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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Without looking at any other replies to avoid giveaways, this is the only thing I can come up with assuming alternate reality merging isn’t a factor: The doctor wasn’t actually a doctor or his dad. It was some guy who broke in and grabbed a white coat and mask so he could test his surgical skills for real. Upon seeing the condition of the patient, he realized it was beyond his current skill level so he played the appeal to emotion card by saying he couldn’t operate because it’s his son.
  2. Yes I am. Thanks for asking. I’m long overdue for an extended abstinence so I really need it. This is good training for NN22 (no nut 2022) where we will be abstaining for the whole year. My biggest challenge is usually right before bed because the energy gets so strong it causes insomnia. The pressure is building rapidly so we’ll need to use the buddy system. Remember fellas, edging is cheating. I hope you soaked those nuts beforehand because it makes the NUTrients more bioavailable. Always activate your almonds.
  3. https://teamseas.org/ The goal is to reach $30,000,000 by the end of the year. Considering the first ten was hit in the first 3 days, the goal will easily be surpassed by the end of the month. It’s growing quickly. Realistically speaking, thirty million will only put a small dent in the great pacific garbage patch, but this is only the beginning. So spread the word and help out however you can.
  4. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing here. Do I follow her lead or speak my own glossolalia? Or do I simply sit back and receive the message?
  5. @JosephKnecht Goggins is the absolute GOAT of discipline.
  6. Hopefully someone who knows will swoop in and tell us. Because I was considering making a thread about this myself. Pure ego is my only motivation to lift. But then after the workout the endorphin high works wonders on mental health which makes it easier to do spiritual stuff. However most enlightened masters aren’t exactly jacked so it almost looks like you have to choose between the two at some point. Elliot Hulse, Paul Chek and Aubrey Marcus are probably some good sources.
  7. @Breakingthewall We might get another lockdown. If so, you can still approach just wear a mask and stay six feet back. Then once you both get comfortable tell her you’re willing to turn the six feet into six nanometers.
  8. Realistically, he’s probably interested but afraid of fucking it all up by saying the wrong thing, so he is pleading the fifth with you. One single word can mean the difference between hero and zero in both law and dating.
  9. I seem to have been born with a natural talent of sparking strong reactions in people even when I’m not trying. For at least a few years now I’ve been watching all kinds of prank/social experiment videos on YouTube. This would make an insanely fun career and it would become very profitable given enough time. And I’m already fairly good at it. I feel a very strong calling to this, but firstly, gotta get natural around that damn camera. Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Open to suggestion.
  10. @kamwalker @Ilan No doubt. Though where I’m at currently, it’s the most attractive thing I know of. I think it would be good for like ten years or so.
  11. You can do holotropic breath work during. That’s sure to crank it into overdrive
  12. Gotta love the schizo posts
  13. Lmfao! I can see how it looks that way. It really would be a total blast to go full time irl prankster though. You would learn a lot about human nature and society. Plus the comfort zone challenges would be @something_else If that was possible inceldom wouldn’t suck so bad
  14. Closest one to me is a three hour drive. Not too bad I reckon. Do they offer shuttle services?
  15. First point is very true. Second point, most incels will tell you they would be more than happy with their equal counterpart but they still can’t even have that. Hitting on female customers on the job all day everyday. What could possibly go wrong? ??‍♂️
  16. God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere. So of course you won’t find it with the naked eye
  17. What do actualizers think of the movie Soul? https://youtu.be/1gjrVACqo2w How accurate is that scene? Does the ego remain intact enough to fear the godhead or cling to certain aspects of the previous life such that one avoids the return to source? Another possibility is reincarnation being an archonic trap. I’ve seen several sources warn to avoid the light at the end of the tunnel because we’re tricked into thinking it’s the great beyond but actually it’s just the outside of vagina number 8,248,957,661. That this is done to trick us into coming back over and over so malevolent forces can feed on our soul. It makes sense from a logical stance because why the hell would anyone wish to keep returning to a planet packed full of unfathomable levels of misery and suffering? If the goal was to come back to assist in the salvation of others, wouldn’t it be better to join a benevolent alien race like the Pleadians or Arcturians so you can help from a vantage point?
  18. After a short break I’ll practice this technique with “I Am Fearless” affirmations everyday until no nut november. Could be potential in this. Will post results.
  19. @PurpleTree probably mom and dad, unless you’re into that
  20. He speaks with Terence McKenna level vocabulary and articulation and makes video on topics like reality deconstruction, detachment, solipsism, philosophy, freeing the mind, psychedelics and more.
  21. I’m not gonna go full incel and say it’s ? percent his looks but I mean come on The ratio of looks vs skill is very debatable @Kshantivadin I’m not in any way ashamed of what I did but nor am I proud of it. I just find it thrilling to talk about weird stuff randomly and I thought the edge would rub off on them in a better way than it did. But good video and I will apply it’s lesson. Pardon my being so dense but I’m still not clear on all this. On the first post you said I should have released my attachment to any particular outcome. Then you say I actually SHOULD have focused on what I wanted. Sounds contradictory. What am I missing?
  22. This may be a tad lengthy but try to bare with me. So last night I went out to chat up some Stacies and practice socializing. As usual, I find a group to sit near so I can people watch and eavesdrop until the inspiration to swoop in and join the fun occurs. Most of them leave so I go into the main area bar and karaoke room. As I’m standing there, I get tapped on the shoulder and led outside. The female bar owner basically tells me “we don’t like your kind around here” although in a subtle more polite way. When I asked she said the reason was because apparently I said something “extremely inappropriate” to a group of ladies last time I was there. Let me elaborate. It was slightly more crowded there that night and I was standing alone watching a game of corn hole. A nearby table of the aforementioned group invites me over to hang out with them. A few more minutes pass and I do. Since I despise small talk I immediately jump into the good stuff which surprisingly seems to not put them off at all. I may have achieved some level of small talk leading up to it but ultimately I ask and get them all to agree that they are indeed open minded and curious of what I have to say. I then proceed to start talking about my fascination with period blood and possible benefits it may have beyond a mere waste product. To put things into perspective for them, I used the example of fecal transplants. “People used to think obviously since shit is pure waste it couldn’t possibly have any health benefit, but now they squirt healthy bacteria rich poop up peoples’ asses to save them from potentially lethal bad bacterias like C. diff as a standard medical procedure. So just imagine all the things we’re still missing out on because the normies deem it too icky to think about.” I go on to speculate of the possible uses of period blood as topical balms or oral supplementation. I also talked about seminal fluid in the same light. Half jokingly, I also said something like, “Perhaps if you were to wire whisk sperm and period together in a goblet, maybe throw in some spirulina/chlorella and light some candles you could make it all ritualistic and call it the Speriod Sundae.” (One of them even acknowledged spirulina being a good ingredient to add.) “Because you would be taking the vital essences of both genders and blending it into a super serum to achieve god tier levels of health and vibrancy.” Now here is the most important part. The whole group was completely intrigued and invested in the conversation. It wasn’t one sided because they gave me plenty of feedback. I got genuine smiles and giggles throughout. One of them complimented my skin and said “idk maybe there is something to it because your skin looks amazing.” “Question is how much do I really want to know, L0L” Keep in mind I didn’t suggest I’ve actually tried this, at least not to this extent. The approach ends up being a fun and light hearted interaction and I leave feeling more confident. So unless they were Hollywood level actresses deceiving me, why the actual fuck did they feel the need to report me to management?!! The other thing that gets me is while I was being chewed out by the owner, she told me the last few times I’ve been there I’ve made everyone uncomfortable yet she never once warned me of misbehavior, so how the fuck was I supposed to know? I now have a permanent ban even though tons of others are 10x rowdier than I ever am and all they have to do is go home for the night. Also, people sing terribly vulgar songs at karaoke and they all jam out to it. It makes zero sense. Another hypocrisy is what I call the “South Park Bias”. A different much more laidback bartender that I talked to afterwards at the neighboring bar confirmed this. If I would have told them I was completely kidding and I saw it on South Park, odds are it wouldn’t have been nearly as big a deal. In general people love and admire that show for its cutting edge and boundary defying humor. But when random ass me comes along playfully using the exact same humor, suddenly it’s war because I’m not a rich famous content creator yet. Part of the reason I selected this topic to present with is because I’ve been seeing people around this forum and other sources say women love it when a man is able to be bold and talk about whatever is on his mind because it means he’s confident, and it makes them feel more comfortable opening up about the weird thoughts they have. Furthermore, I figured this specific topic would show them I am capable of accepting women for everything that they are, complete with all their functions including the ones 99% of other guys find repulsive. I couldn’t have been more wrong. How is unconditional love not a turn on? The other time I got kicked out of a bar was at a different place and it was for very similar reasons. Only that time the manager was nice enough to say I just had to throw in the towel for the night. When I arrived home last night, I used the rage to fuel a very juicy workout. Problem is, as usual, I couldn’t turn it off all night. I was burning alive with anger, blood pressure through the roof and heart palpitations all night. I had a kratom, cbd and turmeric stack and it had about as much effect as a queef to a category 5 hurricane. I’m on the verge of fully joining the incel brotherhood but I want to be better than that. The fact that I’m not able or allowed to express myself in the social matrix is currently my biggest challenge. I even told the bar owner that chads and girls get much more leeway than me and she couldn’t give a straight answer. Apologies for my poor writing skills and any input on the situation is appropriated. TL;DR: kicked out of half the places I try to have fun unless I go full robot.
  23. Where did I say that? Just because I’m coming off as defensive doesn’t mean all my replies are in vain. Everything I’m being told here I will keep in mind next time I’m on the battlefield. So for that I thank you all. I understand conceptually how I probably looked pretty alarming, but the putting myself in their shoes and feeling it part is difficult. In another day or two I should be completely recovered emotionally so hopefully that will make it easier. It would be nice if they had their rules written down for low EQ people like me. @SgtPepper Very nice step by step advice. Thanks. Problem is I have next to nothing in common with the majority, especially in my area. Working on it (Shit) I take it you didn’t see this video Just watch the first part. This is interesting because it leads me straight to another thing I wanted to say. First off I have a question about that statement. Are you saying if I would have surrendered all expectations of outcome I would have been received better? You’re correct about me not being unconditionally loving because if I were, I wouldn’t have been the least bit triggered by any of this. But you say I desired a certain outcome and that’s why I got cast out of the garden? I would say it’s more like I desired only one main outcome to NOT transpire, exactly the one that did. I consider myself—and about everyone I know would agree—to be extremely nonjudgmental with the exception of one thing, and that is when I am the one unfairly judged and condemned first. I have a very hard time forgiving people for this reason and my ego automatically demonizes them when it happens. I’ve seen most of Leo’s vids on things like paradigms, biases etc. and it all makes perfect sense in theory but in practice it’s nearly impossible. Nope. Only drinks.