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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Recontextualize! Try to find ways it could be the most beautiful thing instead of grim and morbid. No more pain, stress, worry, anxiety etc. And imagine that your loved ones would be in this state of total freedom and be so fully at peace that nothing you could do or not do would disappoint or shame. One way to think about it is that it doesn't even make sense to fear death because once the brain stops functioning it can no longer produce that fear. But then again most people can't just reason their way out of fear so like Karla said, google the shit out of it and see what you can find. Also, think of it this way; if we lived forever without any chance of death, then eventually we would be begging to die just out of sheer boredom. I think this mortal anxiety you're facing will in time and with enough spiritual work, do a full 180 reverse such that it will become a source of joy and inspiration that will actually help you live a productive and fulfilling life.
  2. Here we have two examples of orange attacking green. Not that he doesn't have some good points, but Elliott built his entire career based on orange and has recently made the jump to green so naturally many are pissed off.
  3. Previously posted in the blue thread but decided it belongs here instead. Hank Hill is a classic example of blue but in this picture he's gone full orange. Hope it's relevant.
  4. @28 cm unbuffed I don't think its psychedelics, he's already made several videos about that. My guess would be something like electronic brain stimulation.
  5. Joplin Missouri US New years eve night. A buddy and I went for swim to practice the wim hof method.
  6. @Tony 845 http://biologyofkundalini.com/ Read this free ebook if you haven't. It's the most helpful resource for working with kundalini that I've read so far. It goes into great detail about what exactly is happening in your body as well as many techniques to help soothe.