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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Chatgpt is a normie ideology infected piece of shit in its current state. There’s gotta be a way to jail break it so it’s replies aren’t so filtered
  2. Try interacting with a beautiful woman, then we’ll see if it’s for real or not
  3. @Raze yes they can. Have you seen how convincing they can be at acting?
  4. @something_else you never hear of women getting in trouble for threatening to cut someone’s dick off even though they are more than capable of such an attack. People mostly just laugh it off as though it’s something to be laughed about, but if the guy made a similar joke/threat at her expense, he’d be the devil and possibly questioned by authorities. I’m sure you’ve noticed this one: in clubs, women usually get away with groping and physically sexually harassing guys but look what happens when it’s the other way around. This one has nothing to do with size or strength. You don’t feel offended by groping because you’re afraid the groper is going to overpower and take advantage of you. It’s about the complete disregard for personal boundaries and extreme disrespect right then at that moment. Sadly, female on male groping is almost completely normalized and accepted in most nightclubs and even schools. There’s hundreds of examples I could go through.
  5. No. I would recognize that ultimately, I’ll just have to roll the dice. The worst types of men that do the worst things tend to be very sneaky, socially well adjusted and good at passing women’s sniff tests. So what separates an awkward harmless guy from a psycho comes down to gut feeling. Which is very often wrong seeing as how so many women and people in general end up with crazies. Time and time again we see examples of women making extremely poor judgement calls regarding mate selection. And I’m supposed to believe women think I’m trying to rape them all because they don’t like my sense of humor/interests? Give me a break. Not trying to straw man you here but that is what it sounds like. If experienced PUAs are getting away with blatantly albeit jokingly telling girls they’re going to rape them or slaughter them and I’m getting in trouble for showing them cringe tiktoks, that is the world’s fault, not mine. Yes but they have every single other advantage over us. If we woke up one day and men were the more fragile ones, I highly highly doubt we would see laws readjust any time soon. The overwhelming majority of men have a huge soft spot for the human female creature and are willing to extend a helping hand when needed and defend like warriors much more than they are towards other men. The most important thing here is whether or not the reason they’re being creeped out is valid or not. If I’m going around grabbing ass cheeks and making threats, that would be different. But if I get in trouble because multiple girls report me for simply bringing up a topic they don’t like (which is what some of you guys have suggested may happen), tell me how that’s reasonable at all. I should also mention that I tried the approach that this thread is about a few times. I’m about to tell you what happened. Ready for this? Here it goes! They had a normal, down to earth conversation with me about it. All of them. Amazing, right? Say it ain’t so. But to be fair it’s very possible that deep down they were all horrified by what was happening but misled me. Because women fucking lie all the time about everything. Especially about their emotions and how interested they are in a conversation.
  6. Even if you do get the Bambi eyes it doesn’t mean shit. For all you know she could be faking it. I’ve come to discover that women fake their emotions all the time whatever the reason may be.
  7. First of all, what’s your reasoning behind that? I hope you’re just joking because basically what you just said is I would deserve getting arrested for nothing more than showing girls tiktoks and asking their opinions on it. Because that’s all I’d be doing.
  8. Now THAT, my friend, we can agree on. Jumping off a cliff is exactly like doing game only less painful
  9. This is exactly the reason we’re doomed and why so few men are approaching anymore. I don’t want any part of a reality where they can team up to get me fucking caged for nothing more than creeping them out a little when I’m not even being the least bit threatening. I am so absolutely done with this world if that’s the case. AND it’s a massive double standard because I will not be taken seriously by anyone if I complain about the opposite sex making me uncomfortable.
  10. thousands of women? Lmfao! Get me the fuck into a bigger city or It’s over for me. This is a laughable understatement of just how seriously detrimental to progress rejections are. Good luck learning anything or growing when you’re filled to the brim with humiliation, insecurity, hurt and unimaginably pissed off because of it. The more rejections pile up, the more the damage multiplies. People say it doesn’t matter because the girl moves on and forgets about you; this could not be further from the truth because in reality she’s most likely going to be telling all the other girls to avoid you because you’re some crazy guy going around harassing women or she’ll put up a fuss to the authorities or management of whatever area or venue you’re in to further ruin your chances. (Keep in mind the more of your true personality you share the more likely they are to freak out like this) How can you practice if the punishment for making mistakes is to be prevented from practicing by not being allowed where the women are? Imagine if they made a video game where after making just a few minor mistakes it boots you back to the main menu and locks you out of the game, or it makes the game significantly more challenging with each error. How many people would play such a game? This learning game business is less like a game as it is navigating a minefield while everyone tells you to just lighten up and be yourself and I am past my breaking point. But it will not tell you where they are or how to get them.
  11. Not necessarily. Do you know how many buff guys have heart attacks or tumors growing? Yes. But even when I try being the guy they say they want, or the guy the pick up artists say they want, or even the guy I myself want to be, nothing seems to be good enough
  12. I can relate. I was in the mall a year or two ago and saw this interesting looking girl wearing something that had her midriff showing and a black beret. She was in the food court sitting alone at a table eating her chic filet. So I decided to approach her with the observational opener that Leo told us was powerful as well as give her a false time constraint to make her feel safer. I’ve seen PUAs say it helps if you tell the girl you’re leaving soon that way she knows she’s not gonna be stuck there with you for a long time. Long story short, it did not work! lol. She looked like she’d just seen a ghost the second I sat down at her table. She was like “Why are you talking to me? I don’t know who you are!” I can’t remember exactly but I think I tried calming her down a bit but that only made it worse. She kept telling me to leave her alone so I eventually did. Part of me wishes I would have said “oh so you own this table? You don’t get to tell me what to do, you aren’t security.” Reactions like these are so common is it any wonder why so few guys are approaching?
  13. That is a damn good point. They aren’t mind readers so why people be acting like they practically are? If women were as good at determining men’s true intentions as people say they are there would be a lot less rapes, kidnappings, abusive situations, etc.
  14. Besides, are we going to keep acting like all women are some monolithic being? Seems pretty sexist if you ask me. I like to think different women respond to different things unless you’re coming at them as a complete unhinged nut job or immanent threat to their safety.
  15. Like I said, this is not the case, silly goose. It’s a video of a girl satirically showing how she’d like to deal with men who do invalidate their menstrual struggles. At least I hope it’s satirical. You often say flirting is all about HOW you say stuff, and less about WHAT is said. Then in the same breath you go on saying how there are certain things which I should avoid. So which is it? And not just you but many people keep telling me the same thing, “The energy behind what you say is what counts” I can guarantee you if I were to open with something normal like “Hey, how are you today? I’m interested in meeting you” I’d have the same energy with that as I would if I were to say the things I really want to talk about. If girls already know what you want either way then what difference does it make?
  16. Incorrect. It’s a video of a girl showing how to respond when guys invalidate it
  17. Sup shawty, I wanna have sex with you. Will you please get in my car? Straight forward, no bullshit. See the problem? That’s a shame because as the saying goes: If she’s dumb as dirt, she’ll let you squirt. Super smart, she has no heart. Girls with low self esteem may be more apt to respond well to disrespect. Or toxic girls. A toxie isn’t gonna be thrilled by you being real nice and civil because she’s not that way to very many people herself. She’ll respond to your respectfulness with something like “have a nice day” or “yeah? So what you creep?” So they might need a dose of their own medicine to get their attention. No? I have absolutely no problem hooking up with a toxie even if she’s mean as hell the whole way there because I’m not looking for a committed relationship with her. I would love nothing more in the world than to become this guy
  18. If you wanna be the one to bail me outta jail when I accidentally say the wrong thing to the wrong girl, maybe I’ll start cold approaching more regularly. Not tryna sound standoffish but that’s what its come to. You have to be extremely careful and precise about every single little thing that comes out of your mouth if you want any chance of making progress with a girl and if you give her the creeps, oh boy! Bad news for you. The stakes could not be any higher. This is exactly the reason there is a population crisis. In a much bigger city this is less of an issue because there’s less chance of bumping into the same girl multiple times and there’s so much other stuff going on thus less focus on you.
  19. This “plenty of fish in the sea” concept is played out and unhelpful. For those of us who don’t have the money, energy or resources to move out of our bullshit 60k population city, it means nothing to us. How many women are single? The number instantly gets cut in half at best. How many are heterosexual? The number drops further. How many are within the correct age range? There goes even more options. How many aren’t stuck up nut cases with ridiculously high standards? There goes a whole bunch more. See what I mean? We actually have very very little to work with if we’re lucky
  20. Exactly. No it isn’t graphic, not even close. It makes reference to a kink I have in a comedic fashion. Almost exactly right. Only it’s a girl acting out a hypothetical scenario wherein a guy says that to her and she responds by doing that. She plays all three roles herself; the girl, the guy and the personified period. I’d like to think I’m already there. I mean I know I’m not going up to girls like “h h h hey, c c can I get ur numbrr? Ur real pretty” all hunched over and trembling over my words and such. I usually try to do a few warmups on regular people in general first that way I’m not all rusty.
  21. Nope. Don’t have it installed yet but that could change if my phone is a new enough model to download it. It’s too old for a lot of apps. Lol! If only
  22. I know. This is definitely one of the friendliest places on the internet. It’s just that this is information that I’ve only shared with one other person, the therapist, and only recently. So I’m hesitant. This gives me a whole new respect for people trying to come out as gay. First I’ll give you a hint and if you don’t guess it I might just say it. What is the obvious comeback a woman would give to a man who is invalidating her period pains? I’m not interested in invalidating women’s struggles, the potential of what could come after is what I’m looking for. Like if a guy says, it’s not really that big of a deal, you’re being such a drama queen about it” she might say “yeah well if I’m just being dramatic about my thing then how about I.... and see how you feel!” If that doesn’t give it away I’ll have to spill it. Ps. I’m going to a big town function in a few days so I would really appreciate some ideas on how I could work some magic. @something_else I really wanna dig into what you said but I’m running out of energy for the night. You always seem to give me the most substantial replies so big props for that
  23. Think about it, 1. It’s the biggest mainstream social media platform in the world, not a porn sight or anything of the like. 2. What I’m showing them isn’t even close to as bad as other stuff that’s on there. 3. My main objective is to simply get them talking about it, the possibility of them doing the extra deed is just a bonus if the idea comes up. 4. If they aren’t having it, it’s no problem at all. It’s only harassment if it’s ongoing despite them telling you to stop. Know all this, how is it reasonable to think I might end up in cuffs? link the thread for me? I just walk up and say “hey, I need some female opinion on this tiktok, you mind?” Simple as. Yes, I know that girls know we want to drill them. So what? We also know they want to ride on us as long as we’re [insert list of characteristics chicks find desirable in dudes here] How does that change anything? Don’t we all have a hidden agenda of wanting to bone the girl we’re talking to? If it’s better to be yourself and be perfectly authentic than to drop some scripted routine on her, then why not just tell her what you want outright? We literally have to hide our intentions and heavily self censor if we want any chance of getting them in bed with us, otherwise why wouldn’t we just walk up and say “hey sexy lady, let’s head back to my place and do the ol’ fucky sucky.” That would inevitably get your nuts crushed if you went around doing your approaches in that manner.