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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Being a miserable asshole sitting on a mountain of gold is a far lesser form of suffering than being a miserable asshole who’s also flat broke. Same goes for having women. Most of why I hate them at the moment is because they hate me, more specifically because they refuse to get with me despite my best efforts. Not only that but they also go out of their way to complain about me when I say something wrong or lack calibration. As if lacking calibration is the same as harassment. It’s like a simple “no thank you” isn’t good enough, they also have to cause me trouble. So that much could be ameliorated by learning the outer game techniques to no longer make the mistakes that are causing them to freak out. The other reason for the bad blood comes from observing how they act in relationships. Stuff like showing pictures of their friends to their bf and demanding him to be completely honest about which ones he thinks are the hottest while promising she won’t be mad. Then getting mad when he tells the truth. Stuff like getting offended when he looks at other girls but he’s not allowed to get mad when she checks out other guys. Stuff like pointing out his personal flaws or turn offs to him then acting like he’s the devil when he returns the favor. These are highly common themes you see all across the board in normal relationships. I’ve seen countless examples of it on tiktok and yt shorts and I’ve heard real life stories of these things happening from friends who don’t suck at getting girlfriends. There seems to be a widespread imbalance of power going on. But regardless of that I’m certain I could get massive enjoyment and fulfillment out of having girlfriends because real girls have something dolls and porn doesn’t: pheromones. Their armpits, neck and undercarriage area give off loads of them. It’s the thing that makes real sex infinitely better than fapping and drives you bananas with sexual arousal. That’s what I’m missing. That and all the kinks I could finally have fulfilled everyday for weeks at a time instead of only receiving them once every 8 fucking months while I’m asleep in a dream.
  2. Something to sniff and lick and fuck the shit out of and cuddle up with and goof off with and share moments with At the moment I love myself plenty but I’ve come to hate most others. Authenticity scares people off more than anything. Being fake af is all I can get away with anymore. As honest as the situation allows. If your bloated gf asks you if she looks fat in a dress, should you tell her the truth or no? I can’t think of a single topic I’m unwilling to talk about, try me The key difference is I’m actually willing to grind through the small talk when others expect it, unpleasant as it may be. Others are completely shut off to entertaining the weird stuff I’m interested in (usually) That’s where the golden rule is violated. It needs to work both ways. That’s just it. My interests are industrial grade normie repellant
  3. Guys please don’t get my thread locked. I have so much more to say, I’m just not very active at the moment. Doing these threads takes a lot out of me
  4. My curiosity with femdom stems mostly from receiving threats of attacks on my groin from girls on multiple occasions when I was in school. But also from the fact that a kick in the balls is the most likely scenario my brain can accept in which a girl would ever willingly touch me sexually. Just like But I really don’t think that comes from a place of insecurity or unworthiness. I feel worthy enough for all the mind blowing sex I could ever have. It’s just that I know THEY don’t feel the same way about me. Which makes me hate them deeply I’m also not into the whole worshipping a goddess or draining my bank account or being bullied thing, not that I have any judgment for people into those aspects of it (though the draining your bank account just for it’s own sake does seem a bit wild to me, I suppose as long as you can afford it then go right ahead. Personally, I’d suggest using that money to either invest in a doll or in person sessions. Nothing beats irl human to human contact) I just wanna know what it’s like to get kicked in the nuts by a girl, that’s it
  5. Anything can be taken too far. If someone is spending all their money on dommes and neglecting other aspects of their life then it becomes a problem. But I don’t see anything wrong with paying to get beat up every now and then if it makes you feel good. It’s really not that much different from visiting a normal prostitute. I also forgot to ask you @kenway Yes, most obviously the bitch would be crossing ethical boundaries by kicking without consent. But if you see a girl giving free handouts, what would be so unethical about seizing the moment if that’s your thing? After all, she clearly doesn’t mind doing it in this example
  6. That’s a big grey area. It would be difficult to accurately determine if it’s healthy to indulge or not in every case. What @gettoefl says is not entirely incorrect. For some people I think it can be quite counterproductive to spiritual or emotional development and doesn’t necessarily depend on if the fixation is rooted in trauma. As a thought experiment let’s take an extreme (and unfortunately not totally unheard of) example: A nerdy kid in Jr. high school gets lured in by his crush who leads him to believe she’s going to give him some heavenly positive attention. Soon as he gets close enough she places her hands on his shoulders and knees him in the balls perfectly smashing them both into his pubic bone with blunt force sending him straight into the single most humiliating, physically painful and traumatic experience of his life. He drops like a hot potato. The sound of several other girls laughing at his reaction echoes in his head as he drifts in and out of consciousness from the severe shock. Perhaps it even causes him to vomit. His only way to cope with such a hellish experience without killing himself or turning to opiates is to turn it into boner fuel. Once it becomes boner fuel it’s highly doubtful he’ll ever be able to fully purge the kink from his subconscious. It’s there to stay. After a number of years go by and everyone has graduated and the girl is long gone, now the question is: Is it healthy for this individual to continue seeking to relive his defining moment that at the time he had to sexualize just to survive? The answer may not be as simple as a clear yes or no, but perhaps it can be. Conversely, an individual who hasn’t experienced anything close to a nightmare of that magnitude may still develop an unhealthy relationship with his or her kink
  7. Don’t worry. I’m most certainly not trying to rape anyone if that’s the impression you got. Though that leads me to another thing that makes this virtually impossible situation all the more discouraging: Even if the girl doesn’t tell you she’s not enjoying it during the act, it still counts as a rape in legal terms. Even if you had no way of knowing because she didn’t give you the slightest hint of resistance in the moment. Heck, she can even decide she regrets it well after the fact and still slap you with a life ruining sexual assault charge over it. See retroactive consent Thanks for calling that out. Sometimes I wonder if the way I write makes me sound pretentious or verbose. By all means if you catch me misusing a word or phrasing something weirdly, point it out I know it won’t make me happy. Just as an exercise routine or a healthy diet won’t. Sure helps though. I’m not looking for happiness, I’m looking for what I’ve missed out on all my life. I’m willing to have all the sexual experience I could ever dream of at the cost of never being happy I could say the same thing about my situation. Has a grieving mother ever been repeatedly shamed and belittled for trying to get that baby? Has she seen others have success in the exact same methods of flirting that when she does it it’s considered ‘sexual harassment’? Has she ever been having a great time expanding out of her comfort zone with the opposite sex only to be confronted by some rotten, cock sucking authority figures saying “We can’t have you bothering the men, you need to leave.” Has she experienced such overwhelming jealousy at the sight of happy couples that she wants to bash her head against a brick wall until her brain spills out onto the floor? All this in the context of having raging hormones screaming in her ear every single day of her life demanding her to experience physical intimacy and connection with another human? Absolutely not. Because if she had, she would’ve never been able to get the baby in the first place. Neither of us can fathom the other’s grief until we’ve been through it. I picked that video because it’s the closest thing I’ve seen to what I feel like at my worst. If we continue, all this comparison will amount to is a more sophisticated version of the age old “period cramps vs being kicked in the balls” pissing contest. There are too many variables at play to conclusively determine which is worse. But I’ll leave it at this saying you’ve probably heard before: It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
  8. This guy gets it! Don’t get me wrong. I know if I gave it enough effort the stuff you’ve been saying could help me, like getting involved in community functions and taking up hobbies. But remember, you’re talking to someone whose patience and will power is at -200% at best. I’ve also tried some of that stuff and failed. Worst thing of all is my city is as good as useless opportunity-wise and I’m nowhere close to being in a position where moving out would be feasible. Your advice is also (correct me if I’m wrong) aimed towards setting me up for deep and long term relationships with a partner. All I’m interested in is short term, no strings attached relationships where I get rejuvenated by a few weeks or months at a time with fun and reasonably attractive (my standards aren’t outlandish by any means, so no problem there) girlfriends. You say I need to resolve my animosity towards women, you even say that’s the very thing that’s scaring them off. Though I know for a fact there are men just as misogynistic as I am who still manage to pull mad bitches. What’s to stop me from being one of them? What I’m saying is if those guys exist, there’s obviously some way to get good at pulling girls without having to go through the grueling process of healing traumas first.
  9. My city barely has shit. The good news is there are two cities with about half a million population within reasonable driving distance that I could start visiting or maybe move to someday. LOL. Another comedic dimension would be to complain “Why should I have to pay for something that some guys get for free when they get caught cheating or piss off their girlfriends too much?! Those guys aren’t even the ones who want it!” There has to be some way to provoke it into happening without acting like a total lunatic. Like maybe play your cards really well by saying the right thing at the right time, or rather, wrong thing; wrong time, depending how you look at it. I’ve seen too many horror stories of guys receiving it unexpectedly or intentionally provoking it. One thing I’ve heard people have success doing is getting private dances at strip clubs and offering the stripper to knee them if she’s comfortable with it, and often times she will be. Of course this isn’t exactly free but it’s sure cheaper than traveling a long ass distance. I’m just trying to think of ideas now. The more I think about this, the more enrapturing it becomes. Obviously the biggest risk (and why paying the extra bucks for a professional is the best and safest option) is biting off a harder kick than you can chew.
  10. Exactly. I’ve realized this quite a while ago. I don’t think it can be understated just how important it is to have those sexual experiences. Yeah and as for the domme stuff, it could be helpful to instead of feeling like ur paying to get beat up, look at it like you’re just going to see a very special prostitute, which is kind of true. Damn. I really wish it could be the best of both worlds with the silicone vs tpe decision. I’ve done quite a bit of looking into sex dolls and somehow still missed the fact that tpe feels more realistic but silicone looks more realistic Silicone also holds up better and is more durable. Damnit damnit damnit I wanted it to be both! Just look at how real that looks
  11. I used to be that way here, now my only thing is I refuse to put myself out on the internet like name and face. I’m mostly comfortable opening up if it’s just through text. I’d say just go for it, but then again, easier said than done. I’m the king of “easier said than done.” Definitely hit me up and give me everything you got. My main concern with that is getting caught up in a sting op, so if you have a reliable source I’m all in Well that will make things tricky What else is there besides our brain and feelings? Yes I do! The healing power of female affection is not to be underestimated. Last time I got a 3 second hug from a solid 9/10 was three and a half years ago and it felt like I was on a low dose of mdma for days afterwards. And that was just dipping my foot in the hot tub. So imagine a full submersion Don’t act so surprised now. You had to have known what you were dealing with when you read the op. Btw I didn’t mean beating them up or anything serious like that, I meant more along the lines of cheating or doing anything it takes to get some action limited only by the law. That could mean putting on an act only to later reveal I’m not the kind of guy I presented as, or cheating. Both of which would probably be painful for her, but desperate times call for desperate measures. It’s really not that bad. Sure, I may not feel for others like I once did because of all the negativity they’ve cursed upon me. But I never just straight up disrespect people unless they do so to me first. Extending your empathy to what others feel and their desires is a two way street. Am I supposed to give that courtesy even when they don’t? Let’s take another look at the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.” You do think the golden rule is valid, do you or no? I know I do, I live by it. Now let’s say people start regularly coming up to me comfortable enough to share embarrassing stories about themselves and talk about all manner of wacky taboos like fapping and periods and farts and death and crazy fetishes and everything. Do you think I would be appalled or would I appreciate them breaking the monotony of boring ass small talk and arbitrary social norms? I think the answer is clear. Now say I start talking about that stuff with people. Does it get received well by the majority or does it get me blown out majority of the time? Also clear. Not only that but I’m apparently also being disrespectful when I act towards others the way I’d love it if they acted towards me? I’m following the golden rule as it’s commanded yet it’s not getting me good results (most of the time, some people are cool they’re just not always easy to find) The golden rule says to treat others the way you want to be treated. It doesn’t say “Treat others how you want to be treated so long as you know what you want is the same as what they want” Should it be updated? It probably sounds like I’m just trying to pick a bone again but this is actually a good point that hasn’t been addressed yet.
  12. More like lips sewn shut in Death Valley after being force fed a bunch of salt Traumatized men end up getting tons of pussy all the time. I want to be like them. I don’t care if it hurts the girls in the process
  13. I really wish people could understand I’m not trying to make excuses just for the purpose of staying stuck. I’d love more than anything to be unstuck (which for me means nothing more than getting women) even if it means staying mentally ill. Women are what I want AND need, fixing my life/mind is only what I need. My “excuses” are very tangible obstacles in my path that I’ve tried to overcome for years (using some of your very suggestions) and only rather recently stopped trying. When you guys say I keep making excuses instead of applying the advice im given, what this feels like to me (to use an analogy) is if I was being brutally bullied every week in school, and when I told you how some of what you said to stop them didn’t work, you come back by saying I must not have applied it correctly or I’m just trying to come up with reasons as to why I’m powerless to escape the situation. Maybe I tried fighting them back, but it only got my ass handed to me ten times harder. So I tried getting stronger and learning some fighting skills, this is decent in a 1v1 scenario but it’s less than useless vs six of them. I tried reporting them to school officials, they dismissed it as good old fashioned “boys will be boys” rough housing, that and they can’t punish them too harshly because they represent the school’s athletic divisions. Once again, they bully even harder in retaliation. So I try reasoning or befriending them, that too backfires. So now what? I’m broken, traumatized and nearly suicidal from the torment of these monsters. My will to continue the fight is all but gone because I’ve failed countless times. Obviously I’ll be skeptical of further advice from this position. “Skeptical” not completely dismissive. Meaning if you can logically prove beyond any possible doubt I might have that I will indeed start seeing good results if I continue trying instead of saying I’m just trying to be argumentative, then I can give it another shot. I’ll give it another shot regardless, but at least if you can prove how much bullshit my current outlook is, I’ll feel much better about further applying what I’ve been told. Because I don’t think it’s bullshit at all. (Side note: These bullies are usually the ones who get the hottest girls in school, ironically enough) This isn’t a perfect analogy but I think you see the point. Of course I’m going to have objections to what is suggested to me. It’s not because I’m trying to avoid facing the challenges, it’s not because I’m trying to be lazy, it’s not because I’m trying to prove anyone wrong. It’s because there are very real, very clear and very stubborn problems with it. And don’t think that what works for some or most will work for all. I don’t think it’s too unreasonable to want all my objections addressed in a way that makes sense to me. You @Israfil already dispelled one of them when you told me that woman got kicked from the club for groping you. I was under the impression that men’s rights had already eroded to the point where women were immune to facing consequences for that. If my stance is so ridiculous then surely it must be quite easy to poke enough holes in it to where it can no longer be sustained. I’m gonna sound nit picky here but you’ve mentioned this a few times already so I’ll start here for now. It doesn’t matter that he enjoyed being grabbed, what matters — and the entire point of the video — is that had he done that to her, he could be in much deeper shit than whatever consequence she could face for that action, worst that could happen to her is being told to leave. Worst that could happen to him is sexual misconduct on his permanent record. Any straight guy would thoroughly enjoy it if a girl anything above a 5/10, which most of those girls were, grabbed him by the behind of god forbid the front. But no matter her looks, any man with a decent sense of justice should react to that violation by reporting her and trying to get her in as much trouble as legally possible because that’s exactly what she would do to him if he did that. Either both sexes feel free to grope or neither do. Can’t be one or the other because that is not fair. What if dua lipa is my sp? If you have any LoA videos you think will work for me, post them. I need something that works fast because my patience is not just gone, it’s dropped way down into the negatives. I haven’t had success with jack shit despite doing several of the techniques. And it’s not because I’m saying stuff like “I haven’t had success with jack shit despite doing several of the techniques”, it’s because it’s not working even though I’m telling myself it is already done and I already have it but it still doesn’t show up.
  14. I already know I CAN be okay without it, but I’ve developed too strong of a craving to let go of it. I know it’s possible because I used to be a full on heart chakra/pineal gland activated hippie before I decided I wanted to see what having girlfriends is like. Upon seeing how difficult it is to get one, I slowly but surely descended into this horrific state of mind. Don’t worry. I live with both parents and get along well with both. I would never under any circumstance consider lashing out in any significant way. I like not being locked up too much to do anything crazy. Yes it is. And that’s contrary to this idea that night game makes it easier to get away with social mistakes, which it very much does not. My city is pretty lame as far as social groups. There’s practically nothing for me here. But maybe I’m just not googling hard enough to find stuff. Better off here than some forum that feeds into the negativity, yeah? Additionally, I’d like to have a positive community to share my progress with if/when I ever make any. Halloween night, there was hardly anything going on I’ve had plenty of seemingly positive reactions from girls, (although you can never be fully sure if a girl’s reaction is genuinely positive because they often pretend to play along because they feel pressured to) after a certain point, positive reactions alone aren’t good enough because they aren’t leading anywhere (hookups) After my very first few approaches with decent reactions I felt on top of the world having just done that, but I never feel that way anymore no matter the reaction unless I can somehow steer it all the way to the bedroom If I could build a successful business, I’d have enough money to escape this death trap. I’m far too retarded to do such a thing. I suck major ass at literally every single project I pick up, regardless of how hard I try at it. If someone wants to give me a business model complete with step-by-step and easy to understand instructions, DM me Yes! I desperately want to start hiring escorts but I don’t know how to go about finding them. For one thing It’s illegal I’m pretty sure, big surprise Don’t you find it interesting how so many other people (much less now than ever before but still quite a lot) end up in fulfilling relationships and going through several girlfriends by default through the natural flow of life, even though they may live in cities even smaller than ours? So then what’s so profoundly fucked up about us that we can’t have the same fortune? I have the light focused on my burning nuclear hot, all powerful desire for unlimited pussy. That is the only thing that can save me now. If nothing else, it will reveal to me that lots of sex actually isn’t the answer so I can finally move on in life. But I’ll never be able to without tasting it first. Well if I’m god and I created this mess then I should also be able to manifest lots and lots of pussy very easily to get out of it, or is God not powerful enough to do that? You’ve got it backwards. They’re holding onto me. The only way to solve them is to is to obtain that of which I’ve been starved for so damn long. Nothing else is going to cut it. I think what you’re not getting is it took me a grand total of zero effort to create this space. It happened by itself. So why can’t it be equally effortless to manifest all the romantic abundance I could ever need and want? Unless there’s actually more at play here than the individual being exclusively responsible for everything in their reality. Maybe the reason I’m not applying the advice I’m given and I seem to not be looking for solutions is because 1) I’ve already tried most of it, and 2) I would have to get back out there and start cold approaching again to give it another shot. Maybe I’m so hesitant to do that because I’ve been traumatized by detestable fucking worms of human beings who act like I’m some terrible monster simply on account of not having impeccable social skills. Well guess what, you treat someone like a monster long enough and that’s exactly what you end up with; a walking black hole that sucks all the fun out of every room he walks into without even speaking. I was never this bad until I started trying to date. Its not the focus on not having it that’s keeping me stuck, it’s the not having it that’s keeping me stuck. I’m not focused on not having any women, I’m laser focused on getting them at the expense of everything else. I want it so bad it feels like I’m putting cracks in the glass ceiling of how much one person can possibly desire something. Also, don’t forget you’re God too and it sounds like you know it. So would you mind helping me out by planting more receptive women into my reality? Surely that’s not too much to ask of the all powerful One. YES PLEASE! Bonus points if I go Islam beforehand. That way I have those sweet 72 virgins awaiting me on the other side. @Princess Arabia Look I’m not even fighting you here on this “being the creator of your reality” stuff. I just need to know how to make that work for manifesting hordes of college girls and making it work quickly and painlessly. I’m not disagreeing with you, there might be some way to do that. If I’m god it must be possible. But I need to know how.
  15. @Miguel1 The problem is much more directly related to height than it being an insecurity issue. There are SOME girls out there who can overlook a guy’s shortness, but by and large they tend to be disgusted by it. Here’s a challenge: Go out into a crowded space and count how many decent looking chicks you can find with shorter guys who you know are their partners (if you’re not sure just ask them) Then come back here and tally the score If height isn’t that big of a deal to them, but rather confidence is the main factor, you should be able to find plenty of examples of shorter guys with gfs.
  16. Yes she got in with me. And if I remember correctly, it took up most of my focus just trying to not get a boner Definitely. I’ve always wondered since then. But I don’t know if the idea that women always make it super obvious is always true. Sometimes the hints can be vague from what I’ve heard I reckon instead of a ‘move’ you could always just use your words to ask if making a move would be appropriate? If I had tried a move and it failed, she was so blazed it probably would’ve been forgotten in ten seconds, but still, I would remember and I would still be dying of cringe to this day had that happened. Well damn, she could’ve at least had a little understanding for someone who got a bit too high instead of ghosting u for it!
  17. I recently found out I’m only 5’ 9 after thinking I was 5 10 for a long time. So that’s been a crushing blow for me. what I can recommend is getting yourself some height extensions. idk if that’s what they’re called but they’re like extra thick padding you put in your boots to appear taller. It’s technically lying, but hey, 99% of girls are constantly lying to us about their beauty by wearing makeup, so who cares Also this may help somewhat
  18. I’m glad you agree. But you know I gotta add, it’s so weird how just having a certified title to your name makes that much difference. It’s like now that instead of being a total sex crazed maniac talking about it all the time, you’re still crazy about it only now you’re also well studied in it, which suddenly makes people more willing to hear you out on your passion about it, even though the passion itself never changed. It wouldn’t be that way with any other interest you could have, like medicine or business. So what’s with this big mental hang-up people have over sex related discussions?
  19. It’s really both. It shows that it’s nothing new, but also we’re seeing a lot more of it now than ever before. You can tell just by the stats. That’s the beauty of it. See, It’s not necessarily vaginal penetration sex I’m thirsting so strongly over. I’m fine without it as long as other types of sexual play is on the menu, like giving/receiving head, foreplay, kinky shit, etc. So that removes the risk of pregnancy and need for contraceptives. In theory that should make it easier for a woman to cooperate with me but obviously it won’t. Maybe it’s because I’m a man myself, but I’ve never noticed it to be a huge problem. If anything I’ve seen evidence of the contrary. I’ve done approaches where I’ll be talking to some girl when a random white knight will spawn into the scenario pretending to be the her family member in attempt to protect her from the perceived creep (me). A simple way to defeat this tactic is to ask him what her name is without her telling him. Then ask to reveal her ID. There’s very little chance of guessing someone’s name right. And in general men have a deeply wired instinct to protect women. Yes, but there’s inherent risk in almost everything and everyone. Everyone started out being a total stranger. The most seemingly trustworthy people can turn out to be monsters and people who seem shady at first can turn out to be amazingly good at heart. Playing the human game always entails some amount of risk, meaning we all have to take a leap of faith going into new relationships. Since we don’t have to worry so much about being physically overpowered by women, it may not look like we have as much at stake, but believe me we do. We have no way of knowing for sure if a girl will ruin our life with a false accusation, divorce, or enslaving us using the threat of those as leverage. Don’t underestimate the life destroying power of a false accusation or divorce. We all face serious risks, so all we can do is feel each other out for a time being to decide if we’re comfortable. But we can’t move forward at all if we’re stuck in doom thinking. The dads leaving their daughters thing doesn’t have anything to do with any disdain for women. I meant that as in it’s one less cock block to deal with. It’s highly selfish of me to think that way but it makes things one step easier to win the grand prize, so I’ll take it. I think most people would be that selfish about it if they got to where I am in life. I know bad people don’t call themselves bad, but some really are good if given the chance. You can have toxic aspects to your character but still be good overall. That chip on my shoulder with women is caused by them being so goddamn bitchy so often about being approached, and only giving up the goods to guys who don’t need it as much and/or who treat them like garbage; and several other reasons. I get accused of scaring off women because they can smell my frustration with them, but that frustration stems mostly from rejection along with the horrible attitude often coupled with it. Not from an intrinsic hatred for them as a whole (although admittedly it has grown more in that direction over the last few years) If they were so good at reading vibes they should be able to see that if given the chance, I would treat them like goddesses yet also as equal humans. I would always be thoughtful of how she’s feeling, would always remember the important dates, would get her chocolates and raspberry leaf tea during that time of month, ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷w̷i̷p̷e̷ ̷u̷p̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷b̷l̷o̷o̷d̷ ̷w̷i̷t̷h̷ ̷m̷y̷ ̷t̷o̷n̷g̷u̷e̷ ̷ What’s disgusting is those overprotective dads that won’t let any guys near their daughters. They’re such hypocrites because back in the day, they were that same thirsty guy they’re trying to shield their daughters from, and that’s precisely why they were able to have a daughter in the first place. They might as well set a mousetrap up their daughters’ pussies by the way they act. Side story: My grandpa told me a time when he was a teenager he was at one of his first girlfriends house smooching with her in her bedroom while her parents were out. Suddenly, they both heard a noise and saw a light in the driveway, they both figured it must be her dad, so he got up and shot out the back door, hopped the fence and sprinted way out into the field behind her house thinking he was being chased and about to be savagely beaten by him. Eventually he ran out of steam and turned around to discover nothing but empty field behind. He went home. The next day the girl told him the car that pulled in the driveway was just a car turning around. Moral of the story is that primal fear response he had indicates that we all have an evolutionary understanding that men are brutish assholes to other men dating their daughters, justifying my reason for supporting the growing trend of dads abandoning their families. It’s so much easier without that extra challenge in the picture.
  20. He said it’s because he still had a solid foundation from many years of experience of being in relationships. So it didn’t affect his social skills much
  21. Absolutely fucking brilliantly stated, my friend! You just more efficiently said in one paragraph what I’ve typed essays trying to explain. In this very real scenario that plays out all the time in real life, you cannot by any stretch of logic fully blame the guy, not even mostly blame him. If girls in your social circle are rejecting you exclusively based on the fact you’ve been rejected by others in that circle already. That’s an issue of herd mentality, not the guy being a low status loser. In the move Agent Cody Banks, the premise is the CIA recruits this teenager (Cody) to seduce and infiltrate into the life of a hot, blonde headed Stacy because her father is some evil, scientific mastermind threatening national security. But he’s so awkward and nerdy that none of the agency’s best human attraction experts or playboys were able to teach him how to rizz up a girl. I don’t think they knew just how deep and widespread that problem would become back when they filmed the movie. This is fine when it comes to men who’re legitimate threats, not unfortunate guys at their last resort to find a girlfriend. It also doesn’t take into account how most people especially nowadays are not having sex to have babies, they’re doing it for pleasure. In fact, I’d say most people today are actively trying to avoid pregnancy. Behind the scenes these women with overprotective fathers are getting drilled by all types of different guys except the ones who need the most. Pretty sure a psychotic criminal is a better person to protect ur daughter from than an inexperienced nerd. Thats why I fully support this trend of fathers abandoning their families early on in their daughters’ lives. It’s just one less cock block to deal with and makes the women more likely to crave that attention from men they never got from him. These overprotective douchebag dads are the scummiest hypocrites I can think of. They themselves were that very same laser focused on pussy horn dogs back when they were younger that they’re now trying to deny other men now that they have a daughter. That all powerful sex thirst they’re trying to protect their daughters from is exactly what they can thank for getting them a daughter in the first place. It make me so livid I chuckle with joy when their daughters end up getting played by fuck boys and having their hearts shattered into a million pieces over and over and over until they’ve spent their prime years and all their pair bonding mechanism on playboys to the point where now they can’t find a high quality man to settle down with because they’re all chasing the super hot twenty year olds and all that’s left over is guys like us, which they do not want. It’s quite comical. They do it because we’ve reached a point in society where any tiny little thing (which in their delusional mind is anything but tiny) like god forbid some guy going around talking to people they don’t know with anything less than flawless social skills and charisma, is seen as unacceptable and even dangerous. That’s really it. They see a man with the balls to do something others are too socially anxious to do and automatically assume he must be a threat. I’ve experienced it and others here have as well. And we are not bad people. Making dumb small talk or miscalculating an appropriate thing to say (remember, Leo and other pickup guys say they can get away with saying plenty of inappropriate stuff) is not “bothering people” The following videos show what bothering people looks like. Since apparently people have lost sight of what genuine harassment looks like, here’s a little reminder ⬇️⬇️
  22. I just thought of the perfect, most logical, genius solution. You say me being so sex obsessed at the cost of other interests is my cause of failure? So what if... I become... A sexologist! I’ll just make that my thing. I’m already practically half way there knowing so much about it and being so passionate about it. I’d be transforming my supposed unattractive obsession into an actual socially accepted profession people have! It’s so wondrously perfect it’s almost too good to be true
  23. Yes. I have plenty of single sentence/single video replies. And I dabble in other subs, though not as much as other members. My posts are long and I spend most of my time here because I usually have a lot to say and complain about because this is my most pressing issue by a landslide