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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. So this sounds like more of a confidence issue than an unemployment issue. If I can’t help but give off low status vibes (because I feel guilty about not working?) with some confidence hacks and a little charisma boost and I should be A okay. Unless it has more to do with the not having money part. I would argue that a dickhead boss or a bully coworker or two would poison my vibes exponentially more than just not having a job. To be fair I’m not saying a job wouldn’t help at all, it probably would. But if there’s any conceivable way I could possibly get good at girls without one, that’s my goal. I know they technically are human, with their own minds and feelings and desires and such. It all too often doesn’t seem like they are though. I think you either feel the same or know lots of guys feel that way. Otherwise you wouldn’t have stated the fact that they’re human beings. The way they are upon being approached by guys they don’t know can really be disappointing. For example, and I have plenty of my own examples, I just watched a tiktok about a girl telling how her boyfriend before he met her, did cold approach. (how he met her) Most of the girls he would open would either look at him with a blank face and walk away or give him terrible resting bitch face and cold, one worded answers to his conversation starters. Her boyfriend’s explanation of how difficult it is for men to talk to women because of their guarded, unwelcoming demeanor blew her mind. I’ve done a sizable chunk of socializing and cold approach. Never got that part. So I guess all I can do is more grinding to hopefully get some better results. To anyone reading this: Go read the two pink images I uploaded in this thread. It’s a lengthy report but well worth the time.
  2. Fixed it
  3. It’s not fear mongering, it’s literally what’s happening. If you tell someone not to swim in the river because there are alligators in it, you’re not fear mongering, you’re telling them that because it’s a fact and a very important one to know. I’ve experienced it and countless others have too and are yet to. Stories like OP’s and the images I posted are evidence that we’re entering the beginning stages of inexperienced men seeking women being oppressed and widely regarded as second class citizens. Good luck with that when talking to women has become more like walking a minefield than anything resembling fun @something_else So let’s say I have a job that contributes a decent amount to society and the pay is reasonable. I spam approach at a mall. In another instance, I spam approach at a mall with no job or money. Is one really going to make me that much more successful than the other if I’m still the exact same guy? Maybe it would but I find that hard accept. Could it be that the women are tricking themselves into thinking “We just happened to run into eachother”? Any girl above room temperature iq knows deep down that guys don’t just get girlfriends by accident, that’s not even how our biology operates. Everyone knows that when a guy sees a girl he likes, he thinks to himself how much he’d like to slam her clam, intentionally goes out of his way to put the move on her, and it either works or it doesn’t. That “just happened by chance” idea is some Disney love story crap
  4. He clearly has no idea wtf he’s doing if he thinks teaching us this way is helping many of us. He’s like self proclaimed therapist who got his certification from watching one single YouTube video and now thinks exposure therapy is the magic cure for inceldom. Nahh guys it’s far more sinister than that. What kind of a sick bastard of a god would get off on tormenting us with the very thing we want more than anything while telling us we aren’t trying hard enough or we must not want it bad enough? He might as well start taunting starving kids with delicious, nutrient packed burritos then making us watch from behind bars as he feeds it to the people we hate instead of us who NEED it the most! That’s messed up Whatever universe you’re in, tell me how u got there. People always say girls show interest when you ignore them, that and “be yourself” are the stupidest things I’ve ever heard in my life. -Walk into town -See girl -Ignore her Now what? Who is telling people the next thing that happens is she comes over to you like “Wow, you really ignored me so well! I’m impressed! Here’s my number.” Sounds like a tale straight out of lala land. This trying to have sex thing has pushed me all the way into my Professor Chaos arc.
  5. We are rapidly approaching a dystopian hellscape where any guy who isn’t already perfectly socially attuned is gonna end up like the guy in the pictures. It’s a long read but well worth it. I hope it’s in high enough resolution. The women already have very little patience or compassion for awkward betas because “Hey, that creep could be trying to kill or rape me for all I know! Get him out of my sight!” Then they get with a more masculine bad boy type and act all surprised and devastated when he turns out to be the one to severely abuse or rape her. So much for trying to keep themselves safe from creeps. They socially ostracize and shame to no end the non threatening, merely uncalibrated or inexperienced guys under the facade of them trying to avoid danger only to end up in great danger by the very same behavior they claimed they were trying to avoid. They aren’t trying to avoid danger, they’re trying to avoid feeling turned off by beta energy. But it’s not as socially accepted to start a huge fuss over someone being unattractive so instead they frame it as defending against potential predatory behavior. That way they can stay true to their natural instinct of being nasty and horrible to men they deem unfit for relationships and reproduction. Point being, if girls and society at large is already this shitty towards inexperienced men, we’ll be seeing many many more of these kinds of stories before ultimately pickup gets outlawed.
  6. Exactly right. That’s why it’s not always a good idea to go with your gut instinct because even that can be wrong and even manipulated against you. That’s what I’ve been saying. Then those women use that ick feeling that you’re giving them by just being uncalibrated to shame and get u in trouble with no consideration at all for your side. I’m pretty sure creep shaming is just a very convenient benefit of female privilege by which they abuse in a socially acceptable way guys they simply don’t like, very little to do with actually feeling threatened for their lives. Then why are they so so so sooooo bad about not getting tied up with horribly toxic and downright dangerous men? They act like the ones they don’t personally vibe with or are ugly or act uncalibrated are the dangerous ones. That’s not the case 9.9/10 times and they’re only using that horse shit victim mentality to gain power and control over us. I’m sorry but the man who fucks you senseless while you’re fully conscious and with your arms and legs dismembered is not the awkward dork who didn’t know how to read body language. It’s the one who knows women so well he says everything the girl wants to hear, does everything perfectly to not make himself look creepy, passes all the shit tests and has irresistible charm. What women have is a beta detector. A very very accurate and well working one. When that sounds off they use it to tell people they feel threatened by you instead of just unattracted as a way to get cops or security to remove you from the area so they don’t have to have the eye sore. Am I not being very fair here? Then why are they so notoriously bad at picking guys who are good for them?
  7. @nhoktinvt handle the untamed pussycat? Why yes, I believe I could handle her. They’re the ones that can’t handle me. Apparently that’s the entire problem here
  8. That’s why the word harassment doesn’t hold the weight it used to. People can be like “Security!” Or “Officer! This guy is harassing me!!”, and it will be treated as though you were actually harassing someone even if all you were doing was talking. It happened to me once in a sams club. I was having a lighthearted chat with a girl from hs I knew and a few others on other approaches. Some employee or manager guy came up to give me shit about it, he said, “we can’t have you harassing our members” even though I wasn’t being belligerent at all. So we argued a bit
  9. I guarantee you I don’t have the money to get to wherever the hell you are. And besides, it’s probably against TOS of this forum to schedule that. wdym you’re stupid? You sound just fine from what I’ve read. The reason I want stupid girls is because I’d imagine theyre easier to bang because their logic is very uncomplicated, like mine. Meaning less shit testing, less expecting me to read their minds, not as much calibration needed, just way less bullshit to deal with. Weren’t u the one that told me how I was doing law of attraction wrong? I still haven’t been able to make that work.
  10. If they were as violently horny as we are AND unable to get any action then they’d understand. No food makes people die of starvation, no sex makes people die a slower and more painful death via self destruct. as for the hooker thing, I actually respect that. If that’s you, just know that people like you are the only hope people like me have of ever getting to experience the most glorious thing on earth. I’m not speaking for all of them but I guarantee you some of the guys who call your kind trash for charging money would have no problem taking a girl on several expensive dates before she’ll sleep with him. What’s the difference if you’re already spending that money on your girlfriend, why not just cut out all the extra bs and go straight to meat?
  11. @Princess Arabia I greatly wish that was true. I would have been laid by now. Apparently it’s not that easy. People on here have been telling me there’s no simple set of tricks you can use to get a girl in bed with you. It takes a preposterously huge amount of self development work to make yourself valuable enough to pull consistently. If they’ve been lying then by all means tell me exactly what to say/do so I can finally have my very much deserved and long overdue slice of the pie. Who’s hating on hookers? I have the utmost respect for such women. Who else is willing to sell us the best part of a relationship without all the headache? No expensive dinners, no marriage, no drama, just straight to the point
  12. Are you me? Funny how the world repeatedly strikes us down for the simple crime of trying to get some action, you know, the very reason why any of us are here at all. The people responsible for kicking you and complaining about you for simply flirting, running your game or “being yourself” are quite literally anti human, misanthropic monsters. They’re intentionally denying you of performing the beginning stages by which humans are born. Then those same people have probably told others to be themselves and may have wives or girlfriends or the girls complaining about you may have boyfriends. They all had to find that partner somehow. Imagine if some authoritarian fuck face told them they aren’t allowed to try to find partners. They wouldn’t have even been birthed in the first place if someone cock blocked them like this. Absolutely fucking despicable, but not the least bit surprising. This is incorrect. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it as much as I need to: You do not have to say anything creepy or weird to girls to get yourself into trouble, you just have to approach lots of them in the same area. The reason you’ve never had that problem is because you likely already have a base foundation of reading the girls mind (that’s basically what they expect you to do is mind read because they will not tell you what you’re doing wrong or when, nobody will. They just complain and get you kicked you out and that’s that. Zero empathy from anyone except in this forum and black pill communities) To you it’s “social cues and vibes” to us it’s mind reading. What if when the normies were trying to find partners they got not just cock blocked but banned from the area they were looking because they didn’t have perfect social skills. The girls would absolutely lose their shit if they were held to the same restrictions on flirting that we are. No more of this social cues thing as the reason so many men are getting shit on. I know it has its place but you guys can’t keep telling us to get better at reading people as if that’s the root problem. All it takes to get kicked out of somewhere is if the girl just doesn’t like you, that’s it. You don’t have to be creepy, don’t have to be uncalibrated, you don’t have to be a total asshole. If one or two girls decide they dislike you, even if the reason is as benign as your personality being incompatible with hers, they go and complain about you to authority and you’re done. How many more times is this going to have to happen before y’all will admit that girls being massive stuck up b-words is in fact SOMETIMES the reason we run into trouble. I’m not saying women are all bad and that’s why we’re incels. If a guy goes around grabbing titties and giving rape threats like a madman then she should definitely complain about it, in fact she should be more than welcome to knee him in the balls at that point. But for just running some game? Even if he’s a little awkward or clueless, kicking him out is unacceptable and unforgivable. At this rate I would steer clear of asking for numbers while you’re doing any kind of job. That sounds like begging to get fired
  13. To make things more interesting, when she tells you she has a boyfriend/husband, reply with “Don’t make me do this the hard way.” On a more serious note, I’ll be competing in this game as my New Years resolution. That way I get live in peace a little while longer before the torture begins. We should give approach reports in this thread and keep track of our scores. Of course if there’s too much to say about a particular approach, it’s own thread may be necessary.
  14. @kenway 🎵 “Come on baby make it hurt so good. Sometimes love don’t feel like it should. Baby it hurts so good”🎵 Holy mother of mercy that’s intense Firstly, I’m morbidly curious to know how often this type of thing actually happens. If anyone has seen this happen, heard of it happening, heard a girl give threats of such a thing, heard a girl say she wants to, heard a girl mention doing it or god forbid has experienced it, you shall tell me all about it in detail! I wanna hear everything you know. Secondly, there’s a few different outcomes of a guy going through that: 1) He recovers, puts it behind him and moves on using more caution in the future. 2) He’s broken and devastated beyond repair and goes full hermit either for a time being or for life. 3) (and this is the funniest one) It turns him on hardcore so instead of dropping to the floor crying, choking and humiliated, he begs her to do it again and harder this time. 4) Worst case scenario we end up with another Ted Bundy or Elliot Rodger. Personally, I can see myself being some combination of 2 and 3 Lastly, I have some objections. In my experience, the way life tends to work is that whatever you want the most is very good at slipping through your grasp even when you see windows of opportunity. If the guy who’s into that saw it and decided he wanted in on the action, the girl would detect a very different energy in the him than the last victim and thus decide to not repeat the attack. Maybe she can sense he actually wants it so that makes her not want to. Maybe she thinks the second guy is way weirder than the last guy so she figures it’s probably not a good idea to do him the same for whatever reason. Except when it’s not and it does. Pay close attention here. Look at how HARD she slapped him. See how right on the bullseye she landed that hit. Notice how he immediately winced, hunched over and sank to the ground. Notice the friend on the bed joining in on the laughter. This is not staged and there’s no acting taking place here. I doubt the best movie stars in Hollywood could pull off a play this convincing, it’s real. It’s real and there are hundreds of such videos on tiktok. It was a whole trend back during the covid era where girls would hit their bfs/guy friends in the nuts sometimes ridiculously hard and with closed fists. The comments are filled with a mix of other girls cheering it on, guys wishing a girl would do that to them, guys calling it out as disgusting and unacceptable behavior, girls linking their bfs’ @ and a few girls calling it out as unacceptable. The fact that so many girls were comfortable enough to not only do this but post it online as well really makes you wonder how common it is for women to genuinely think this is funny or would enjoy doing it whether sexually motivated or not if given the opportunity as compared to the number of guys wishing it was done to them. Which side do you y’all think has more players? This plays into the point you @kenway made. I’ll be referring to the video I posted as it’s the most prime example I could find, but this goes for the entire phenomenon. To the average guy who isn’t kinked out by having his sleigh bells jingled (the vast majority I’d have to assume) that would have been THE BIGGEST crime she could have possibly committed in that moment. That level of pain would make it very difficult for him ever feel comfortable around her again. As for the dudes craving that treatment (approximately 2-3% rough estimate?) that slap would have knocked them clean into indescribable bliss and oneness with the universal mind. But contrary to your conclusion, if I understand it correctly, I think there are more women who get off either emotionally or sexually on the thought of causing some nut ache than you think. There are a lot of chicks out there who’re just as infuriated with men as I am with them. Though that hardly seems possible.
  15. No they don’t want to and shouldn’t have to, but that also applies in reverse. Should the guy have to cover her expenses fully knowing she has the money for her end? I could come up with the money if a girl insisted we do something expensive together but not for both of us, especially if she has her own job and even more especially if for all I know she’s just using me for free stuff knowing I’m hoping she’ll give up the true valuables in return. That’s unacceptable and tons and tons of girls act like this thinking they aren’t doing anything wrong. How much money do guys usually have to burn on dates and stuff before the girl finally decides he’s earned himself a night to remember fondly? At some you might as well just get a prostitute instead. Leo said he used to have a personal rule that he’s not allowed to spend any money on a girl to get laid. I assume he had plenty of success doing it that way? So why wouldn’t we be able to?
  16. To make things fair for those of us living in a sub optimal sized city, 1 approach counts for 10 approaches in a larger city. Maybe we can come up with a chart that tells the exact value of each approach relative to the population of your city?
  17. I’m the guy that shamelessly goes grocery shopping in his robe and house slippers if that tells you anything
  18. Most women these days are empowered with their own career or at least a steady income providing job, so they should be able to cover their own expenses? Or just have fun doing free stuff with the guy like walks in the park or hide and seek. Do most guys have to open their wallets for a girl BEFORE she’ll consider opening her legs for him or becoming a temporary girlfriend? If we’ve already had sex and I knew for a fact more was coming and I had a job, I probably wouldn’t mind spending on her. The danger is spending on her only to be told she doesn’t see you that way when you try to escalate. Everything but the byproduct sounds miserable
  19. Well that’s a simple fix. I just won’t be to women the same way I’m talking here. How does me saying I want less than what other people want in terms of a partner make me come off as man childish? Why am I just now being told the importance of having a job and prospects and friends as things needed to get a steady supply of partners? PUAs don’t say anything about that, not even Leo does. Zero responsibilities means infinite free time means boundless creativity. Why prefer a guy whose energy and will is depleted by the end of most days as opposed to a guy who’s free to put everything he’s got into the gal and is sharp and spry from sunrise to sunset all the time? Should be a no brainer to choose the freedom option. Say I start flipping burgers tomorrow, the next day I go to a bar. What about me has changed other than I’m twice as miserable and have some money in my pocket? Do the girls I talk to start giving me the Bambi eyes upon being told I’m an upstanding working man? Obviously not. I’ll still be the same weird guy whose soul cause of continuous blowouts is being (himself) more fiercely than most others. There has to be a way to fix this problem by personality adjustment alone.
  20. @lostingenosmaze in what ways did he think differently?
  21. Not according to the law in many places. There’s this thing called retroactive consent that the radfems are trying to get passed everywhere where the girl can withdraw her consent at any time in the future and lock you up for it. Even if she changes her mind during the act she doesn’t have to show any cues or let you know in any way for you to still be on the hook. Camera footage could help you out but the problem is when it comes to full on sex you aren’t allowed to film it without her knowledge in most places. However, even with just smooches and touching in what appears as both parties consenting, she could still make a pretty good case that she felt pressured into it and get you in big trouble that way. Maybe so. But what you can do is put a stop to this retroactive consent madness. All it is is a way for them to weasel out of their own mistakes, nothing to do with protecting women. They should have enough agency to make decisions and take accountability for their actions even if they regret something instead of ruining innocent mens lives by scapegoating their temporary lapse of judgment as rape or sexual assault. These cases should only be valid in the event of the guy being told NO very clearly and advancing on her anyway. Enough of this social cues and reading vibes malarkey. Well in that case I’ll be staying right where I am. Right where most other guys nowadays seem to be, single. Is it really worth gambling with your life? Low key it’s fast lane to the friendzone but high key it’s risking prison. What a shit show. No wonder two thirds of men are single now. Time to start investing in Realdoll and cat food stocks
  22. You really can’t blame us for rotting at the soul when our basic need goes entirely unfulfilled for decades no matter how hard we try Hot and bloody vagina is great but not absolutely required, I don’t need a supermodel. I also didn’t say anything about her staying there as a long term girlfriend. Isn’t pickup supposed to get you good at getting one night stands or even short term situationships? That’s what I’m after. Wherein are the long term prospects required in that? I don’t talk about this stuff when I’m out there doing my thing, I talk about it here because it needs addressed and people here give helpful advice. When out on the practice range I’m ““being myself”” and getting mixed reactions to it. Is having a job really that important for a man’s hope of getting laid? What about the millions of guys with jobs AND decent personalities who still can’t get any action? The purpose of having a fuck mate or a temporary gf is not so you can hang out with her with your friends, WHAT? There should be enough different types of girls out there to where it’s not considered “most” girls that absolutely insist on meeting the friends. Im not afraid of showing her my friends, it’s just a painfully tedious extra step to worry about. Besides, as you get older your friends spend less and less time with you due to the increasing demands of life and, ironically, marriage and kids ☠️ You’re forgetting one huge thing. I’m good at being myself, very good. I can be myself like you’ve never seen. I thought that was supposed to be the most powerful tool to attract a quality girl. I hear you telling me money and status is just as important as personality, that’s exactly what the incels say only with looks in place of personality. LMS-looks money status. Should we change it to PMS? Yeah I get it, calibration, frame, yap yap yap. It’s be yourself but only within acceptable guidelines and in addition to all this extra shit that has nothing to do with being yourself. It’s that extra stuff I need to work on, yeah? Don’t divas think they’re better than others? Because that’s not me, I just want a suitable temporary gf LIKE everyone else. Temporary, I’m literally asking LESS than all these other people that want the perfect trophy partner to spend all their life with. My LP is to have perfect game and become a tiktok prankster but I’m terrified of cameras and more terrified of girls. How will that help my connection to women? Do you mean the temporary exposure will help me get better at connecting with them in general? Now that’s just making a chicken out of a feather. I’m no Prince Charming but that’s insane. My friends think I’m awesome and occasionally even girls do when I’m being myself. Big fucking deal if I don’t have my own place or any money, I’m not ashamed about it nor can anyone make me. Aren’t we supposed to be thinking we’re the shit and nothing can bring us down? If so, that’s not a good thing to tell someone or have in your mind if we’re supposed to be hyping each other up and framing ourselves as high value. Pickup is my life purpose! Being successful at it means the whole universe and beyond to me. There’s no reason to be alive if I can’t have dozens of new partners per year like they get to. I don’t know how you guys expect me to magically pull out of my ass all this energy and motivation needed to improve. If you aren’t getting any sex, naturally you lose power over time the longer you’re deprived. How the hell am I supposed to summon all this confidence, energy and inner strength without a dedicated girl to recharge my battery and repair my systems by entertaining me for a couple weeks? It wouldn’t even be all cost for her because I could entertain her too, by being myself of course. Theres a saying, “A warrior needs pussy to become a king.” Actually it’s the other way around.
  23. In the sense that it bitters my mind to the point of discouraging action, you’re right. But not when I’m out there on the battlefield. It’s not like I’m talking like this to my approachees, that would be suicide to progress. This is the place for theory, and right now my theory has lots of kinks it needs straightened out before I go back into practice. But I’m sure the intensity of the practice will lead me right back here. I think I sounded like a condescending prick about the wink thing. I really do like that idea though and am going to use it. Just to clarify
  24. Until they learn to start making better decisions in the men they fall for, I will have no respect for their pathetic attempt at caution. Time and time again we see example after example after example of women ending up in horribly abusive relationships or getting raped and or abandoned and stuck on their own with kids by the very men they severely misjudged. And I’m supposed to believe they’re only looking out for their best interest when they reject me for making a naughty joke or climbing out of small talk too early on? That’s a hard sell man. What they don’t understand is that usually the most dangerous men out there are very well socially adjusted and well calibrated, not the ones that just act like dorks. Ahh so that’s what I’ve been missing, the wink! How could I have overlooked that all this time? Guess I’ll get back to my same routine only this time with a flirty wink and I’ll let you know how it goes! Vice versa Experience heavily indicates otherwise. If that’s true then why’s it so much easier to hit it off with guys about weird stuff as opposed to how girls usually go off on a bitch fit or get icked out or offended when you go beyond small talk? I know it’s not because they’re “on the lookout” because experienced PUA guys can successfully joke about killing the girl and still pull her. I can repel them without saying anything close to that bad. It doesn’t add up. As far as being equally horny, that couldn’t be further from the truth. How many girls are there with crippling fapping addictions? Who established the #nofap/#NNN movement? Which sex is more successful on onlyfans? Which sex likes sniffing the other’s panties and feet? They’ve even done social experiments where a guy asks a hundred girls for sex and 100% of them say no (often quite aggressively) in reverse a good three quarters of the guys say yes. The evidence suggests men are in fact many times more horny than women are. Lastly, this thing about women needing to be more cautious because they’re way more vulnerable than men are, this is only true in the face to face physical sense. Men are more vulnerable in other ways. Legally being the most obvious one.