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Everything posted by Waken

  1. Lol, I want to share a story too. I once did shrooms in a forest, was completely tripping my balls out and thought I was guided by Jed Mckenna (in my thoughts) to attempt to drown myself in a lake, so I would (in my mind) get rescued by people and they would bring me to Jed. At some point of trying to drown myself, my body was screaming for breath I eventually burst out of the water saying 'No more of this shit'. Got out of the water, saw a house in the forest and ran toward it. I pulled off all my clothes while running, except for my underpants and maybe a sock. Once at the house I knocked on the door and screamed that 'Lisa please open the door, you need to bring me to Jed' (I somehow thought she was a personage from Jed's book, lol). Woman appeared at the other side of the door, she didn't open of course, but released some dogs who were trained police dogs, and called police. I smacked her windows with my hand as I wanted to be safe inside, but after some time heard police so tried jumping over her high fence to get away. Got severely stuck in barbed wire, with my head swinging over the floor, and when making some powerful but painful attempts to rip myself free I only ripped open my leg. The police found me like this, swinging upside down in barbed wire, completely wet and covered with blood, some bone or whatever it was I could see from upside down in my leg, completely off my rocker and screaming that I needed to go to Jed. They eventually cut the barbed wire off and drugged me so I would pass out and got brought to first aid, they told me afterwards it was the most fucked up thing they ever saw.
  2. That was my experience. But I don't know if it's harmful per se.
  3. Yes agreed with OBEler. "Your experience is my imagination." this could be interpreted many ways, and is an frustratingly unclear answer on my direct question. Do you mean I don't experience? Because I do, so if you mean that you're wrong. lol. Do you mean you imagine I experience? If this one, yes of course, but that does not mean I don't experience, because I do. is the word "my" here Gods 'my'? if that, than yes fine. If God stops imagining my/its experience it stops, of course. Is the word "my" here Leos 'my'? if that than the first 2 questions apply.
  4. Yes I know that. But are you thinking only your perspective exists? And I'm not saying if only from your POV only your POV exists and you're all alone, because yes of course. But if other POV exists outside your own POV, in other words, do you think I'm having an experience, or not?
  5. @Leo GuraI don't think you're clear on this point, so can you just tell me what your position is on this one: Do you think that only your mind, "Leo"-mind exists, and that I'm not experiencing? You think this message you are reading has not been written by anyone? Because that's what you're saying right, when you say only your mind exists
  6. Could it be that you lost the distinction between your finite mind and the infinite mind? You had an insight in being the infinite mind, but perhaps made a mistake in now thinking your finite mind is the infinite mind and hence think that when your finite mind stops imagine other or multiple minds, it's the infinite mind that will stop imagining that? I'm very cautious about taking your word there. That in my mind I have imaged other minds, I don't see how that means that there are no 'other' minds. but now you're talking about Rupert Spira's mind, and seem to suggest his mind is real. And at the same time saying that only your mind exist, I don't know how to put this together or if I'm misunderstanding what you're saying
  7. @electroBeam yes I read that, but that sounds like it could be a misunderstanding to me, or just misinterpretation on our part. Even Rupert Spira said that the absolute mind can dream/think/live many lives at once, he's not saying there the absolute is only dreaming up one dream. There only being one dream is solipsism, do I interpreted rightly then that Leo is subcribing to solipsism? Maybe the distinction between I the absolute and I as the individual expression got mixed up there? idk. If someone mahasamadi's, I won't stop experiencing right.
  8. @Nahm thank you for your earlier suggestion. Was eloctrobeams worry not understood right? Because now I'm confused lol. As I already mentioned I once had the fear that if I stopped dreaming, I would stop the dream for everybody. Later I thought this was just a wrong understanding or interpretation when things got hot. If I merge into oneness, "your" dream doesn't stop right? Only from my pov other povs stop existing, but from another pov their pov remains intact no? My mothers experience won't stop when I go into oneness, right. Don't bullshit me now about semantics because of words such as 'me', 'yours' and 'my mother' please.
  9. I once had a similar thing. I was tripping and became very frightened because I felt that if I stopped dreaming, I would stop everybodies dream, because I was the ultimate dreamer. It was very frightening as I didn't feel much in control and felt I could fuck it up for everybody. Quite traumatising such experiences have been for me
  10. Well why isn't it the same thing? Yes the guy flying the UFO might also be channeled at the same time on earth by someone. You could channel God, but can also channel your cat if you wish (and if the cat wishes), and everything in between. Also many beings can switch between the physical dimension and the non-physical to answer your earlier question
  11. Lol yes I get that. But channeled extraterrestrials often talk about UFO visits. If the first one is true, that is extraterrestrials being channeled and talking about UFO's flying over earth, then thinking UFO's are flying around earth is not a big leap of faith
  12. I think anyone that considers him or herself a reasonable and sensible person, really has no choice but to think extraterrestrials are all too real, if they just do a little research. The internet is just full of it. Personally I love channeled material, which is very often extraterrestrials. I even just started a practice to connect with one, so that one would be able to function as my guide. About half a year ago I asked for contact with an extraterrestrial, or something like that. I remember having 2 odd dreams that night but I woke up with the image and sound of a spaceship flying off, when I woke up the (rather loud) sound even lasted for a couple seconds. Who knows, maybe half of the people here had contact with them, but simply forgot about it. I heard in dreams a lot of extraterrestrials have contact with us, but then we forget about it
  13. I've heard the good Bashar say that open contact (aliens visiting earth) will happen likely between 2025 and 2033 or 2040. So better already get yourself a nice 'welcome aliens' hat at a store or something
  14. Maybe you just activated or awakened a part of yourself that was a little asleep previously, and this unlocked some energy within you. I can't imagine you won't settle down automatically, maybe at a slightly higher baseline? idk
  15. I'm at figuring out what this life is all about for about 5/6 years fairly hardcore, and I still have no clue what's really going on As long as it lasts, what do you want to do with it?
  16. By no means do I think this is what you should do, or what is best, but about the most sensible I can think of atm: 1) Don't look up (or down) to the people around you (at school, your parents, a guru, whoever), don't assume that they know what life is about, or how to make it work. Don't take their suggestions, life philosophies or advice to heart if it doesn't feel good to you. Do know that most people really, really have not figured life out. This is not something to be judgemental about against them, they don't know and it's easy to get sucked into our culture that is so steeped into confusion, that it doesn't know it is . If you want to know something, anything at all, you can. If you want to be more than what others seem to be, you can. You're not a weak or powerless person, but a spiritual being having a physical experience. 2) There is a being called Bashar, he always talks about following your highest excitement, without insisting on what the outcome should be. It will, so he always says, bring you exactly where you need to be, at the right time, the right place. It will align everything for you. I wouldn't make life too complicated, thinking you need to figure it all out. Don't get lost in fantasies about personal development, gaining knowledge, whatever. Just do what is attractive to you, that you love doing, that inspires or intrigues you. Maybe you at the moment just really want to read a certain book, okay to that. Maybe afterwards you feel like doing a practise, okay do that, then you feel like taking a rest, okay do that. See how life responds, and then maybe you'll start gaining trust in life, and life will become a living extasy, if you want it to. 3) actually if you would take one advice, take this one: read the books 'Conversations with God'. Read them until you breath them.
  17. Actually I never understood why people say they can't do 3 hours. After a couple years of meditating on and off I thought I would try long determination sitting. I started with 1 hour, and thought that it wasn't as hard as I thought. Then did 1 h 30, then increased the length 15 minutes each session to 3 hours, and afterwards went further, up to 4 hours (just to try out). Okay 4 hours felt quite horrible, and really didn't want to do it again, but if you want you can just keep sitting right? Maybe people feel they can't do it, because when you set the alarm for 1 hour, your mind starts becoming busy with when the alarm will go off at the 40 minute mark. But if you set the clock for 2 hours, the first hour goes much faster then if you would have set the alarm for 1 hour. That is my experience anyway.
  18. Good work! Could you tell us what you've got from doing the 3 hours for 21 days?:)
  19. No, you need to do the multiplication first, so 5*2 = 10. 10 +5 = 15
  20. Didn't Jesus say "I'm the Truth, the Life and the Way"? I wouldn't assume he was just full of nonsense
  21. I resonate with this. I've been having bad anxiety over the last years too, to the point of panic attacks. I woke up at some evenings and my mind starting to produce anxiety and such. Last year or so, whenever anxiety comes up, I sit with it, letting it wash over me and can feel things releasing while doing so. At some situations, I felt much more open than usual, although there can still be lots of anxiety (maybe it's new produced anxiety). Good to know that my method worked for you, then I'll keep it up:) Anxiety surely is a struggle if it's severe
  22. I haven't read much of this thread, but just wanted to share what I've read from some books, maybe it helps: The mind has no free will, but you do. and free will and predestination are actually the same thing.