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Everything posted by Waken

  1. I've heard from various high sources, that I trust, stories of what he did and so on. So yea, it seems real and all the miracles too. Even better, a lot of channelers channel him (Yeshua). You can find out about that pretty easy if you Google for his channeled messages probably.
  2. You don't have to do meditation, there are so many ways you can have a go at this. There are literally thousands of methods that all work fine. It's not just the technique your using, but also how you feel while doing it. Just try things out that speak to you. If you find something else on the go that seems more exciting, go do that.
  3. Why aren't you doing what you love doing? Throw these ideas of 'I have to do x and x in order to get x' out of the window. It's garbage What you do is what you become. And what you do and think is a statement always to the universe and it will support whatever you're saying to it. When you're grinding at doing 'consciousness' work, which you actually don't want to do in the way you do it, otherwise you wouldn't post the above, you're becoming someone who is struggling, and signing to the life that that's what you are and it will reflect that. If you do what you love most at any moment (could be taking a walk or whatever), you're transforming yourself into your full potential. Your unique way of being! You doing what you love at any moment is a statement to the universe and it'll support you. Of course, this can't go any other way than you living your most fulfilled and actualized life.
  4. The title of the topic and this sentence is too simplistic and not true. However looking at a candle can do all sort of good things. You could for example chant certain mantras while looking at a candle and it aids to shed karma. There was also a nice meditation given in 'Conversations with God' for seeing the Truth. The process there is looking at a candle for a while, letting them close naturally while staring at it. Then when eyes close, focusing on the inbreath for a bit and then staring at the third eye (area).
  5. Lol I've been finding it annoying lately too. At first I thought it was really cool, until it started to become irritating in a sense as it can feel like I can't shake it off. I never see the numbers when I look for them, only when I'm off guard and not looking. Didn't expect that I could feel that way about it, and thought it was silly behavior so tried relaxing instead of feeling a sense of irritation. Funny to see you've felt the same.
  6. Sure, I'll just give a ramble about what I understood from various sources. Upon death you as the soul leaves the body, or rather the soul detaches itself from the body. Lots of souls here might be a little flabbergasted that there aren't dead, and notice that they can move around or teleport with intent. They get slightly pulled into this light tunnel then and at the other side they might meet up with their guide. They enter a review about their past life and maybe discuss it with another guide. Afterwards, they go to this vast (infinite?) space with other souls and go to a space/zone/'house' where a group of souls (between about 5-25) of like development and awareness are. These souls in this zone know each other from many past lives. Here these souls go to a 'school' (can look any way that's comfortable to the soul, and there is a more developed being/teacher here to assist), where they can evaluate their past lives and the choices they made in them, or go have some fun elsewhere. Okay from here to planning the next incarnation I don't know in detail. But it seems the souls will plan their next life (together with their guide) based on what they want to learn, etc.
  7. @Someone here Who cares that you can't literally say that something reincarnates. There is no self to reincarnate.. so what.. doesn't mean reincarnation doesn't point to a 'process' that's all too real. You say there is zero evidence for it. Actually there is tons of evidence for it if you care to look into it. The internet is just full of it.
  8. At the moment I'm reading 'Journey of Souls' from Michael Newtown. He writes from his experience about his profession of putting people into trance state and bringing them back to past lifes or lifes in between lifes (the spirit world). I could write you about it, but if you are interested in it, than why don't you read the book yourself? :-) I'm saying because I find the book very beautiful and wouldn't want to have changed it with someone giving some bullet points lol. If you rather have the bullet points though let me know
  9. I once had a similar thing. I would write a word, like 'enlightenment', 'my life', 'I am human', etc. and then I would scratch the word. It felt the idea or the charge around it got a little erased when doing that.
  10. Matt's words helped me out greatly once. I was walking around with many dismissive teachings in my mind (like Jed Mckenna's) and my mind was starting to give me lot's of suffering at times. The mind would just start spinning into anxieties, worries and frustration. So once I laid crying on bed with lots of hopelessness and a thought appeared about watching Matt Khan (who I considered too soft before that), I watched him and it was greatly healing and a big relief from these dismissive teachings. For me it put many things right. Loving the experiencer is a great idea of him. If we aren't going towards love, then what the hell are we doing? ❤️ The question 'what would love do?' is the same/similar question as given in the book Conversation with God: "At all breaking points in life there is one question to ask: what would love do now?"
  11. Honestly I find it cringy, and feel he might look back at it and find it a bit cringy too after some years
  12. @Rolo I thought the diagram is to be used on a white background. There's also another diagram that comes with it
  13. From Conversations with God: "Every feeling you've ever had resides in your soul. Your soul is the sum total of all your feelings. It is the repository."
  14. Having a sense of effort and struggle in life is not the indication that you're doing life right. I doubt you'll go very far without having some degree of relaxation and ease. For sure a ramble can't turn your life around, but implementing a ramble can. Yes you get what you give, and so if you have a sense of struggle and effort then what do you get back? So then you want a path where you don't struggle as much but can even enjoy and love your life, and then you get that reflected back. That doesn't mean one can't 'work hard', although when you do something you love you might not phrase it as such I suppose they won't no
  15. Seems like a fine answer to me. So why ask others if you can get such fine answers from yourself? Your life is all for you, you can choose what you want with it. It's for you to decide if angry is something you want to be or not, it's not about it being objectively good or bad. If you want to be more happy for example, than anger won't take you there but being happy will, and vice versa.
  16. What would be your own answer at that question?
  17. Then what you mean by 'there is no answer' is that an answer is only concept. Yet there can be the experience that love is the answer, and that is not concept. I've had for example a moment that my being 'clicked' which came with a certain thought like love is the answer. You think this can only be a thought, and in a sense it is, but everything can allign with that experience or recognition, so in a sense it's all to real. You're thinking in terms of it's this or that, there is an answer, or there isn't an answer and yet it's this and that.
  18. Then how about your answer 'there is no answer'?.. That's a statement too, and not an absence of one.
  19. Could it be you're trying too hard? Trying to do the things you THINK you need to do. Instead, what if you'd tune in to what you actually feel like doing at the moment, or what attracts you? Be more loving towards yourself, struggle less. Maybe if you would feel out what you would actually feel like doing atm, perhaps you would find that you want to relax and play your favorite song, perhaps afterwards you just want to sit quietly for a while, or whatever. Find practices or things you actually feel you want to do, that you feel are good for you.
  20. So what if you would have a big penis tattooed on your forehead? Then I could tell you the same nonsense you tell the OP 'the penis has no meaning, you are the one giving it meaning, stop trying to change the outer things, change only comes from within. Stop being so trivial. What would your parents think of it, they spend a long time looking for a nice tattoo and now you decide to change it'. Why don't you drop that silly arrogance
  21. @freeman194673 Get off that horse and relax would you
  22. @innerchild Just to add my 2 cents to the conversation: You're giving the sense that your parents are manipulating you, that they are messing with your mind. No one can mess with your mind, or influence you like that. It's you aligning with their suggestions, that causes the 'my mind being messed with'. You not accepting what they send out to you, and you won't be affected. That being said, definitely do get the hell out of there and follow your sense of passion
  23. Listen to Bashar's 'following your excitement' ramble. I don't know Leo's course, but I'm pretty positive that Bashar's way is a much more intelligent and struggle-less approach. Not trying to diminish the life purpose course, but want to save you some effort and struggle
  24. @knakoo Thanks for the links man, that's amazing stuff. I've experimented in the past with the Monroe Institute and Hemi Sync, but IAwaken is something else again that I didn't know. I played the Infiity song and it feels very powerful. I'll be happy checking it all out:-)
  25. I've had quite a learning process in whether to help people or not, and still more to learn in it. More often than not the right thing in my case anyway seems to be to not offer help. Asking if you can offer help is okay, but then respecting the answer is important. You just being you, not trying to change anybody, can in and of itself already be the best thing at times you can do for another. It can give the other the opportunity to align with that, and be authentic and relaxed, or not