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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. If it were this simple to have sex then everyone would be getting laid because all you’d have to do is go up to a woman you want, invite her out and tell her you don’t care if she joins you or not. This is a preposterously absurd and self contradicting frame to take because 1. If you didn’t care about her or what she thinks or whether or not she joins you you never would’ve approached and asked her out in the first place and 2. If it somehow did work that way nobody would be an incel because that would be the easiest, most straightforward thing to do in the world
  2. Op does know his worth and love himself. Otherwise he wouldn’t feel deserving of those girls and thus would not have pursued them. People who don’t love themselves do not try to get into relationships because they feel as though they’re too much of a burden to impose upon another. Someone sitting in a basement never talking to or approaching girls at all, he, you can say doesn’t value himself. You can’t say that about someone actively trying to hookup and get dates because if they didn’t love themselves they wouldn’t even bother at all. I want the sex so I am going to take it. I don’t care about her or what she feels. This is called rape and girls generally tend to not like it very much. I’m using an extreme example because it helps illustrate why you very much do need to care what others think. A lesser example would be talking about subjects that gross them out. If someone is into weird stuff, by your logic they should talk about it carefree and with no filter. But isn’t that terribly counterproductive? Of course it is. Instead the person actually should care what the other person or people think because if he just goes off about all types of wild stuff just because HE wants to, that’s highly likely to disgust or disturb whoever the woman or women in question happen to be. It didn’t even sound like OP did care a huge amount what they thought, he just casually said He wasn’t like “pleeeeeease bowl with meeeee, I need girls to play with! 🥺” No, he just casually said it’s ok if he (the friend) doesn’t join and that he could go with them instead. Are you really saying it would have made that much difference had he been more like “I’m going and y’all can tag along if you want, I don’t care.” ?
  3. The mind, heart and body not being aligned is called “blockages” in the subliminals community. They also have blockage remover subs that you can listen to in order to get better, faster results. So why does it still not work even after listening to blockage removers? What about instant result subliminals? If the great I AM is this infinitely powerful force of creation, you would think that all one needs to do to manifest a relatively tiny desire (we’re not asking to be billionaires) is put out the intention, want it with all your heart and soul and receive it in full glory. But nothing great can ever be that simple Of course it is! 🤪🥴🙃 Only a truly loving god would bless us enough to make our desires actually obtainable without having to move mountains. I can already hear what you’re saying. “You’re not supposed to WANT it with all your heart and soul. You’re supposed to feel as though you already have it with all your heart and soul.” This begs the question: What’s the point of receiving something if the only way is to get to a place of no longer wanting it? Back to the coat analogy, which no one has answered yet. If someone is stuck outside in the cold and wants a warm coat more than anything in that moment, imagine if someone told them, “You’re never going to get that coat if you keep desperately wanting it. Instead you must tap into your body’s internal heating system so that you no longer need or want one. Only then will your beloved coat show up!” The whole point of having a desire fulfilled is how amazing it feels once you finally have it after going without it for so long. Once the shitty feeling of lacking what you want gets removed, why even bother? This even applies outside of law of attraction stuff. People that don’t even believe in LoA still say the best way to get girls is to no longer want them.
  4. But we should also keep this in mind https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/dating/marriage-rates-decline-reason-economically-attractive-men-jobs-income-a9098956.html Apparently now that women are outperforming us in college and getting better degrees, it’s making it much harder for them to find a man who can be the top bread winner, which is what they so desperately want. Instead of lowering their expectations to something more realistic, we’re being blamed for making less than 80k/year. While there are virtually no articles at all focusing on women’s shortcomings and how they can be better for us, and that is no accident. However, in support of what you said about people being more selfish, towards the end the article says: “It’s also possible that many people are now prioritising other things over getting married, such as education, starting a family, buying a house and going travelling. This could also be a reason for the rising average age of marriage.” This is very true and I understand that. I just wish people would stop saying it’s so easy for ugly guys to get hotter girls that it happens often. It clearly doesn’t. I would be richer than a millionaire if I had someone close to my same body weight and facial attractiveness, no need for a supermodel. Problem is, that girl would have vastly more sexual selection than I do. Because in addition to being a certain looks threshold, we also have to meet a whole host of other criteria. The girl just has to look somewhat decent and automatically she has hundreds of options, at least. Most men nowadays are so starved we don’t give a single microscopic fuck how much money a girl makes or how charismatic she is or her social status. Pretty much. They’re like extra padding you put in your boots to give some extra height. I know that changing my personality and dealing with traumas and all that is what would make the biggest difference, but looking taller is still helpful. It’s abundantly obvious that women prefer taller rather than shorter guys, practically all of them do. I usually notice better reactions in women I approach when I’m wearing them. Of course they don’t make a big enough difference by themselves but they certainly help.
  5. There is a severe population crisis The important part of that first one starts around the 7 minute mark Yes! Exactly. That’s why it’s so annoying how people keep saying hot girls end up with ugly guys all the time. If anything you see more of the opposite. I think the reason people say that is to motivate us to get out of our comfort zones and start living life in order to get us on better standing in general, even though that motivation is based on false hope. Any time u see an attractive woman, its not hard to point out who her boyfriend is if he’s there. 9.9 times out of ten he’ll be the tall, ripped chad. I had a hottie in yoga pants tell me her bf was 6’4. This was while I was wearing my shoe lifts which give me an extra 2.5 inches of height putting me around 6’
  6. I do love the smells though. And boy do I! The best is when she has just worked out or had a long day at work before showering. It is so intoxicating! Life will be perfect the day smellovision gets invented to accompany the fapathons.
  7. Sounds like a hell of a lot of extra crap to keep track of when we should be able to just approach, have a fun interaction, get a date, and there you have it. But no. Instead it’s: “Oh you forgot about the touches/didn’t do them properly, you forgot about the group dynamics, you forgot about the personal dynamics, you didn’t harmonize enough, you let there be too much silence (this one is particularly oppressive because when you’re trying to fill in the silence because you ran out of stuff to say, that’s the quickest way to end up saying something that gets u blown out) you didn’t develop the art of conversation enough (which basically means you started talking about something they don’t wanna hear, at which point you won’t know to reverse this unless you’re very skilled at reading body language and faces, and it gets even more confusing because they usually won’t show you that you’re losing them or offending them because they don’t want to be rude) you used the wrong type of humor (this one is tricky because you can’t just ask what type of humor they’re ok with from the start because that makes you seem weird and overly cautious of them, so all you can do is roll the dice)” Well there you go. You just said it yourself. Social media and smart devices have zombified everyone to the point where most people think you’re weird if you randomly approach them and try to strike up a good old fashioned human to human, authentic interaction. Girls especially will put up an obligatory front of politeness upon being approached by a man, when deep down they’re like “who tf does this weirdo think he is just walking around like he owns the place and knows everyone. If he wants me he can talk to me on my snap chat or discord like a normal, civilized human! SMH!” Of course sometimes you aren’t even given the grace of politeness. They’ll either outright tell you to fuck off or give you the gray rock method.
  8. I assumed it by you saying Usually when someone says something like “gold material” referring to a silly stunt, it means they found it funny. But perhaps I did a misread. If you actually didnt find it funny that makes a lot more sense and thank you for clarifying Not the same in the nature of the prank, is the same in that they’re both randomly saying something naughty. The camera guy is proudly saying “fuck her right in the pussy!” totally impromptu to millions of people. The bar thing is saying something that isn’t meant to be taken seriously or personally to only one or a few people. I don’t even think it’s remarkably funny myself, I’ve just said it one time because I thought it was clever and the gal I said it to didn’t appear to have any issue with it at all. And I didn’t make it up, I got it from a video. They are different scenarios but they’re very much the same type of humor. They’re both saying something explicitly sexual and completely disregarding social norms, albeit one being much more out of context than the other
  9. Lots of it I don’t even remember the last time I saw a hot girl with a less attractive/shorter guy. For one thing there just aren’t that many attractive people in my area, so there’s that. Whatever guys you’re talking about don’t suck nearly as much shit as you think if they’re getting plenty of gfs. The fact that you can’t just walk up to a girl, have a conversation about something, plan a date and then you’ve got your gf, proves this. There’s way way more layers of complication that goes into it; such as: calibration, not saying anything weird, outlandish, or irrelevant, being well dressed/groomed, knowing what she’s feeling in reaction to what you’re saying (which she will not make obvious a lot of the time) and keeping track of all this while somehow also remaining true to yourself and grounded in your authenticity. The fact that you have to ace all these hurdles to have any chance of getting a decent girl into bed with you proves that any guy able to do that does not suck shit, imo. They’re legends if they’ve managed to master the art
  10. Wait, there are still women in here? I know princess Arabia and that girl from the bf being too cheap thread and that other woman I talked to in another thread, but are there a lot more than just them? I haven’t noticed as many around now as I remember from previous years
  11. Do these count as acceptable ways of shooting shit? They’re definitely authentic alright
  12. Hmmm... This is quite fascinating to hear. First I’ll ask: Are you absolutely certain you find this humor to be funny or could it be that you were momentarily more in touch with your wild side when you typed this? Because I’ve heard you call other versions of this exact same genre of humor “disgusting and disrespectful” What I’m getting at is I’d like you to help me understand the thought process behind a raunchy bar joke such as saying, “a ring doesn’t cover a hole” to a woman who tells you she’s married being deemed disgusting and inappropriate without any acknowledgement of the wit or humor of it, then also finding a video of a guy ripping the mic out of a news reporter’s hand to say “fuck her right in the pussy” to be hilarious without anything negative to say about that. These are both in the same realm of humor, no? Actually in terms of potential disgust people may have, the example of the guy interrupting the news segment to say that obscenity is MORE potent in its ability to disturb others than the bar joke. He’s running up to a stranger he’s never spoken to before completely out of the blue (unlike whatever rapport you may have previously built with the married woman before saying your “disrespectful” thing) he’s ripping the microphone away from her, looking straight at the camera and saying “fuck her right in the pussy”. It’s also worse because it gets exposed to millions more people than the relatively negligible amount of people who might hear a silly but raunchy bar joke. All I’m asking is, Why is one thing acceptable and even funny when another very similar yet measurably less impactful thing, isn’t? I’m making a long post here because this is the perfect example of why some of us fail socially. It blows my mind when people laugh and have a great time shooting the shit about certain types things and then suddenly blow up and get all buttmad when someone comes along with something else of the same genre of humor because they happen to take offense to it for some reason. It would be like if a group of guys who all had an irrationally intense hated of oranges were all in a social setting discussing which fruits they like. Then some girl just trying to fit in with the social atmosphere came along saying “I like oranges the best. I even had two orange trees in my front yard when I was a girl that we used to make fresh orange juice every morning.” Then all the guys are like REEEEEEEEE!! Get this stupid crazy bitch away from us!!! Reeeeeeeee SECURITY!!!! How could she have known? Obviously she can’t just ask them, “Hey, is it ok if I like oranges and I tell you about that since you guys are already talking about fruits?” Because that alone would set them off if they did hate oranges so much AND, even if they didn’t, it would still make her seem weird and insecure just for asking. Literally all she can do is roll the dice. This is why humans are so difficult and why we can’t have nice things. And why mankind deserves to get wiped out by an asteroid.
  13. Favorites
  14. It’s a website that uses ai to randomly generate inspirational quotes. Some of them are nonsense, some are profoundly deep and some are so relevant to you it’s concerning. Here are some ones that are surprisingly relevant to me, it’s like it knows me
  15. Deep ones
  16. Some hilarious ones
  17. The music sounding better I wholeheartedly agree with. The other stuff too but the music is the most pronounced. Female vocals uplifting trance is my all time fav. It’s almost obe on a solid nofap streak I’d love to join you man but I’ve failed miserably before the 36 hour mark the last several times I’ve tried. I cannot take that feeling of the balls filling up like water balloons anymore. It’s become one of my only releases and one of my only enjoyable parts of life. My longest streak of all time was about 2.5 months and I was able to regularly go on 2-3 week stretches, but that was back when I had a lot going for me. Now I have well over a couple hundred images of the finest women on earth saved in my pictures and I use them almost daily, sometimes multiple times daily. That may not sound like much to a seasoned fap veteran but for me that’s quite a lot relative to how I used to be. I’m so obsessed with women and sex now it’s become my soul purpose for existence lol that is so real. But at least then you might get to have a sweet dream to go along with it? During my past nofap journeys, when I would get that feeling of being on the verge of busting in a dream, my mind still knew I was on a mission so I would automatically flex the PC muscle to prevent it. Maybe if you’re serious enough about semen retention your subconscious develops a failsafe to keep you from busting
  18. But where exactly you draw that red line is debatable. If you look at someone’s ass, you could say you’re getting gratification out of that without their knowledge but we probably both agree that doesn’t hurt anything. Or you could imagine if someone were to get off simply from the touch of a hand. If this person went around high-fiving hotties because it gave him or her a sexual thrill, would that be a slippery slope into creepsville? I just don’t really see the harm in it other than the potential risk of injury regarding the ballbusting kink. I don’t understand how that can be. I mean you can think you’re the most awesome, sex worthy guy on the planet and still get tons of rejections. In fact those are the rejections that hurt the most. If you approach showing your 100% true self heart wide open, and girls give you the meanest rejections you’ve ever had for it, that’s a dagger straight through the heart that takes months or years to recover from if you’re lucky. Whereas if you already thought you were a worthless piece of shit, then the rejection just feels normal and expected. I would ping myself somewhere in the middle, slightly more towards the side of believing I am worthy. Some people adopt alternate personas because it’s much less painful when a different version of who you were before gets rejected. That’s also why people fetishize humiliation. It helps to cope with the emotional anguish of those god awful blowouts by turning it into something enjoyable. This is one of the added benefits of the ballbusting thing (though it’s not always caused by consciously sexualizing the thought of a woman physically assaulting you in that way out of paranoia of it happening) since one of the most dreaded possibilities in dating is accidentally creeping out or offending or pissing off a girl to the extent that she kicks you in the balls, by fetishizing that you remove whatever preexisting fear was there of that happening You’ll see parallels with that and women with rape or choking kinks or whatever
  19. You’re right. They value it significantly more. Hence I forgot the exact number but women say yes to men at an insanely lower rate than men say yes to women on dating apps. And the main factors that make men stand out on dating apps is face and height. It is fucking IMPOSSIBLE to get a less than 200 lb girlfriend if you’re some 5’8 socially inexperienced guy in a 60k population city. And I definitely don’t blame myself for not being able to move out. I didn’t ask for this shit. It hurts me to bring weight into it because fat chicks are some of the coolest, funniest people I’ve ever met. But they aren’t very fuckable if we’re being honest. But they’re way more fun to hang out with than hot girls in my experience. Seriously, there are no chances for us. No opportunities, no connections. Nothing. What do you do in this state? Go knocking door to door in your neighborhood asking to see available women in the family? Go cold approach at malls, college campuses you don’t attend and bars/clubs where one wrong move gets you harassed by authority figures who don’t give the tiniest speck of empathy for your suicidal desperation? Go wedding crashing? Party crashing? 80 percent of this struggle would be solved if we weren’t so unfortunate to be born in a small city because god is some sick and twisted motherfucker that strokes his fat goober and gets off to the sight of us being ruthlessly tormented by seeing happy couples rubbed in our faces like taunting a starving child with delicious food, and being heavily punished for our mistakes when we goof up socially trying to climb out of our hell hole. But no. God fucking hates our miserable, suffering asses and is constantly working overtime to keep us stuck. A big city would take most of that away because social mistakes don’t carry nearly as heavy of a penalty. That’s because you can go out every night and rarely see the same people twice. Word gets around about you faster and you stick out like a sore thumb because people have less to focus on in smaller cities. NO ROOM FOR ERROR This too can be debunked by looking at the numbers. There are twice as many male virgins in the 18-29 age range than female virgins. Also compare the suicide rate between genders and that should tell you something This right here speaks volumes about the female threat detection mechanism. Women are afraid those socially inexperienced, 5/10 guys are the dangerous ones when really those kinds of guys would treat them like queens, but they aren’t attracted to them because “weirdo vibes”. Meanwhile they consistently get involved with the actual dangerous men and suffer dire consequences because of it.
  20. Well for some of us, improving our attraction skills to get better with women IS our entire life purpose. Seems like a pretty valid one to me since sex and reproduction is and always has been the primary driving force of all physical life. That also automatically puts you in situations where upping your social skills is either a requirement or happens automatically. So everything takes care of itself.
  21. That right there I believe is our best chance for those of us who’re so fucked up inside that healing our issues would take years of tremendously difficult shadow work to shed the neediness vibe. A much quicker way to start getting girls would be to take that already broken person you are and shape it into something that comes off as fuckable
  22. Girls cheat quite often. Just her being in a relationship won’t necessarily stop her from hooking up with you if you do everything right, right?
  23. Idk which part of my post set you off or what you would’ve preferred I say. Whatever the case, let’s put that behind us and bring it back to this The misogynist guys that have "success" with women are probably living in a profound shitty state of mind. If you hate what you desire, how do you feel when you get it? Your hatred of women will frustrate you even more when you eventually get the sex you desire, simply because you despise what you wish for. I'm not telling you to handle your shit because it will let you marry someone, but you won't be able to enjoy what you so desperately want in this low-consciousness state you're in. We almost had our breakthrough with this exchange. TL;DR at the bottom So you do admit it’s entirely possible to attract women without resolving your toxicity issues. That’s after you’ve repeatedly told me I need to resolve that toxicity to start seeing better dating results. Any fool can see that assholes end up with hot girlfriends all the time. Great. Then you raised a fair point that I probably wouldn’t enjoy having women if I’m still harboring feelings of ill will towards them once I finally start successfully attracting them into girlfriend status. So I pointed out how a massive chunk of that ill will comes from being rejected all the time. So that much of it would be gone once I learn how to make them start accepting me romantically. From there, whatever hard feelings are left over would be totally manageable and perhaps even curable once I start getting all that much needed sex and female pheromone. Let it be known that sex releases copious amounts of oxytocin, which is one of if not the most healing compound in the human body. Sure, it may not heal all my hard feelings towards women, but it will without a doubt get me lightyears closer to it. Last time I got a brief hug from a hot as lava coworker chick was about 4 years ago and I was in love with life and the universe for several days following. So imagine what sexual intimacy could do. Since you admit it’s totally doable to start getting girls without resolving my issues first, and I’ve pointed out how I won’t necessarily not enjoy them just because I still have some hard feelings, all I want to know now is how to go about making that happen. I know I’d be much better off in the long run if I focused on healing trauma first. But that’s incredibly difficult and I happen to be not the least bit interested in anything but getting lots of women in the quickest way possible, which we’ve come to agree is totally doable without needing to fix my toxicity.