experiences are somewhat in line with their needs. The trick is to construct a conscious intention and pursue it with persistence irrespective of where it takes you; in light of this the intention needs choosing with maturity and wisdom.
  16. 100% but they just don't know it. Speaking for myself, I am so awake I have spiritual insomnia.
  17. Attachment styles are largely based on ones early childhood experiences, and reviewing ones upbringing objectively and dispassionately, whilst knowing you were an innocent sponge absorbing it all because you were not capable of knowing any better. How could you, as an infant/child? This might change your views of those who brought you up, probably for the worse in terms of how you regard them, but better for you as you ascertain whats true. This touches on core beliefs and assumptions (as per Ralston); understanding how they mould ones life and seeing them for what they are (un-necessary programming, unhelpful and stemming from your carers issues) will serve you better than "just" dismissing them because "all is One". This is true inner work and indispensable for raising ones consciousness IMHO.
  18. I think its important to recognise that the gurus of old still existed in a culture where psychedelics may not have been commonplace, or culturally frowned upon including by their own gurus; free-thinking about the utility and acceptability of any method cannot help but to be limited by such factors, and this is prior to the consideration that many were inducted into studentship or temples/monasteries etc when at a very young and more malleable, and lacking in their own autonomous development. Put yourself into the place of such a kid- watching his mates doing kid-stuff whilst daddy (possibly narcissistically), or circumstances enforce the path on to you with no regard for your own wishes. This will produce obstacles, and will hinder the purity of intent the work demands. And if you were an adult, getting this intention aligned with the outcome will in all likelihood take even longer as this requires attending to ones own conditioning, beliefs and dysfunctions first. A holistic approach is required, especially these days when in order to do the work one has to consider practical necessities (like paying the bills and mortgage, bringing up the kids) first to allow the uncluttered purity of ones inner space from which the fruits have hope of ripening. One has to prepare the field to sow the seeds before any sprouting can even occur. Back in the day, assuming one chose the path, the field was ploughed for you by virtue of the nature of being in a place dedicated to the work, so one has a place from which to attend to ones "inner bullshit" with little distraction. Psychedelics help this part of the endeavour much more speedily, thereby cutting the time to realization by many years but they are only a tool which whilst potentially limitless in what they can reveal, can give false notions of what is sought by imbuing the peak experiences with a charge that would be not as pronounced at realization achieved through 20+ years labour. Deconstructing oneself brick by brick, disposing of them, with each cut on the fingers and bead of sweat recalled would probably impart a lesson which sticks better than applying a magical wrecking-ball which still leaves a pile of rubble to deal with. The ego cannot help to love the drama over the graft.
  19. Is God a doer, with wants, and ability (or need to be) a recogniser?
  20. I enjoyed this vid- it displays some real authenticity. The problem with any kind of communication is the recipients inherent incapacity to be free of the bind which needs to utilise cognition to apprehend or interact with what is offered. This produces judgements, visceral reactions and grasping which can only be seen for what they are, and transcended once one is established "on the road". Intellectual robustness cannot on its own get you there. Each persons journey will be uniquely their own, but on arrival the commonalities of the process between the travellers will become apparent. Authentic alignment with what IS does not require any particular way of being, and need not have to resemble someone who appears to have schizoid personality traits (ie aloof, emotionally-dampened or restricted, and being observably "Zen"). Good stuff Mr Gura!
  21. Find yourself 5% acetic acid- this will be the clear liquid, not the brown malt vinegar. Another option is to use citric acid crystals dissolved in a minimal amount of warm water and add your freebase to the solution, stir till its dissolved and let your rectum take you to Infinity.
  22. Psychedelics are a useful adjunct in the work and can allow the tip-toe steps the chemical-free modalities may bestow to become strides. Probably the most pertinent benefit is they permit one to entertain notions beyond a purely intellectual level, making those "A-ha!" moments more frequent, whilst also clearly allowing one to experience the limits of ones own cognitive faculties.
  23. The Koh Sanh Road is instructive for the spiritual seeker; it is a parody of itself, by being itself. Watch your wallet, and take care.
  24. A thought experiment- how do you know the non-meditator feels valuable? Could you possibly be assigning a notion of self-value to them, on the basis of what you observe? A narcissist will display value, as will one who makes their value contingent on being successful. The notion that one must always do something to feel valuable is also contingent. Most of these people will strive to display value to cover up a deep sense of inadequacy within. Awakening reveals that your True Self has no value, not less value, and that is what liberates . Value is something applied and not inherent, and yet until its appreciated as IT is, it will seem something valuable, and worth having. Paradox is your friend.