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Everything posted by Waken

  1. @RickyFitts enjoyed that one, thank you:-) Don't have a favorite, but have come to know quite some songs that have touched my heart, here one of them: Okay, one more, both oldies they are Okay, had to put another one in that's a bit newer. All albums of Jonsi & Alex, make me drift to beautiful and deeply peaceful places. I was absolutely awestruck when I listened to the album for the first time, I came to a state of consciousness that may have even brought up some fear iirc
  2. I think you're trying harder than you need to ? How about being more gentle for yourself and relaxing more. Do things that make you feel good, do what attracts you/feels best to do in the moment, not trying to make it all happen.. I can relate to lowering the contact with technology. For me staring at a screen gives a sort of restless energy in my head, it's nice to lower the exposure to it, or to take more breaks in my case at times
  3. If you're interested in these things, perhaps check out Human Design. You can look online for a free human design chart, some websites give a free pdf with the discription of your type. I met someone some while back who introduced me to this system, and I've been quite blown away by the accuracy. I'm quite skeptical about such things, but if I'm not completely tripping it up, I would say this system has seemed to decribe my (and the design of people I know) design very well. This system or this knowledge came to the founder, Ra, in a certain week in which he heard the 'devine program' expounding all the knowledge of this system. The system outlays your personal design in great depth and you need your birthtime/birthdate to get the results. It's incredibly deep of a system, but the free accessible stuff may be enough for you.
  4. It's not so much about some specific thing being good or bad, but perhaps rather how you do it. I think if you give a sincere compliment to someone, it's often fine. I'm doing it more often to people, as a male I'm doing it to other males too (not to everyone, but those I feel appreciate it), and it's great to do. People are sensitive, if you say something kind that comes from your heart, and not from an energy that seeks approval, they may appreciate that a lot. It's an easy way to make some people feel better in their days. It makes me feel great to do it, and I pretty much only do it when I feel it's appreciated. I think, one loving and conscious way to see relationships is not as an oppurtunity to get love or fulfillment so much, but more as an oppurtunity to redefine who are you are and wish to be
  5. Just do what attracts you the most in the moment buddy, then you'll live in/from the present, otherwise you're just training tension and living from the very limited intelligence of your mind
  6. I sometimes feel loneliness too. I once heard Abraham Hicks say that feelings such as loneliness aren't caused by who is or isn't around you, but are all about you thinking thoughts that are out of allignment with your natural vibration. I couldn't hear it at that time too well, but a little later I found I could move myself from rather deep feeling of loneliness to bliss in a minute of 5/10, and such experiences changed how I relate to feelings such as loneliness. Whenever I feel lonely now, I remember to relax and know that the only thing I really got to do, is to guide myself to well-being again with my thought or awareness, or however I feel to do it. Of course, that doesn't diminish the satisfaction we can get from deeper relationships, but if you don't currently have them, perhaps the best thing is to know that guiding yourself to well-being/allignment, is what the work is all about, and perhaps all we really need to do. At the other hand, maybe some sense of (human) connection is necessary, but I doubt that's the problem here.
  7. Your life purpose is not about what you do, rather about what you choose to think/do/become as a response of what happens around you.
  8. I know what you're going through, really I can relate. However, I found that with knowing how to deal with this things, it's really easy. I use Abraham Hicks' suggestion on these things: It takes me sometimes just like 5-10 minutes to move from a state of depression and feelling really discouraged to a sense of throbbing extacy around (such) a topic
  9. Just follow your bliss man I once came across a comment of Abraham Hicks I liked, it went something like this 'look at you no longer trying to control things, because you understand the universe has an infinite number of ways to bring you what you want. Wisdom looks good on you'
  10. @Judy2 yes that resonates;-)
  11. At this time, nothing resonates with me more than the focus on allignment. In other words this could also be more or less translated as just being yourself, as you are/following your bliss/going with the flow. You can make it your work to just allign your thoughts and actions with what resonates most with you/is most you. Via that approach you start thus to allign more and more with your own design, and thus come more and more into the expanded space of what is you. If you try to make things happen, you train away from your own inner guidance system and your own design. My approach: don't try to make life happen, relax, support yourself emotionally/be there for yourself and expand your comfort zone by stepping more into your passion/attraction when those oppurtinities arise.
  12. I used to have such thoughts too. What's important, as far as I'm concerned, is that you're being yourself, following your own excitement/attraction. If that happens to be contemplating life, that's great, if it's helping an elderly person out, that's great, if that at a moment happens to be just relaxing in your room at that moment, that's great. Contemplating life is an intelectual thing, some peoples designs are more alligned with that approach than those of others, another persons nature (such as mine) may be to flow more through life without much thinking and may be more designed as intuitive. One approach isn't more advanced than the other. I would say the question is more about how alligned one is to it's own nature
  13. But then going to other side, of saying there are the same, I find sometimes being a bit of an intelectual mombo jombo. Of course, that depends on how you do the thinking/contemplation and not on what you are contemplating. I know I did this for some time, trying to change my view to everything being the same, with the hope it would bring some shift about.
  14. Seems I'm going to post on another thread of yours :-) I used to focus hard on techniques, try very hard to get somewhere and such, but now understand that really the only thing that matters is that I'm alligned with my own being/inner nature/soul. I would suggest to just choose whatever resonates most with you in every moment, because that's the option that is most you. In my experience that seems to mean often to just let go of things. If you by doing that, line up your actions and thoughts with what feels good to you, you'll come more and more into allignment with what you truly are, and become the most expanded version of yourself that you could be. And what is more worthwhile than that? Well, I can't think of it.. If you do things from an energy of wanting to get somewhere, you'll be practising that energy, which is pretty much the oposite of what you want. That would be practising how you don't wish to feel as a means of reaching how you do wish to feel. hmm.. If you go with the current of creation, if you just follow the flow, everything that is relevant for who you truly are will come to you. You don't have to make it happen, the machine works. Let it work, let it work..' - Bashar
  15. At the end of the day, all that matters is if you can line up your thinking with love, or whatever resonates with you. You may feel like a big deal now, but if you're lucky, at some point you will realize that such thinking doesn't improve you, and that it was a big waste of time of doing things so that it would improve your self image. It's better that you don't realize only on your deathbed what a incredible amount of valuable time you wasted with that. At the end of the day, you'll know better, so why not save yourself the struggle and waste of time and stray away from feeling better than another. If I experience such thoughts, I may do two things: 1) ignore them, don't act on them and just continue choosing action that resonate with you. 2) reach for a better feeling thought about it when it comes up, for example: actually, maybe I'm not much better of than him/her. or, even if he/she is less developed I prefer to love them instead of seeing them as less than me, etc, etc. It just takes a little time, you got this. And also, don't beat yourself up too much about it, it's fine
  16. Oh come on, everybody here does this.. using an absolute POV to overpower or invalidate other perspectives, and I bet confusing a lot of people. Especially people on this solipsism topic. I would suggest Bashar said that from the absolute POV there are no others, but from an individuated experiential POV there are, and therefore I would say Bashars take is not one of solipsism as it seems to be presented on this forum here
  17. Ugh, that's very comforting and nice. Thank you @Raptorsin7 :-)
  18. Ugh, I feel with you. At the moment I'm living or with my mother, or together with my father and brother. My family doesn't judge or tell me what to do that much, but to some degree. I decided to move to an ashram/center and I'll go there in approximately 1-2 weeks. A little volunteering work I then need to do, but I don't need to cook there and it allows me to relax more and have more of the sense that I'm living my own life. Just sharing that as something you could consider too if you like. if you do decide to stay with her, well, then what advice could someone give, as you probably can know better than anyone else what the path of least resistance is there. For example, just going out of the house or being in your own room more if you feel like it or such.
  19. I think if it feels good for you to share and help, then why not? If you're excited/happy about something that you developed, then why wouldn't there be people that can benefit from your knowledge and experience. You probably have explored and experienced quite a bit to assist people that are less advanced than you in what you like to help others with. You don't need to be all perfect of course. I started helping people on another forum to get certain insights perhaps 6 years ago, I found that very rewarding. I definitely wasn't all that mature at that point and still very much finding my way. Nevertheless, I was able to help people and that was probably good for me as well
  20. Can't relate that well to your story. From your message, I see you're comparing yourself with others, and that you might think you're not good enough when you're being in what you call rock bottom. Then if you get out of the rut, you're 'good enough'. Then you might be living from a motivation trying to become a more respectable person, and have how you feel be conditioned on how well you think of yourself and others think of you. However, what if you were to turn that around. What if you were to go through your life with the intention to give yourself all the love, understanding and acceptance that you crave? Just loving and accepting yourself more and more and to keep making more and more choices that feel good to you? Anyway, wishing you well:-)
  21. Well, some take the stance that you're not the body and mind, but the awareness/spirit/whatever. I think however a better way to see it is that you're the body, mind and spirit. Little more holistic. Although there isn't a object called body, you don't really have a physical body, as there really isn't anything physical. Just some appearances which you might create a concept of a body from. Nothing in your experience that isn't you
  22. It's not the response you've asked for, but thought to share anyway: I've got into the thought of being appreciative when coming across something that gives rise to resistance in me, because that means there is something I can heal/let go there. Not thanking the negativity itself, but the situation/opportunity.