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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Something tells me I’m a full half to blame for this thread being revived, at least
  2. I wish you would’ve told me that. I’m already the undisputed, world class champion at making a fool of myself. It comes so naturally I do it by default without even trying The answer is approach. It’s absolutely harder to approach than to ice bathe. Harder to approach successfully that is. Ice baths do help you grow, but only towards getting better at taking ice baths. In my experience it does next to nothing at all for approach anxiety or making it easier to overcome other life challenges. All it is is an amazing and healthy temporary high and nothing more
  3. My problem is how unforgiving people are about someone acting uncalibrated. If some girl gets a weird vibe from your social sloppiness, that’s very difficult to recover from because she tells others and suddenly everyone thinks they need to avoid you at all cost. When you make mistakes (which you’ll be making a whole bunch of as an inexperienced approacher) how do you mitigate the damage to your reputation?
  4. Why? Indeed it would be. I’m fully aware of it. That’s why I strongly disagree when people say sex is just another experience at the end of the day. As if it’s not the most legendary thing in existence. If you were as completely and utterly deprived of female affection as I am and for as long as I’ve been, you just might be able to overcome that phobia Once you see in person just how good they can look I’m fully on board with bdsm being a healthy expression of sexuality. But as with anything else it can also become unhealthy. Just depends. While I have very little sexual experience to reference, I do agree that when you have one or multiple very strong kinky fantasies that get fulfilled, it makes the whole experience ten times more intense than just having vanilla sex. At least I think it would be.
  5. Not if your city is too small and you don’t have the money or ability to get the money to move out If I understand it right, it sounds like she’s saying the reason men fail to get partners is because they’re not focused enough on what they want. That confuses me because when you get rejected by a girl, were you not focused on her? Currently yeah but it hasn’t always been that way. Even when I was in much better shape mentally and physically there were still no girls to be had
  6. If a guy pins down a girl attempting to have his way with her so she knees him in the balls to escape safely, yes. Then it would be a well justified result of sexual abuse. But groin attacks by themselves are sexual abuse. Like when done in non-self defense scenarios such as for laughs or to get revenge over something.
  7. Here’s an interesting bit from an article titled “Groin attacks and what you can do to protect yourself from it” from a website called “brain eggs” The way it says to protect yourself is basically just don’t piss off girls “For heterosexual boys, a late childhood or early teenage experience where there is painful stimulation of the genitals by someone from the opposite gender who seems to enjoy inflicting this sort of pain, is hypothesized to be at the source for the development of an unhealthy* fetish. A fetish that later turns these boys into men who get sexually aroused from women giving them extreme pain in the groin. (*A ballbusting fetish is unhealthy if it involves extreme pain without letting the body get used to it over the years. If initially it started out gentle and over the years it became harder, the groin tissue has likely become more resilient and can stand more impact with reduced risk of lasting damage. This sort of gradual build up is identical to the principle that also makes ‘iron groin’ training effective in the ability to withstand kicks to the groin.)” The article also makes the case that groin attacks on non-consenting victims can parallel the psychological trauma of that scene in survivors of sexual abuse. It technically is sexual abuse, just not traditionally or legally considered as such
  8. There are still many others yes. But that “many” is smaller than its ever been in history and the numbers are still dropping rapidly. Notice the birth rates in most developed countries. The problem is way way way too big for it to purely be blamed on men not acting right. Some yes, but not all. A large chunk of it is millions of disenfranchised men like me fed the fuck up with all the bullshit and dropping out of the game because of it. But I’d still like to keep trying for a while before giving up for good. Go find some YouTube videos of “how to do xyz with a girl” and the top comments will usually be something like “Step 1: Find a girl” That’s very true but it doesn’t really apply to the pursuit of sex or temporary relationship. The sexual equivalent of that would be me going up to a girl and asking “Do you want to have sex with me.” Because likewise, my intention is having sex and it’s well known that sexual intercourse with another human can be a lot more fun than masturbation. But you clearly can’t be that straight forward about it and expect good results. Instead you have to jump through all kinds of retarded little hoops and obstacles that take years and thousands of approaches to master in order to consistently woo women to that point. There lies the problem. I think a big part of the problem this has with men and women dating wise is: Since women nowadays are being taught to regard every man that talks to them as a potential rapist or murderer, and men are being heavily heavily shamed and scorned for coming off at all creepy whatsoever whether intentionally or not, that puts us on eggshells to say the least when we try to approach a girl. That anxious, on edge feeling stemming from dreading accidentally looking creepy exudes out into the girl you’re trying to get with, entirely sabotaging the mission. The very energy you’re trying to avoid as to not give her a bad feeling about you, gives her that bad feeling about you. It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy perpetuated by both parties; guys because if they could some how stop worrying so much, they wouldn’t have that weird energy, and girls because if they’d stop inaccurately judging nervous guys as actual creeps and actual creeps as attractive gentlemen, then men wouldn’t have as much to worry about because they’d know the women could see they’re truly harmless despite the uncomfortable energy.
  9. Nor do they have any consideration for how I feel so that should make us even. The fact some of you think it’s rightful to to remove me for very small offenses is everything wrong with the modern night life scene. Understand this: A guy on this forum got kicked from a club for whispering something in a girl’s ear. Just that. Another guy got kicked from a mall for nothing beyond running his pickup practice. I’ve also experienced it a few times for few reasons. Do you guys not realize or ignore the fact that women commit very similar offenses and worse with impunity because of their gender? If a woman whispered something in a guy’s ear at the club, would he be taken seriously if he called the bouncer over to deal with her in a similar fashion? Would she be thrown out or would the guy be laughed at? I seriously want an answer here. The same role reversal applies for most other so called violations. If a woman is sexually obsessed with a man in a club and won’t leave him alone, does he have the luxury of having the staff kick her out the same way she would in that position? You can’t use the “women are weaker and thus have to be more cautious” thing here. You can use that card when a guy approaches in an empty parking garage or alone on the street, but not in a club or mall packed with cameras, security, cops on speed dial and dozens of other men ready and willing to jump in to rescue a damsel in distress. In this scenario it is the man who has much more at stake by mistakenly giving a woman the creeps than the woman by being assaulted. Correct me if I’m wrong here and explain how. If nothing else just tell me why you say that as if I’m using that statement to downplay the actual severity of my actions as minor grievances. Even grievance is too strong of a word for what’s getting me in trouble. If a girl tells me she’s married and I respond with “A ring don’t cover a hole, girl!” That’s a good, fun-spirited comeback yet it’s exactly the type of thing that normies despise deep down even if they laugh it off in the moment. Girls crack jokes like that and worse all the time. Nobody cares, at least not enough to get them told to leave. WHY?
  10. You’d definitely get the most bang for your buck that way. But again, I’m sure regular hookers aren’t too unfamiliar with being given rather odd requests. And I could probably mitigate some of the risk by making sure to be very careful with my instruction. I might be able to save an extra 1 or 2 hundred that way. “Pro-domme” just sounds pricey ✨Imagination✨ Actually i sort of went off topic saying that. If I’m going to be spending money on sexual experiences a doll would be the best investment in the long run I think. I mean tell me this wouldn’t be awesome to have as your very own
  11. @kenway That could be awesome. Of course it would also run the risk of giving no enjoyment at all and leave me feeling like the biggest cuck in the world for paying to get beat up for no reason. But at least then I’d know. I guess you could always get a normal prostitute and tell her to do that one extra thing? What would really be awesome is a good quality silicone doll. The gift would keep on giving. Problem is they cost a fortune
  12. What you call fighting I call trying to work through a very stubborn problem preventing me sexcess. When I argue with people, that doesn’t mean I’m dismissing everything they say as nonsense. I’m hearing lots of people say lots of things and I’m storing it all. For example, you talk a lot about LoA, manifestation, intention, God, that stuff. I used to be heavily into all that and it worked really well to get me into the love frequency, I felt incredible and my heart was as big as the universe (not being sarcastic, I’m serious) But that’s all it did. I wasn’t able to manifest anything but happiness and ecstatic spiritual orgasms of love and good will. I really really should have just kept going with that but instead I had to make a complete dumbass decision by trying to get a girlfriend and have physical sex. Once I saw how insanely difficult it was and how shitty real people are it slowly but surely depressed me all the way down to this miserable state. Maybe if you could experience being kicked out of a club for saying a dirty joke to the wrong person knowing women get away scot free with that exact behavior and worse all the time, you’d understand Maybe working as an attorney? I see your point. There probably is some way to get into a flow state that makes panties drop. Question is how do you attain that state. Like what exactly do you DO? How can this even be done knowing I’ll have to suppress my personality or (self)? Because being myself is the very thing that seems to be causing problems. Maybe that’s why they say fake it till ya make it When you say one tiny little thing wrong or make a wrong move, it’s very difficult to recover from that because the girl instantly becomes unattracted. That’s why the outer game technique is so crucial because you need to know logically what you can and can’t say, which varies drastically depending on the person. I’m starting to feel like calibration is a word of oppression thats used to alienate and shame us social outcasts into hiding. Calibration shouldn’t be necessary if you’re just trying to have a good time, let loose and be yourself. It’s the ultimate buzz kill. It’s literally the practice of restricting yourself to only expressing in ways others feel comfortable with. Which unfortunately is almost every bit of your full self for some of us
  13. When you ask a girl out, that’s you focusing on what you want (her), not what you don’t want (not having her) Then she rejects you. This leaves you with what you didn’t want even though that’s not what you were focused on. Conversely, sometimes guys will ask a girl out fully expecting a rejection, (focusing on what they don’t want) yet are pleasantly surprised to discover she actually says yes. If what you say is true, how can this be?
  14. They aren’t suffering as much as singles if they have full access to each other’s bodies, not even close. Seeing happy couples walking around arrogantly flaunting their love in our faces is cruel and disgusting of them. In fact I’ve been meaning to make a thread about just this. The fucking anger man, it puts you in full joker mode Does that mean if one day you say “I am 100 pounds” and the next day you say “I am 300 pounds” you’ll end up at 200 pounds? Well in the 20s you didn’t have onlyfans, Instagram, tiktok, sugar daddy arrangements, radical feminism, women with lucrative careers or internet as a whole pacifying a generation to never go out. All these things are why it’s becoming nearly impossible for men to find girlfriends or get laid. People were also just friendlier and easier to talk to in general because life was far more simple and there was no internet brain rot. I talked to my grandpa about dating back in his day. He was in the game back in the 50s and he said he asked out quite a few girls to find dates. His rejection/success ratio was about 1:1. Compare that with men of today getting rejected immediately 99% of the time I’m pretty sure incels of the current era have burning intention to get laid, look how well it’s working for them If it was that easy why can’t we just walk up, tell her to be our girlfriend and that’s that? If all we need is the same intention we have to stay alive, it should work that way. But it doesn’t. That’s why we do in fact need a robust skill set to secure any sexual activity at all
  15. “”probably”” So you admit, sometimes people get kicked out wrongfully. I’ve experienced it, @something_else has experienced it and there’s even a thread about a guy telling about how he got kicked out of a mall recently. As far as the info he provided suggests, it was only for the crime of practicing pickup. Which, by the way things are going, pickup is soon to be legally considered harassment. Maybe a fucking moron isn’t what a person with solid inner game acts like, but it very well can be what someone being authentically themself may act like. But if being your true self is required to get women, yet it can also include acting like a fucking moron, yet moronic behavior is not what strong inner game is, haven’t we run into a problem? If that was true why would 63% of young men today be single and sexless? 63 fucking percent man. That’s outlandish. It’s obviously not that easy or the number wouldn’t be so astronomically high. This looks like a damned if you do; damned if you don’t situation. If you’re confidently relaxed and not in your head, that may make your vibe more fun but it also puts you at significantly greater risk of saying something tragically stupid, or even a just a little inappropriate. Because not being in your head means you aren’t using the critical thinking needed to properly judge what comes out of your mouth before it’s too late. On the other hand, if you’re too stuck in your head, at least you’ll be safe from saying or doing the wrong thing but your vibe will be a buzz kill. You have to remember, women are vastly different creatures than we are. One manifestation of this is they get either creeped out or the ick or offended very very very very very very easily. That’s why critical thinking and memorizing all the PUA techniques is just as important as inner game. Could be but I really don’t think so. Are you familiar with the red pill term “chameleon”? It’s a woman who spends enough time with a man to gain an understanding of the type of guy he is then she uses that information to adapt her persona in a way that he’s most likely to fall wildly in love with. It’s a strategy commonly used by women to marry wealthy men with the end goal of sucking them of everything they’re worth in court. If they can do it, why can’t we? Unless, maybe they really are measurably smarter than us on average so we can’t use the same trick on them! Part of it comes from that. Part of it comes from directly experiencing how true it all is when I go out and play the game. It’s not about controlling the situation. I trust myself just fine, it’s others I don’t trust because they continuously give me reason not to. Like bitching at me for being myself or being all hostile and butt hurt because a guy they don’t know dared to approach and talk to them like it’s no big deal or kicking me out because I said a harmless naughty joke to the wrong NPC. Most important of all is this right here. If there’s a way to beat 99% of the battle of getting laid I need to know how to do it right fucking NOW! I can’t go on any longer without having up close and personal female contact. So can you please expand on what you mean by “step to the girl”? I’d rather her step on me tbh.
  16. On an unrelated note, it frustrates me that I always have to make such lengthy replies. There’s just too much to say to fit it all into single paragraphs. Must make it tiresome for those trying to assist me.
  17. @Consept Yes, very much so. Then the question becomes, what makes a winner in their eyes? The reason I say that is because you’re a lot better off learning the techniques of pickup inside and out rather than relying on simply being “authentically yourself” to pull. That’s called blind firing. Occasionally you’ll hit a target but usually not. Being yourself has to fit somewhere into that I realize, but its rarely good enough unless you have the method down first, if that makes sense. If I truly didn’t give a single shit and always acted a hundred percent my unfiltered self, I would already be banned from every single pickup hotspot within a hundred mile radius. Key word here is attractive. Spontaneity works well as long as it’s attractive. It has the opposite result if it’s unattractive, it even gets people kicked out of places for scaring the girls. That's what inner game is. It’s the ability to quickly determine whether or not the next thing that your spontaneity is about to make you say or do is going to have a positive or negative effect on the girl, and adjusting accordingly. It’s that and the ability to intuit the right things to say and do in general with good timing. That’s why it’s so impossibly difficult to improve at. Surely you don’t think just mindlessly blurting our every single thing that enters your noggin is a good idea? Then why not first ask specific questions that will help you determine what kind of girl she is while not showing much of your own personality and then build based on her answers? (This would be easier on a dumb girl because a smartie would see right through what you’re doing.) Should be easy enough if you’re the type of guy who can vibe with lots of different personality types. We can’t afford to be limited to only certain “types” of girls when there already isn’t nearly enough of them in the first place. That’s an reasonable way of looking at it. Though it’s a darn shame women are infinitely more complex than basketball and mistakes with them carry much heavier penalties
  18. Firstly, I’m morbidly curious to know how often this type of thing actually happens. If anyone has seen this happen, heard of it happening, heard a girl give threats of such a thing, heard a girl say she wants to, heard a girl mention doing it or god forbid has experienced it, you shall tell me all about it in detail! I wanna hear everything you know. Bumping because I still really wanna know if anyone has come across anything of this nature. Surely someone has something to share Exactly! This makes perfect sense because for example, if you want a girl sit on your face (an inherently submissive desire) you can be dominant in your very demand of making it happen! Perhaps the finest example of paradox in this domain is the phenomenon of there being a fairly sizable community of guys who get off on having their nuts cracked. It seemingly makes zero sense at all how anyone could desire to have the very thing that causes the desire to reproduce to be put in jeopardy in the most painful way. It defies all logic, yet it is so. When I was in 7th grade I was having P.E. with one of the super hot athletic 8th grade girls. They mixed the two grades in pe but kept the genders separated but with everyone in the same pe room. I thought it would be funny to run over to the girl’s side to steal their ball and run around with it. Frustrated by my trolling, she cried out, “Give it back or I’ll kick you in the balls!” knowing that was likely the best thing she could say to make me comply. That pissed me off immensely at the time. I didn’t want to immediately fold so I yelled back “NO!” But I equally didn’t want to risk her actually going through with it. This was the time when puberty was in high gear, so if she did, it would’ve ended life as I know it. So I ran around menacingly with the ball for a few more moments before throwing it back to them and running back to my side. Catastrophe prevented. There were also a few other threats of this kind directed at me and others by girls, but none this impactful. A few years later during my sophomore year of high school, I was in class with by far the hottest teacher in the school. The topic came around to gun ownership. One of the boys said something like “You need to have guns because what if somebody breaks into your house” She replied “If somebody broke into my house, the first thing I would do is knee em in the balls!” while going through the motion to demonstrate. Then she was like “So if any of you males try breaking into my house...” The whole time I was looking straight down at my paper hoping with all my heart that the topic would change quickly because I was beet red and absolutely stunned that that just happened. I’d be lying if I said these experiences haven’t infected me with a burning curiosity to find out what it would be like if such a misfortune were to befall me. Besides the obvious pain pain PAIN beyond all description, maybe I would find out why some guys like it so much, maybe not.
  19. @Majed Or what if it’s the opposite problem? What if I already love women far too much for my own good? Maybe I have such a vast undying love for them it hurts unbearably bad to go out and see firsthand how they actually are and the extent to which that love is not reciprocated
  20. You’re right, that is a dumb way to get a girl because it doesn’t work. Only works assuming the person you are is already likable and knows how to game perfectly. If you aren’t likable then you have to change yourself, not be yourself. You have to be calculated and precise about every little thing you do if you want women, very little room for error. All women are attracted by power. You’d be hard pressed to find one who genuinely isn’t. It’s not so much intelligence helps you get those women because they’re attracted to the intelligence itself, it’s more like being intelligent makes it easier to learn and adapt to female nature so that you can get with them. It also makes it easier to memorize and apply all the pickup techniques better and more efficiently than if you weren’t smart. @Princess Arabia I’m not sure what you meant by that. Were you making a comparison to how men describe their journey of trying to get girlfriends? Well maybe that’s exactly why I think dumb girls are easier; because I myself am slightly below average intelligence. Even so, as a smart guy don’t you think it would be easy to see where a girl is at intellect wise after talking for a minute and meet her at that level?
  21. It partially depends on that, not entirely. It also depends on other factors like the mood she’s in, what type of person she is, whether or not she’s menstruating, those are the main ones I think. So it’s irrational to just automatically take full blame when a girl acts like a drama queen about being approached. That’s fine. But they’re not entitled to irrationally freak out over being approached by guys they perceive as less than the perfect chad. I mean these women got you kicked out of one of your big pickup hotspots over nothing more than not liking you or being offended that you thought you were good enough to talk to them. That’s more entitlement than anything else. You should be furious out of your mind over this. I mean, I’m sure you’re not actually being creepy, right? So what’s their fucking issue?
  22. Another thing that’s come up lately: People are saying in bars and night clubs you can more easily get away with making social mistakes because the people there are in a less rigid state. No you absolutely cannot and no they are not! HELLO?! I seriously don’t think I live in the same universe as you guys if you genuinely believe that. People act like they have just as big a stick shoved up their ass in night life venues as anywhere else or in any other context. How can my experience of the same thing be this radically different from everyone else’s??
  23. Like I hate being told that how you say something is more important that what is said, that the vibe is more important than the content. I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve experienced exactly the contrary. For example I love the menstrual process, I find it more than just fascinating to talk about and think about so obviously I’m going to have good energy and passion in my voice while I’m talking about what I like. Do you know how many women are absolutely disgusted when I just casually bring it up in conversation? Well over half at least. What’s even more odd about this is you would think the average girl would be thrilled about a guy who’s not afraid to talk openly and respectfully about what most guys find repulsive. Now how could this be if the vibe outweighs the content? I also have plenty more examples than this. Another piece of advice that’s commonly given is to always be authentic. If one more person tells me to “be myself” I am going to lose it. This DOES NOT work for everybody. Is it so hard to accept that some people really do need to fundamentally modify the “self” they present if they ever want to get a girlfriend? Because that’s definitely the case with me. All I ever do is be myself yet it barely ever works out and often causes me big trouble. When I point this out they’re like “yeah well you always wanna be yourself but you have to do it in very particular ways and within certain guidelines for it to work.” Hmm that’s funny. If you have to filter yourself through all these arbitrary conditions and caveats then that’s not really being your full and true self now is it? I just watched a video where Julien Blanc said we need to purposely embarrass ourselves more often because if you aren’t willing to embarrass yourself that means you’re playing it too safe. GFYS! Seriously go fuck yourself buddy. You have no inkling of a clue what my experience is like. I’ve embarrassed myself countless times both intentionally and unintentionally so where the hell is all my pussy? Why are we being given this misinformation when clearly what works much better than being totally real with people is being some curated and dumbed down version of yourself. A guy who knows how women are and what they respond to will always outperform a guy who talks about whatever he’s interested in talking about. Because he knows the right things to SAY and when to say them instead of just thoughtlessly blurting out whatever comes to mind. How do you reconcile this?
  24. How the actual fuck can that be? LOL If you can’t even get anyone attracted to you then where the hell is the HIGH QUALITY partner supposed to come from? Does she get teleported directly in front of you from the planet Kepler 186f?