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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Good luck not being thirsty when you’re a high libido man and totally deprived of female physical contact for years upon years upon years, really destroys a guy inside. There’s no hiding the thirst because the moment you open a qt she already knows what you want. Needy and desperate on the other hand, those are concealable. I sure haven’t. I’ve found that girls will usually be as unhelpful as humanly possible in pickup If anything I’ve made more progress with the polite robot than anything else. In no way do I relate to your typical stacies and beckies; they are alien to me, and malevolent ones at that. What do I have to relate to them about? Nobody cares if you both like kombucha or you’re both wearing jeans. We are as different as night and day on everything from music to philosophy to what makes us angry to social media usage to sexual experience and most of all humor, effectively everything that matters. I know there are different types of girls out there but I mean it when I say there isn’t enough. Not enough to find one that isn’t already taken or claims to be taken anyway. So there goes the hope of being relatable unless I either become a chameleon or fundamentally change who I am. Or am I missing something? But wouldn’t that also run the risk of tempting you to emulate their behavior, there goes your authenticity if that happens? Here’s the problem with that, and this is a very important thing I’m about to say: I can watch the interaction like an NSA agent. But it won’t help one bit if the feedback I get doesn’t accurately reflect what they’re really feeling. I’m not going to learn jack shit if all they do is give me that blank faced fluoride stare the whole time and give me one worded responses. Girls also for some reason like to deliberately disguise their true feelings as something else. They’ll pretend to be interested in the conversation only to later complain to their friends/bfs/authority figures about that super weird dude (me) that thought he was good enough to talk to them for some reason and how deeply uncomfortable they were the whole time. I wish I was making this up. It’s virtually impossible to calibrate if I’m going to be misled and back stabbed like that.
  2. I’ve got some
  3. For me it’s different. When my t spikes I get so horny I have to do a handstand just to take a piss in the morning and balls feel like watermelons. But my mood/motivation/energy/confidence remains unaffected Not really true if you have a very strong fetish. In this case just the fantasy alone gives massive amounts of pleasure that if performed would be light years better than basic intercourse. The beauty of my thing is it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with sex, yet if a baddie were to do me the honors just once I’d be stuck in a bliss coma for months. Others who have my thing say they’ve had girlfriends that were great partners in other areas but since they weren’t willing to indulge the kink they had to look for someone else. That should tell you something.
  4. My cousin spends over a year at a time in SEA (Southeast Asia) Vietnam particularly. He comes home for about half a year, saves up, rinse and repeat. He says the girls are incredibly easy and a lot more tolerable there. I’d’ve joined him a long time ago if I wasn’t such an incurable hermit. Things are also more affordable there and lots of fun to be had
  5. Wow, fantastic replies so far guys. Huge thanks! The dots are connecting, slowly but surely
  6. Definitely not a troll post but I can see how it would look like it. If I understand social calibration correctly it’s basically the practice of only talking about what’s relevant to the person you’re talking to and the context of the scenario you’re in? Like don’t go off on a rant about some random thing out of nowhere? I don’t wanna be like other people, I just wanna sleep with their women. I agree it seems like a huge waste of time the whole thing, but unfortunately our bodies are screaming at us to get laid every second of every day, so we go through mountains of hard ass work just to hopefully MAYBE increase our chance of being successful. Surely you didn’t mean ME wasting YOUR time? Because that’d be easy just stop replying. Don’t get me wrong I really do appreciate all the help I can get! That makes sense. It’s just if the PUAs are saying being totally filterless makes you seem more attractive you have to expect some weird things to get said, no? And isn’t wit mostly attached to your intelligence? Cuz that’s not something you can easily upgrade if so.
  7. Even if I don’t have enough people to practice on? No idea how that’s supposed to work
  8. I mean who really goes out of their way to explain why they’re talking about what they’re talking about with each new thing they talk about, that would get tiresome. From what I’ve noticed people just let conversational topics flow out naturally as they come to mind without needing to specify a reason for everything brought up. Wouldn’t that disrupt the natural flow? But if that be the case, what’s wrong with just telling them you’re talking about it because you find it intriguing? Or u could just be like “mind if I start talking about something random lol” @itsadistraction That makes sense. Though I find it to be absolute horse shit how people have to be so non chill about everything for no reason. I wouldn’t be the least bit put off by a random chick approaching me to start talking about how my equipment works. In fact I’d find the violation of social conformity refreshing as long as she didn’t start getting all handsy and belligerent, which I would never do. So where’s the “treat others the way you want to be treated” golden rule? In short, I’m just glad you said it like is instead of more of this be yourself bs.
  9. @something_else Jesus Fucking Christ man how about a trigger warning before making me read a post like that, I almost smashed my phone on the ground. They kicked you out because you whispered something in a girl’s ear. If a guy complained to a bouncer about a girl doing that (or really anything for that matter) he’d laugh in their face and say get lost. Women bothering men is treated like a joke not just in clubs but just about everywhere else in life as well. But the gynocentrism is better exemplified in night clubs than pretty much anywhere else. Check out this segment from an article I read and tell me if u think it’s real. Knowing how our egregiously sexist society is I’d say it’s one hundred percent true. “Literally the last time I went to a club I saw a normal, perfectly reasonable looking average guy, get bumped from behind at the bar and he 100% accidentally spilled some of his beer on a young lady’s suede high heeled shoes. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes were suddenly furious with rage. He was mid sentence, I couldn’t hear what he said, but I am guessing it was something like, “I’m so sorry let me buy you a-“ But he couldn’t finish his sentence as her bony knee shot like lightning straight up into his nuts. As her other high heel acted as the fulcrum for her weight and she leaned back a bit and her arms went flailing out to keep her balance. She got some really great momentum into the move, all of her violent force going bye-bye straight into his drink-spilling crotch. I’ve seen some knees, and this was top-notch. He fell instantly to the ground and, ironically, dropped the entire rest of his pint all over her other shoe. In my opinion, serves her right. It was an accident! She stormed off in a huff and complained to the staff as he laid there dry heaving, probably wondering what his new life of ball-lessness was going to be like. The bouncer showed up and Mr. Average was removed from the club while everyone stared and laughed, it was pretty hilarious.” Anyhow, Leo was your first replier to that thread and he said even he’s been kicked out of clubs, this was surprising to me because when I posted complaining about my experience he said something along the lines of “you have to act like the biggest jackass in the world to get kicked out of a bar.” I know it’s not a club but the social dynamics are still quite similar. So was he acting like a massive jackass to get told to leave? In my experience that’s not true at all. And reading your thread confirms it. The next reply is a girl (Preety) chiming in to let us know she finds it “hot” that he’s been given the boot a time or two. So you get kicked out for an incomprehensibly retarded reason despite people saying you have to act like a total lunatic for that to happen, Leo tells you to toughen up about it and that it’s even happened to him before, then a girl comes along to tell us she finds it hot when you would think girls should find it a turnoff considering girls getting the ick is the entire problem here. This world is literally not fucking real. Yes, calibrate as in you better walk on eggshells around the all mighty woman because you’re constantly on very thin ice and one small slip up away from being figuratively burned at the stake. Awesome to know. That makes me feel just terrific about my possibility of ever getting better at attracting these humanoid alien creatures. Seriously, if an alien came to earth to study our current human mating rituals when they saw the vast amounts of bullshit the males have to go through just to get a chance at achieving one of the most basic functions of life they’d be absolutely dumbfounded like “by golly, it’s actually like you’re trying to learn how to slay a dragon” LOL I mean if there’s an unspoken list containing the most basic and harmless little things that somehow give girls the ick of which you can’t possibly know all of them until it’s too late, how are you supposed to not just play it safe and constantly be on guard lest you burn your bridges before you even have any idea wtf you did wrong? I’m sure there is some way to do that but goddamn bro, things sure don’t look good
  10. While it sucks tremendously that this is something we have to go through, I’m glad to hear you say that because it validates my own struggle. Even on this forum I’ve been told that I must be doing something terribly wrong to get kicked out of night life places because no one else is. Knowing how women and prick bouncers/bartenders are, I know it’s happening to a lot more of us than people realize. Think about how unjust that is: we aren’t making threats, we aren’t being violent, we aren’t touching without permission (at least I’m not) literally our only crime is making people uneasy just by not knowing how to act like a carbon copy of everyone else. Somehow that’s a bannable offense. Has anyone ever heard of a woman getting kicked out of a club for being insufficiently socially calibrated? Of course not! Nothing is ever a woman’s fault. In fact if a woman is acting a little weird in her interactions, first thing the staff is gonna do is start searching for which man’s fault it is that she’s acting differently than what’s expected. If you don’t know EXACTLY how to do it, what to say, when to say, how to say, then it is very much prohibited. Men are afforded very very little room for error when flirting with the ladies before being ruthlessly hit with asinine and disproportionate consequences. Indeed you would think a club is a very well lubricated place, somewhere you can feel free to let loose and start expressing yourself in a free and open manner. But the reality is far more depressing than that usually. The only rule or law I violate is an unspoken one of being completely authentic instead of characteristically castrating myself to behave exactly like everyone else. In my experience girls are deeply disturbed of giving a genuinely unique guy a chance because they’re terrified of being judged by their friends and they’re taught to think men who act even a little different from what’s arbitrarily deemed socially acceptable are psychotic mad men who’re going to rape and kill them. As far as “harassment”, that word has all but lost its original meaning. It’s become a type of “burn the witch” term that girls use against guys who they find ugly or otherwise irksome in whatever way. When a woman tells people you’re “harassing” her, doesn’t matter what you were actually doing, it will shut off people’s logical mind and automatically pit them against you. Sometimes they might be reasonable to give you a chance to explain your side, but you will still be heavily suspected of wrongdoing. That’s the thing. There is nothing clear about it. Half the time they don’t even tell you you’re bothering them, they just look at you with a blank stare. What’s even more bewildering is they’ll often pretend to be interested in what you’re saying and be very active in the interaction when under the surface they’re wishing you’d get the hell away. Only to later talk behind your back and get the staff or security up your ass. Hopefully I explained some of it. I’m just above and beyond completely sick to fucking death of all of it. The women, the white knights, the bouncers, the bars, the unreasonable and small minded attitudes, the alcohol, the gaslighting, the double standards. I’m so infuriated and disgusted by this game it makes me want punch holes in the wall and rip my fucking skin off. Why even put up with a system packed full of people who’re this shitty and inconsiderate to guys who just want to get better at pulling girls?
  11. Recently my psychiatrist and family have been strongly recommending I start taking Abilify. Abilify is a second generation, supposedly safer antipsychotic med which I would be taking for lack of motivation and anxiety. It turns out antipsychotics are one of the main causes of akathisia, other causes include SSRIs, anti nausea meds and benzodiazepine withdrawal. It’s characterized by the following symptoms: Intense and unrelenting restlessness, complete inability to stop moving Severe, agonizing and bone deep discomfort throughout the body Feeling of being electrocuted, burned and or having thousands of tiny bugs crawling all throughout every nerve in the body Severe dysphoria: unimaginable levels of fear, panic, stress, terror and helplessness. Ineffable mental, physical and spiritual torment far far beyond what any sentient creature should ever have to endure Suicidal and or homicidal tendencies I’ve also heard it described as having a nonstop exorcism or having your nervous system hooked up to a turbo jet engine and revving it up pedal to the metal. One woman said she would rather give birth multiple times a day every day for a year than ever go through akathisia again. Some people are lucky enough to never have this side effect or only experience it for a relatively short while (minutes can feel like hours in this state) others, not so much. There are people who have been going on like this for years and it can be permanent. (Skip this next part if you don’t care to read my commentary on the psychiatric industry) One thing I find concerning is none of this was mentioned to me by the “professionals” until I brought it up to them. Then they didn’t even seem to acknowledge it as being anything more than your typical bout of anxiety or restlessness. Right. That’s like saying having your childrens’ heads blown off with a shotgun right in front of you can lead to feelings of sadness. The fact that they’re so dismissive of such a serious and disturbingly common symptom leads me to wonder just how many innocent souls who just wanted to feel better are now stuck in the deepest darkest pits of hell for no telling how long due to sheer negligence. Some people who wind up this way are misdiagnosed as anxious and prescribed benzos which will only exacerbate the issue in the long run and can be ripped away from you quite abruptly. Some people are given even more antipsychotics or antidepressants. Some people are misdiagnosed as manic, psychotic or delusional and placed in psyche wards where they’re subject to being force fed more of the kinds of drugs which caused the issue to begin with. Good luck trying to tell an orderly that actually you were never this bad until after taking psyche meds. They’ll just think it’s more of your delusion talking and pump you full of the devil’s drugs then not give a single fuck about your screams of excruciating agony. I’m getting this from comments I’ve read of people sharing their experience. I know it’s possible that things can be made up, but why lie about this? What would one stand to gain by fabricating such stories? I’m also not saying all psychiatrists are this bad, but people should be aware of the red flags. So there you have it, akathisia. Wanted to talk a little about it to raise awareness because apparently most people have never even heard the word before. And to express how grateful I am for the internet. Without it, I very well might have been another victim.
  12. Remarkably helpful mate. Many thanks for sharing. This may be just what I need to break my life long curse of being stuck in skelly mode. My biggest roadblock to getting desired muscle gains has always been the hassle and expense of buying and preparing the massive amount of food I have to shovel down, and it’s quite physically challenging to consume that much. So this guide should be very useful. Lately I’ve been watching professional eaters like Matt stonier and Eric the electric and galvsfood while eating cuz it makes it somewhat easier to consume my by comparison pathetic amount of calories by watching other people eat preposterously large meals.
  13. @Schizophonia what’s et toc?
  14. I said I WOULD be taking it. That is if I had listened without question. Luckily I had questions. Reading what folks had to say about it and watching some videos scared me away from going anywhere near it or anything like it. Not to say I’d be guaranteed to end up with aka but my god is it really worth the risk?!
  15. Nice man 🤘😝🤘 gives the same energy as this one
  16. Omfg this is way too real! God help us 😭 What about when a few of them complain to the bouncers/staff about that weird guy trying to hit on all the girls then suddenly you’re banned and your bridge is burned? Or is that just a me problem? Idk why but my very existence alone seems to put people, especially girls on high alert
  17. Very true. Obviously if you’re a six foot four, ripped hot guy the ladies will be receptive to almost anything you say. Tragically, I’m only a measly five’ nine and I can’t do anything about my facial structure. I don’t know why Leo and 90 percent of the PUA community don’t talk more about the importance of looks, its massively important. They say personality and “vibe” is most of what attraction is, and looks are just a bonus. I’d say it’s the exact opposite or at the very least 50/50 when all you’re going for is pump and dumps with lots of women. That’s fair. Though I will say if that’s the case it’s quite odd that guys who’re very douchey and even straight up disrespectful towards women still manage to pull. I guess that’s why tons and tons of practice is necessary? So you can learn exactly HOW to do it. Charisma on Command says that telling embarrassing stories and good story telling is a great way to be magnetic. Instead it seems to be more of a crowd dispersal tactic. If it goes poorly literally every single time without exception then yeah, that would mean the problem is only me and would require a fundamental personality change. But what does that mean for the few instances where they actually do respond well?
  18. While I agree this is supposed to be the way it works, it sure is hard to find any truly receptive girls. Overwhelming majority of the time, women don’t want much of what I have to give, they just aren’t having it. They don’t wanna hear it, don’t wanna entertain it, don’t wanna deal with it. Or at best they’ll pretend to be interested out of politeness for some time then eventually walk away (sometimes trying to hold back their laughter triggered by the absolutely pathetic display they just witnessed). I feel like I provide tons of value without leeching. I’ll tell her funny stories or embarrassing moments from my past or philosophical stuff, sometimes I’ll even do some silly movements but nothing too over the top. Basically things to facilitate a fun and open interaction. Seems it’s never good enough. It’s the same throughout all the different mediums of communication; you can send a girl an insightful and well thought out text that’s rich in value and it’s almost guaranteed you’ll hear nothing back from her ever. Again, it’s not like I’m coming at them with the energy of “Since I just gave you x and y, I expect you to give me z”
  19. The only time that “what you want shows up when you stop focusing on it” thing works is in my dreams. Usually in the past when I’ve been able to lessen my desire for women, they show up in swarms in my dreams at night along with the kinds of related activities I need. But never in waking reality. Dunno what’s going on there. Furthermore, what’s even the point of getting your desire if you no longer want it? If law of attraction dictates that you have to get to a space where you already feel as though you have your desire, at that point you’re already fulfilled in that way so what’s even the point of having it anymore? The whole point of having a desire is being super elated and ecstatic when you finally get it. It defeats the entire purpose of getting your desire if you just make yourself feel like you already have it manifested before its manifested. It would be like if you really wanted a coat because you were cold, but instead of getting the coat like you wanted, someone showed you a technique to produce more body heat so you no longer need it. THEN the coat shows up. It’s asinine.
  20. TL;DR: Just watch the video and tell me what you think. The video is about why more men are starting to avoid women and part of it is a story about a guy that gets charged for sexual harassment for saving a girl’s life via mouth to mouth cpr. She says she would’ve rather had “someone else” do it. Not her boyfriend or one of her friends or a family member but “someone else”. That tells me she was pissed off that it wasn’t another woman or a more attractive man that saved her instead. Otherwise wouldn’t she have been more specific than just “someone else”? The article says he was also playing with her tits. Not saying it is, but that sounds like something a girl like her would make up just to make her case stronger, and certainly no one would dare doubt her if so. Do you think she would just drop the charges if it was somehow proven that he merely accidentally touched them in the process of performing the cpr or if he hadn’t done it at all? Hell no she wouldn’t. If women can get us in serious trouble this easily and for just acting out of genuine concern imagine what else they can do. If a guy tried to pull this crap on a girl the case would instantly be laughed out of the court room and we wouldn’t even be hearing about it. This toxic female behavior virus is spreading at an alarming rate and I’m genuinely getting scared. The rest of the videos are mainly just examples of men refusing to help women in need out of fear of having their reputation ruined by being framed as a creep, which as we can see is a perfectly rational fear. If a guy interacts with the wrong girl — of which there are WAY too many and there’s no way to tell just by looking at them — he very well might lose his job if his boss sees, get ridiculed all over social media or at the very least be banned from his gym that he may have been going to for a long time. If you think I’m blowing this out of proportion, just know that there was literally a BLIND guy, that’s right, a blind guy got reprimanded by the staff at his gym because some stuck up brat felt as though he was staring at her, even after he proved to them he was blind. Yes, it’s that bad. Keep in mind men are going through these issues for often nothing more than glancing in women’s direction, so you can pretty much forget about the future of pickup and game if things are headed in this direction. These chicks will wear tight clothing that reveal all their bodily cracks and curves then record and watch men like a hawk in the hopes of catching one stealing a glance. This is done despite having numerous female only gyms in every decent sized city. What’s really funny is if men tried to start their own male only gym, imagine the societal backlash that would ensue. It’s like they can’t be happy either way. Of course the biggest irony in all this is the fact that they’re accusing us of creepy behavior when they’re the ones literally recording and putting us on their social media pages without our consent. This could be a big part of the answer to the opening question of my last thread asking why some guys mistreat the ladies once they get smooth enough to pull consistently. There is truly an all out war being waged on men and masculinity and it’s been going on for many years now. This post only describes one aspect of it. I didn’t even get into: Women tend to receive significantly lighter punishments for the same crimes underaged boys can be forced to pay child support to the women of whom they’re groomed. men get treated egregiously unfairly in the family court system and in divorces it’s much more acceptable to bash men than women in mainstream entertainment Male victims of domestic violence aren’t taken as seriously There are plenty more where those came from and each of those topics on their own are deep enough to be their own thread. With all this in mind, is it any wonder why things like MGTOW, MRA and redpill/blackpill philosophies have been developed? This normalized anti-male sexism is a massive and deeply worrying problem and I have no idea what our next steps forward as a species are going to look like.
  21. If that were true, I’d be living like Hugh Hefner or Dan Bilzarian by now. I focus on women, a lot. That’s what I do. I’ve become psychotically obsessed with them. There are no words in any human language that can come close to describing how badly I need to get my fucking hands on one. So why no army of girls despite focusing so hard? I want to believe that, and I’m sure it is very true objectively, but it doesn’t seem that way. The simple fact that we have to go through so much painstakingly brutal work just learn how to speak and interact with them properly really makes it seem like they’re just inherently very weird creatures. Every guy that ended up getting divorce raped or sperm jacked for child support money or falsely accused or abused or whatever thought he had a good girl at first. Girls can be so freakishly good at acting and lying that sometimes you can’t even tell the difference between a sweetheart and a demon. Scary stuff. Do you think any of the guys who’ve been dragged to hell and back knew they were dealing with a demon ahead of time?
  22. I’m currently in the worst condition of my life in every single way. My desire to have an unlimited supply of pussy is so vast I could spend my next hundred lifetimes doing nothing but being a playboy till my final breath. For that to happen, priority number one is obviously relocating to a target rich environment like Vegas, Miami, Dallas, Boston, Denver etc. But I have no skills or money, very low energy and drive, horrendous work ethic, a defeatist mindset thoroughly infected by incel ideology and numerous addictions holding me back just to name a few. Leo told me to look up jobs I could do in whatever location I choose, but how will I make enough money with no skills unless I work multiple jobs leaving me short on time, even higher in stress than I already am and making it difficult to get out of “work mode” when I’m actually out there on the infield doing game? He also told me to not tell myself i can’t, which I’ve been trying not to but all the evidence suggests it’s going to be absolutely impossible to get anywhere close. To be fair, my city could be much worse. It’s the biggest one within a two hour drive. So I could just start practicing here, (which I was doing there for a while) but if I have to do a thousand approaches before I start getting the hang of it, eventually I’m bound to run out of options and attract a negative stigma of that creepy guy trying to hit on all the girls. It blows my mind that people somehow magically pull hot girlfriends out of thin air in cities even smaller than mine. I’m at a total loss and don’t know how to move forward. If people with experience can point me in the right direction I’ll do my best not to shut you down with more excuses for why it won’t work. I need answers. I need good ones and fast.
  23. AHHHHAHAHAHAHAH! LOLOLOLOLOLOLMFAO 🤣🤣🤣 That is THE BIGGEST contradiction to everything I’ve ever experienced with doing game. Do you know how many times I’ve said the wrong thing to a girl and she got uncomfortable and it killed the interaction? Shall I give examples? I’m sorry but I just absolutely cannot with you guys that genuinely believe this is good advice. Sure, for you more experienced folks that might be true, because you already naturally know how to say all the right things without having to think about it. Maybe nothing ever pops into your head that would be detrimental to say out loud. If it’s really true that what you say doesn’t matter because it’s all about how you say it, then on my next approach I’m going to say I want her to kick me in the balls and menstruate up my nostrils while I’m down and if she doesn’t comply then have fun tied up and gagged in the trunk of my car, but I’ll say it in a flirty, upbeat tone of voice. Good idea or bad idea? Some of us have devilish little urges to say things like that and even worse, but do we actually say them? No. Because we aren’t stupid enough to think they wouldn’t cause us massive issues if we did (because we have filters) Now I’m sure an absolute legend of game could pull that off, but keep in mind there are total noobs on this forum that are going to see that and think it’s actually a good idea to just mindlessly spill every single thought that comes to mind. Idk man. Maybe I’m just paranoid but I really do think it’s important to choose your words very carefully when doing pickup, and in many other areas of life for that matter.
  24. I already know how to present myself as health conscious because I spent a good six years or so being full on health nut. So all that leaves is being ripped. If the main thing they’re interested in is muscles then they’re obviously also going to be looking for height. So I’ll have tons of guys significantly taller and stronger to compete with even if I reach my peak once again, not sure how that’s supposed to work. I don’t even recall ever seeing a super hot girl with a guy any shorter than six foot. I’m not saying it’s everything but height is definitely a massive factor. Yeah but that was close to a decade now. I’ve completely forgotten practically everything I learned and my certification is probably expired by now
  25. https://youtu.be/ktXm7CRXbsE?feature=shared