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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Hard to believe it, but apparently they do
  2. The moment you’re hooked you’re already cooked
  3. Fart while making eye contact with her
  4. Surely there are better ways to get kicked in the rocks than emptying your wallet. Check out all these these girls who were willing to do it for their own amusement for free to poor unsuspecting guys against their will. The last one was just evil ☠️ Giving money to women is my version of the average man’s reaction to the idea of getting kicked in the balls. Getting kicked in the balls (not insanely hard) is my version of the average man’s enjoyment of sex.
  5. These things are millions of times bigger and more powerful than stars. They represent the opposite energy. All it takes is one strong narcissist or sociopath to suck the good vibes out of wherever they are, no matter how radiant the others are.
  6. That man has the most ASTONISHING blue eyes
  7. Morning supercharger 🤘😝🤘
  8. I always thought it would be fun to be there during a sandstorm. Imagine all the titty and ass cheek you could grab and get away with by running into the abyss
  9. Reading that then looking at the side of his head in the thumbnail cracked me up 😆 IDK Y
  10. The visibility would’ve been awfully low, it probably wouldn’t have shown up much at all. But maybe I’m underestimating my phone’s camera, I’ll try next time. I did have one closer encounter maybe ten years ago. It was also at night maybe three miles or so over the field in front of my house? I’m bad at judging distance but it might’ve been close to that. It was moving back and forth, it also got really bright right before disappearing. I haven’t really done anything to summon them other than half jokingly wishing some hot and benevolent alien bitches would abduct me like in my other post. I’m not super into the topic.
  11. No way. They hang around way longer than those. I even watched one for almost ten minutes, it looked like a flickering star and was moving in very odd patterns but hovering within a relatively small area a couple weeks ago. It even knew I was watching it. As a test I pointed it in a direction and it moved that way slightly. I pointed it a different direction and it followed again.
  12. Anyone who was born female or wants to be. Basically anyone who wants to be is.
  13. I’ve been seeing more ufo activity in the night sky lately. Lights that look like stars way way up in the sky are moving much faster than any man made aircraft could for that altitude. And they don’t always move in straight lines.
  14. He said it got worse for someone when he told them to just be the observer. How is that running away from the experience?
  15. This guy is apparently somehow able to not only easily bypass VPNs, but also set his own IP as this VPN hacker’s IP. How?
  16. It’s probably because to them it’s easy to hack through vpns so they assume a lot more people know how to do that than there actually are. But that’s just speculation coming from a complete E-tard
  17. Adam of Psychedsubstance used to run to his now ex girlfriend for cuddles every time the trip got too deep for him. Apparently it was so effective it even got to the point where he was annoying her by doing it so often he was waking her up when she had work the next day. Maybe a girlfriend is the best cure for a harsh experience. They don’t help in general. Deep belly breaths don’t do jack shit to soothe approach anxiety.
  18. Those rules actually make sense. The “fuck around and find out” is on them if all I’m doing is trying to flirt. And if I get fucked with just for that, they can find out with a face full of top shelf, military grade Viper Venom pepper spray.
  19. So no street pickup?
  20. I read about half of Leo’s top recommended book Mastery by George Leonard. It’s basically about how to never give up on your goal. I don’t think it’s on the list but I also read most of Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces and comprehended maybe 25 percent of it. I must have a curse that doesn’t allow me to finish books. And a book per week is way beyond my reading level. I might be able to do 1 every 1-2 months if I’m determined as hell
  21. That semen demon would meet her final boss if she came to rob my seed at night. With virgin autism powers far exceeding 9000 she ain’t getting it easily
  22. Ayyyyy! Even I made it on the hall of fame
  23. Brutally humiliated absolutely. Arrested? That’s very possible in the UK, as they have laws that can get you jail time for simply staring at women. I want to believe most places around the world aren’t quite that cucked, YET. Surely just approaching and talking to strangers isn’t that legally risky, is it?