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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. what you mean? Has he been saying nonsense or something?
  2. If that’s really what you think then I would assume you’ve never had any with a super hottie, and/or you didn’t know how to get the fullest of what sex has to offer. There’s an entire rabbit hole of tantric techniques and kinky shit you can get into that makes it a million times better than robotic intercourse. We can use the psychedelic experience as an analogy. Many people don’t know how to trip properly. They dose frivolously, completely disregarding set and setting. They may trip in chaotic environments or waste the trip by watching tv and goofing off the whole time, they might even mix it with alcohol. In this way, they greatly diminish the godly love they could have received. Sex is no different. Done properly, it can be a direct portal to higher consciousness. That being said, it’s not even entirely the intercourse itself I’m craving so much. Just having a girl to hold onto is more than enough. One of the best feelings I’ve ever had was holding hands and sitting in a very close embrace on the couch with a 7/10. It was a deep deep sense of belonging, security and connection to pure life. But also a very ancient feeling, like that from which we all originate and ultimately return. So I have no idea what people mean when they say sex and relationships aren’t as good as they appear.
  3. Twice a week would be pushing it for me. It’s the absolute maximum I could get away with without drawing negative attention for being the ““creep”” going around approaching girls, regardless of if I’m actually being creepy or not. Because most of society is pure evil towards desperate virgin men trying to un virgin themselves. God clearly hates the ultra horny incel guys he places in worthless cities with no means of escape. That girl I talked to was a remarkable human being, but a very rare breed of woman. Most girls I talk to don’t have the wholesomeness in their whole bodies that she had in the tip of one of her pubes. This statement is concerning even though it’s meant to be the opposite. That’s something you’d tell someone of whom there is technically a small chance could end up with prime pussy but it’s highly unlikely. Otherwise it would be something like “Success is right around the corner.” Or, “You’ll definitely get there if you keep at it.” one of those alternatives might’ve been more what you meant, just not the way it seems to me THAT is the final nail in the coffin. It’s over. In fact, it’s so over there was never even the tiniest speck of hope for me at all at any point in all of existence. Actualizing and gaining wealth is so much fucking work and is so damn hard it is absolutely retarded. That’s on top of all the basic life challenges that have nothing to do with actualizing that are already too hard on their own. There is objectively no such thing as free will anyway. So how can you assume it’s even possible for most people to pull this shit off? BUT, apparently I am the all mighty God itself. So it should be possible to become fully actualized overnight. Heck, back on the main topic of this thread, if I’m god, I should have the power to teleport into any reality I can possibly imagine. I’m going to a land rich in flower faeries, dryads, elves, goddesses and every other type of humanoid pussy god can dream up. Fuck this piece of shit reality and everything about it. Curse it all to hell. I want out. As God, I reserve my right and my ability to go somewhere more like this instead, only real. “Do I look fat in this dress?”
  4. The most obvious one to me as of lately is “ The Law of Assumption”, this idea that you can change physical reality to your liking by nothing more than repeatedly thinking certain thoughts or phrases in your mind. It’s such an erroneous concept I don’t even know where to start.
  5. Don’t like saying exactly but I will say 26-30 range Yeah but unless you’re wealthy the only women available to you by that point aren’t worth a damn It was Valentine’s Day and it went splendidly. Except that she was already engaged. Big fucking surprise. She was very feminine and welcoming to me. I even confessed to her my intense jealousy of happy couples that makes me enjoy the thought of watching them get ripped to shreds by a grizzly bear. She had no judgement to that, only understanding. We had an amazing talk about where we are in life and what we want out of relationships. Put me on a crazy love high for the next two days. So that was cool
  6. Exactly my luck. Worse yet I’d be punished for not behaving just like everyone else on that planet, much like here earth💀 There are objective biological facts about our reality. One of which is the older you get the less your body is able to have and enjoy sex. It starts taking longer to get it up, finish and prepare for another than it did in your twenties and thirties. Not only that, but also, the girls will find it creepy that an “old man” is hitting on them, and will likely get security/cops involved if convenient. The way society is progressing, it won’t be too much longer until it’s made illegal for men to even so much as flirt. With this in mind, I’d like you to further explain why you feel there is no rush.
  7. Other way around. Me being in the headspace that produces those sorts of actions isn’t what’s preventing the lays. Not getting lays is what’s causing the behavior. But at this point I have to admit they probably both feed into each other WHAT?? The infinite and all powerful universe having a HARD TIME doing something, something as simple as finding me a good mate? NO! If that’s that’s true I must be a real one-of-a-kind special case. Now you see why it’s such a joke to me when people claim to be “weird”. They’re oblivious Its like if “normal” ranges from 1 to 5, someone who claims to be weird might be at a 10 or 15, whereas my power level is well over 9000. I am an ascended master of virginity; the great sunshine to all the female vampires. I’m still finding it quite humorous how in that thread you called that guy a normie for thinking his idiosyncrasies were weird. Then our interaction goes something like, I say “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” You’re like, “Yeah. Are YOU ready?” Then I launch the big one and you go 🤯🤢 as I’m sure lots of others did
  8. He said unto thee “Stop hitting thyself! Stop hitting thyself!” But lo he could not. For the man was striking him using his own two hands. - Dudemaneronomy 12:19
  9. As much as I want to make the opposite thread, I think it would be good for the community and I to temporarily set aside all the drama and hard feelings for a good wholesome thread where we do nothing but share our favorite things about the fairer sex. Leo’s old video “Always do what is emotionally most difficult to do” strongly applies here, lol Not to mention a women hate thread probably wouldn’t make the mods very happy Although I welcome light trolling and backhanded compliments as long as it’s not TOO brutal To all the moms, daughters, sisters, nieces, aunts, grandmas, girlfriends, wives, exes, in-laws, teachers, nurses, waitresses, stewardesses, secretaries, cheerleaders, sports stars, strippers, sex workers, dominatrixes, porn stars, nobodies, escorts, actresses, musicians, anime waifus and all those unmentioned, this one’s for you! Share some female artists you like or a time when a girl stood up for you when she had nothing to gain from it, or any positive thing you can think of My favorite thing they’ve done is their creation and contribution to music
  10. Ignore everything except this Or I could ask, would you rather spend a night in jail or be sentenced to twenty years in prison?
  11. This thread would not be complete without mention of Temple Grandin She revolutionized the cattle industry making it not only more efficient but also less stressful for the cows using her autistic mind.
  12. Or it could just be a thank you despite everything in me telling me to say fuck you instead. But wtf do I know, maybe you’re right You’re more than welcome to share examples of how you’ve been mistreated by misogyny if you wish. I’ve made more than my share of posts arguing that men have it harder, and will continue to. But not here. ITT I’m not allowed to debate my side. Only listen and try to understand
  13. Also wondering if these comments are still in effect. Almost seems like you feel like I’m the type of dude that would be in support of building factory farm recording studios where all the best female singers are milked for their heavenly voices
  14. That’s fair enough. As long as a plain old rejection is the full extent of it. Some girls will go out of their way to screw us over as hard as possible just because they were offended we thought we were good enough for them. Myself and others here have experienced such things. But again, that’s for a different thread. And what was the prompt for your sudden change in heart? I’m still trying to understand why you think this thread is but a weak attempt at an apology to half the earth’s population? Imagine if a racist black or white person extended a friendly hand to the opposite race trying to ameliorate some of their hatred if only for a moment. Nobody would be saying that’s not necessary and really what they should be doing is looking within. Looking within is always good but what’s wrong with doing both?
  15. Could not agree more Good shit! It’s important to recognize that both teams have very valid points, and the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Otherwise we’ll never get any progress made. Women really are becoming less feminine from the increasing demands of society. But lucky for me, should I ever end up with one, I’m not overly concerned with that. Getting plenty of action is the main thing. Femininity is great, but lacking it isn’t a deal breaker.
  16. I’m familiar with four of them: Bjork Teal Swan Aurora Dolly Parton Aurora is fucking awesome. One of my best friends, who happens to be double X chromosome, turned me onto her. My top pick from her would have to be She also sent me an extensive interview. Seems like an angel. Teal Swan is cool too. I went through a phase in high school and a few years after where I was bordering obsessed with her. Her videos helped me with some of the shit I was facing at that time. Especially the ones for handling difficult emotions and the meditation techniques. Not to mention I had some of her modeling pictures saved at one point. Don’t know much about Bjork or Dolly apart from them being musicians. Except I do know one of the songs I posted (Glasser - Apply) is apparently influenced by Bjork’s style.
  17. I’m sorry but ya got me confused. First it’s like “Apology not good enough. Not having it.” Then it’s “Actually you should be apologizing to yourself, not women.” Are these statements at odds or have I overlooked something?
  18. Yikes! Almost forgot two of the classics
  19. Many men are fully at peace with themselves despite being based woman haters. Would you tell them the same thing? I already love myself enough. My misogyny doesn’t come from hating myself, it comes from being hated by women. Also where some of my kinks come from. If all that’s needed is for men to fix their wounds or whatever then why would an international holiday dedicated to the entire opposite gender be necessary? And I don’t like the idea that I’m trying to apologize to anyone. More like I’m simply doing something healthy by going out of my comfort zone. If anything I’d say they’re the ones with most of the apologizing to do. Nobody needs to ass kiss to anyone in this thread. It’s just for sharing what we like about women (challenging as it may be) in celebration of a holiday, nothing more or less.
  20. Very good point. I can’t relate completely with being less emotional because I myself have always been quite the emotional mosquito. Perhaps even more so than a typical female on some days. But on top of them generally being more emotional than us, they also have to deal with periods every month which makes their already roller coaster ride of emotions ten times worse! For a large chunk of them it’s an incredibly painful process. AND it’s an embarrassing taboo that they have to hide as best they can. All this while still being required to carry out their daily duties. Massive round of applause for that one.
  21. I can think of some times when they did in the past, not so much as of lately. But the fact that I’m almost never around any might have something to do with it Can’t live with em, can’t live without em To get into it here would defeat the entire intention of this thread. But I have plenty of reasons. For now let’s leave it at Except I haven’t said anything they’ve done wrong. That’s not what I’m doing right now. But I see where you’re coming from. Totally fair. Just try to understand how difficult it is for me to talk nicely about women. I’m fighting against years of deeply misogynistic thinking here. This really is my best attempt. The reason I said that stuff that makes it sound like I’m not being fully genuine is because I’m trying to strike a delicate balance. I don’t wanna get too close to full on woman-worshipping simp while still distancing as far as possible from hardcore incel level misogyny. This protects me from feeling like a simp and makes the thread easier for others like me to pop in and make positive contributions comfortably. I did say “as long as it’s not TOO brutal” meaning we’re allowed to take friendly jabs at each other but no more maliciously than what you’d see among groups of good friends. In a perfect world the genders would be able to tease one another without it turning ugly. @Bazooka Jesus did it well by making that boner joke about me having hard feelings, and by saying they can be bitches but they’re also wonderful. That’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about. Don’t underestimate the power of a perfect song at the right moment. Even if singing and composing music was the only thing they ever gave to the world, that would still be enough for them to be lovable. It’s far from all they do for us, but it happens to be my favorite. Probably still would be even if I was getting laid all the time.
  22. I’ve been cursed with such a fantasy because some bitch threatened to do just that when I was trolling her back in jr high. Might not be quite as fun as I thought once I actually experience it. Some day I’ll order an escort and put it to the test. For me i don’t think it has anything to do with past life experiences, but I could be wrong Im kind of in the same boat as you at the moment. Fully embracing all the weird stuff and putting nofap on hold until I regain the strength to get back on track. Ive laughed uncontrollably after fapping a few times but it’s not common. Lately I’ve been doing animal faps. Where right at the climax i make a different animal noise according to the day of the week. Sunday is dog day, Monday is monkey day, Tuesday is horse day, Wednesday is pig day, Thursday is turkey day, Friday is cow day and Saturday is caturday (cat day) Pretty fun way to spice it up Not really sure about the deeper reasons why people have kinks. It’s not always due to some trauma so I think it’s a pretty complicated topic. More research is needed