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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. The fact that they do this shit sparks within me a nuclear powered rage no human should ever have to feel. It’s like a sick and demented game they play that forces us into the balancing act of risking either grossing them out by coming off as a thirsty perv or worse because we made a move based on a misinterpreted signal or missing out on our big moment while getting laughed at for being a clueless idiot. So ladies, please. Be unmistakably direct when you want something. It’s really not that hard. This is a mentally torturous position you put us in whether knowingly or not.
  2. The white knights will always dive in to save a perceived damsel in distress. Anytime a guy makes a girl even just a bit uncomfortable, his social standing takes a critical hit that’s extremely difficult to recover from. But since often times guys don’t realize due to girls being indirect and subtle, they don’t get a chance to apologize before walking away. By that point, it just looks ten times creepier to seek out that same girl to apologize. Damned if you do; damned if you don’t. I and most other guys always have to walk on eggshells every time we talk to chicks so I really don’t see why most of them are afraid, especially with more systems in place to protect them than ever before in history. Those and fake eyebrows are the most unattractive things women wear. @petar8p In my experience, their version of fuck off is either “have a nice day” or they just bury their face in their phone. Definitely not. If that was true I would have escaped inceldom a long time ago. You have to say all the right things at the right times, read subtle social cues and not make any mistakes all simultaneously. That’s only if she doesn’t tell the other girls how weird you are and ruin your chances with them too. I’ve experienced it. Exactly like what @Tyler Robinson said happened to her but role reversed. Which brings me to my final reply. Literally the story of my life. Only instead of unfriendly it’s “weird”
  3. It’s invite only and about 70-100 people will attend, rough estimate. I can’t afford to make any mistakes here because I’ve been screwed so hard the last several times I’ve tried to socialize at this level it’s left a very bitter taste in my mouth. The safest way I can think to go about it is closely observe about ten random guys for about five or ten minutes then emulate the average of them. Folks seem to have a serious aversion to originality and uniqueness where I live so I clearly can’t say anything outside the Overton window, which in my area is extremely narrow and retarded. How do I maximize my odds of pulling a girl without getting beheaded for perving? Half of what Leo says is a good idea in part 2 of the how to get laid series WILL get me kicked out very quickly. I need to not fuck this up but I can’t see any routes to victory. If I’m too boring, I’ll be allowed to stay but no one will be interested. If I’m too energetic people will get scared and I’ll have to leave. It doesn’t help that I have no way of knowing if I’m fucking up until it’s too late. “People” (if I can even call them that) will pretend to befriend only to later spread word around behind my back until I’m hated. For this reason paranoia is most of my experience in this situation. I’ll be taking lorazepam beforehand but that alone won’t do the trick. If there is some simple fix for this problem for the love of God tell me. The only thing on my side with this event is two of my good friends will be there. I usually do stuff alone.
  4. Correct. Until I open my mouth that is. Yes. I would in an instant if I could. But there is absolutely no possible way I’ll have enough money for that any time soon. Past experiences have given me a valid reason for that. The reason I don’t socialize more often is because there’s only so much human garbage I can take on top of the fact that since I live in a smaller town, I have little room to screw up. If someone gets weirded out, especially a girl, it’s over. There is no logically explaining my way out of it because feelings are irrational by nature. So I have to strategically plan for every night out for weeks or months in advance. Doesn’t it seem awfully unnatural that we have to do so much goddamn socializing just to land a girl in bed? Thousands before you really get the hang of it? If you didn’t know any better it would look as if an interstellar space traveler was trying to understand the customs of an alien race. It shouldn’t be so absurdly difficult to achieve the very thing that causes all physical life unless something is deeply and fundamentally wrong with attraction and dating.
  5. @LordFall I have very little to work with in my small town. Very limited practice opportunities. If I was in a bigger city this little gathering would be about as significant as a fart in a tornado. Since I’m not it’s big.
  6. @Nilsi Actually being myself is exactly the problem most of the time. That is why I put I can usually find about 20-30% of any crowd that responds well to my psychoses. Problem is though, if I’ve already spooked a bunch of the other 75 percent in the process of finding the good ones, I can’t just act aloof and unaffected by the majority’s internal hyper-active threat detection system. To do so would be to pretend consequences don’t exist. Conversely, supposing I luck out by finding the good ones first, there isn’t much growth to be had in only interacting with small portions of the party. Example, about a few years ago I went to a rock and country bar on Halloween night dressed in my costume. At one moment my inspiration was to go to the dance floor and stand perfectly still facing everyone right in front of the speakers. It was the purest way I knew to be myself in that instance because it was funny and different. And surprise surprise I was told to either dance or get off the floor because I was “intimidating people” After that I sat at a table of two guys that thought it was awesome. You can see the polarization there. That’s interesting knowing that Hollywood actors make millions of people fall in love with them doing exactly that. Also, in my experience most of the guys that are successful with women are robotic and lame as hell. Can we compromise and say it’s 50 50? Since history repeats itself we can accurately predict something less than ideal will happen if I try to have fun. Even though I’m not trying to do anything wrong. The way human beings work is they’ll take any perceived mistakes you make and straw man them to demonize you in order to take the attention off their own flaws.
  7. I like me just fine. It’s people stuck in tribalistic thinking that’s the problem. I get into trouble over such trivial matters it blows my mind. Even if I behave only slightly outside the norm
  8. Ted Bundy was always being himself. Does that mean it was a good thing for him to or should he have changed into someone different? What about those of us who aren’t serial killers? Those of us who always try our best but still get blown out at every turn exactly BECAUSE we’re being ourselves? “Be yourself” has to be the most frustrating thing people often say and it needs to be completely and permanently eradicated from the earth, in my professional opinion.
  9. Both my mom and dad were smoking hot in their 20s. So you would think I’d have no problem with 8 or 9s. Instead I ended with the worst facial side angle possible. I know how to play in my rank though that doesn’t stop me from shooting higher sometimes. Not really in my experience. A friendly girl will reject you more politely than a toxie. Both feel about the same when it comes to hook ups or dates.
  10. Sounds pretty complicated for the most basic act responsible for the existence of every human on earth. The hunt for pussy is supposed to feel natural and fun. Not like navigating through a minefield.
  11. This statement is comparable to saying, “you shouldn’t have gotten into a relationship until you knew how to be a better girlfriend” to a girl who gets beat up by her boyfriend. Failing to be the perfect specimen of a partner doesn’t mean you deserve to be put through hell. Maybe. But he certainly did pay for the vast majority of it all. Men are expected to be the primary providers of the family household. Like he said, he didn’t get left with half, he lost everything. Paying for his daughter is not what he is complaining about. He likely loved doing it when he had access to her. It’s a different story when you’re deprived of seeing your kids. So you can make your wife pay alimony and take all her stuff if she refuse to fuck you?
  12. Indeed he does. Though that is putting it very lightly. She took everything and he still owes more. That’s the textbook definition of slavery. Dude got so messed up it would be easier for him to recover from a severe heroin addiction without medical treatment than to make a come back from this. You don’t have to demonize women to see how unfair marriage is for men regarding risk. You never hear about cases of women getting screwed over anywhere near this horrifically but it happens to guys all the time. That is like saying to a girl who got raped by her guy friend, (also happens a lot) “you’re the one who decided to have him as a friend so you knew the risk.” Sure, the protagonist of both scenarios are technically the reason they wound up in their predicament. That doesn’t at all excuse anything. Neither would have made the choice had they had the slightest hint beforehand. Marriage doesn’t have to be such a roll of the dice (more like a game of russian roulette with half the cylinder full) but it is. A good solution would be for men to start refusing engagement on a mass scale until laws are changed to be more fair. Which seems to be beginning to happen already.
  13. I made a thread about exactly this kind of thing a while ago. It ended up getting locked because apparently I was “spreading fear around dating and pickup” or something. It turns out yes, you can in fact be arrested for this sort of thing but they can’t really charge you with anything if all you’re doing is talking. Unless she actually decides to accuse you of assault. In that case, it’s all up to you to prove your innocence. And that can be very challenging and costly if the interaction wasn’t recorded. As far as the “you made it worse by trying to explain yourself” idea: A. I thought women were repulsed by men who cower like spineless wimps at the first sight of trouble B. I have a hard time believing it would have saved you any dignity at all by simply aborting the mission earlier. Not with these types of chicks. The type to act and get treated like she just got full on victimized over a basic polite interaction. Not to mention that’s terribly offensive to women who have legitimately been victimized.
  14. @something_else yes yes I know. Part of it is on me as I need to learn to adjust depending on who I’m talking to. It’s just frustrating and confusing. Especially as someone suspected to be on the spectrum.
  15. watch this video and you tell me
  16. Anyone whose at least equal to me in attractiveness and not fat or a bitch works for me Yep. It’s almost like normies can’t comprehend the fact that there’s a whole world out there, full of all different types of folks.
  17. I’d have to dig for it but it’s a story about how I tried to be interesting and unique in a bar. I ended up getting permabanned and blacklisted without warning because of it. Strange considering Leo says things to girls that are ten times worse than anything I’ve said and that’s perfectly fine. It wasn’t directly a thread for helping me get laid but it was useful because people gave me feedback on how I could have done and said things differently.
  18. I already have. I’ve also listened to Leo’s 4 part series as well as tons of rsd stuff. All it comes down to is I need to move to a larger city so I’ll have a larger number of women to practice on. (And I have nowhere even remotely close to enough money to do so) In a town of 50-70,000, you’re bound to run into the same girls eventually. Very bad for your local rep. Hilarious
  19. Gotcha. It through me off because I didn’t know you were mainly referring to that part. It may be possible to have a fulfilled life as a single, but only if you have had plenty of experience already. It’s virtually impossible if you’ve NEVER experienced intimacy unless you take up the monastic life and meditate all day. The thing is I realize I am not creepy. At this point it’s more a matter of unprocessed bitterness rage and fear. Though even back when I didn’t have that problem success was still just as scarce.
  20. @Devin ok. You’re entitled to that view point. But I’m not clear on the reasoning behind quoting what you quoted then referring to a different post.
  21. To all the people telling him to focus on himself and his life first: refer to Beautiful post OP. I don’t think any other post on here has resonated more deeply. Especially: This has been a recurring theme for most of my life even though I’m trying my best. It’s like you can’t even feel safe trying anymore. It has given me dreams where I’ll be having a good time with a new group I just met only to be met by managers or cops telling me to exit. I made a thread about an injustice at a bar about a year ago and one of the only people that said it wasn’t all my fault was one of the mods. I feel like I’ve tried just about everything and I’m running out of options.
  22. These are your best years when your hormones are raging, when you are in your best shape and your boner is rock hard, your body and your mind is craving for sex. Genuine emotions, kissing, cuddling and skin contact with your significant other is what makes you feel fulfilled and satisfied because it releases oxytocin which is crucial for stable mental health, healthy nervous and cardiovascular systems, it can literally cure depression, anxiety, neurosis. Missing this vital experience will pernamently damage your mental health and nervous system. No wonder why adult virgins are so depressed, unproductive. neurotic, immature and have no strenght to leave their rooms let alone working and studying. You will simply become disabled. The modern world and its ventures are designed for socialized couples, not lonely guys, couples are more likely to be invited and are getting preferential treatments and expading network. Incels are like ghosts, they rarely leave their houses, they have no presence on social media, they're seeing the social disparity and are ashamed of even giving a sign of their existence. That's why you don't see them, even if they try they get treated like shit while being gaslighted. It's a double whammy for them, they are like half-dead fishes lying on the bottom of the oceans while normies are like dolphins vigorously jumping out of water.
  23. Opioid withdrawal tends to make people pretty damn uncomfortable. Might that help? Why do guys like OP get called creeps? Because they make people feel uncomfortable. But here we are in the self help community saying it’s good to be uncomfortable. What gives? It’s like the very feeling we unintentionally cause in others is what we need to feel more of ourselves if we want to evolve.
  24. This isn’t being very fair. Is it acceptable to say it’s only half my fault? It takes two to tango after all. My half being I don’t put in enough practice. Their half being they have very little patience for sub optimal social skills. The problem is, you have to already be at a minimum threshold of skill in order to be accepted into any circle or venue unless they’re exceptionally cool. (assuming you aren’t highly attractive) Which sucks greatly because these are crucial training grounds to level up. It’s a perfect catch22. I would love to stop being a loser and take control of the situation. But like I have to carry pepper spray due to the perfectly valid fear of accidentally saying the wrong thing to the wrong person and getting beat up by chad. Night life spaces are supposed to be environments where you can let loose and open up to your true self after a long week on autopilot, to freely and playfully say anything that comes to mind with little inhibition. And it seems there are many people doing that. Then there are those of us who still have to tiptoe on eggshells lest we make some girl the slightest bit uneasy. It sends the message “be yourself but only if it’s a self we happen to like” It honestly feels like an even more sick and twisted version of The Truman Show at this point. If this isn’t what oppression feels like idk what is.
  25. https://youtu.be/FBRSR_LGlOE As it’s probably obvious by now the dating market is beyond screwed (especially if you’re not inner city) and human connection/sex/birth rates are at an all time low because of it. I don’t know about y’all but I’m beyond tired of having to constantly walk on eggshells and enter every interaction very cautiously while analyzing every single thought I have before speaking as not to offend. Tired of being misled about peoples’ true intentions and feelings resulting in faulty calibration settings on my end unequivocally making me look like the “weirdo.” Tired of having to think, act, dress and speak similarly to everyone else and memorize an encyclopedia sized list of social norms so I don’t make anybody “uncomfortable.” For most of us guys it seems at least half of our mental bandwidth is reserved for simply trying to not look creepy. Cost benefit analysis would suggest that putting yourself out there to be for years threatened, bullied and mocked for making social errors plus the possibility of false sexual harassment allegations etc. is not worth whatever great sex you might end up winning. The perfect solution to this massive cultural dilemma has to be advanced cyber sex. There are pressure and friction sensitive flesh lights and dildos that can be connected to each other through the web so each party can feel the simulated movements of one another in real time. You’ll be able to experience intimacy with anyone in any setting and as much as you want. The graphics in that documentary look very REALISTIC and it also says the tech is very close to understanding taste and smell. Watch and see. The more I think about this the more excited I become to finally get to fulfill my basic need and without any of the risks or drawbacks of the real thing. What do you guys think, would you try it?