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Everything posted by Waken

  1. An excerpt from Conversations with God, on reaching a state of total awareness and tools such as meditation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now some beings even choose to experience both the forgetfulness of being with the body, and the oneness of the soul, at once. These beings can train a part of themselves to not identify with the body while they are still with the body, thus experiencing the ecstasy of knowing Who They Really Are, without having to lose human wakefulness in order to do it. How do they do this? How can I do this? It is a question of awareness, of reaching a state of total awareness, as I said before. You cannot do totally aware, you can only be totally aware. How? How? There must be some tools You can give me. Daily meditation is one of the best tools with which to create this experience. With it, you can raise your life energy to the highest chakra.....and even leave your body while you are “awake.” In meditation you place yourself in a state of readiness to experience total awareness while your body is in a wakened state. This state of readiness is called true wakefulness. You do not have to be sitting in meditation to experience this. Meditation is simply a device, a "tool,” as you put it. But you do not have to do sitting meditation in order to experience this. You should also know that sitting meditation is not the only kind of meditation there is. There is also stopping meditation. Walking meditation. Doing meditation. Sexual meditation. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you stop in this state, simply stop in your tracks, stop going where you are going, stop doing what you are doing, just stop for a moment, and just "be” right where you are, you become right, exactly where you are. Stopping, even just for a moment, can be blessed. You look around, slowly, and you notice things you did not notice while you were passing them by. The deep smell of the earth just after it rains. That curl of hair over the left ear of your beloved. How truly good it feels to see a child at play. You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you walk in this state, you breathe in every flower, you fly with every bird, you feel every crunch beneath your feet. You find beauty and wisdom. For wisdom is found wherever beauty is formed. And beauty is formed everywhere, out of all the stuff of life. You do not have to seek it. It will come to you. And you don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you "do” in this state, you turn whatever you are doing into a meditation, and thus, into a gift, an offering, from you to your soul, and from your soul to The All. Washing dishes, you enjoy the warmth of the water caressing your hands, and marvel at the wonder of both water, and warmth. Working at your computer, you see the words appear on the screen in front of you in response to the command of your fingers, and exhilarate over the power of the mind and body, when it is harnessed to do your bidding. Preparing dinner, you feel the love of the universe which brought you this nourishment, and as your return gift, pour into the making of this meal all the love of your being. It does not matter how extravagant or how simple the meal is. Soup can be loved into deliciousness. You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you experience sexual energy exchange in this state, you know the highest truth of Who You Are. The heart of your lover becomes your home. The body of your lover becomes your own. Your soul no longer imagines itself separate from anything. You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you are in readiness, you are in wakefulness. A smile can take you there. A simple smile. Just stop everything for one moment, and smile. At nothing. just because it feels good. Just because your heart knows a secret. And because your soul knows what the secret is. Smile at that. Smile a lot. It will cure whatever ails you. You are asking me for tools, and lam giving them to you. Breathe. That is another tool. Breathe long and deep. Breathe slowly and gently. Breathe in the soft, sweet nothingness of life, so full of energy, so full of love. It is God’s love you are breathing. Breathe deeply, and you can feel it. Breathe very, very deeply, and the love will make you cry. For joy. For you have met your God, and your God has introduced you to your soul. Once this experience has taken place, life is never the same. People talk of having "been to the mountain top,” or having slipped into sublime ecstasy. Their beingness is changed forever. Thank You. I understand. It is the simple things. The simple acts, and the purest. Yes. But know this. Some people meditate for years and never experience this. It has to do with how open one is, how willing. And also, how able to move away from any expectation. Should I meditate every day? As in all things, there are no "shoulds” or "shouldn’ts” here. It is not a question of what you should do, but what you choose to do. Some souls seek to walk in awareness. Some recognize that in this life most people are sleepwalking; unconscious. They are going through life without consciousness. Yet souls who walk in awareness choose a different path. They choose another way. They seek to experience all the peace and joy, limitlessness and freedom, wisdom and love that Oneness brings, not just when they have dropped the body and it has "fallen” (asleep), but when they have risen the body up. It is said of a soul which creates such an experience, "His is risen.” Others, in the so-called "New Age,” term this a process of "consciousness raising.” It doesn’t matter what terms you use (words are the least reliable form of communication), it all comes down to living in awareness. And then, it becomes total awareness. And what is it of which you eventually become totally aware? You eventually become totally aware of Who You Are. Daily meditation is one way you may achieve this. Yet it requires commitment, dedication—a decision to seek inner experience, not outer reward. And remember, the silences hold the secrets. And so the sweetest sound is the sound of silence. This is the song of the soul. If you believe the noises of the world rather than the silences of your soul, you will be lost. So daily meditation is a good idea. A good idea? Yes. Yet know again what I have just said here. The song of the soul may be sung many ways. The sweet sound of silence may be heard many times. Some hear the silence in prayer. Some sing the song in their work. Some seek the secrets in quiet contemplation, others in less contemplative surroundings. When mastery is reached—or even intermittently experienced—the noises of the world can be muffled, the distractions quieted, even in the midst of them. All of life becomes a meditation. All of life is a meditation, in which you are contemplating the Divine. This is called true wakefulness, or mindfulness. Experienced in this way, everything in life is blessed. There is struggle and pain and worry no more. There is only experience, which you may choose to label in any way you wish. You may choose to label all of it perfection. So use your life as a meditation, and all the events in it. Walk in wakefulness, not as one asleep. Move with mindfulness, not mindlessly, and do not tarry in doubt and fear, neither in guilt nor self-recrimination, yet reside in permanent splendor in the assurance that you are grandly loved. You are always One with Me. You are forever welcome. Welcome home. For your home is in My heart, and Mine in yours. I invite you to see this in life as you will surely see it in death. Then you will know that there is no death, and that what you have called life and death are both part of the same unending experience. We are all that is, all that ever was, and all that ever will be, world without end. Amen.
  2. I've read a part about meditation from the books 'Conversation with God'. I regard the books in high esteem so I'll paste it. I'll put it in a separate post because perhaps it's a good read for more people.
  3. @Zigzag Idiot I understand, thank you for your answer:-) I've just read a couple pages, as I thought the book seemed a bit of a drag to go through without very strong results
  4. @Zigzag Idiot Hi, I read you mentioned you went through the exercises in 1-2 years. Could you mention what it did for you? I'm not intending to actually do the exercises, but am curious to what results it gives, or doesn't give
  5. That made me laugh at first, and just a little afterwards I was like 'oh yes of course!'. I could have thought of this myself, but not actually had the idea to actually implement this. Really good tip honestly, because I've been skipping and putting off many opportunities for heavier psychedelic sessions because I didn't want to do crazy things again. I have a tendency to call people on their phone for help when things get hot lol, which isn't a good idea and have some fears that I could commit suicide
  6. I have only a little experience with microdosing, started experimenting with it since a couple months ago. Honestly, I don't feel like you need to purchase any course on it, most guidelines are pretty simply and free if you look for it. It of course comes down to experimenting for yourself, what do you want, how does it effect you, etc. But how hard can this whole thing be? A common guideline is microdose for 1 day, take 2 days of rest. That's pretty much it right? The label 'Superhuman' for me feels like someone just wants to sell you something, as the rest of the advertisement does honestly lol. I wouldn't want to make this microdosing thing more fancy than it is, I just take some pieces of dried magic mushrooms about 2 times a week, on days I feel I could be more comfortable or something and that's it. In the weekend, at times I take more, so that I just sit with closed eyes and basically meditate with them.
  7. Wanted to share this story, I just read it and found it valuable. From the book the 'Ringing Cedars of Russia': ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWO BROTHERS (A parable) Once upon a time—when doesn't matter—there lived a man and wife. For a long time, they had no children. At an advanced age, the wife gave birth to two sons, two twins, two brothers. The births were difficult, and soon after she had borne the two sons, the woman departed for the other world. The father hired a wet nurse and tried to rear his children. He raised them until the age of fourteen. But he himself died when the sons turned fifteen. The two brothers buried their father in sorrow and sat in their chamber—the two twins. Three minutes separated their appearance in the world, and so one was considered older and the other younger. After a mournful silence, the older brother spoke. "As he was dying, our father expressed his sorrow to us that he had not had time to convey to us the wisdom of life. How will you and I live, my younger brother, without wisdom? Our line will continue unhappy without wisdom. Those who have had time to take wisdom from their fathers might laugh at us." "Do not be sad," the younger told the older. "You are often in reverie. Perhaps time will see to it that you learn wisdom in your reverie. I will do everything you say. I can live without reverie, and living will be pleasant for me anyway. I rejoice when the day arrives and when the sun sets. I will simply live and work on the farm, and you will learn wisdom." "Agreed," the older answered the younger. "Only wisdom cannot be sought by staying in the house. It is not here, no one has left it here, no one will bring it to us here. But I have decided: I am the older brother, and I myself must find everything that is wise in the world for us both, for our line, which will live on down the ages. I must find it, bring it to our home, and give it to us and to our descendants. I will take everything of value our father left us and go all around the world, to all the wise men of different countries, learn all their sciences, and return to our dear home." "Your journey will be long," the younger brother said compassionately. "We have a horse. Take the horse and wagon, load as much good as you can, so you will be less poor on theroad. I will stay home and await the wiser you." The brothers parted for a long time. Years passed. The older brother went from wise man to wise man, temple to temple, learned the teachings of the East and West, spent time in the North and in the South. He had a magnificent memory, and his sharp mind grasped quickly and remembered everything easily. The older brother roamed the world for sixty years or so. His hair and beard turned gray. His keen mind kept wandering and learning wisdom, and he, now a gray wanderer, came to be considered the wisest of men. A throng of disciples followed him. He generously propagated his wisdom to their keen minds. Both young and old heeded him with delight. Great fame preceded him, informing settlements on his path of the wise man's great coming. In his halo of glory, surrounded by a crowd of subservient disciples, the gray-haired wise man came closer and closer to the settlement where he was born and which he had left as a youth of fifteen, sixty years before. All the people from the settlement came to meet him, and his younger brother, also with gray hair, ran out to greet him, rejoicing, and bowed his head before his brother, the wise man. He joyously whispered, "Bless me, my brother and wise man. Come into our home, and I will wash your feet after your long journey. Come into our home, my wise brother, and rest." With a majestic gesture, the wise man ordered all his pupils to remain on the hillock, accept the gifts of those who met them, and hold wise discussions. He followed his younger brother into the house. The majestic and gray-haired wise man sat down at the table in the chamber wearily. The younger brother began washing his feet with warm water and listening to the speeches of his brother and wise man. "I have done my duty," the wise man told him. "I have learned the teachings of the great wise men and set forth my own teaching. I will not stay long in the house, for now teaching others is my lot. But since I promised to bring wisdom to our house, I will spend a day with you keeping this promise. In that time, I will tell you the wisest truths, my younger brother. Here is the first. All people must live in a beautiful garden." Drying his feet with a clean, beautifully embroidered towel, the younger bustled about, trying to please the older, and he said to him, "Taste. On the table before you are fruits from our garden. I gathered the best of them for you." The wise man ate all kinds of beautiful fruits thoughtfully and continued. "It is essential that every person living on earth himself cultivate an ancestral tree. When he dies, that tree will remain as a good memory for his descendants. It will clean the air his descendants breathe. We must all breathe good air." The younger brother rushed and bustled about and said. "Forgive me, my wise brother, I forgot to open the window so that you could breathe fresh air." He pulled back the curtain, opened the window, and continued. "Here, breathe the air of our two cedars. I planted them the year you left. I dug one hole for a sapling with my own shovel, and for the second hole I dug with the shovel you played with when we were children." The wise man gazed thoughtfully at the trees and then continued. "Love is a great emotion. Not everyone is given to live his life with love. There is a great wisdom: each person must strive for love every day." "Oh, how wise you are, my older brother!" the younger exclaimed. "You have learned great wisdom, and I have lost my head before you. Forgive me, I have not even introduced you to my wife." And he shouted, turning toward the door: "Old woman, where are you, my helpmeet?" "Here I am," a cheerful old woman appeared in the doorway carrying steaming pies on a platter. "I was held up with the pies." She placed the pies on the table, and the cheerful old woman made a funny curtsey before the brothers. She walked up close to the younger, her spouse, and said in a half-whisper, but the older brother heard the whisper. "And now, you men, forgive me, I am going now, I have to lie down." "What's the matter with you, silly, all of a sudden deciding to rest? We have a dear guest, my own brother, while you . . ." "It's not me, my head is spinning, and I feel a little nauseated." "And why on earth would you be having any trouble here?" "Maybe you are to blame. We must be having a child again," the old woman said with a laugh, running away. "Forgive me, my brother," the younger brother apologized in embarrassment to the older. "She doesn't know the value of wisdom. She was always cheerful, and in her old age you see she remains a cheery sort." The thoughtful wise man paused a little longer. The sound of children's voices interrupted his reverie. The wise man heard them and said, "Each person must strive to know great wisdom. How to raise children who are happy and just." "Know, wise brother, I thirst to make my children and grandchildren happy. Here you see them coming in, my noisy grandkids." Two boys no older than six and a little girl of about four were standing in the doorway arguing. Trying to get them to settle down, the younger brother told them hurriedly, "Tell me quickly what has happened to you, you noisy children, and don't keep us from our conversation." "Oh!" the smaller boy exclaimed. "One grandfather's turned into two. Which is ours and which isn't? How can we tell?" "Here's our dear granddad, isn't it clear?" And the little granddaughter ran up to the younger of the brothers, pressed her cheek to his leg, ruffled his beard, and prattled, "Granddad, dear granddad, I alone rushed to you to show you how I've learned to dance, and my brothers tagged along. One wants to draw with you. See? He brought his board and chalk. The second brought his pipe and horn, and he wants you to play the horn and pipe for him. But I decided to come see you first. Tell them all that. Send them back where they came from, Granddad." "No, I came to draw first. Then my brother decided to come with me to play the horn," said the grandson with the thin piece of board. "There are two of you granddads," the granddaughter prattled. "Will you decide which of us came first? Pick me or else I'll cry bitter tears." The wise man looked at the grandchildren with a smile and sorrow. Preparing an answer and frowning as he concentrated, the wise man still did not say anything. The younger brother was bustling about and did not let the pause that arose lengthen. He quickly took the horn from the child's hands and without thinking said, "There is no reason for you to argue at all. Dance, my beauty and hopper, and I will play a dance on the horn. My dear musician will help me play the pipe. And you, artist, draw what the sounds of the music draw and what the ballerina dances. Draw it. Now then, everyone get busy quickly." The younger brother played a cheerful and beautiful melody on the pipe, and the grandchildren all repeated after him simultaneously, choosing their favorite thing to depict. The future great musician tried not to lag behind on the melody on the pipe. As a ballerina, the little girl hopped, turning red, joyously depicting her dance. The future artist joyfully drew his picture. The wise man was silent. The wise man learned. . . . When the merriment was over, he stood up and said, "Remember, my younger brother, our father's old chisel and hammer, give them to me. I want to chisel our main lesson in stone. I am leaving now. I probably will not return. Don't try to stop me, and don't wait." The older brother left. The gray-haired wise man and his disciples walked up to the stone; the path went round that stone—the path that called the seeker of wisdom to distant lands away from his own home. The day passed, night came, and the gray-haired wise man hammered and chiseled an inscription in the stone. When the exhausted gray-haired old man finished, his disciples read the inscription on the stone: "All you seek, wanderer, you carry with you. You will find nothing new, and you will lose with every step."
  8. Bashar also says that you're shifting through billions of static frames per second, so that matches with what you said :-) Yesterday I heard him say something like that physical reality is just like 60 frames per second. People who have an awakening reach perhaps a perception of 300, with a very few of those people reaching or perceiving like 1000 frames per second
  9. A piece on health issues from the beautiful books 'Ringing Cedars of Russia': "I've also realized that physical illnesses arise in man not only as a result of his removal from Nature or the dark feelings he allows himself. They—illnesses—can also be a mechanism for warning or even saving someone from significantly greater torments. "Illnesses are one mechanism, one means of communication between the Great Intellect—God—and man. Man's pain is His pain as well. But there's no other way. How else can you be told, for example, 'Don't throw all kinds of things that aren't good for you into your stomach'?
  10. @LfcCharlie4 Interesting links you posted earlier. I've read them both. For myself I had the sense that he might miss a little bit of nuance or a complete understanding, but that was just an idea I got, who knows, good read anyway. Just wanted to say thanks lol
  11. @pluto Hello, 2 questions for you. you say that darryl is channeling his higher mind, why? Why not say he's channeling Bashar? I get that Bashar is quite attuned to his higher mind himself, but I don't see that has anything to do with Darryl. Something else related I haven't understood yet, is that Bashar or Daryl sometimes tells people that they are talking with their (own?) higher mind, and just using bashar or daryl as a permission slip to do so. How are people talking with their own higher mind when they talk to daryl/bashar? Doesn't every consciousness have its own higher mind? Thank you, ps have been watching some posts of you lately, I love it, it resonates
  12. I don't get why it's a problem for you (not ment as judgement). Are you having judgements about them or is it something else? I must say for myself I don't like to much contact with others who are very differently orientated. Like someone who is very materialistic, I can be nice to them and chat with them for a while, but I rather be alone and don't feel a need to deepen the contact there. You say you like to have contact once in a while and not be alone always. Yea same, but I don't get fulfilled by contact with someone who doesn't share my same interests and understandings etc, because I can't share my excitement with them. So perhaps what you're looking for isn't contact with people that don't resonate with you, but with finding people who are likeminded? The latter is hard, for me anyway, haven't found anyone in the years I do this work
  13. Are you reading a book that actually interests you? It's hard or perhaps impossible to not remember anything when you're excited about what you're reading. For me not knowing what I've read only happens when I push myself to read something which I don't naturally want to do. I don't think you'll experience much distraction in reading or whatever when you do what you love. Maybe there could also be usefulness in learning to do things that you rather don't, but I have no mastery or tips with that lol
  14. I loved the dedication of Om Swami in that book. Of course however, please don't think that meditation is the only way to do this awakening thing just because it was his way
  15. I've read his book too, it's really an amazing and beautiful book. It's a bit of a pity that you can't talk about these things with most people. I tried it a couple of times with some family but I just get these looks like the book is crazy, and me too for saying I find it beautiful. Personally I would rather have the book a little less written like a scientific report, and be a more of a light read, but that's just my preference. Thank you for linking the video's, I never watched much of them, but perhaps I will:-)
  16. I just hoped that putting 'channeled entity' in the title would get it more clicks But it's true nonetheless. Here is a list of books recommended by Bashar, who is a channeled being/entity speaking through a guy named Daryl. https://www.facebook.com/groups/82990426678/permalink/10157876773356679/ Insofar I haven't read all the books on the list yet, only Conversations with God and am busy with the Ringing Cedars series. Conversations with God I still hold as the most wholistic books I've ever read, but the Ringing Cedars series has so far amazed me a lot. I'm in book 2 and just felt strongly to share it with others. The books are beautiful, very easy and fun to read and although they don't perhaps aim to give such a wholistic picture on how to live life like Conversations with God, they show a glimpse into the life of amongst other a women called Anastasia. She is an amazing hermit who grew up in a forest in (I think) Russia. She has incredible abilities and has an amazing connection to nature. The book will likely expand your notions of what is possible and what goes on in life and perhaps instill you with some nice thoughts.
  17. Good to see some Bashar in here
  18. Will you say this too when someone mistreats you? Will you look within and try to avoid projecting, or will you want to correct the mistreatment? Is a child that is undergoing abuse just needing to look within? Sadhguru sometimes says something like 'when your life is going nice it's easy to say that it's all perfect, and someone else's problems are the divine plan. Until life hits you, and your philosophies fly out the window'
  19. You said 'but it still doesn't feel like it', but what you feel can be a result of what you think, so don't blindly go with that. Just some cents I wanted to throw in the basket
  20. A couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon a video where a guy called Daryl Anka is channeling a being that named himself Bashar. In the Actualized 'database' I saw he was already mentioned once years ago, but without much attention, therefore I wanted to reintroduce him. Apparently he comes from a different civilization which is both technologically and spiritually, very advanced. His teachings are profound, and already changed my perspective on various things, while I don't know him for a long time. I just found this website that gives (some) of his core teachings: https://iasos.com/metaphys/bashar/. The website does not look very nice lol, but then you can get a sense where his teachings are about. There are a lot of his videos, small sections/snipits can be found on youtube, or buy full 'sessions' via his website https://www.basharstore.com/ (or download using pirate bay), which I would recommend if you want to explore him. He has various techniques that he gives, I think you can only find those in his full 'session' videos. Furthermore, he has some very nice 'meditations' (you can always look for 'bashar holotope' on youtube for a preview). Warning. When I saw a video of him first, a saw a guy in a flowery Hawai shirt, the guy speaking weirdly like he was trying to imitate a robot and there were these glowing spheres next to him. This gave me a sense of 'fakeness' in the very beginning, however if you just watch for a while, you'll see it's all very good stuff. He is a true treasure with gems:-)
  21. @Zigzag Idiot You're very welcome, thank you too. Really glad I discovered that, brings quite a new paradigm with it doesn't it. I "need" to finish some essays this period, but I rather watch his video's all day now lol. @pluto thank you, will check out that video too
  22. Wow, great women! Some good wisdom there:)
  23. Matt Khan is great. Discovered him some months ago when my mind was producing a lot of frustration and suffering and was just in tears in bed because of it. Then a thought about watching Matt Khan came, of who I only heard or saw something faintly before. His perspective was good for me, I like his heart-centered approach a lot, which helped me to release the more dismissive spiritual approach. Nice share!