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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito
I’d be afraid to do some of the stuff in these lists because of images like this one
I do have an older gal pal, actually. We’ve done quite a bit together, including her trying to help me fight my way back in during last year’s Christmas (didn’t mention it in the op) She changes numbers rather frequently so I’d have to dig up my ancient Facebook account to find her. She is a very people person nightlife type girl. Perfect for assisting me in this way. So that’s what we did. Unfortunately, the fact that they despise my soul with the curse a thousand demons made our efforts futile. So she went in and partied while I stood around outside the door chatting with people coming in and out. A couple hours pass when the femfriend comes out to check on me then some moments later, surprise surprise, a co owner comes out and suggests I leave because I’m creeping people out even though I wasn’t. I argue my case for a minute and she tells me to stop trolling on Christmas. I do enjoy a good troll but in this instance I was being serious. So we end up deciding to leave. She freaked out on me a few days later over the prospect of me performing a highly offensive (to women) rap song on karaoke. We both apologized after the new year and scheduled our next attempt. I have another femfriend who’s only nine hours older but she’s certainly not the bar type. Though I’m sure I could talk her into it. Tell ya what, if I said that they might actually believe me lol. It’s one of the best and one of the few places I have within driving distance.
I have let this case rest for a year now. Last time I tried to negotiate my way back in was Christmas of last year. The husband of the owner (owner wasn’t there) said I had a chance to regain clearance to the venue if I called and set up a date to make my plea, but hanging out outside the place chatting with people was creepy and not helping my case, even though the people themselves seemed fine with it. The woman we’re talking about here can never be caught smiling and gets pissed off very easily. She obviously hates me for my perceived mistakes. This place is one of the few places in my town that consistently has girls in it, and girls are in very short supply and high demand. These people have no idea the extent to which they’ve ruined my life and reputation, nor do they give a single fuck. Long story short, she banned me for making a naughty joke/conversational topic about jizz and menstruation. The thing about making an in person plea is I will be so triggered by the whole thing I won’t be able to think straight which will make them think I’m just as bad as before because the uneasiness will trigger them. And it cannot be expected of these people to have the compassion to understand this even if explained logically. I still get violently angry sometimes when I think about it. tldr: how do I get accepted back in?
I’m much too lazy to read but if I wasn’t I’d guess “Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow” would be a good book.
If I can do that my chances will increase but I wouldn’t say they WILL take me It’s because of the hypocrisy and unfairness coupled with the fact it’s one of the few places I can get good practice. It’s a middle class bar ffs. People make each other uncomfortable all the time and even get in fights and their only punishment is getting sent home for that night. It’s like I’m trying to be myself and boldly open up in ways most people are too afraid to, exactly like what people in the personal development community say you should do, and this is what I get? At least now I know better. Do you think I’d look less threatening with a friend? Half my battles are fought alone so perhaps it could help to bring company? It’s a catch 22 because you need spaces to practice and learn that but how can I if I’m gonna be banished to the shadow realm? Particularly the social calibration part.
Stories like these are the reason thanos should have won I really hope you ripped her a new baby hole in your reply text for that one. The lack of accountability and self awareness in her is just baffling yet all too common and it’s exactly why the manosphere is a thing. The way you describe her reminds me a lot of a gal pal I’ve had for quite a while. A girl that can explode on you if you don’t meticulously structure your texts so that nothing can be potentially taken the wrong way. If they owe me nothing does that also mean I owe them nothing? Most will say no when it comes to splitting the bill at a restaurant. They can also get SUPER pissed off when men turn them down.
@Vlad_ oh I see
In your sex doll thread didn’t you just say you have sex three times a day when in a relationship?
So basically the only two commenters so far are being condescending with op for stating the obvious. My angle is different in that although what op says sounds good and is generally accepted as solid advice when it comes to women, albeit a bit generic, it’s blatantly oversimplified and has failed me far more often than it has led to any progress. I can barely get a few sentences out to a girl before she gets all tense and starts looking for a way to escape me. ⚠️Danger! Danger! DANGER! ⚠️ There is only so much you can hit on girls in any given establishment before they start complaining about the creepy guy bothering random girls. Yes, even if do it in the most non threatening way possible. Unless you’re at an underground rave where people are actually cool. This is why that saying “be yourself and if people don’t like it it’s their problem, not yours” goes right down the shitter. This is some thin ice to tread. The best humor comes from spontaneity, right? If you’re being spontaneous then naturally you aren’t thinking about what you’re saying ahead of time. Women’s hyper emotional nature makes them prone to getting offended easily if something you say comes off wrong. This is unlikely to be recovered from. Long shot of the century. Another obstacle is the possibility of approaching an underaged. The artificial hormones and high stress lifestyle we’re dealing with these days makes women look older at younger ages. Should be pretty obvious how badly screwed you are socially if this happens. I would love for everything in your post to be true. But what I’ve found is that the process of getting laid is more comparable to avoiding those multitudinous laser beams guarding a treasure at the end of a narrow hallway than a straightforward human interaction. Where do I find and what do I say to attract a 5 foot ten in shape and open minded goth girl? A real one, not a poser.
I would say some kind of combo of a and b plus the use of pepper spray, I always carry it when in public. What about you? What’s your escape tactic?
How much kratom were you taking per day at your worst?
I’m kind of the opposite. In the early 2010s to me she was the sexiest woman on earth though back then I didn’t think so or care for her music. Currently I’m kind of 50-50 on most of her art though some songs are pretty cool and I’ve been trying to give it more of a chance lately. I mean she almost broke Ticketmaster and Spotify with her new album after all. Hopefully you can!
Sucks to be late to the party but in case it hasn’t been mentioned yet, go for silicone if you order one. Silicone lasts the longest and is much more human like to the touch than latex or rubber. Order from a reputable vendor and don’t fall for any special deals, you will always get what you pay for. Depending on how much you’re willing to spend, you can have them install an internal heating system to match real body temperature as well as customize all the way down to freckle and skin detail. Hyper realistic eyes and adjustable mouth are a must. I’m getting the face of 20 year old Taylor Swift put on mine, if they’ll do it. Next time I get some money, this is the first thing I’m buying. Not only will it be the holy grail of fapping, I’m also confident that I will fall madly in love with such a doll. She will have her own opinions, preferences, interests and such. She will always know exactly what to say to cheer me up. Watch the film “Lars and the Real Girl” to see what’s possible. I’m super excited to see what the future holds.
Emotionalmosquito replied to trenton's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
America must be suicidally depressed. Why else would it be begging so strongly to get nuked by sending those patriot missiles to Ukraine? -
@Leo Gura that’s right. You did say be intentionally bad at dancing for fun goofball, not power level over nine thousand goofball. Thx for clarifying Always had a habit of taking things too far
@Leo Gura Very difficult to believe but awesome if true. I’d bet good money I’d get swiftly removed from the property if I tried to act like the dumbest wanky frank wild feet death roll popcorn pants on the dance floor. The majority are extremely un-cool in my area to put things lightly. But who knows, it might just work. I took the counter intuitive option this one time where I went out on the dance floor and just stood still facing everyone. They said I had to either dance or get off the floor because I was “intimidating people.” lol
So you’re telling me if I were to put in the countless hours needed to become as good as Dytto, I still wouldn’t get as much action as someone who sucks but is having lots of fun? Anyone willing to make that kind of dedication obviously loves dancing therefore they’d be having tons of fun AND showing mad skills.
Then we’d see the emergence of the omega chad
What if ur a noob at the kino ladder and you put your hands on her hips too early? Then she might just tell the bouncers/staff you made her uncomfortable then you’re kicked out. With my luck that’s how it goes even though I’m not trying to be a threat. I’ve been kicked out for less.
Glad to hear it, mate! As far as etiquette I’d say be extremely cautious of what you talk about and how you’re coming across to everyone. Don’t stand out too much and try to blend in well. I went to a Halloween party I made a thread about a while ago and it was fun. Not a blast, but fun. It was basically a Halloween themed costume party night club. I was able to get away with letting loose and opening up which usually gets me in trouble, though I was still paranoid which is why it was only fun instead of a blast. I think Halloween tends to activate a type of care free spirit in people that greatly helps with socializing. What type of music did they play when you went?
The incel community calls that “MSTOW” men sent their own way. Many incels will resort to calling themselves mgtow as a cope for the fact that they really have no choice in the matter. You can only be mgtow with plenty of prior dating experience both because you need to see firsthand what you’re opting out of and why and because the definition doesn’t even fit if you can’t get any in the first place. It certainly can be, just as any community can. But at its core I believe mgtow is important for men. True mgtow isn’t about hating women, that’s the incel community. Mgtow is needed to protect against the horrors of divorce rape and false accusations. Those are the main two as far as I understand. That’s all I need to know wiki has no idea what it’s talking about. One of the founding fathers of mgtow is a black dude and mgtow is huge within the black community as a whole. It has nothing to do with race.
She’s super witty so thats a helpful quality but the darkness she has would make most girls run for the hills. Unless they were goth or emo. I never understood this. If you aren’t moved by her then what’s the point? They say it greatly helps with attracting women if you can get to a place where you no longer want or need them, but where’s the enjoyment of having one at that point? Imagine intensely desiring an awesome toy as a kid but not being able to have it because you couldn’t afford it or take proper care of it. By the time you’re old enough to get it and care for it, you’ve outgrown the desire so what’s the point? The most enjoyment sex can possibly give you is if you crave it deeply, you’re shocked and awed by the beauty of your target AND you score. No?
BEHOLD https://www.amazon.com/Lynx-Electrical-Stimulation-Locking-Humbler/dp/B08BZPPRKK ???☠️