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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. And you didn’t try to press charges? If the genders were swapped in this scenario, the guy would be buried so far under the prison his bones would be discovered by archeologists three thousand years later. That’s after being severely brutalized by half a dozen chads.
  2. @something_else Meanwhile, Leo is over here getting away with social felonies and I’m getting banned for what amounts to shoplifting a snickers bar. To be fair he also said you have to be well calibrated and non-creepy to say this stuff and that newbs shouldn’t try it. But what’s funny is I was as well calibrated and non creepy as I knew how to be when I said stuff BARLEY HALF this bad. I literally warned them I was about to steer the topic into uncharted territory and they gave me permission to continue.????? How are you supposed to know if you have the green light to keep going or not if people are going to put on an act? And how are you supposed to express yourself authentically if people are such fragile, sheltered little babies you have to walk on eggshells and even then not know if you’re treading lightly enough? He even said the sexual slavery line got him blown out but she still walked away laughing. Funny he assumes the laugh was genuine when it very well could have been faked to hide her horrified response to his remark. What exactly can you do about this? Ask every ten seconds if she’s being honest about her reactions to your presence? That would be ridiculous and creepy in itself. I’m not the only one with this problem because if I was, Leo wouldn’t have put that part in his getting laid series where he says not to say stuff you’re unsure of because security might come after you. All this being said, I will take some amount of responsibility. Law of state transference. Since I was running broken man’s game at the time, perhaps some negative energy was rubbing off on people. Again, how often do drunken retards start shit storms with each other in those environments? There is an appalling amount of negative energy already present in bars, that’s not even counting the fights. Yet they still get to keep coming back. As far as this pretending to be open to someone out of fear of how they might react if you reject them, what do those who use this tactic plan to do when the approacher asks for the number or goes for the close? At that point the entire jig is up and all your previous efforts are wasted because the guy now knows he’s being rejected. There are other problems with this tactic as well. To be effective you would have to be suspicious in this way of every single person you meet. Psychos and rapists can have just as good or better EQ as anyone, you are statistically far more likely to be victimized by someone you know than some rando and there are significantly more who are simply awkward than mentally deranged. If spergs are so commonly mistaken for creeps, that should speak volumes about the accuracy of such a threat detection system.
  3. I’m not asking you to read the op of this thread but it’s here for reference just in case you or anyone else wants to. I’m not making this up. The ban hammer was dropped on me without me having the slightest clue I was violating any rules. I wasn’t anything close to a jackass, I was calm, expressing my thoughts clearly and using playful obnoxious humor and conversational topics similar to what you use. edit: The reason she gave me was I said some inappropriate things and made people feel uncomfortable. It’s a fucking bar, not a Chuck E. Cheese, Karen. Sure, I may not have been in the best mood so I was running broken man’s game. But that’s no reason to react so harshly. “Inappropriate” “uncomfortable” “creepy” Those are the only reasons she can come up with. When i try to point out the absurdity of this reasoning, she’s too thick headed and stubborn to hear me. So yeah.
  4. So what I’m hearing is don’t comment on her body unless it’s positive. Like don’t caller her hammerhead if her eyes are far apart, cyclops if they’re close together, busted biscuit can if she has a tummy, fire crotch if she’s ginger, fish face if she has fish face, fridge body if she’s rectangular instead of curvy etc?
  5. I mean it would almost have to be that. Problem is, ⬇️ Knowing how skilled women tend to be at mind games and acting, I’d practically have to be an advanced facial expression and vocal tonality recognition piece of quantum AI technology to discern such a thing. Or do a thousand approaches just to overcome this one hurdle. Which would be virtually impossible with natural human hostility and fear leaving me very little room for error. Indeed my location may very well play a big roll here too. Definitely doing that from now on.
  6. For about four years or so I considered myself volcel because I focused very strictly on spirituality. I had successfully broken my desire for intimacy, at least more so than most people ever will. I was doing so much yoga/breath work/meditation I felt completely and deeply satisfied with celibacy. So I do believe it’s possible to break the craving, just not probable for most. I was regularly doing extended nofap streaks while channeling the libidinal energy into prolonged states of emotional orgasm akin to what I imagine a light dose of mdma would feel like. But now that I’m getting older I figure it’s now or never to find out what this sex and intimacy business is all about. Upon discovering how preposterously difficult it is to obtain, I’m now incel.
  7. It wouldn’t be so bad if the worst that could happen is girls telling you to piss off when you say something wrong. Because at least then you could still keep practicing in the same venue. Unfortunately, often times they will pretend to be open and engaged with you only to later complain to management and do everything in their power to get you kicked out. Speaking from experience. If I tried some of the stuff Leo gets away with, no doubt I’d find myself handcuffed in the back of a squad car. What lesson do you think that teaches? Even when the girl seems to be enjoying your company (as though you’re well calibrated) you still end up getting back stabbed. All this considered, I don’t see any way to tell which girls will respond GENUINELY well to which lines and which will freak out until your set is already either successful or too late to recover.
  8. At least they’re doing free summit events, presumably
  9. Yes. Make sure you have optimal zinc levels as well. As it is the main nutrient lost through cooming.
  10. When they first released that they said it would only be available for a week or two. Now here we are several months later.
  11. The issue isn’t simply using sarcastic humor. It’s the weight of the subject matter being made light of. I have been literally kicked out of places for much less than the edgy things Leo and others claim to be acceptable, even though I was coming from an authentic place when I said them. Maybe it works for some people but I’ve had too many bad experiences in this regard. No matter how much you pick someone’s brain you still can’t be sure they won’t flip shit over small things. Fair enough. As long as you intend to eventually grow out of that crutch and are able to measure your progress while using it, seems like an alright strategy. You should try to start forcing yourself to do your first few approaches sober and then start drinking. That should give you some good sober practice and you can take comfort in knowing the burn of rejection will soon be alleviated. Best of both worlds. Also, you ever try phenibut? I have found it to be the single best substance for socializing of them all. In case you’re unfamiliar, you get all the perks of booze and then some without any of the inebriation. The catch is it’s more habit forming and tolerance builds very quickly so you really have to make sure you don’t over use. If you have the addiction gene forget about it. And you can’t drink on it. I am certainly not the best at explaining but think of it like a mental slight of hand. You flip the script on the idea of it being this horribly painful thing and make a game of it. One example is you can go up to one girl or a group and say “I bet you a free beer I can get rejected by that girl over there in ten seconds flat without her even knowing I’m trying to. And I bet you a free shot I can get rejected by you in under a minute.” Then approach said girl and shine like the sun. Just to spark some ideas. It’s a concept that certain rsd guys have taught. You can look up funny things to say to girls in clubs and use your imagination. If you need to you can go out to your car or somewhere private and physically force yourself to laugh like a maniac until it becomes a real laugh to help build state. It’s a shame you can’t just bust out laughing right there in the venue but most people are such stuck up pricks they wouldn’t take kindly at all. In fact for this reason alone, all this theory might prove to be totally useless. They say be yourself but look what happens when we try.
  12. @Raze 20:56 in that video is a direct contradiction to what Leo said. Julien said you have to be so congruent with your thoughts feelings and words that you say whatever comes to mind in the moment, that way she feels that everything you’re saying is coming from a place of authenticity and honesty so if you were some blood thirsty psycho you would have already said it. This is completely at odds with Leo saying he likes to jokingly tell girls not to worry because he’s only murdered three people and they all deserved it. If you’re being completely open about everything on your mind, as you are supposed to do in pickup, how the hell is she supposed to know you aren’t serious? Even if you think you’re saying it in a sarcastic tone of voice? See what I’m saying?
  13. If anything I might just get Charisma on Command’s Charisma University course because learning overall social skills will probably be the most helpful with getting some.
  14. @FlyingLotus Is it weird that I’m the type of guy who woulda pocketed the handkerchief so I could enjoy whatever trace amount of feminine pheromone that might be on it? Are you me? Like Leo says, try to get used to sober game. As brutal as it is, ya gotta fight through the pain and persevere if you want to make any significant progress.
  15. @Danioover9000 8 more hours to go. Although I have practically passed the challenge, I don’t feel as accomplished as I should; and I blame it on the fact that I cheated by gooning half the time. I would like to be able to put in a full year without a single wank as a New Years resolution but unless I make some serious improvements in December there isn’t even a chance. But before that, one things for sure, I’m having a helluva party once the clock strikes midnight tonight.
  16. It happened a lot more in the past. Now days it only happens when someone who doesn’t know what they’re getting themselves into advances too much too quickly. Here’s a download free pdf that does an excellent job outlining the fine distinctions between psychosis and intense spirituality. Lengthy but it’s worth a read. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6246808_Psychosis_and_Spirituality_Consolidating_the_New_Paradigm_Second_Edition Also here’s Connor making a good point on the matter.
  17. As far as online communities go, I would say yeah
  18. This is called erythrophobia and I know firsthand how horrendously god awful it is to be cursed with. I used to have it pretty bad in high school. Can’t even remember how exactly I cured it but only now that it’s gone do I find out that girls find it super cute when guys blush. Of course.
  19. But then instead of boyfriend and girlfriend we would have to start saying manfriend and womanfriend
  20. @hyruga The opinions seem to be about 50/50 so far. I’m gonna pass this time around, especially since Because while my city isn’t exactly small, it’s certainly not big either. Barley enough to get my feet in the water.
  21. Fixed it for you.
  22. Gosh, what a fabulous idea! Why didn’t I think of that? Sex is the highest form of acceptance and the primary driving force of all physical life. You can’t mature or grow properly without it. There will always be that unfulfilled craving festering in the depths of your psyche. And everyone will call you creepy for it as though it’s your fault. So it’s a pretty massive issue to not get laid to say the least.
  23. @something_else @Bando Good point. Do they not also tell you what you’re doing wrong and right in real time so you can adjust accordingly? If not, I agree, that would be a rip off. Is that essentially all it’s good for though? I already know how off the hook wild it can get by the stories I’ve heard and the old footage that used to be on his yt channel. Is there some kind of special information only found in HotSeat that will help me out better than anything else?