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Everything posted by Waken

  1. Man look at Bashar or something. A lot of aliens are being channeled these days
  2. @Nivsch Ugh, I can imagine that's a challenging thing to have going. I feel with you there, I know it can be shit because my thinking has caused, and sometimes is still, causing a big mess. I looked on Youtube for a video on OCD, and could resonate with some points. Yes sure, feel free to write me, although I'm not sure if I'm able to help somewhat. Well, I can get into what he says to a degree. I can share some of my new thoughts on dealing with the mind that came recently, that seem related to what you say. Recently, when working with some negative thoughts -well I already had the idea that arguing/debating with thoughts didn't really work lol- I still had some sort of thought/reaction to say something in response to a negative thought. The negative thought in this case was something like 'No I/you can't do that, that's irresponsible', and there was the idea that such thoughts, were like an expression of a part of me, and needed a response, such as 'well, I don't really think it's irresponsible because ....', and then another thought may come up as a response and it can just go on and on like that. But the idea came is that these thoughts don't need a thoughtful answer, or even be listened to and can just be completely ignored. No matter how many thoughts come up seeking to cause a big mess when they are chosen to be ignored. When they are ignored, maybe thoughts will come saying 'no I can't ignore these thoughts', 'maybe I have to listen to them because maybe there is value in them', blahblahblahblahblah, and maybe a big (emotional) mess gets made "by these thoughts". Perhaps some thoughts can be seen as expressions of something you believe and COULD be investigated or better feeling thoughts can be found for them, but the other thoughts (and other reactions from the mind and/or body) that seem to be there just to keep you buying into the story are not expressions of something of you and can be plainly ignored. Therefore, I can get the reaction of that therapist, because his suggested statement may give you a certain resolution like 'no I'm not going to listen to these devil thoughts, I'm going to choose what I prefer and not going to buy into thoughts that try to draw me in again'. Yes I think that's good, that's how I do it too now, to not try to give love or support to the thoughts or inner child, but to you or to the one who reacts to it. Then at a later time the negative thought may come back somewhat again, and then you can again find a better feeling thought. I think that many (mental/emotional) problems in life can be solved though by just letting go more, not seeking or trying to make something happen, but to do in each moment what feels best. That is just letting go minus attempts to distract or numb yourself.
  3. You're just on day 5?? Well, maybe lower your expectations for the first months of doing it. Perhaps you just got a high because you just started it.
  4. @Nahm Man, I've put a banana so far up my ass right now that you won't even know it's there. If you don't do it like that you're always going to be a delusional fool talking about petty bullshit @The0Self okay I'll buy me some apples
  5. You'll never get to top states without pears, you're just fooling and deluding yourself with your apples. Look at the shape of an apple, it's such a simplistic shape. It's ridiculous. Now go buy some pears or just please stop rehearsing this same old nonsense
  6. @Raptorsin7 I didn't rewatch the video, but watched it I think recently. One point that resonated that he was asked if psychedelics could benefit people and he said something like 'well, I've seen a lot of people claiming benefitting from them, but I couldn't see it in them'. Not saying that they can't be used to a great extent, but I think there can be a lot of truth to what he said nonetheless, in that people may think that they are really getting somewhere, where actually they aren't that much better of. Is something really irreversible? Like irreversible damage? Doubt that quite a bit, I think according to Bashar (from a time based perspective) the body can fully heal itself, which resonates more with me.
  7. Sounds good. I've also been guiding people in some topics, so I know it can be a really great thing to do
  8. Are you lost in your mind/thinking, maybe?
  9. Ohh, perhaps Rob isn't comfortable having his messages shown on the forum like that. And yes, it's great to be in a giving state right
  10. Didn't read everything but, it seems to me the more resistance you release, the easier you see it in others. If you're in one state of development/maturity, what you do may seem normal, until you expand and see the previous behavior with different eyes. Therefore, I would think an option you might like to consider not only to observe other better, but also to feel better yourself, is just to find ways to think and feel better for yourself, then you'll be more able to see the 'offness' in another
  11. Just sharing my present best feeling thoughts on a subject here. There is no need to focus on what's to be healed. It is not needed to focus on recovering traumas or suppressed emotions. It's not needed to fix what happened in a past. There is no need to (focus to) fix your mind, to get your mind in order. It's not necessary to make life happen, to figure out what's true, to manage or fix anything or anyone or to pursue anything in life. It's about what (reality) you're choosing now. You only ever need to choose the best feeling thought or action in this present now-moment. Just choosing the most, pleasant, relaxing, attractive (which can be a healing method), exciting thing available now. This is not about trying to reach anything, or doing anything fancy, but could just be to take a walk, have a chat, think about something, think a nice thought, relax, or appreciate what's here now. If a negative response to a situation comes up, just think anew. A negative feeling thought, is only an unaligned thought. Reach for a better feeling thought, about the topic itself, or any other topic. This is the healing, the alignment. What a sweet relief.
  12. Sounds heavy. My thoughts on it, let go, let go, let go, allow, allow, allow. Let go of trying to find answers or solutions and chose to focus on what feels best. What can you do now that feels best? That has the most sense of pleasantless, relaxation, ease, relief, etc. to it? Or in other words, be gentle and kind with yourself. Allow yourself to follow that trail and very soon you find yourself doing much better again. Being at ease and content is never far away, but just around the corner.
  13. @Farnaby Thank you. I agree with you there and didn't intend to invalidate the idea of a healing method although I suppose it may have sounded like that. Choosing the best feeling thing in the moment can include a healing method. I edited the post to make that clear now. Yeah this 'I am wounded and in order to feel better I need to fix my past' feels quite heavy doesn't it . What a beliefs we humans choose to carry around
  14. @mandyjw Hmm.. seems that your point isn't getting through here . Am I taking action or not taking action in those cases.. hmm.. I'll go with both are just thoughts. Although the action that has most resistance in it might feel more like action, but that is probably not your point:-). Btw, just put on a video of you, made me smile. @Nahm Ha yes. How bold and irresponsible this message is haha @roopepa Very true. My perspective has been shifting lately to the better feeling thought (about a topic), is a better reality (about a topic). We humans sure have a thing for complicating life, don't we. It's nice to rediscover simple
  15. Thank you. However, I've already said what feels most true for me. In my experience, change your thought, and you change the way you feel and experience
  16. I think that's a very common perception in spirituality you're expressing, and one I roled into too at a point. Not how I see it anymore. Of course if you can't enjoy a walk in nature, then that's not something that feels good or attractive to someone and therefore not something I said:-) I said focus on what DOES feel best to do, then that will expand and take the focus in your consciousness. No need to go back to any past in my opinion, how could you, it's not even here. Choosing a new vibration now is all that's needed in my understanding, and is a big relief from 'having to fix and heal your past'. I can appreciate your concern ? Yes it is
  17. Thank you. I agree, but it is easier done than said. :-) How hard to choose a thought better than the last one? Easy. Yes, I understand it takes some time for negative thought patterns to be replaced by more positive ones, but frankly to me it seems not a big deal at all. You don't also have to now fix all your thoughts, you don't have to change your thoughts about all subjects. Just focus on what goes well, what feels good and the rest will go out of sight very fast. Surprisingly fast at times in my experience. Can take only a matter of minutes in my experience to go from a shitty feeling situation to enthusiasm and well-being. I've had my share of healing methods (and yes what I shared could be seen as one too). If you believe you really need one, perhaps you'll be guided to some healing methods and that's why I said 'choose the most attractive option', because you might resonate with a certain technique. In my experience, none of them are seen as necessary now, but they can all have their place on peoples path.
  18. Thank you for lovely responses or contributions people @blankisomeone Love to see that you joined in with that:-) These four below work quite well for me. Especially the 2 latest one in this list have some resistance left for me to dissolve, so thank you: I don't need to put others or myself up in pedestals I don't have to be understanding or compassionate I don't have to make conversation I don't have to entertain others or be entertained by others It's sweet right, that sense of relief/release of resistance when speaking these sentences. 'I don't have to laugh at others joke', ha funny one. I don't have situations around where that is applicable, but can understand the pressure of a sense of having to laugh when you don't feel like it. It's good when making these thoughts that they aren't too specific but remain a general, or that they remind you of negative thought, so you don't associate/connect them with negative thoughts/feelings. Otherwise, they make you feel that negativity again, which is what that sentence "I don't need to be afraid of the consequences of reporting my truth" did a bit for me. If that's not the case for you, then of course it's good.
  19. I got an idea and enthusiasm to share the following while sitting in bath, so here goes. I think the following list may in general be more useful for softer or more sensitive people, as I think they could be more prone to judging themselves/giving themselves a hard time. So the following lists are (expressed) thoughts that can release resistance from negative thoughts. Of course, they can be used only once, or be used more as a mantra to bring oneself back to center when troubling or restless thoughts and emotions are present. These thoughts are largely for what has been relevant in my life and aren't necessarily tuned to your needs but because we live in the same world, might be applicable for you too. The nice things about these thoughts is, for me anyway, that you know they are true, and therefore don't feel like make belief but rather reminders. The idea is that you can look through the list and see if some thoughts speak to you. If they do, you can repeat them a bit slowly in your mind or say it out loud (softly). Then notice how they make you feel. I don't need to try harder I don't need to push myself I don't need to have it all together I don't need to achieve anything I don't need to make things happen I don't have to be further than I am I don't have to be more developed I don't have to compare myself with others I don't have to know more I don't have to understand more I don't need to be forgiven I don't need to forgive another I don't need to be loved I don't need to love another I don't have to be nicer I don't have to be more loving I don't need to save anybody I don't need to be saved by anybody I don't need to have it all figured out I don't need to know what's going on I don't need to control things I don't have to beat myself up over anything I don't need to think unpleasant thoughts about myself I don't have to argue with my thoughts I don't have to respond to (negative) thoughts I don't even have to listen to negative thoughts I don't have to believe any thoughts that don't feel good I don't need to know how to heal myself I don't need to fix myself I don't (have to) know how to fix things I don't have to think about what will happen I don't need to know what will happen I don't need to know or understand anything Wishing you well,
  20. @Nahm Ha, not surprised you like it:D Thank you, and also thank you for that juicy thought 'I am already free', I might remind myself more of that and dwell in it Yes, boy it is and for me too. A big part of my recent years have been about learning how to deal, or frankly how I've started seeing it more and more to NOT deal, with the mind. Today I was thinking some thoughts that felt good, and a negative thought came up like 'no you can't do that, that's irresponsible' I knew that arguing with thoughts didn't work, but was still had the thought that I needed to have some sort of response to it, until a thought came that even that may not be necessary, just completely ignore all negative thought, don't even listen to them. Then felt the inspiration to share this post.
  21. Internally works too for at least most of them as far as I'm aware. I think what you're really asking it to release negative thoughts concerning self-image. There are many mantra's, and I've done a lot of them from Sri Kaleshwar, but those are rather long. So if you have a mantra that makes you feel for example blissful (for example 'ram'), that should help in the long run. Isha center also has some good ones, for example the Brahmananda Swaroopa one (google it) I really liked. They have an app with initiated mantras on them. On Youtube also some ones I liked, such as the green tara mantra or just look for people such as Snatam Kaur and Ajeet Kaur on Youtube
  22. very much in synchronicity with something I wrote yesterday to someone. Good stuff, thank you