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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. I just came really close to failing last night. I held myself on the edge too long and felt it coming with the force of a fire hydrant. Luckily my pc muscle was strong enough to reverse the process by shutting off the valve. Did you coom by accident or did you commit to giving in beforehand knowing you would? Because accidents can often be avoided. Go to your local vitamin shop and get yourself some good zinc and tonkat ali to replenish your gas tanks faster to get you back where you were. Also do what @Carl-Richard said.
  2. @something_else the thing is these programs are so crazy expensive Leo’s LP course and his book list together still cost less than the cheapest thing on Owen’s sight at half price.? So I don’t think they would be losing that much money from this especially since they’re only doing it this weekend, supposedly. And rsd is know to be the best pickup company.
  3. Why do people keep saying you have to be well groomed? Owen has a beard and a balding hairstyle that looks like shit yet he still pulls tons of chicks.
  4. TLDR at the bottom I got invited over to watch some films from her vhs collection and play vidya via a phone call she made to reschedule a bonfire. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been over there but it would be my first time over to chill at this level, at least in a long time. We’ve also been planning a day where we get coffee then go to the park so I can teach her a one on one self defense lesson (I have no combat training, just doing it for fun) then wrap things up with movies at her place. But this last invitation I received placed all the emphasis solely on the last part. Almost as if we hadn’t been planning the other things. Some details: She was my brother’s friend’s girlfriend many years back and I used to buy weed from her and we started smoking together which was detrimental to me because she was able to smoke heavily while I struggled to form coherent sentences after a couple hits. Weed always exacerbates my autism twenty fold so I’m effectively crippled socially when I indulge. We’ve talked about sex before and she wasn’t totally turned off by the idea but she kept saying it’s not something you can logically plan. (If that’s true then how do married couples schedule it into their busy lives?) I once texted her and said “I only need one thing from you and it starts with an S and ends with an X. After she responded, I said “Subscribe to Felix.” You know, from the subscribe to pewdiepie meme era. After that punch line I don’t remember exactly but she said something like, “I thought you were about to be brave.” Then I said back “I was just kidding I know you would deny me because we’re just friends.” She responded, “I’m not sure I would deny you, I’ve always really liked you.” So that happened. We have bonded over activities such as nature walks, bonfires, movie nights, that sorta stuff. And we have tripped together. Another cool thing is she knows the people who run the bar I was unjustly banned from (look through my post history if you care enough to know more on that) so she said she would try and pull some strings for me. If this date ends up happening, I need to know how to not sperg out and screw everything up. Do’s and don’ts from wise and experienced players are greatly appreciated. In short, I’ve been invited over for a chill night with a long time gal pal and I really need to make sure I don’t spill my spaghetti when it happens. I need to know how to escalate and what to do if my advances are not well received. Thx
  5. With a strong pc muscle, I’m sure that won’t be an issue. Love it. But before any of that is possible I first need to confirm it’s on. btw, congratulations on being post number 77,777 on this sub forum. Nice get. Meme magic is on my side. @museumoftrees That sounds easy enough in theory but in practice not so much. My main worry is not knowing how to recover if my advances aren’t taken well And in order to just do it, you first need to figure out when you’ll both be home, if the the kids are gone or in bed, if your moods are synchronized etc. And that’s the way I tried to book a session with her. It failed because she said it has to happen spontaneously, among other reasons. The foundations have to be laid out before anything can happen successfully. Much in the same way you need set and setting to be in place before a trip.
  6. So it would seem. However it’s very likely if I try anything she’ll be like “We don’t vibe that way” or gently push me away. If that happens there will be a very awkward elephant in the room for the rest of the time because anything else we talk about will be an obvious attempt at distracting ourselves from what just happened. And I may not be invited back. Actually she has never outright told me she would. She’s only open to the possibility of it. This is the kind of girl who would tell me no as a shit test. Very hard to read, as most girls are.
  7. Better than knocking yourself out with benzos every night. Try a turmeric, L-theanine, melatonin or 5htp+ b6 and magnesium. You can go to the health fitness nutrition board to help find a system that works for u. Uhhhhhh yes daddy! I’ve been a naughty boy.
  8. I would say only go out Friday and Saturday or whatever two days in a row work for you. And get good at falling asleep fast. It’s tricky I know. But there are techniques you can find and supplements you can take to help
  9. You really think it would hurt her feelings that much if some rando called her mean names? I thought hot thots had massive egos based on their beauty and could easily laugh off such insults by knowing how wrong they are.
  10. Yes they do. Seems like every time I start warming up to my fellow humans and coming out of my shell, just when I’m about to think it’s safe, boom! The iron fist of bullshit strikes again. Not sure if it’s like this everywhere but where I’m from it’s almost more acceptable to get into literal drunken brawls than to have a “weird” vibe that people can’t understand or relate to.
  11. Right on the bullseye, buddy. Clubs will not hesitate to kick your ass out if enough complaints come in. And if you don’t know how to play the social game at a decently high level, eventually they will. This of course leaves very little room for authentic self expression because anything you think might be a good or funny idea to make yourself stand out in a positive way is a massive gamble. I like your shark smelling blood analogy, it’s perfect. These people have zero tolerance for social outcasts like us. Half the time they won’t even tell you you’re fucking up, they’ll just wait for you to leave then complain to management behind your back. As far as getting bullied or threatened while you’re out, I too have this fear. Get yourself a small can of mace if it’s legal in your area. That should help you feel more secure, especially if you know how to draw it quickly and use it. But for now, you should probably just stick to what Leo said and practice on mall clerks.
  12. @Enlightenment Lol! Cassady Campbell is one of my biggest inspirations.
  13. A gothic hippie who doesn’t take herself too seriously and has the perfect mix of sweet and gentle and don’t fuck with me.
  14. @Bando I can see how a bartender or club promoter could get away with it. But what about retail shit? How could one go about chatting up stacies in a flirty man to woman way without it being creepy and or grounds for termination?
  15. @Danioover9000 Yeah that one
  16. Leo just gave a low key shout out to the nofap community in the new vid. He said don’t jerk off for a while then go out and game because it will be much easier to transfer that energy onto her.
  17. I’m having an ambivalent relationship with this no nut journey. I’ve been fapping a lot lately even to soft porn because the first ten days of this month without a single stroke has caused me quite the backlash. Technically I’m still in because no ejaculation has happened. On one hand I feel ashamed for not having the strength to refrain from indulging at all for the full month. However, masturbating tantrically and spreading the arousal throughout the body provides a significant mood boost. It’s like the exact opposite of the sluggishness you feel post nut. So that’s been nice. To even things out I’ll go these final ten days without any touching. Wish me luck.
  18. @Identity You sure those exist?
  19. So basically you mean instead of 0% experiencing it’s an experience of 0%? The perception of pain and fear is always the strongest argument people come up with when this question is raised. Since it is the most intense and obvious of experiences it seems the most real. But really it doesn’t prove anything. You can perceive pain and fear in dreams only to wake up realizing it was all fake. This thread made me think of this scene from The Secret Garden. Skip to 3:07
  20. Rsdmax said in one of his videos that when his students are stuck in approach anxiety, he tells them to purposely try to get rejected and make a game out of it. That way you change rejection from humiliating to funny. i thought it was a cool idea
  21. It’s mind boggling just how many people have never even heard the word incel. 9/10 people I ask have no idea about it. You would think more people would be aware considering the stigma surrounding the community.
  22. So did it work? was it awkward or not?? And man is this story inspiring. What you did is truly something to feel amazing about. Your balls are bigger than mine, that’s for sure. RESPECT+
  23. @Kshantivadin Not everyone possesses such godlike impulse control. Many of us aspire to be like you someday, assuming you’re telling the truth of course. @Gabith Mostly same here. Especially with getting more aggressive in my thinking. One of the biggest benefits I see is it greatly increases my desire and motivation to do yoga. This reason alone makes the whole thing worth it.
  24. Brothers, We are now a third of the way to victory. How are you all holding up?