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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. That’s what I’ve been saying, just in different words. I’ve always said, “if they won’t let you fuck them, fuck with them.”
  2. This is exactly the same mentality as when emotionally abusive parents yell at you about how they’ve put a roof over you, fed you and looked after you your whole life anytime you bring up any element of mistreatment coming from them. The problem with that goes without saying. Even if I’m grateful for being birthed into existence by a woman, is that it? Is that a good enough starting point to build your case that women are some kind of sacred angels? We start our life coming out of a vagina, the bare minimum other women can do for us after that is let us back in. Apparently that’s too much to ask for approximately 63 percent of young men today. And to say that’s ALL our own fault is ridiculous. Believe me, there’s just as much of that going on in reverse. Women have their own circles of the internet where they complain about male behavior just like we do. The difference is they’re taken more seriously by the general public than we are. When women complain about us, it’s our fault. When we complain about women, it’s our fault. That’s fucked. What makes you think this? The world is full of women that don’t give a single fuck about men’s issues because they believe it’s nothing compared to their’s. Then they use that belief to love, respect and look after each other far more than they do for us because they think they already have the short end of the stick.
  3. That’s because people don’t know how to fornicate properly. That’s like saying deluxe, five star cheesecakes aren’t as good as people say they are when you’re just mindlessly shoving the whole slice down your hatch in less than a minute instead of slowing down to smell it, appreciate it and savor every moment of it. Mindful sex to someone who’s been deprived their whole life is like a vacation straight to the kingdom of God.
  4. I mean who would derive an objectively greater amount of pleasure from having her. You could even measure it by looking at their brain waves. The person who needs it more because they’ve never had it will obviously enjoy it more. This is a problem because we keep being told to start loving ourselves and enjoying life first and only then will the women appear. But by then it won’t be as special to us because we’re already feeling as good as we need. That’s why I think we need an international girlfriend redistribution campaign to bring justice to the dating market. Still waiting on someone to answer this. I greatly hope it isn’t true but nobody has disproven it yet.
  5. Then why is it that in Southeast Asia you can literally just walk up, start a conversation, show that you’re friendly and boom, instant girlfriend. In the West, it’s hundreds of times more complicated than that.
  6. The only answer I really really want a million times more than any other. Is knowing this too much to ask?
  7. Who’s idea was it to make our bodies require food and water? It’s annoying, expensive and extremely inconvenient. Why is it illegal to go out in public in our most natural form? Why do white knights always have to start shit when they notice me flirting with girls? Why do girls grab onto our shoulders right before they knee us in the balls? Why does “being yourself” rarely ever turn out well for some people? If sex is an evolutionary driving force then why do people have bizarre kinks that make zero sense evolutionarily speaking? Why can’t we be convinced (and it actually be the case) that after physical death we get to do absolutely whatever the fuck we want with infinite power and no limits whatsoever? If you put a happy person radiating pure love in a room full of evil people, that loving person becomes prey. If you put an evil person in a room full of loving people, those loving people become prey. So why do people say love is the most dominant force when obviously it’s the opposite? Why can’t we attract girls just by making weird noises and dancing around while laughing hysterically and having a great time? Why do we consume our food socially but expel our food privately? Why are my fellow men still ignorant enough to get suckered into marriage? What types of products could you make from extracting the constituents of menstrual fluid? If sex is so enjoyable then why don’t people laugh like goobers during it? Why are the most horrifically embarrassing situations also the absolute funniest?
  8. Except for getting kicked out of the club, that’s a pretty big thing to lose. All it takes is one tiny mistake if you’re a guy. Someone on here got kicked out just for whispering something in a girl’s ear. I’d want to believe people are just unreasonably strict in my area, but he lives in Scotland and I’ve heard similar stories from elsewhere. Forget about having great vibes and being super expressive, how the fuck are we supposed to simply just keep calm knowing how thin the ice we’re standing on is?
  9. Something else interesting is in the guidelines it heavily emphasizes this is not a free speech zone. But in my experience there’s much more free speech here than in the YouTube comments, oddly enough. Some of the controversial stuff I’ve posted here about men’s dating and sexism gets auto deleted when I try to discuss it under YouTube videos.
  10. I may not be full of self love or anything, but I’m also nowhere close to being self hating. I have way too much hatred directed at everyone else and most of the world to have any leftover for myself since I’m not the one that did anything wrong. All I ever did was be myself and all it has gotten me is permanent virginity. But let’s say I magically wake up tomorrow with maximum self love and tons of happiness resulting from it. Then there won’t be nearly as much bliss in getting laid as there would have been had I gotten it when I really needed it. The whole point of doing anything is to fill a void. Food doesn’t taste good at all when you’re already full. There would be no point in building a fire if your house already had a good heating system, etc. I’ll leave you with this: Who do you think would get a better experience out of having a hot girlfriend; an ultra horny, basement dwelling NEET who hasn’t seen a woman in person for years, or a high status, fully self actualized alpha who can get all the girls he wants and has had plenty?
  11. Excellent statement. But I’d say most of his “madness” was for a good purpose, to wake people up like you said. His antics are exactly the type of things I’d be doing if ever became an online persona. He is truly one of a kind and I’d love to shake hands some day.
  12. @OBEler is it just the videos or is bringing him up at all a no no?
  13. Girls have this reaction all the time. What if the guy here was having a great time and feeling secure in his skin when he said whatever the thing out of left field was?
  14. But Leo, if I don’t think, I’ll end up saying something distasteful and dark and that’ll scare her off just as much as nervousness will. That being said, sometimes I intentionally say bad stuff just to get a rise out of her because having a girl pissed off and disgusted with you is much more of a W than her thinking ur a pussy. Because then you don’t have to feel the self betrayal of not being yourself since at least you stayed true to your authenticity What if what you find amusing makes girls feel icky? It’s weird how they’ll have no problem LOLing at twisted humor on shows like South Park and family guy then they’ll run away when a guy talks about the same stuff in person. I also don’t think state transference is as powerful as people say. Sure it works sometimes but it’s incredibly unreliable. Your choice of words and the remarks you make are just as important and sometimes more. Otherwise this wouldn’t happen all the damn time ⬇️⬇️
  15. The consequence should be she gets the exact number of years he would have gotten if found guilty. False accusations ruin lives. Nowhere near enough. Name one case where a woman was charged for falsely accusing. Social consequences aren’t good enough, otherwise this wouldn’t still be happening as much as it is. So we need to start giving women the same number of years the man would’ve gotten if he had actually done it.
  16. This is why you only approach in places where there’s a camera on you or wear a hidden body cam if you have to. That way when this happens you can punch right back and see how they like it! The camera footage is important so you can prove it was provoked if it comes to that. Like this guy It is beyond outrageous that girls can get away with this so easily and it’s becoming more and more normalized, then if you give one little slap back you’ve got an army of simps swarming your ass. It’s disgustingly sexist and not okay by any stretch. Seriously, how long is it gonna be before someone gets kneed in the balls and throws up all over the floor, assuming that hasn’t happened to anyone here already? That’s a career ender right there. It’s equal rights equal fights
  17. About as easy as conquering Everest as an elderly, obese chainsmoker with covid and influenza
  18. Since reality is infinite and everything is imagined into being, why wouldn’t it be? If you’ve seen my threads on the dating sub you might know my craving to have a whole bunch of sex with lots of people is powerful enough to create a googol multiverses If channeled. Problem is, I’m stuck in this dense, 3d prison reality in which every single aspect of life is set up in a way to prevent me from achieving my one true purpose for existence as much and effectively as it possibly can. Maybe I imagined this experience for myself, maybe I chose this life before being born. Idk. All I know is I regret immensely my decision to be born into or whatever caused this pathetic, worthless pile of pig shit excuse of an existence where I’m not even allowed the one thing I long for more than anything in the universe. So my question here is: Is it possible (and easily doable) to create your own world after death while keeping all your memories and ego from this life that way you can experience everything you were denied here once you’ve crossed over? I know that since everything that is is imaged into being by us all, technically there must be some way to create all the sexiness I want while in this life, but the amount of work it takes to make things happen in this reality is highly unacceptable. If I’m god and I created everything, it should be very possible to get all the women I could ever dream of easily and without all the years of mental and emotional torment of trial and error. Death should make that a whole lot easier because it’s like a great reset; an opportunity to actualize my needs and desires because I’d have much more creative ability since I’m temporarily outside the laws of physicality. The only utility of this life is that it has shown me exactly what and who I want. So now my only hope is being able to keep all those memories and desires after death while remaining with the exact same ego I’ve developed so I can have everything fulfilled once I’ve returned to the pure, creative power of the great beyond. Im asking this here in hopes of getting some insight from some people who remember past lives, have navigated some of the territories of the great beyond or know how to design future lives based on desires from this one. And if anyone has experienced higher dimensional sex with feminine entities, tell me all about what that’s like in great detail and how you achieved it Disclaimer: This is not a suicide post. I have no intention of killing myself anytime soon. Not within the next five years at least. But you’d have to be a clinical moron to take this bullshit life on earth over having all you want of these bitches, imo
  19. Show me your full blown spiritual enlightenment and 30 million dollars. Where are they? Why the hell do you think that someone calling something a limiting belief means they have to have the thing that the limiting belief is preventing? What kind of logic is that? Other people get girlfriends without jobs sometimes. If they can, I can. To think I can’t get hot girls without working because I’m not “that guy” is one hell of a limiting belief. If they can, I want to as well. And you’re saying I’m the unintelligent one 🤨 You also say my fucked up thoughts are just a coping mechanism and not authentic? How do you have the audacity to say something I ENJOY DOING is not authentic? That’s the main ongoing problem here that I need to make a new thread about on the main board. People keep parroting be yourself and be authentic then when someone like me actually does it they shift the goal post by saying I wasn’t doing it in the right way or some bullshit like that
  20. Just made me think of this beat and video as a fitting theme Sounds like fun! Count me in. That should solve my girl situation, or lack thereof
  21. I do not know. My best guess is either A) He likes to stroke himself off to the sight of our suffering caused by him not giving us our greatest desires in the universe when he very much has all the power to. Or B) Because I haven’t repeated my affirmation “I have a hot and open minded girlfriend” enough times. If it’s A), I’d love nothing more than God to embody the entirety of itself into the daughter in this video so I can be the dad. At the risk of this getting me warning points. I don’t fucking care anymore. I’m done. I’m just honestly expressing how I feel. (Venting is allowed) I want the fullness of everything that God is to incarnate itself into a young teen girl so I can have the experience of being her dad mercilessly beating the absolute fucking tits off her while enjoying all of her little screams of distress as payback for not giving me the harem of super hotties I so rightfully deserve! And I want my audience to be every girl who has ever acted bitchy with me, ever rejected me or ever will Man you sure are right about the pickup community constantly telling us bs. Owen just dropped a video about the importance of being an “unhinged idiot” I have no words
  22. @numbersinarow The plan is to consistently achieve one of the two. Since God is all powerful, He should be able to make that happen pretty easily if He really does exist.
  23. That’s one hell of a limiting belief if I’ve ever heard one. You might as well start telling people they’ll never reach enlightenment. You say life is about elevating and good vibes and having fun, but for most people those are only possible with a job????? Jobs are the polar opposite of fun unless you’re super lucky. The best I’ve ever felt in my life was when I was not working. The worst I’ve felt was when I was. The second worst I’ve ever felt is my current state. There’s no reason to think I will feel more confident just from wage cucking away at Starbucks or McDonald’s. When you’re working you have all these rules and restrictions you have to follow. Not working, you have the freedom to be as you are and express fully all the time. I don’t how being what amounts to a human tampon is supposed to help my self worth. I literally feel much better not working and not having money than facing the disrespect that those places are packed with, because I’ve been through it. If nothing else, just answer the following: If money and feeling like a god is what I need, how do you explain Elliot Rodger’s inceldom? He had way more than enough money AND you can clearly see he felt like a God by watching his day of retribution video. Lastly, why do you keep saying my fucked up thoughts are coming from low iq? It’s no secret im not the sharpest, but saying fucked up thoughts are an indicator of that is retarded. Are the creators of South Park or people who make high quality, well produced horror movies low IQ?
  24. There are virtually no good women when you’re cursed into a small town. As for the select few, good luck cold approaching them without getting a negative stigma of being the creepy pickup guy. The final nail in the coffin is not all of us are capable of moving. You might think I’m in victim mentality or avoiding responsibility when I say that. But if you were in my shoes you’d think very differently very quickly. Yes, but there’s way more to it than just that. You have to be PERFECT in your talking to even have a microscopic chance of getting somewhere close to arriving at the possibility of pulling her home. That guy had probably been practicing his whole life. I am trying really really hard to convince myself of that. @Shodburrito I agree with most of that. Only difference is I think it is possible to get a girl by your personality alone, just highly unlikely When people like OP come along sharing success stories, no matter how hard I try to feel happy for them and motivated by their success, instead all I have is oceans of unbearably intense jealousy with no end in sight. Does it help me? No. Do I have any way of getting rid of it? No.