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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. @Thomas_VH It does seem like quite the waste of energy at times. The thing is, the forum we're talking about here is occupied by different types of folks with many different world views, mostly depending on what branch of the forum you're on. So it's not really all orange. I've seen very advanced ways of thinking there. And the person in question, by my knowledge of SD would rank at high orange. The place seems like fertile ground for discussion of new ideas. Knowing these things makes me feel like something productive could come of it.
  2. "To make whole, be whole." Just the sound of that guy's voice alone is like a low level anti anxiety medication
  3. Do social challenges as mentioned in Leo's "how to not give a fuck what people think" video. But get creative and make up lots of your own. Some of my favorites ones are: approaching people and asking "What are you all talking about?" Even if it's just one person alone. give genuine compliments When shopping, as you pull an item from the shelf, ask someone nearby if it's okay with them if you purchase said item. Or even harder, ask someone in front of or behind you at checkout if they'll buy a few of your groceries for you. If you want you can add to it by smiling and saying jk...unless the answer is yes! lol (Surprisingly this has actually worked for me a couple times.) This one is on a whole other level and should only be attempted if you've already become comfortable with the previous challenges and live in a decent sized city. (If your town's population is only 5000 or under you might start to make a name for yourself with stunts like these which can be bad if you aren't prepared for it.) Burst through the doors of one of your local hot spots on a Saturday night, use a loud enough voice to grab everyone's attention and announce how buff you are as you flex and start doing push-ups. This can be replaced with dance, Thai chi etc if you'd rather. Cold exposure is another great area to stretch the comfort zone. Most people can turn there shower fully to cold for ten seconds at the end of the wash. That's a good place to start but try to work up to regular ice water submersions preferably with a friend for safety. It takes the utmost mental fortitude to dedicate to this extreme as a long term practice but it's so worth it. The health benefits are absolutely insane. Lastly and perhaps the most shocking is a little thing I call "erotic reflections". It's basically just masturbating to your own image in the mirror. Take several deep breaths centering yourself in the moment. Shake your body all around or use some physical grounding technique to kill off any bad energy you can. Do not skip this step, you will need it. Most likely you'll be unable to get into the flow at first so you can look the other way to prime your engine then look back at yourself whilst keeping it alive to finish the task. For females this might be more complicated, not sure. If necessary you can start with having a picture or audio track of something that turns you on. Lay the picture beside the sink and refer down to it as many times as you need. However, as you near the finish line be sure to look up and gaze deeply and softly into your eyes. Do not rush through it as if you're just trying to get it over with; but also don't go too slow and lose the arousal. Feel it out and find a nice balance. The ego will fight you to the death on this one, pulling every trick in the book to make you give up. Push through it and complete the mission. It's important to make it all the way at least once, that way you know you can do it again and again getting a little easier each time. You want to build up to being able to do this unassisted as soon as you can. If practiced persistently, the brain will have no choice but to re-wire itself to a state more conducive to self love while your confidence levels will be upgraded. Erotic Reflections has been field tested and I've seen considerable results. Anecdotal but promising.
  4. NoNutNovember Channeling the chi upwards Nearly half way there A great joy death is Mankind is so obsolete God please end us all Plunge in frozen lakes To build strength through elements It works like a charm
  5. Alien chicks be lookin hella thicc when you're weeks into nofap
  6. What would be an example of high consciousness porn, teal swan's model pics?' @Light Lover Fapping and starving are as different as night and day. Have you ever given it a fair trial, like gone more than three weeks at a time since your first wank?
  7. So say you reach the point where you can imagine a completely different reality and fully assimilate into it. What if someone comes along seeing you in a catatonic state and drugs you with an anti psychotic like Thorazine or lithium and suddenly you find yourself right back here. Wouldn't that alone prove this reality is the more real one? Or would such a high level of consciousness render those drugs ineffective? People are brought back from heroic dose psy trips that way all the time. I don't understand how being pulled out of a different world unexpectedly after perhaps an equivalence of decades of living a different life then slowly re-remembering everything about this reality just like high dose trip come downs could be just more imagination. I realize this question is heavily framed in dualistic notions of separateness but i need to know. I really want what was said in this video to be true because I've had trips that have led me to somewhat believe it may be possible.
  8. Really? Isn't that what made them who they were? Surely they had partial access. Is there no way to gain full access while still remaining human, like drift into infinity and return as many times as you need whenever? That might be oversimplified but I thought that's the type of thing we were headed towards. That's pretty hardcore. Dabs are about three x too strong for my liking. I prefer plain flower occasionally.
  9. So the drugs could only work that way if you imagined it to be possible? If you've ascended to the above and beyond like full Buddha or Christ then someone injects you daily with fluoride, meth and other neuro toxins would it still not bring you back down to ordinary consciousness or lower if you don't believe it can? I guess that could make sense since many of us I assume have heard the story of ram das, neem karoli baba and the lsd. But it seems like you could be unenlightened that way considering the use of nootropics, a healthy diet and excercise is essential for this work. You have to cleanse the mind and body to make it easier to realize the true self is beyond mind and body. So wouldn't it work in reverse? LoL ? Never played that particular one. Why, does it do a good job portraying the dreamlike qualities of life?
  10. The body and even more so the mind is very much like a prison for most of us. So by terminating the body, maybe there would be a chance to somewhat control the transition process. Because it's all you and all one anyway right? Does the unenlightened majority lose lucidity between lives rendering them incapable of doing anything other than automatically reincarnating? The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep and book of the dead are two interesting books on this matter. Basically they try to raise their awareness to such a degree that they can remain calm and focused through death thus giving them more control. Which must be what you're saying with enlightenment being the only way out. However, there might still be a way to wiggle out of this self imposed trap between lives even if not fully liberated just by remaining calm and lucid. It would stand to reason because with the power of pure consciousness being heavily filtered through the mind and five senses, each death is probably a massive awakening into infinite potential and freedom. I know all these questions come from the limited ego but it still seems very bizzare that god would put itself under such a curse for the purpose of self dicovery. It's almost like a strict contract. I like to think we're more empowered through this whole process but that might just be more delusion. And that analogy would make sense provided you couldn't just jump out the window while it's open and forget about the stank altogether. But it's probably your own house so you can't. So you mean the open window is between lives, closed is the next physical life, and the stench is the source of suffering, correct? If I understand the analogy properly the open window would be the perfect time to throw out the nasty object.
  11. We can never really die because consciousness is eternal. Fair enough. But why assume suicide wouldn't be an effective escape just because you would transition into something else thus not solving anything? This seems to imply there is some type of system, reincarnation or otherwise which makes it impossible to give up the easy way. Since god has infinite possibilities, transcendent of all laws and logic, you should be able to make the choice to completely unmanifest and "delete" yourself such that you go into the non experience of the atheists view of post death. That doesn't seem possible from our present understanding because there is nothing independent of consciousness but hey god can do anything it wants right?
  12. Is this a troll? Wim looks his age, especially considering the amount of physical strain he's went through.
  13. Super male vitality and hatha yoga
  14. This is one area where Teal Swan specializes. She might be a good resource for you
  15. 1. David goggins 2. Joe rogan 3. Leo gura 4. Wim hof 5. Cassady Campbell
  16. Did I just break the music thread?
  17. Ya. Make damn sure you space out your usage days at least a week in between. The stuff can be a monster to come off of. Pro tip: take 0.5-1g of shroom 60-80mins before your kratom. Wonderful synergy. And always research for possible interactions if you're on other meds.
  18. Well said. When I'm able to push through all the self judgement bullshit and get that pulse to match the beat, it's pure magic! I'll find more stamina than I realized too. The trick is to not take yourself too seriously yet seriously enough to continue long enough to find your "zone" They made a documentary about this stuff called Electronic Awakening. It shows and describes the process of people using music festivals and dance alone to reach higher states of consciousness.
  19. I'd recommend dancing. If the shakes are in fact rooted in emotional/energetic blockages it should be immensely helpful. Any exercise should be helpful but dancing is different. It's like the most free and expressive form of movement. So if you do it, don't worry about what looks cool or not. Turn on your favorite high energy music, move about in every which way and toss yourself around like a madman. Don't limit yourself but also be careful not to injure. Then of course you could do slow dancing or Thai chi style movements.