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Everything posted by Waken

  1. @pluto @SoonHei Yes it's a goldmine:D Thank you
  2. Awesome. His work, or rather exploration really resonates for me. Did some lsd trips myself after hearing him, and got similar patters/cycles as he described as with his cycles through rebirth-cosmic union- x -x, which was really cool. Excited to read his book, thank you:)
  3. A couple weeks ago I wanted to look for HoloTROPIC breathwork. But entered the title wrongly and found holoGRAPHIC breathing instead. Here is the video: If I remember properly: He had lyme's disease and found a way of breathing to heal his brain. When he healed his brain further he noticed his jaw began to move with his breathing. He said (I think) that this helped him to awaken/enlighten because with this breathing he was able to get the energy to the brain. He found that babies, when they get breastfeading breath this way. I've done this breathing for 2/3 weeks now at times, with good results. To me, the breathing done correctly can take you in quite a deep or profound space which feels blissful and healing. It's easy to do, and can be incorporated into meditation, walking, etc. Doing the technique subtly, gently and correctly is what will make it more profound.
  4. I'm a bit of a Conversations with God book nut. In those books it's explained that affirmations don't really work well when you don't believe in them. Take something you do or can believe and affirm that. For instance if you're in a rut, don't say "I'm in excellent health" because your mind knows that's a lie. Instead you might feel the following is true, which would work better: "I'm becoming healthier every day"
  5. Maybe this helps. In the book Conversations with God part 2, there is a part about real and false feelings. Real feelings here are 'the language of the soul', can be trusted and represent what's true for you. False feelings are 'thoughts masquerading as feelings'. Copied part from Conversations with God. You can find more context if you search for it online: You have all said things—ugly things—only to discover that, once having been said, they no longer feel “true.” You have all expressed feelings—from fear to anger to rage—only to discover that, once having been expressed, they no longer reveal how you really feel. In this way, feelings can be tricky. Feelings are the language of the soul, but you must make sure you are listening to your true feelings and not some counterfeit model constructed in your mind. Oh, man, so now I can’t even trust my feelings. Great! I thought that was the way to truth! I thought that was what You were teaching me. It is. I am. But listen, because it is more complex than you now understand. Some feelings are true feelings—that is, feelings born in the soul—and some feelings are counterfeit feelings. These are constructed in your mind. In other words, they are not “feelings” at all—they are thoughts. Thoughts masquerading as feelings. These thoughts are based on your previous experience and on the observed experience of others. You see someone grimace when having a tooth pulled, you grimace when having your tooth pulled. It may not even hurt, but you grimace anyway. Your reaction has nothing to do with reality, only how you perceive reality, based on the experience of others or on something that’s happened to you in the past. The greatest challenge as human beings is to Be Here Now, to stop making things up! Stop creating thoughts about a pre-sent moment (a moment you “sent” yourself before you had a thought about it). Be in the moment. Remember, you sent your Self this moment as a gift. The moment contained the seed of a tremendous truth. It is a truth you wished to remember. Yet when the moment arrived, you immediately began constructing thoughts about it. Instead of being in the moment, you stood outside the moment and judged it. Then you re-acted. That is, you acted as you did once before.
  6. Could you explain what you got out specifically out of doing each of the techniques, and how long you did them for? I'd appreciate it much
  7. Well done, I know how scary that can be :-)
  8. I resonate with that too. I've never been very fond of using my intellect, although I've always sort of forced using it because I thought that that was 'the way'. At some points, when doing magic mushrooms especially, the questions that I tried to solve seemed so silly, like focusing on some utterly unimportant technical details that have only relevance in language. The frustration got so intense that it sort of exploded and there was a sense of intellectual burn-out for I think longer than a year. However often I find that sometimes I try to do this intellectual thing still, because somewhere perhaps I feel I would miss out. However a lot of the intellectualism on this forum feels uncomfortable and too effortful for me to do. I've started doing my own thing over the last years, and more and more it's becoming an unique process. Here and there I pick things from teachers and use the teachings in my own way. It's not always successful or effective, but what the heck. I have the feeling that you can find your own path and techniques, which are just perfect for you. In 'Conversations with God' there is this: What is the true path to God? Is it through renunciation, as some yogis believe? And what of this thing called suffering? Is suffering and service the path to God as many ascetics say? Do we earn our way to heaven by “being good,” as so many religions teach? Or are we free to act as we wish, violate or ignore any rule, set aside any traditional teachings, dive into any self-indulgences, and thus find Nirvana, as many New Agers say? Which is it? Strict moral standards, or do- as-you-please? Which is it? Traditional values, or make-it- up-as-you-go-along? Which is it? The Ten Commandments, or the Seven Steps to Enlightenment? You have a great need to have it be one way or the other, don’t you… Could it not be all of these? I don’t know. I’m asking You. I will answer you, then, as you can best understand—though I tell you now that your answer is within. I say this to all people who hear My words and seek My Truth. Every heart which earnestly asks, Which is the path to God? is shown. Each is given a heartfelt Truth. Come to Me along the path of your heart, not through a journey of your mind. You will never find Me in your mind. In order to truly know God, you have to be out of your mind.
  9. Not much happiness here, life still sucks lol. There is a bigger sense of expansion, emptiness and tranquility or contentment though and have been on it for about 5 years.
  10. Thank you for that. How long did it take you?
  11. Nice, thank you. Some days ago I came up with 'I just let it all flow', because I was holding back some emotions, and this statement says that all fears and all can flow through. This is a powerful one too. Again thank you for your post, gave me a new small little insight Much love
  12. @Pouya You feel it has it beneficial sides? I can imagine it could work, for example for contemplation What do you feel changed since you've done it? Positive and negative points I'd love to hear :-)
  13. This is great, a lot of insight and might help me quite a bit. Thank you for this!
  14. Thank you for sharing, I felt it gave me some new thoughts :-)
  15. @Chi_ That sounds nice, I wish you the best over there :-) I've also had some thoughts about doing a similar thing, just haven't entertained them seriously (yet). I'll pm you asking for some extra info
  16. @Synchronicity Thank you for sharing all that. I'd be interested in hearing/seeing more from you :-)
  17. Wow, I didn't hold that as a possibility. I read in Conversations With God, that God experiences everything we do, so that would be (I guess) a similar experience as you mention. I found myself skeptical though, and the following objections came up: - But than you should be able to manifest that million dollar into your own bank account no? Or maybe manifest a pink elephant in front of your eyes? don't know if that is the same thing as manifesting a million dollar lol - Then can you dial in into the most enlightened beings alive and get all the wisdom and insights from them? And Dieties, are they there are shouldn't you be able to dial in on them too? How about dialing in on God?:D - You should be able to see what happens to people after they die? Not really an objection, but a curiosity I guess - You didn't know other people didn't have a similar experience?? But soo many people don't have such an experience (which you should then be able to have seen), so how could you assume everybody did? Thank you,
  18. Thank you, will watch:-)
  19. I've got 2 transmissions or so. In the last one I got told I got to loc 1000 (that's the max according to them), but I had trouble believing him and had the sense maybe he just says that because he wants it to be so. He send my picture to Ramaji or Ananda and they confirmed me at 1000. In the meanwhile though, nothing happened, no awakening. I don't trust too much in the technique, perhaps the whole thing is placebo but I don't know. A friend of me once told me that transmissions are much like shaking an apple tree. Once the apples are ripe enough give the tree a shake and the apples will fall, not much too it. So a transmissions can only work when you are already ripe, i.e. have done the work.
  20. @Leo Gura Are you sure this was God? I've felt some doubts because the communication seems very similar as how you talk. Same words, same way of talking, and not much new information. With some trips I thought to be in communication with God, but after the trip felt pretty sure it was bullshit that 'came out of my own mind'. I trust your trip a lot more in this, but still some lingering doubt. Perhaps try asking something you don't know next time, for example 'what is the capital of X'?
  21. @Inliytened1 I often hear things as reality isn't real, and you made a similar statement. Could you explain to me what that means to you? For me, if I would put what is called a dream next to what is called waking life/reality there is nothing to distinguish the two, so I would say they are both the same. I would call it all real then, dream = thought = waking life, and they are all real. Just some differences in length and clarity, and I think waking life might have an overlap with other dreamers/experiences, where I don't believe a dream or thought has that. However I don't get how they are all unreal. I suspect saying it is unreal is valid to someone who believes waking life is real and a dream is not real, but I would just like to make sure I'm not overlooking something. Thank you :-)
  22. Here is a website that offers online breathwork sessions which are just $25.00 per session. It's also possible to buy a subscription for attending all the sessions, for just $48.00 or so. I did a like 10 breathwork sessions by myself after watching Leo's shamanic breathing technique. Some sessions of those were very powerful, but stopped giving me the same effect after the 5/6th session. When I did these online breathwork sessions, in the first session I was quite blown away by what I experienced during it. Very powerful stuff. Link: https://breathworkonline.com
  23. Conventionally creating such a notion of good and bad can be useful. But it's not and can not be objective. Notions of good, bad and morality are subjective, Sam seems to try to do some magic with language and ideas to create a notion about objective well-being and morality. It's still subjective of course, but I find it a little silly to debate about such technical details Just my 2 cents
  24. Lately I'm doing the do-nothing whenever I feel my mind or emotions busy. For example when I had some anxiety at work, and come at home and still feel some leftovers I do the do-nothing. Before I need to do something and feel whatever emotions or mind business, I do do-nothing too. It seems to work for me