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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Of course! Ta-daaaa! Which is why the wise are celibate hermits. This is confirmed by countless pickup practitioners including Leo himself. Also: “Women are more conscious” is a thing you hear a lot. So which is it? The only thing you could say for these to both be true is that since they’re already closer to God by being more conscious they naturally don’t need to be as interested in this type of stuff. What about yogis, hippy chicks and people like Skylife? Are women like these few in numbers or are most of them just doing it to be trendy for Instagram or something?
  2. That perfectly describes my relationship with kratom
  3. That’s a straw man. Anyone can conceive of much worse fates. But suffering is a spectrum and that happens to be the worst I’ve got going on right now. It’s worse because it’s chronic and ruthless, unlike temporarily feeling hurt by some douchebag player who promised a relationship only to use you for a night.. Not only that but the game is rigged against us in such a way that we’re automatically assumed to be a threat until proven otherwise. Then there’s the valid worry of making one wrong move when it comes to physical escalation because it can cause legal consequences, pickup is supposed to be an act of flirting with women, not with sexual harassment lawsuits. When mistakes do cause us big trouble, we get fully blamed and told to improve instead of any attention getting placed on the sexist system itself. The issue goes far deeper than just not getting laid. No. Nothing at all. Same with everyone. What we call our “self” is just an outer projection of what we think we are, such as thoughts, feelings, preferences etc. But at the deepest level we’re nothingness, right? That’s what everyone who masters meditation says
  4. Why aren’t more people understanding that the years of emotional torment it takes just to get the hang of talking to girls is easily worse than whatever betrayal a girl might feel from being tricked into bed? Any guy who has developed this legendary skill should feel entitled to use it whenever and however guilt free. He went through hell to get there. The girl can easily find one of hundreds of other guys who’re not only ready and willing to fuck, but also stick around the morning after. They can do this a hundred times more easily than the average guy can get laid at all.
  5. I used to have something similar going on in my adolescent and early teen years. I thought girls’ bodies and voices were irresistible but the pussy itself looked creepy, almost alien like
  6. Shoot the message, not the messenger
  7. There is only one correct answer. The only time sex can be considered evil is when it comes in the form of rape. The other potential “evils” you’ve listed are quite trivial in comparison to the ridiculous amount of work, stress and unfair treatment you have to endure to get good at getting laid
  8. @MarkKol Ain’t no way bro seriously just said girls don’t care what you say. “Hey sexy bitch, you wanna make a generous donation of fresh period to my spank bank? Maybe lemme borrow a pair of dirty panties for a few minutes? Also I have ungodly amounts of hatred and resentment towards the female gender for putting me through a lifetime of rejection and giving me shitty attitudes just for being myself, so I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d let me beat your ass senseless without getting the cops involved afterwards. That way I can have the sweet release I deserve and you get the justice you deserve.” (just making a point) If they really don’t care what you say as you claim, then what’s the problem with saying stuff like this as long as you’re enjoying yourself whilst saying it?
  9. Very strongly disagree
  10. Is coming at the trump shooting from this angle grounds to being deemed low quality? Is he wrong?
  11. I’ve been hard locked in the revenge on women paradigm for years now. It’s so strong I don’t see any possible escape. Btw, cat fishing or getting a girl wildly in love with you then cheating are much better forms of revenge than ghosting. Not that I’ve ever done those or would recommend them. The revenge mindset is extremely difficult to get rid of
  12. Do you think it’s necessary to do laugh maxxing at all? Cuz some laughs are more attractive than others
  13. >tfw no super hot pleiadian bitch to abduct me into the galactic federation of coochie
  14. Is there a dark mode feature? If not that would be a valuable thing to add. So much easier on the eyes
  15. Come in here and ask things about the forum or something you might want to know and maybe get them answered. I have three currently: I made a thread on the dating sub about Connor Murphy’s video about using VR for sexual fulfillment that seems to have been deleted. First time to my knowledge I’ve had a thread full on deleted instead of just locked. Why is that? More specifically, are we not allowed to mention anything having to do with him or was it just because the topic itself was unacceptable for some reason? Whats the point of having a warning points system if anyone can just be perma banned without warning at any point? That makes it feel more like a bar in here than an online discussion board. I don’t know how we’re supposed to know we’re fucking up that badly if we don’t even have any points or at least a verbal warning beforehand. (tbf I have seen Leo give those a few times) I’ve posted things here that I’ve wondered whether or not would get me some points, yet I remain with zero luckily. So it would be useful to know a little more about that. Is there a push notification function to this forum? If not, have you considered adding one?
  16. 5. Joker 4. V for Vendetta 3. Rampage 2. American Beauty 1. Cloud Atlas
  17. Anybody who can watch this nightmare of a film AND enjoy it while on acid has the biggest balls in the universe. One of the rape scenes is almost unbearable to sit through even for me totally sober. Not a good pick for a movie night date with a new girlfriend, or while tripping
  18. Quite a sizable chunk of people absolutely swear by this shit I’ve never cared to try any of these because I don’t want a specific person, just any hot chick will do as long as she’s not psycho. It’s worth a shot I suppose
  19. Rip that goddamn thing out of my head already! I’d give anything to have it removed. You can live just fine without it. Better even, much better. All my amygdala has ever done is fuck up my entire life with ungodly amounts of anger and hatred stemming from fear. You don’t NEED fear. You can understand logically how to avoid danger
  20. I’m gonna have to say yes on this one, and my answer has nothing to do with whether or not he’s causing the problems in the relationship. But because getting married with all the information about how biased the divorce courts are against men, getting married is among the stupidest things you can do as a man.
  21. I think 16-17 is fair enough. The way it is in most of the US
  22. Approach a girl that already looks too young, look at her for a second and say “nah never mind. You look a bit too old.”
  23. I tried it one time and never cared to touch it again. Crushed up a rock and did a three inch line one third at a time over the course of 90 minutes to gauge its effects as it came on. It did practically nothing other than make me feel slightly more calm and keep me up laughing all night. Took 24 hours to feel completely back to normal. I was expecting to feel like superman and was greatly disappointed.
  24. That would be excellent news, too bad it ain’t even close to true. Here are some counterintuitive (and very fun) ideas to attract a woman: - Dancing around like a madman while laughing your ass off in front of her - Being extremely insulting and emotionally abusive to her - Uninvited groping - Talking about “weird” stuff you might be interested in All these are counterintuitive ways to attract. They’re obviously highly counterintuitive because who in their right mind would think these methods would work instead of getting you arrested/beat up at worst and avoided at best? These are also fun ways some of us might like to “be ourselves” because we’d genuinely enjoy doing them. Being yourself is another thing most people claim is the most effective way to get girls. So why don’t any of these types of things ever succeed in getting pussy if being counterintuitive is so sexy?
  25. The only reason it seems like a burn is because I didn’t mention I already knew that. I know Leo doesn’t hate women, he probably doesn’t hate anyone. He simply made a true comment that I have no problem with. Almost there. I’ve very little will to turn back to love at this point.