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Everything posted by Waken

  1. Sounds wise, love it
  2. And how to these thoughts feel: "I don't have to try to be optimistic", "I don't have to try to be compassionate", and "I don't have to bring myself back to a place I've already been". This is a method you could use. Find thoughts that give you relief and make you feel better. It doesn't matter what the thought is, whatever it is, any thought will do, just a thought that feels good and gives some relief and thereby releasing resistance. And then you do it, feel some relief and after some time the negative pattern comes back somewhat, and you find thoughts again that give relief and feel good. You can climb your way to better feeling thoughts this way over time, start whereever you are and then go for better and better feelings thoughts: "I don't have to be different than I am now", "I don't have to have it figured out", "Maybe I made things harder for myself than they need to be", "I only have to be gentle with myself", "I really appreciate what I've learned in the meantime", etc.
  3. My thoughts: I think if you want to advance spirituality, it would be a good perspective to just look at what excites you most. Because spirituality is about YOU, and so whatever attracts you most, is most in alignment with the vibration you are, which will therefor serve you best.
  4. Lol, little typo there. Edited it
  5. I think if you feel excited about it, then surely it must be the right choice for you. Yesterday I had my first 1-on-1 video guidance with someone, helping the other to see he wasn't a body or person. Felt excited and nervous for it, but the conversation went really good it felt really good too. Following excitement/joy is my guiding light and doubt it could possibly lead you wrong
  6. @Preety_India Thank you. I feel quite confident that the more you relax, are kind to yourself, the more good feeling things will (have no choice but) come your way. I suppose though, that will profile pics such as those, some horny man might also find your way
  7. Maybe, but you're still saying that you're trying hard to attract a man. Trying hard is a very different energy than being in a good feeling place and thus allowing it all to come to you. Yes, I understand. In my current view, it's however much better that if you are going for a relationship, to find thoughts about finding love that make you feel relief/better and then see what happens.
  8. Are you trying to fill a void? How I understand it is: if you are aligned with who you are/your natural vibration, and thus when you feel good, you will attract things that feel good to you. You are getting back reflections of your energy. So if your real preference is having a partner that is emotional, and you're in alignment (thus feeling good), you'll attract someone that will feel good to you, thus he'd be emotional. If you are trying to fill a void by finding a partner, perhaps you'll attract someone who also tries to fill a void with finding a partner. Like, if you feel inferior or something, perhaps you'll attract someone who will reflect that belief back to you. If you are sending out the energy of 'trying hard to attract someone', that might not improve your odds or speed of attracting a partner you would really dig, so it might be good to relax and remind yourself that what you actually want is having a good relationship with who you really are first. However, even if you attract partners that aren't what you prefer, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Because you then can better get in touch with unwanted beliefs and decide that you don't prefer to chose that belief anymore, and by seeing something you don't prefer you get clearer on what you do prefer, and thus be able to attract that improved idea of a relationship in the future. I love sharing Abraham Hicks or Bashar video's, I think what they say is just such amazing news for us earthlings that have been taught that life is so hard. Frankly, Abraham has many videos on the matter, I didn't check it but just took something. Bashar also has a good video on Youtube you might like 'Bashar channeling, I'm heartbroken'.
  9. Not sure if you find this video resonating, but in my view it is an answer to at least a good portion of your struggles:
  10. I didn't get much RASA, but I was told I was at 1000 at some point, and some of the connections of the one who told me confirmed. That's quite some years ago now, and can't say much happened. Pretty sure there was a lot of make believe there involved. I think if you feel attracted to the transmissions, there can be use for it. But I think it's a big misconception that any sort of transmission is a golden pill for everyone. Maybe when you're very close to a breakthrough and someone gives a little push with a transmission or something.. And of course if you believe a transmission will work miracles, perhaps that believe will generate a positive effect.
  11. I doubt I would have felt inspired to create something like this if I hadn't experienced certain expanded states of consciousness. For some time I've been into fractals and kaleidoscope which are used in the animation. I made light fractals first and then animated them and am very pleased with the result :-)
  12. Maybe talking a lot just isn't in your nature. I would just give up the struggle of trying to fix yourself and trying to conform to the idea of how you think you should be, and start dropping in what actually feels right for you to do and be instead. Of course, if you feel that sharing something is something you like to do, but feel some fear for it, it's good to try to share a little more. That gets easier over time rather fast even if you just do it a little more. How you are right now, is good enough. Just relax a little more and go with what feels good, you'll expand naturally
  13. Most people try to fill the idea of a void within them, and then look for outwards things to fill it up; substances, relationships, food, etc. What I would do is to recognize that someone who is controlling me, is not actually the relationship I prefer. Maybe I would question if there is something in me that has benefitted from the controlling behavior. Maybe I didn't think/feel highly of myself, and this controlling relationship was attracted because of that. I think that waves of missing him is very normal, that happens to people all the time. I think that maybe for you there is a big gift for you by not trying to distract yourself or trying to fill the void again when you feel you miss him by grasping to food/television/other activities, and allowing yourself to be present with how you feel. Maybe this video resonates with you? :-) Much love,
  14. How I see it, not controlling life is just the same as being present in the moment. As a practice you could (I'm doing this too) practice alignment with what feels best for you to do in any moment. Just let go, go with the flow, look for the option of things to do that feels best. Don't do things because of what you think it will get you, don't do things to 'make it happen', just pick the option that feels best. Could be taking a walk, watching a movie, calling a friend, etc. If you feel inspiration, go with that. Meditation is good, because it is a non-resisting activity, but going to meditate while you don't feel like it, just because you want to make it happen, is a no for me. Most humans think that 'I am here at A, and I want to go to B, so I'll have to forge my way to B from here'. With this approach you practice aligning yourself/your life with what feels good, and then the better you feel, the better things can come/are allowed to come to you.
  15. I dig Bashar's suggestion on how to do these things, which is: follow your excitement. Just look at what option is available that has the most joy/passion/attraction/etc to it. What feels best for you to do now. No need to force anything, to try to make something happen. Just looking at what you would like most to do or experience now. Then as Bashar says you are following the guidance of your soul and everything will start fitting together perfectly.
  16. Nice to see your post! Didn't read everything, but I can relate with your passions. A big passion of mine is healing and experiencing deeper states of consciousness, but also really love music. Now after reading and contemplating my perspective on music changed, and I can see how music (or just sounds) are related to how you feel and just how life works. When my perspective on music change, I felt really excited about using music, composing my music in such a way to elevate one's consciousness or to touch places in people's consciousness to trigger healing. It's nice that when you follow your passions and then in retrospect you look back and see how things can magically seem to come together in a pleasantly unexpected and exciting way. Much luck to you, and would like to see some of your work if you'll get busy on it :-)
  17. Just follow the trail of what feels good for you to do in your now moments buddy, that's what I do anyway
  18. @ivankiss Just felt like sharing it: I've more often been reading your replies in a thread, and as far as I've seen, they are pretty much always intelligent, thoughtful and friendly replies to another. I really dig that.
  19. Sure I can relate, I was a little surprised that that only just clicked for you. I often felt, especially when growing up, being 'inferior' or 'not a real man' or whatever. Because I was softer, quieter and perhaps more shy than many people my age, and lots of people were much louder and more boastful. Someone who is more sensitive just might up feeling inferior in a world that has just a bigger ego. Because in their minds/games, you aren't quite 'up with them', but their games are just not really resonating with you. I also never really listen to words, even in a song, I often have no idea what someone is singing about, I just am hanging in the energy or emotion of the music. That was sure hard in school for me lol, when the teacher would be just trying to run to all her material non-stop, I would be pretty much always zoned out, or just sorta staring at the teacher. Looking at his movements or whatever. Lately I'm owning my nature more, even if it is contrary to what is normal or expected. It feels much better, more ease, flowing, comfort.
  20. Personally I would just take the one that attracts you more
  21. Every location has a specific unique frequency. From what I understand they just sort of blast their ship with the frequency of any particular location and then their ship appears there
  22. I feel excitement for writing this post. I've already talked numerous times about acting on your excitement, which is a principle I heard more often, but only took on when hearing it explained by Bashar. I've recommended this to numerous people. However, I know that I often misunderstood what this meant, and thought at times that acting out of anxiety was excitement, and highly suspect a lot of people who hear the suggestion will too. I'll therefore give my own still rather fresh insights about it, and also use Abraham Hicks' suggestion of the path of least resistance, which according to her is the same as the path of most allowance (excitement). Excitement here can be used synonymous with feelings as bliss, joy, love. You could subsitute it for things such as passion or attraction too, but excitement/joy seems to be a higher frequency, which is preferable when available. I'll sometimes use the word bliss instead of excitement, in order to lower the chance that you might mistake the tendency of acting out of anxiety to be coming from excitement. In acting out of anxiety, what you want feels 'out there' and it's like you're trying to get it. You'll feel an unrest and perhaps have a feeling or thought of 'I'm going to get this/work to it/grab it'. It could even feel like some sorta fear is there, something like 'oh please let me have it, give it to me'. There will be dense sensations in your body, like your chest and perhaps it feels like your belly is sort of clenched inwards. What you want is out there, and you are trying to get it from the place of feeling not having it. Likewise, trying to fill up a hole inside yourself is basically the same, like looking for a partner/pizza/whatever to complete you/make you happy/fill you up with love or some other feeling. That's not what I'm suggesting in this post. You can watch TV because you're really excited about a movie, which is great, but you can also do it to try to fill you up with some feeling, which isn't the same. In acting out of bliss/excitement, it's like you're coming from your bliss, acting quite literally out of your bliss and excitement. The excitement doesn't feel thrown outside, it's right here and you're acting from that place, you're in that space, coming from that energy and perhaps feel almost a bit magnetized to do something. It's like you'll feel 'light footed' to do something. It can feel like you really want to do something, because you'll be in the bliss of the acting itself. If you remember being a kid going on holiday, you might have felt excited and just sorta happy like you're already enjoying the thing of it. You can also have this for example in meditation when you're in that passion of that meditative state, in that energy. Or, sometimes I can play guitar, just for the feeling of bliss that it gives. Excitement according to Bashar can also for example be a peaceful knowing. Why choosing to act from your excitement and not anxiety? As I understand it, you get what you chose. If you chose to go with acting from for anxiety, you'll choose a life in which what you want is outside of you, and you have to struggle to get it. Life will support you in this and give you more things to act out of from anxiety. If you act out of your bliss, you'll choose that reality and life will be supporting of that. You'll be getting more blissful/exciting things for you to act on. In anxiety what you want is away, in bliss it's like you're in it, in the presence of it, in the bliss of it. In this way, life will thus support you in your bliss, and thus support (such as finances if required) will come to you in order for you to keep acting on your bliss. As Bashar suggest, your higher mind guides you with your excitement. If you don't look of what you're going to do from the lens of anxiety (like what can I get) but from the lens of what would be exciting/blissful/joyous/etc to do, you might find things that resonate in various degrees, like a sort of magnetism, this sense of bliss or excitement. The thing with the highest excitement is like a communication from your higher mind 'do this, this is the fastest path, here it is' and in this way your bliss will guide you. It might not seem like it's the straightest path to your mind, but this doesn't matter, as the physical mind doesn't know, nor needs to know how things will work out, that's the higher mind's job. The higher mind according to Bashar could be said to sorta layout the fastest route for you, that's avoiding all the obstacles that you would encounter when acting on lower frequencies (like anxiety), it will give you a way that navigates around your limiting beliefs. In many spiritual practices or teachings, people will say their way is the shortest, straightest path. But when you do it, you find it a lot of struggle and eventually might stop it. This is because the teaching or practice isn't in alignment with you and therefore actually not the fastest path, your excitement, the higher mind's route however, is. So act on the most blissful/exciting/joyful/attractive option and if you've acted on it and can't act on it no more, look at the next option that is most blissful, and of you go. Alternatively, the route of least resistance might be easier to understand for some people. It is actually the same thing, just look at the option that feels best, that makes you feel best. If you're in a down state, maybe you don't see much exciting options to act on, but you do find an option that feels 'ok', and then that would be the best thing to do. According to Abraham, you attract to your own energies, or at least things that are in the vicinity of that. So when you feel something is now 'ok' instead of 'dreadful', you'll and be in a higher state in which it might be easier to see even higher options, but will also get more things back from life that feel more 'ok' for you to act on. Therefore, you'll have less resistance and will then rise in energy, and therefore, more higher options present themselves to you. And up you go the emotional ladder and thereby attracting all the things you want and make you feel blissful, such as the partner that perfectly matches your own highest state. Nothing to get, but only to get yourself to feel better and letting all that thus makes you feel good, come to you, money, career options, partner, etc.
  23. I love this video, and have shared it multiple times. It hooks in exactly on your dilemma in approximately the first two minutes.