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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Tell me how you manifested some or all of your strongest desires by nothing more than using this technique, share the methods you used. Please don’t come in here and say you used the technique alongside other non related actions to get what you wanted. Because that invalidates the effectiveness that people claim of LoA. You either used this technique exclusively to make your dream life show up at your doorstep effortlessly or it wasn’t the technique at all that got you the result, it was the physical work you did. I haven’t given this my fullest yet. My mind keeps getting occupied with other stuff. So from this point forward, I’m going all in. Non stop affirmations thousands of times per day. I’ll start with something simple. ”I have a hot and open minded girlfriend.” x ♾ I will be repeating this sentence to myself until the words sound like pure gibberish. I will be thinking this one line like a damn mental patient until my brain hurts from the incessant and unrelenting repetition. Let this be the ultimate test to determine if miracles are actually possible. Cliched as this may be, if someone like me can pull this off, absolutely anyone can. At best, the hero gets the girl and we ride into the sunset. At worst, I feel like the biggest dumbass in the universe for wasting my time on hocus pocus malarkey. Not a bad gamble. I’ll give it till the end of summer to yield something glorious
  2. Thank you, that’s what I’ve been saying. Females are clearly nowhere even remotely close to as horny as we are, even though they say they’re the much hornier ones. I made a thread on exactly that topic and it got locked for “spreading fear around dating”. It’s not spreading fear, it’s reality. If there are alligators in a river, it’s not fear mongering to warn people of that, it’s simply telling them there are alligators in there because that’s an extremely important thing to know. Getting good at pulling girls is the single most agonizingly difficult challenge that the human organism can possibly attempt.
  3. Title says it all. (inspired by @Bazooka Jesus‘ weirdest songs thread) ⚠️DO NOT WATCH WHILE TRIPPING!⚠️
  4. Bro I cannot thank you enough for this post. Thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart! That’s exactly what I’ve been wanting to hear this whole time. Most of the replies I’ve gotten so far have basically asked why I’m trying to die to get laid instead of just doing it here, and advice on how I might make that happen. Of course I appreciate all the help I can get, but that’s not why I’m here, that’s what the dating sub is for. Obviously I’m never getting all the hot pussy I want in this life, even Leo admitted it indirectly. He said you have to build elite social circles and do all this ridiculously challenging shit that’s not even slightly feasible for many of us in order to pull the hottest girls consistently. For some reason, I must have decided to come into this life for the experience of wanting something more than any human can possibly desire and being denied it despite my strongest determination to get it. Infinite thanks to you for helping me confirm that anything at all is possible once I’m out of the simulation. First thing I’m doing when I die is an exact rerun of this life, only next time, God mode and full retention of my former self and memory of this current life. Infinite speed, strength, intelligence, shapeshifting and teleportation, telekinesis, indestructibility, ability to turn my powers on and off at will + anything else I need. Once that gets boring I’m paying Elsa and Anna from Frozen a little visit. The possibilities after death are absolutely infinite! There isn’t even close to any conceivable such thing as there being any kind of limit at all whatsoever. My God I am so fucking excited I can’t contain it 🤩
  5. Fixed it for ya I’m literally too stupid to understand your parody. I remember talking like that, but why did you say “end this earthly existence right now and put me in the body of a superhuman entity who can ensure that emotionalmosquito is forced to live lifetimes of the most painful, 24/7 excruciating loneliness.” But then, “Please please please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look inside yourselves and think about the world you've created where some men are forced into loneliness while others get to have what he has.” It sounds like you’re saying you want to put me through many more lifetimes of the same, then you say please think about this world someone has created where others get to have what I don’t? I don’t know whether you were serious about my lack being due to self sabotage, but it absolutely isn’t. That’s just the way this current life has permanently solidified itself. I’d love for it not to be, but the fact of the matter is the only way I’ll ever get to taste abundance of good pussy is to get the fuck out of this shit show and create my own.
  6. As long as she’s beautiful I am prepared to face any abuse other than things that cause permanent injury or legal challenges. It’s not like I have to stay with her forever
  7. Respect for actually having a functioning sense of humor, unlike the girls. They would not be very happy if I told them that irl
  8. What exactly did you say to her word for word when you first met?
  9. LOL dude I thought about posting that one. No wonder she broke up The Beatles
  10. One thing I keep hearing from Christians -and sounds like a fairy good point- is that the Bible has predicted several things that are currently happening. Escalating war, increasing frequency of natural disasters, Euphrates river drying up, progression towards a globalized government, even the moon turning red. Apparently the Bible says the moon is supposed to turn red right before the end times and they’ve recently found rust at the north and south poles. Whats the explanation to that?
  11. @Princess Arabia yeah ok Stacy
  12. Not sure what the AOC is in Paris. But here in the states it goes as low as 16 in some places. If she’s legal, she’s legal. That’s really all there is to it. Just make damn sure she really is the age she claims to be. If she actually turns out to be underage, drop her like a hot potato immediately. Even if she’s old enough people will still hate on you for it, but that’s just human nature to bitch about stuff they don’t understand. People are so up in arms about the whole age thing most of society finds it creepy to date an 18yo at any age over 21.
  13. Second bump because I need to remember to watch this later, go out and try it then post results here
  14. Lol how do ya figure? heres a couple more contenders the top one is straight fire
  15. Bro cannot be serious right now! If so, that is the best, most freeing thing I’ve ever heard. I’m about to go crazy. You gonna be the one to bail me out of jail and pay for my lawyer?
  16. Yes because you're a leech. Change that. Whether they’re a burger flipper or a NEET they do? Notice how you didn’t say “The most successful WORKERS say whatever the fuck is on their minds.” You said, “The most successful men say whatever the fuck is on their minds.” Think about what you just told me. So if I have thoughts (and I often do) about if the girl has ever miscarried, and if she’d ever be interested in making a smoothie out of one, or thoughts like telling her she should volunteer herself to human trafficking because at least then she’d be doing nothing but fulfilling her primary function in this life, that I should actually say that stuff? You did say the most successful men say whatever the fuck is on their minds and women love it. I have a lot more to say, but this is the main thing I want answered.
  17. Well that’s the beauty of RA’s. It’s designed for people like me who have an incredibly difficult time getting on the right frequency and believing it is done. By saying one or a few lines in your head incessantly, you block out everything else, including all the opposite stuff. Of course no one will be perfect right away. As long as your affirmations far outweigh the negative stuff it should work.
  18. Oooh this is a fun thread
  19. In that case women are the ultimate zen teachers. Only they don’t just watch you walk in, they point you in that direction and enjoy watching you fall in
  20. That's very dark. Yes it is. And there goes my last remaining hope of ever achieving the one thing I want more than anything else in this life. See you on the other side, fellas.... UNLESS! I can manifest hot girls using robotic affirmations. The practice is to simply repeat phrases like, “I have all the beautiful women I ever wanted. I have all the beautiful women I ever wanted. I have all the beautiful women I ever wanted.” 100x 1000x 1,000,000, over and over again until reality has no choice but to make it so. Apparently there’s a large and dedicated community of people who absolutely swear this works and have success stories.
  21. Well then the goal should be to become a narcissist/sociopath. Really sucks that there’s barely any available info on how to actually become one. All you’ll find is how to “heal” from it or how to avoid those people. It’s a damn shame really because not only would having a mental illness of that nature get you all the girls, it would also make life ten times more fun. There’d be no pesky self-awareness holding you back with insecurity, meaning almost drunken levels of inhibition. Also, narcissists and sociopaths are notorious for abusing women to the point of suicidal depression, which they absolutely deserve. Maybe microdosing alcohol could be a good practice for a pickup beginner. You could use it until you learn to integrate that more open, free state into your being. I’m not insecure because of my financial state. If someone thinks I’m lame for it, fuck that prick with a cactus. Idc. My insecurity stems from the fear of women punishing me with real world consequences because she was disgusted by my personality, this has happened several times. All they have to do is claim harassment and you’re in big trouble. Woman’s word vs man’s word, who do you think wins over the crowd? Another insecurity is that I can’t fully say the things or react in the ways I genuinely want to when they act like total bitches. To do so would get me in very serious trouble. So I have to just take the hit and move on like a good little boy. I do not forgive easily if at all.
  22. Is that a fancy way of saying free will is an illusion? Owen just did a live stream where he claims to have seen flat broke guys get hot girls
  23. Alternate thread title: Traveling to the Andromeda Galaxy on an Exercise Bike
  24. A new thing has come up: “Robotic affirmations”. You see, in the other thread you said to me “If you are poor but set an intention to change that, made a decision to become wealthy, change your identity, see it in your minds eye, start to vibrate on the same frequency, act as if you're already wealthy and keep that frequency, water it, stay there and stay there and stay there no matter what the outer conditions tell you, you will start to see changes in your outer world.” The robotic affirmations technique is designed to get you your desires without needing to believe they will appear or get on the right frequency or any of that extra complication. All you do is repeat your affirmations in your head over and over and over, nothing more. Apparently it’s insanely effective and people are getting crazy results with it. This just might be the final ingredient!
  25. @Phoenix Garfield thats awesome. If only I could have nightly vivid dreams where I’m getting freaky with the best of the best, then I wouldn’t even care about not having it in real life. Love that. That’s the kind I’m looking for What evidence do you have that desires can be manifested through visualization alone? Take solace in knowing I can die a very happy man for having experienced the greatest glory known to me, that’s what. It would also give me a very powerful fapping memory and possibly remove my proclivity to porn consumption. If sex really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, why is there so much rape? Why is human trafficking a thing? Why is sexuality used to sell products? Why is there eight billion people on earth? Why are there sex addicts? Why is prostitution such a big business? What’s with the ubiquitous obsession? Where words alone fail, this song does a pretty good job explaining it