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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. @PurpleTree How is the thought of attending court not a massive boner kill?
  2. I was never given any warnings, I didn’t even do anything at all to kicked out this most recent time, they just assumed I would based on previous actions, other people do objectively worse and only get sent home for the night. I could have rapped Eminem’s Fack on the karaoke, the song that closes with, “shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube” and had everyone jamming out to it. Hypocrites much? I mean you can’t even do a handstand in a wide open area at this place for fuck sake. Let’s take it from this angle. If I’m sitting there with some bros and I invite a girl over to come chill with us and she opens by asking if we’re open enough to hear something a little wacky and we say yes, then she says something that weirds us out, What’s the kinder thing to do: A. wait for her to leave then say “wow that was one crazy chick” and move on or B. Report her to management trying to screw her over as much as possible? (Assuming the complaint would be at all effective) It’s a typical case of the classic, “Your personality gives me the heebie jeebies therefore there is something wrong with you” People get so shaken up over the dumbest shit you can’t even go apologize because they’re so locked in self defense mode at the near sight of you it’s hopeless to even try. I’m not trying to be mister perfect here, perhaps I didn’t take enough cold showers or meditate enough that day so my energy wasn’t quite right. But I know for a fact I was treated unfairly, the fact that they gave me no warnings says it all. Take this forum for example. Mods will issue you warning points for misbehavior, you get to 20 and you’re banned. That is infinitely more reasonable.
  3. “open-minded” hmm... I can relate to that struggle. If so many more girls are into this stuff than guys, where ya’ll hiding at? I very rarely get a positive response when I open up about such things. If you really are the more spiritual half of humanity that’s great for me but it sure doesn’t look that way. Maybe it’s the area. As for you, I guess just do what Leo says and go to hippie gatherings and take your pick. Shouldn’t be that hard for you to find cargo ship loads of options at places like that. Plus do shadow work and so forth.
  4. Because the court of public opinion has never been wrong in the past. It most definitely appears that way. Give me an example of how I could self express authenticity in an acceptable way. I thought the essence of confidence was being free to act and speak your mind regardless of what people think. If that’s true, isn’t it a contradiction to then say, oh well it has to be in a way the normies find appropriate? I was invited to it. I warned them I was about to go into uncharted territories before proceeding and they said it was fine and they were intrigued. Let me make sure I understand the advice I’ve been given so far: Don’t talk about anything until you have thoroughly probed the person’s mind to understand what they find acceptable or not Do boring small talk at first and see if the person is willing to communicate or not Accurately read body language (which I now know is ineffective because people will put on very convincing acts out of fear I might get mad) Feel good emotions in your body before you talk to someone because they can sense your vibe and they’ll be more open to interact Understand all the social taboos so I’ll know to never speak of them. In what way shape or form could it be any amount of fun to have to restrict yourself to such a tyrannical set of CULTural standards?
  5. I’ve tried tons of other ways for several years and nothing works. Out of those millions of other topics most people are only willing or capable of talking about less than 0.001% of them if you’re lucky. Leo said if you’re good enough at game you can get away with telling a girl you just met you’re going to rape her. If that’s true it really must not be about the words. I’m not stupid enough to try something that extreme so don’t worry. At this rate that’s about as likely as an overweight 60 year old chain smoker with a bad case of covid climbing Mt Everest The way things are going, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s made taboo to talk about mushroom spores or bees pollenating flowers because the process is too similar to something else. It’s far beyond erroneous.
  6. @hamedsf you can say that again
  7. @Arcangelo What? It’s not as nasty as we’ve been made to believe.
  8. This is an underrated post. I like the idea of unblocking energy channels to become a magnet. I reckon I need to get back into a consistent yoga routine
  9. The first one happened almost a year ago today. It was Halloween night and I was wearing a scary costume. When I hear someone say fuck head I think total belligerent, boundary disrespecting, non self aware, obnoxious asshole. But if instead you mean simply lacking social skills, the term loses all meaning due to the overwhelming and rapidly increasing amount of people who fit that description. That’s a shit load of fuck heads. So you were booted for lacking social skills? Who’s in the wrong if that’s the case? If you say it’s you, I fundamentally disagree. Completely agree First sentence yes. Second sentence not really. Im describing what happened exactly as it happened. I do feel victimized but I’m not trying to paint a special picture of it. I was being myself as much as I possibly could have been given the circumstances. Besides, how is it even possible to be anyone other than myself? I mean who else could I have been, Belle Delphine? Apparently all it takes is one person to dislike the self you present and boom, you’re gone. And yet you’ve only been booted from one joint? Please teach me your Jedi mind tricks. Correct. In their mind they’ve justified demonizing me so they don’t have to challenge their tiny paradigm locked reality bubbles. At least that’s how I see it. Why the hell would they be giving me flat out compliments if they were disgusted? Wouldn’t that just add fuel to the fire they’re trying to extinguish? “Dude, you are so weird. Get tf away from us! You do have a cute face though.” WTF Who does that? They clearly were not drunk. It’s not hard to tell. Imagine a world where it is forbidden to speak of the literal building blocks of all human life. That is hilariously absurd. It isn’t just that. I open with a wide variety of topics and more often than not it fails. Do I explicitly ask her what topics are and aren’t acceptable to talk about and bend the direction of the dialogue around that or should I have telepathic abilities so I can just automatically tell? I have nothing in common with most people. LOL! Maybe when we all get neuralinked that will be possible. It pisses me off that I have to learn to flawlessly execute my sets at the risk of being permanently labeled creepy if even the slightest error is made. Where is the open mindedness? Where is the goodness of the human spirit in this case? Incel culture is packed with delusion no doubt but they are right on some things. Most of the guys I see with girlfriends are tall and handsome, with a few exceptions of course. Connor Murphy the six foot four male model body builder gets tons of girls effortlessly even when he acts like a total nut case.
  10. I don’t think it’s a guilt problem I have. More like the opposite, grudge problems. honored to be your 2000th post btw.
  11. Fellas. I literally didn’t do a goddamn thing last night when a got removed. Nothing whatsoever. I was just standing there watching the crowd and trying to psych myself up for action. They suspected I was going to act weird based on my previous visits so that’s why. Even then my only crime was talking about subjects that fall outside the Overton Window. @aurum If by complete fuck head you mean guy trying to push his comfort zones, sure. I was still holding back 90% of what I would have liked to do/say but I guess even that wasn’t enough. Who’s the shady one if I wasn’t issued a single warning even though the staff was fully aware they could and should have? The least they could have done is extending me the courtesy of a three strike policy, but no, i was judged so harshly that ill intent was assumed of me until it was too late. Very much this. Especially the last part. She always seems to be in a bitchy mood so I imagine seeing a guy acting outside the norm was the perfect target to take it out on. I forgot to mention that when I moved to the next door bar, the owner from the first one came in and I started pushing her for answers as respectfully as I knew how. Naturally, this lit her fuse so her and some tweaker crackpot started double teaming me with raised voices and I got accused of being disrespectful for trying to stand up for myself. Mind you I stayed calm and collected throughout. Damn! This reeeealy makes me look like I’m trying to use the victim card and blame everyone else. But I’m just telling the story like it is. How else can I say it?
  12. The only vibes I know are “Get the fuck away from me now” and “I’m enjoying this, keep talking.” Anything in between is like trying to solve advanced college calculus as a 3rd grader @Roy Thx. I think it’s more than just bad luck though because I’ve faced this same demon most of my life. If that’s true then how is it acceptable to have fear when approaching? RSD and even Leo says approach anxiety almost never goes away yet girls can still overlook it because they know the courage it takes. Not my experience at all
  13. @PurpleTree Oh my god that’s hilarious!
  14. One word. FEAR I would give absolutely anything to have my amygdala removed or permanently deactivated. I am far beyond sick and tired of being crippled by False Evidence Appearing Real.
  15. In that case it looks like it’s time for him to give psychedelics a chance. It’s gonna be a hard sell because he’s always prided himself on not needing them because his mindset is already “trippy enough as it is” (paraphrasing) I predict he’ll end up taking the plunge at some point.
  16. Sounds like you’re overdue for a dopamine detox
  17. True. But I bet they fantasize about doing it just as much. They just don’t have the balls to actualize, literally. Girls are devilish to each other in HS.
  18. He blames it on the fact that he only sleeps 3-4 hours a night
  19. https://youtube.com/user/thevixenrox The Himalayan Heretic https://youtube.com/c/naomirosenthal Naomi Rosenthal
  20. @newparadigms Limiting social media usage as much as possible is definitely a good move. Although this channel is more of a put on and listen more than watch. Just like Leo’s vids
  21. Open mindedness Appreciates dark humor Takes her health seriously Doesn’t mind going a few days without showering. Even in the summer Into cold exposure Strong pineal gland Likes playing in the rain and getting dirty Ginger/Blonde hybrid Long thick hair Light dusting of freckles on cheeks and shoulders Heterochromia (one grey one light blue eye) 5’9” 145 lbs Doesn’t do those long acrylic finger nails but polish is fine High arch and long toes/fingers Won’ cuck me Or if that’s unobtainable a dryad would suffice.
  22. This could very easily turn into a living nightmare if she decides to turn against you. Where is the consent?
  23. My hypothesis is sense testosterone is an oxytocin inhibitor and vice versa, men have more of a drive to take up hardcore spiritual endeavors and are more likely to have the confidence to put themselves out there socially as a public teacher. Whereas women tend to be more comfortable with just being as they are. I think that’s at least part of it. However, don’t forget fem gurus like mother Teresa, teal swan, kuan yin and pema chodron @Roy correlation vs causation
  24. https://www.protectkratom.org/
  25. Go to protectkratom.org and sign the petition and leave a comment for the fda explaining why it should stay legal. If this goes through, kratom will be scheduled and a yet another black market will be made for it. I don’t need to go into the countless reasons it should stay legal but just know that we are almost out of time so act quickly. The final decision will be made this month. Edit: Actually I should say one thing. The main and most likely only reason this is being done is so big pharma doesn’t lose out on all that money of people using it to safely come off of severe opioid addictions and treat pain instead of their hardcore subutex/methadone and pain killer prescriptions. It’s an international ban and the World Health Organization is involved. So if this goes through, millions of people who need it badly will have to go without.