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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever resonated with any song more than this one. Just change the narrative of being cheated on by one woman to endless rejection from all and it’s perfect 2:40 “I hate you! I swear to god I hate you! Oh my god, I love you! How the fuck could you do this to me?!” That one bar says it all
  2. I’m open to that. Not too fond of it, but I’m at least willing to give it a shot IF you can give me a simple 1 2 3 technique to do that. Give me a button that heals traumas and I’ll push it. I could do ayahuasca because that might be the closest thing to a button that heals traumas, but then it’ll just put me through hells beyond my comprehension in the process of burning out all my accumulated negativity before I can come out better on the other side. Please understand, I’m a massive pussy these days, I’m not prepared to handle something that intense. I could do it the longer way by doing daily shadow work and workshops and therapy and meditation, but I do not have the emotional fortitude or discipline to see it all the way through going that route. How am I supposed to procure those tools? Then why the hell do people constantly spout that meme like it’s universally applicable to all? To those of us who aren’t anywhere close to being in a place where we can “be ourselves” it sounds like nothing more than an insult at best. I’m not convinced of that. It makes sense how it would be true but I’ll never be sure until I start getting it. And I’m not expecting it to one hundred percent fix me, but I know for a fact it will help. I know this because the few times in the past when I’ve had female interest and affection I felt fucking incredible for months following. I imagine full on sex to be an amazingly, wondrously beautiful explosion of love that perfectly unites the physical with the metaphysical. I won’t know just how much it can help until start having plenty. Only then can I finally move on in life. Indeed I have become quite the misogynist, unfortunately. Even when that gets cured, what about the widespread misandry that in fact is what is causing the misogyny in most men? We still won’t be able to ignore that. And I’ll never be able to make peace with it because it’s completely unfair and unjust how men are so heavily disadvantaged and stripped of everything in divorces and how they get dragged through the mud and ruined by a single false accusation of sexual assault or domestic violence. If I were to suddenly get married tomorrow, she could divorce me and legally force me to start working so I can pay her alimony with the threat of incarceration looming over me if I don’t. Is that fair? Could I make her work to pay me alimony if I divorced her? Definitely not, and for no other reason than the fact that I’m the male and she’s the female.
  3. Did an approach yesterday on two 7.5s by my city’s standards. Needless to say I had a bad day to put things lightly. I showed them a silly Minecraft video asking if they’ve ever seen something like that in a playful attempt to get a convo going. Lo and behold, I was given the infamous gray rock treatment before they briskly walked away. I did learn from it though. More like it reminded me what I already knew. A painful reminder of why I have oceans within oceans of resentment for these wretched fucking shit goblins. It’s always the same shit with exceptions being few and far between. This pissed me off so immensely somebody had to pay. So I went to Walmart looking to say something very disturbing (but not threatening) to some other girls. I didn’t find any as good as before but I did find something even better; an attractive man and woman couple. Long story short I told them the unspeakable, like the kind of thing that would get you perma-banned from any comedy club or social media site. It was something I claimed to have heard someone tell me had happened to them in the past, and that I had started wanking off to the thought of. I should probably remove this desire to bring others people’s moods down to my level and improve my own if wanna start getting dates. But the addiction to being the vibe killer has become all powerful. No matter how good I’m feeling or how much I’ve improved or whatever progress towards forgiveness I might’ve made, the moment they give me the gray rock treatment yet again, what little love and positivity I managed to recover during my time off gets completely eviscerated putting me right back at square one. I can’t stand it. Like why not do literally anything else? Tell me a funny story from your past, tell me something else, make fun of me, be bitchy, be weird, make animal noises, cry, fart, start cracking up, at this point I’d prefer just about anything else besides these ongoing reactions of unresponsiveness and fleeing. I was eaten alive last night with ungodly amounts of stress. Made it almost impossible to eat anything or sleep at all, which is detrimental because my sleep schedule and appetite has already gone to hell in a hand bag. Every time something like this or worse happens, for the next few nights or week or so, every time I start drifting off to sleep the memory pops back in to assault my mind and tense up my body like mini cortisol electrocutions. I had to use that meditation technique of telling yourself to temporarily let it go because you can always pick it right back up later or tomorrow. Even then it barely helped. I have no idea what to do or how to break this addiction to being an energy vampire. If things continue this way I’ll no longer have the least bit of desire to break the cycle.
  4. I meant the very first video of your thread. He said his client suddenly met a girl by stopping his assuming or something like that. We could also take it a step further by asking, when someone gets raped, did they attract that experience into their life? The law of assumption is what causes everything to manifest in one’s life so it would have to be a yes. That be the case, would it not also be logical to stop punishing rapists since all they’re doing is being the vehicle by which LoA does its work? By the way LoA operates, instead of punishing them we should teach potential and current ‘victims’ how to attract more favorable outcomes in their life.
  5. Women are also a part of this world. When will they ever realize how wonderful of a gift I am?
  6. I know exactly what it means. It means talk about what you like, use humor you think is funny and act authentically as the person you are. Doesn’t work
  7. Inner game, as I understand it, is basically your ability to make people attracted to you by projecting your good vibes out onto them, the good inner game is where those good vibes come from. Outer game is the other half of the battle. Both are useless without each other. There have been times when I felt amazing spiritual well-being and plenty of radiant happiness. Yet was still unable to get a girl interested because I didn’t have the outer game specifics of technique down to execute the mission. You can be in the best feeling state of your life and still fail with pickup because you didn’t have the necessary know how to communicate in the most effective manner with the opposite sex, because that takes crazy amounts of experience to grasp. Doesn’t matter how good you feel or how happy you are if you’re coming off in a weird way. That’s why outer game is also just as important, and you could make a strong argument of it being MORE important. Strongly disagree. I already feel like a walking bad vibe generator from all the rejections and blowouts I’ve endured from doing those approaches which supposedly chip away anxieties. After a thousand more I’d be a level 9000 hell spawn.
  8. @Kid A must be so nice lol 💀
  9. I’d do one of three things I guess depending on my mood: I would guilt her for having such a negative reaction over something that does no harm to her other that a temporary feeling of disgust or discomfort (cuz let’s be real, she would not be very happy about it if she knew) I would stubbornly deny, or both. Guilt doesn’t necessarily indicate a violation of some ethic. People can feel irrationally guilty about all sorts of things. While I agree with you in that getting it from someone who knows exactly what u want and is ok with it can be better because then they have the knowledge to provide your precise craving. This leaves out one very powerful element: spontaneity. In the high five analogy, can you see how if someone unaware of your secret interest were to randomly smack your hand when you meant to just wave at them how that would be so much more intense of a fulfillment of your desire than to have it planned out with someone who knows you like it?
  10. So you did try being the asshole. Did it get you laid or no? I am quite certain I would be the special case. Every time I imagine myself being such an abusive piece of shit to women that it ruins their mood, I feel oh so alive! Hey, at least then I wouldn’t be seeking validation, because that’s supposedly the number 1 chick repellent. I also wouldn’t be a creep. Because creeps don’t go out with the soul intention of being a vibe killing prick. For me, it’s come down to only one of two options: Be a timid, nervous, little bitch during my approaches, or, learn to be a total monster. We’re talking wife and child beating alcoholic levels of toxic but without the physical violence. Like making them feel terrible in any and every way available and using horrifyingly dark humor that’s worse than anything they’ve ever heard. This “being myself” horse shit is not fucking cutting it. It’s either be a nervous wreck or be incredibly mean. As much as I’d like to, I simply have no access to anything else. Being an ass is better than being a pussy, so all I can do is play the best cards I have. Jordan Peterson is a controversial figure but one thing he says that I like is the importance of having the ability to unleash your inner monster. By this you meant lost cause as in never being able to find happiness, not not being able to get laid, correct? I sure hope so
  11. How do you know that? Who’s to say you can’t make a simulated reality where you get to do anything and anyone before or instead of going into another life? If death means reunion with god, and god is unlimited, there’s no reason why it wouldn’t be possible. The only reason I might start considering a job. That and hookers
  12. Dmt can easily take you to hell realms. It’s just more likely to show you heaven than say something like salvia, which is more likely to show you the hell side of things from what I’ve read. Either substance can show you either one or anything in between but some are more likely than others to produce certain experiences
  13. True. There are other ways to have sex besides sticking it in
  14. No comment 🤐
  15. Yes but it has a very strict set of physical laws that you get so accustomed to it gets boring after a while. That’s what makes siddhis so cool. Because they’re abilities that aren’t supposed to be possible, like breaking laws that result in levitation instead of jail
  16. What’s making y’all so sure it isn’t and a foolish idea? Do u know what is and isn’t possible in the space between lives?
  17. Anyway, getting back on track...
  18. He said we need to stop assuming no movement. He never said HOW to stop assuming no movement. It would be like trying to stop assuming the pull of gravity. It pulls on you every single second of your life from womb to tomb regardless of what you tell yourself. So how do stop assuming something that is? Also, that guy he’s talking about already had a good job providing a steady income and was involved in social settings, all of which is what made it possible for him to get that girl interested. I’d like to see the law of assumption get a basement dwelling hikikomori laid. Not saying it can’t work. I’m saying I’d like to see it if it can. Another thing, think of all the women who carry pepper spray for protection. Aren’t they doing themselves a disservice by assuming they need that protection? Are they not signaling to the universe that there are dangerous guys out there who are ready and willing to do them harm for personal gain? If the law of assumption is true, then by it’s own teachings, people who carry self defense weapons are increasing their chances of being harassed and threatened on the street by doing so. By believing they need it, are they not making it more likely that they will need it? You probably think I’m just being nit-picky here. Truth is I’d love for LoA to be true. But there are problems with it that need addressing before most people will be able to get on board
  19. Now that we can agree on!
  20. Fitting theme music with picture
  21. I should correct myself on that. I’m sure there are examples of bi guys into both men and periods. For me personally the fact I’m into that is a testament to being fiercely attracted to double X chromosomes only
  22. I’m hearing some stuff about Islam promising all the babes you can handle. If I had a way to know that for sure I’d go devout Muslim in an instant. How am I to know it’s not just another one of man’s wishful thinkings or attempts at comprehending the ineffable? I think it’s more like whatever is on the other side is infinitely more epic than anything a religion can teach. It’s probably more like what Leo talks about in his videos on god and infinity, and what you hear from NDE testimonies. I need to have whatever it takes to be calm and collected when crossing over in order to have enough control to design my own next reality instead of freaking out at the power of it all and ending up reincarnating into a similar or worse position. All I ever wanted was one silly little insignificant thing. Time and time again I’m shown how that’s way too much to ask of this life. But like you said May be true. But to me that sounds like an infinitely sophisticated form of god playing hard to get with itself
  23. You guys aren’t taking fapping into consideration. No matter how much fapping I do—and I’ve been doing so much lately my units are starting ache—it never quenches the thirst. It does get boring but only when I go more than twice in a day, and even then the desire for full on sex doesn’t entirely go away and all I have to do is abstain for a day for it to return to being just as satisfying. Sex is fapping on steroids. How could you possibly think it would get boring to have unlimited sexual partners when monogamous guys usually never stop wanting to bang their one gf/wife? If it were that easy to get tired of sex, men would be dumping their parters left and right. (That would be not only be funny but also very convenient for me.) I know it sounds a little sad, but that’s what it has come to. Hugh Hefner very successfully made it his entire life purpose enjoying it the whole way through. If you only like it instead of wildly love it with all your soul then you might not be having it to it’s full potential. There’s all kinds of amazing tantric stuff you can get into and kinks to be indulged. Both of which make the already incredible experience of sex even better by far. Unfortunately I’m cursed with loving women a million times too much for my own good. I’m turned on by their periods ffs. You have to be straighter than a perfect arrow to get off on that shit. I would die of ecstasy to be in a bathtub filled with red water with a couple of bleeding 6/10s. Although I’ve heard that water pressure prevents the menstrual fluid from flowing out. Can anyone confirm this? Nevertheless, going gay would no doubt make things much easier. I just don’t know how I could possibly get anywhere close to pulling that off. I’m not disgusted with gayness by any means, it’s just not the least bit interesting or appealing to me. It would be like telling a basketball lover with aspirations of becoming a pro NBA player to give up on his dreams in exchange for surfing. I really hope none of these are true 😔 If we’re all God there’s no damn reason why we wouldn’t have the ability to scrap our current life to build our own brand new worlds limited only by our imagination
  24. Yes that’s exactly right. You have to know how to SAY and DO the right things. That’s outer game and it is your most powerful tool for getting lots of quick lays. People have been saying inner game is what’s more important. Then at the same time they also say you need thousands of girls to practice on before you can get the hang of how to get laid. That’s funny, because if inner game was the more important one then why can’t you start having sex just from improving that? It’s because you still need the outer game, and the doing thousands of approaches is all about fine tuning that outer game. You can have the best inner game ever but girls will still think you’re weird or boring or, worst of all, creepy if you make one small mistake which could be as benign as saying a wrong thing or doing an uncalibrated body language cue due to insufficiently established outer game.