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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Two words: retroactive consent. Unfortunately it does not even matter if if she’s sober or not or how much evidence you have of her consent. At any point in the future she can withdraw her consent and boom, you’re paying thousands of dollars on a lawyer just to increase your chances of not getting locked up for 5-10 years. Not only that but even just physical escalation on the initial approach can get you a sexual harassment charge if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. And how could you if you’re a noob at pickup? Trying to get a girlfriend in the current era is like playing with fire.
  2. We literally built everything from the ground up and all the modern luxuries of today for them, and now they’re trying to say they don’t need men. Watch the Barbie movie.
  3. You’ve got it sooo backwards, my friend. Women only love us based on what we can provide and our performance as a man. They care about our status, our intelligence, (intelligent, high status men meant better survival in the past) they care about how many other women want us. To back this up, try wearing a wedding ring a few nights out and compare how into you the ladies are vs when you aren’t wearing one. You’ll be shocked. Good luck finding a girl that doesn’t think you’re a total freak for not having much or any social media presence. Now does that sound like a deep, soulful form of love or does it sound shallow and materialistic as hell? If women are by and large these wonderful creatures, why is it so many of them divorce rape us and demand tons and tons of alimony/child support and deprive us of spending time with our kids then not give a single fuck about our suffering when we end up in absolute financial ruin and suicidal depression or in jail for failing to make the ridiculous payments? https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/dating/marriage-rates-decline-reason-economically-attractive-men-jobs-income-a9098956.html Heres an article to show you what really matters to most women. Imagine a financially stable business woman gets approached by a Starbucks barista guy. Then imagine a wealthy businessman meets a Starbucks barista girl. Which scenario do you think is more likely to lead to a relationship? Men are the true love junkies. We love our women so fiercely we would do anything to protect them. We love and honor their minds, spirits and every last molecule of their bodies from scalp to sole. The intoxicating effect of their affection would be a schedule 1 controlled substance if it were to be put in pill form. From personal experience, I can honestly say the very few instances where women have given me positive attention and affection were so mind numbingly blissful the only thing that exceeds it is a powerful psychedelic experience of universal oneness. Women simply do not love us back with that level of intensity. They aren’t built that way. The first half of my post proves it.
  4. @Leo Gura College campuses?? Aren’t the campus cops gonna inevitably show up to ban me when they notice a guy that doesn’t even attend the college going around talking to all the girls? Keep in mind staff members of bars have barked up my ass and even banned me for joking around about stuff that literally isn’t even half as bad as some of what you’ve gotten away with. If one single person complains about me for whatever reason I’m toast.
  5. This describes me perfectly. Except I don’t need the girls to be exceptionally hot (although that would be great) At least equal to me in attractiveness is good enough. It’s literally the only thing I want anymore, family, friends, career, money, adventure, self care, spirituality, freedom, love, connection, none of it means shit to me. I am beyond obsessed with the female body and all of its functions. The desire to bang tons of chicks and try out various kinks has become so strong it’s basically all I can think about anymore. And if I can’t have it? Well let’s just say I have absolutely zero interest in living another 60+ years in this rotten piece of shit world that treats me like garbage just for trying to bury my face in some prime healthy ? Number 1 problem for me right now is I don’t live in a big enough city where I have a sufficient amount of women to practice pickup on. Don’t have the money energy or recourses to move out.
  6. Everyone keeps saying that. For the last time, it doesn’t work that way! I wish it was that easy but unfortunately it’s far from it. It doesn’t matter how much fun you’re having, if the other person isn’t enjoying themselves as well, the interaction dies. For this reason, you have to sacrifice what you find fun and humorous for what they’re comfortable with. You gotta remember 95% of the planet is nowhere near as open minded and chill as we are so you can’t just be yourself like it’s no big deal. It freaks people out.
  7. That’s a good idea. Learning = observation
  8. Most hilarious thing I’ve read all week! The NPC turbo normies of bars and clubs (both staff and patrons) are no exaggeration the absolute worst fucking people I’ve ever had the misfortune of having to deal with. There is no not being judged or having any fun when you’re constantly having to walk on eggshells to avoid being kicked out, the only reason it’s necessary to go to those places is for the chicks. Problem is you have to matrix your way through a storm of bullets to make any progress with them. What about when three girls in a row recoil in disgust from you trying to dance with them so not only are you insecure about that, but now you’ve got dickhead bouncers coming up to you like “Hey buddy, we can’t have you scaring the ladies! You gotta leave!” ?
  9. Julien Blank says it’s ok to be adhd about it and jump around from topic to topic erratically.
  10. Not that simple because it doesn’t always cause problems that’s thing. But it usually does. If I slip up and say a wrong thing it’s not like I can apologize or redo it, I’m permanently on the ick list. You can be well behaved while also having your own kind of fun and humor, two things the normies think are mutually exclusive. So you can only feel free to talk about whatever if you’re already one of the cool kids? That’s messed up
  11. Not true at all. If you’re saying anything dirty or joking about anything even a little bit weird or inappropriate at all it doesn’t matter how much fun you’re having girls will still be turned off by it for the most part. Guys tend to be a lot more open minded and cool about being wild and free and expressively yourself. Bars and clubs are filled with the worst people ever. You basically have to be a fucking robot to be accepted in those places. Raves on the other hand, those are what bars and clubs wish they could be.
  12. I’ve had this idea for some time now where I’ll make my cold approach consist of showing the girl or girls some tiktoks about a topic in which I’m very interested in order to facilitate a conversation of something I thoroughly enjoy hearing women talk about and to possibly (but not necessarily) steer the interaction towards an invitation for her to do something to me. (I don’t want to say exactly what it is as not to overshare) I know that me saying I don’t want to share it makes it seem like that’s obviously the reason I shouldn’t be doing it but trust me when I say it really isn’t that bad at all, especially considering girls are making viral videos about it. I’ve only field tested this once and it went ok, not great but not at all bad either. Here’s the kicker: As per the title, she literally told me this idea might get me arrested for sexual harassment! Wow. As if I needed any more reasons to be paranoid and terrified around women than I already have. I’m not mad at her. In fact I appreciate her being honest enough to tell me what she really thinks, but goddamn. Is nothing at all acceptable anymore besides just talking about the most boring, vanilla stuff there is? Just let that sink in. Basically what my therapist told me was that a girl can actually get me put in fucking jail for no more than making her feel a little uncomfortable. If that isn’t oppression then what is? Are women at risk of being arrested for talking to men about stuff they’re uncomfortable talking about? It’s not like I’m planning on relentlessly pestering girls about it. If they don’t want to discuss it with me that’s fine. Do I deserve to be incarcerated for showing a girl a tiktok video I like? Keep in mind the content in question isn’t even close to being inappropriate enough to think that would be necessary. If I could tell you what it is you’d see how utterly ridiculous of a thought that is. If anyone can help me out here I’d be grateful because the idea that i absolutely cannot be myself or talk about the stuff I’m passionate about with girls especially but also just people in general does not sit well with me at all.
  13. Sure hope not. Big part of why I made this thread is because I can easily see this coming to pass in some places. Society as I’ve experienced it seems to be very fertile soil for such policies to be rolled out. The level of consciousness that proposes these kinds of ideas is all over the place and it’s really bad in the west. A lot of why modern dating sucks so much can be attributed to this way of thinking.
  14. Anybody want to explain this massive load of BS? Obviously legit sexual harassment and being genuinely threatening should be punishable, but this? In what sane society would even the idea of such a thing not be immediately dismissed as utter hogwash? Apparently they’re actually trying to get this kind of shit passed into law. Imagine facing a seven year sentence because some woman overheard you telling your mates about the fun night you had with that girl from the club last weekend, or facing five years because you said something rude to your girlfriend or wife. This is the textbook definition of oppression and all it’s going to accomplish is pitting the genders against each other even more than they already are and lower the birth rate even further. We are well on our way to a full blown female dominated dystopian nightmare.
  15. As long as you would also say the same goes for girls, fair enough. Personally I don’t think we should be restricting anyone like that. Here in the states, such laws would be a direct violation of our first amendment (freedom of speech) But if other countries have to pass some bs laws, at least make them not biased by gender, race etc.
  16. You frame this question in a way that makes it seem like it’s always my fault when they feel that way. What about when they act like I’m some psycho when I literally did not even say the tiniest thing out of place or sexual or abnormal or controversial or offensive in any way whatsoever? Or what about when they act like stuck up brats that are offended because some rat like me thought he was good enough to strike up a chat with them?
  17. Anyone else notice when you approach a super baddie, your brain does this nice thing for where it’s like “ah, I see you’re trying to step outside your comfort zone and make an epic play, lemme just increase your difficulty settings by about 65 percent and turn you into a drooling idiot by lowering your iq by 30 points” Then you have white knighting douchebags getting up in your face about it even when all you’re doing is having the most normal, basic, down to earth conversation possible? Or just me? I wouldn’t dare do an approach on the job. The risk of getting fired and having my name dragged through the mud because of it is far too great.
  18. I have a pathetically unattractive face despite both my parents being literal 8-9/10s in their earlier years. My face is too wide, slightly recessed chin/overbite, my nose bridge caves in too far between the eyes. I have a beard because it helps hide my jawline, but I still look like a groundhog. Recently I found out I’m only five ‘ nine” after thinking I was five ten for a long time, that alone hurts terribly. I honestly believe god fucking hates me. My dad just came out and admitted to me that if the dating situation was as doomed as it is now when he was younger, I’d have never been born ? ?”He’s so tall and handsome as hell, he’s so bad but he does it so well.”? -Saylor Twift If the queen of Stacies said it, you know it’s serious
  19. TL;DR Does death automatically give you infinite power or do you get caught up in karmic bs? I want to believe you get to design your own reality/realities and live them for as long as you wish while also keeping the ego you have now fully intact that way you can burn through your every worldly desire. For me, I want an exact rerun of the life I’ve lived thus far only next time I have infinite strength, infinite speed, flight and shapeshifting. After that gets boring I’ll do other stuff, the possibilities are the very definition of the word infinite. My reasoning for this being necessary is because a soul has to get what it wants before it can see the better things in life, even if it’s wants are grossly materialistic and self-centered. You can’t truly convince an underdeveloped soul that enlightenment is better than sex and power until they have their share of it. So this would be the perfect way for one to resolve his or her own selfishness and accumulated karma instead of having to come back to prison planet repeatedly. Since all this life ever does is rape us up the ass 24/7, a reward for having to put up with this despicable bullshit is only fair. Unfortunately, Sadhguru sees it differently. He says if you self delete, you end up in a much more intensified version of the inner state you’re already experiencing. Here’s the video where he explains it
  20. Find out if she’s into bdsm play and if so, tell her while she’s tied up. That way she can’t leave you For real though, maybe if the anxiety is too much to bare you could take a micro dose or low dose of alcohol before revealing you true power level? Depending on what your tolerance is. Might be useful just to free you up a little. Keep us posted because I can already tell ya I’m going to be facing this exact dilemma if I ever end up with a girl.
  21. ?Holy mother of black pill!?
  22. Sounds like how I’ve heard people describe the salvia divinorum experience. Did you use a substance to induce this state? That’s what I’m talking about. See if I’m god, shouldn’t I get to choose exactly what I experience? If not now then certainly after death?
  23. This is mostly cope. The reality of the situation is bullies are very smart, witty and strong. Much more so than most others. They don’t feel bad about themselves because their dominant nature and boundless confidence gets them tons of chicks, which then makes them feel even better like they’re the boss in life which further reinforces their belief in themselves and it snowballs into making them very powerful. Bullying is seen all throughout the animal kingdom. The stronger animals ruthlessly torment the weaker ones to minimize the likelihood of competition.
  24. Based on the feedback I’ve been getting, it is in fact much much easier to creep a girl out than simply talking about sex too early, although that would be the most obvious way to do it. If that was true I’d never have any problems in pickup.