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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Well yeah it’s undoubtedly disgusting and not really meant to be funny. It’s meant more to show that you aren’t the least bit intimidated by her and to exercise your “not giving a fuck” muscle. Both of which are allegedly attractive qualities. Backing off when she gets the creeps is fine, but would it really be of no value to leave her with a statement of that intensity right before you go? Seems like a better option than just moping away with your tail between your legs because it affirms to you that you aren’t afraid of being perceived as creepy, that way you’re less likely to carry that same energy into your next approach. Because a big part of what causes you to come off as creepy is being worried about looking creepy.
  2. Here’s what I imagine would be a powerful solution to that: When a girl gives you that bitchy “why are you talking to me, you creep” look, you look her dead in the face and say with conviction, “Because I’d like to shove my fat, throbbing cock so far up your c*nt and ass you taste shit and menstrual blood on the back of your tongue for the next week. Why do you think, genius?” You want counterintuitive? There you go. It’s insanely bold and direct and shows you don’t give the slightest fuck about her or anyone’s judgment. Do you guys think that could work or is it pushing the practice of acting counterintuitively too far?
  3. Because alimony is a thing, and women are almost exclusively the recipients. Ex: If I were to get married or move in with a woman, she could force me to start working because I’d be arrested if I couldn’t pay whatever amount her lawyers convinced the judge to make me pay. So if I wanted to save up for something nice or get some great food or go on a fun road trip, that’ll be extremely difficult if possible at all. It would be impossible if I also had my own bills to pay on top of it, that’s also on top of taking half of my assets. She wouldn’t even need to prove I was treating her like crap in the relationship to screw me this hard. She could be the one acting up and still win everything in the divorce. Like how op said Just her having this loaded gun pointed at you knowing she can pull the trigger any time she doesn’t get her way is slavery. Really it’s a slavery within a slavery because it’s bad enough that you’re under this constant threat, then the real trouble starts when the divorce is finalized. It gets worse. First, you had to marry to be forced into alimony and giving up your hard earned possessions. Then, they established “common law” giving her the ability to ruin you even if you just live together. Now, they’re pushing for being able to divorce rape you while you’re not even living together, just in a relationship. What comes after that? Losing your shit and working for your puppet master after having simply kissed her at a party?
  4. SHE cheats yet HE is the one the court fucks up the ass with a twelve inch dick at her benefit. We are living in a world where women have gained so much power they’re literally rewarded with free money for acting shitty towards men. Despite there being innumerable cases of such injustices happening, they still claim to be oppressed You don’t even have to be married ffs! This is exactly why MGTOW is a thing, and a very necessary one Might have something to do with the fact that women can legally enslave us with the threat of jail if we don’t comply. We don’t like being put in a position where our freedom is jeopardized
  5. Exactly what I do. What do I get? Gray rock method. Short one worded replies with blank or worried faces.
  6. See when I approach, I have to carry the conversation so hard that there’s really no conversation at all. It’s just me talking at someone who has totally forgotten how a normal human interaction works
  7. Not even that is easy. How do you expect to find one? Go knocking door to door asking? Ask around on the street? You can arrange something online, but remember, it’s illegal. You have to use your best judgment to avoid jail. Not one single thing about getting laid is easy
  8. No. But we all had to get into these bodies somehow. So why can’t it be possible to make another very similar life but with more opportunity for fulfillment of desires we don’t have access to now? I’m not begging for the women themselves, I’m begging for people to tell me the premise of this thread is easily doable, and mean it. And to be put into a better position to get laid a bunch. Because then it’ll be easier for me to believe which will make it easier to manifest. I need more yeses and less no’s Only one problem. To demand is to expect an outcome. To let go is to let go of any and all expectations of outcome. So how does one demand and let it go simultaneously? Or did you mean let go of everything except the demand? Again, my only begging was to be told it’s entirely possible to create future incarnations based on what you want now. I am and have been demanding to be given what I want for quite a while, still nothing. Like when I said Maybe I should have said demanding instead of requesting right there. Because that’s definitely what I meant. I see every single one that enters anywhere within my field of vision. I’m not missing opportunities from crying too much. I’m crying so much because all my opportunities fail. Key distinction. “Hey, pretty! I command you to get the fuck in the car right now!” Surely you’re not suggesting I start commanding women to sleep with me, right? You mean I demand it to the universe and it sends them my way by itself. Right? Game on. I’m holding you to that promise. I’ll say it constantly for the next two weeks, thousands of times a day. If it still doesn’t work after all that, well, so much for askfirmations being the least bit effective. But I’ll go in expecting it to work to the best of my ability.
  9. I fully understand all that. My problem is people are saying women forget about or don’t care that much about your fuck ups because apparently they’re not significant enough to be an issue to them. How can that be the case if you’re also at risk of developing infamy? If you end up with a negative reputation as the the town creep from your pickup blowouts, that clearly means it is a very big deal to them, because why else would they attach the harmful stigma to you? That’s what I mean by they’re at odds with each other.
  10. Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme NOW! I swear to god dude if you don’t tell me exactly which drugs to take to make me good with women... The closest I’ve been with the assistance of drugs has been by using phenibut + caffeine combo. But I can’t use phenibut anymore because it started making me feel like garbage
  11. Fuck it, got nothing to lose anyway so here it goes. Just remember, you asked for this: 1. I cum on my tummy then rub it in with my wrist. It’s so thick and creamy it always takes at least a hundred strokes of the wrist until it’s sufficiently rubbed in. Then I wipe up the remaining plasm from the cock tip onto my other wrist and rub both wrists together until it’s soaked in there as well. That’s if I’m feeling lazy. If I’m feeling adventurous, I’ll push the bulk of the load onto my wrist to be transported to one of my armpits. There I rub it in with my middle and ring finger until it’s nice and spread enough to soak in the rest on its own. Keep in mind I regularly go weeks without showering in conjunction to this. The smell gets to be quite unlike any other after some time, like burnt plastic, aged pee, dog poop and of course body odor. 2. Piss in jugs (though not nearly as much now as in the past) because I was/am too lazy to walk to the bathroom. Used to have gallons of piss spread out all over my room because I couldn’t be bothered to empty them out. I once hid one of these jugs in my brother’s room under his desk as a prank suggested by my cousin who knows about my weird habits. Upon discovery, he cried, “Anon! Is this a giant jug of piss in my room?!” Oh shit! I went to meet him and examine it, played dumb as if I didn’t know what it was or how it got there. Took a few gulps out of it, (more on that in my next confession) scratched my head and said, “huh, idk. That’s strange.” 3. Urine therapy. This is arguably not weird at all. There’s an entire community based around drinking pee and applying it topically as a form of skin care. Urea is the main compound that makes urine what it is; and happens to be one of the ingredients used in most makeup and skin care products. I got into drinking it fresh, drinking it aged, and showering myself in it in the shower. Apparently it gives you glowing skin; my evidence in support of that is I always felt silky smooth after showering and received multiple comments on my skin from doing this. 4. I always make it a point to dig through the bathroom trash can looking for used tampons to enjoy during the cherished few circumstances when I’m in someone’s house who I know has at least one cute girl living there. My chad cousin knows of this kink of mine and he was nice enough to hook me up with a period soaked white t-shirt he used to clean up an accident when he was banging a hottie. He also gave me a few minutes with a ripe pair of panties from a different girl. So that was awesome. 5. Barrel O’ Monkeys: Pubic hair edition. I used to pull out my loose pubes and put them into a pile. I’d find one that was shaped like a J or S and that looked sturdier than the rest, then I’d use that to hook another, then that one to hook another, and so on. You’d be surprised how long of a chain you can make before it gives under the weight. 6. Drank my friend’s cum on multiple occasions because Connor Murphy said it was the divine protein shake and has enormous health benefits. It turned out to be true. I mixed it in with a superfoods fizz tablet and gulped it down. Couple hours later I felt incredible. My pineal gland was buzzing, I felt 5 years younger and had the confidence and vigor of a giga Chad. I even got a girl’s number that very next day. I always wondered what would happen if I could access a healthy, yoga hippie chick’s period and the semen of her male equivalent, mix them together using a wire whisk in a fancy goblet while wearing a cloak in the center of a burning pentagram, then toss it down the hatch. I would become immortal and telekinetic no doubt. Are you feeling it now, Mr, Crabs?
  12. “Don’t worry if you look weird or embarrass yourself. It’s all in you head, bro. It’s a much bigger deal to you than it is to them. After ten minutes go by, she’ll have completely forgotten about you or won’t care anymore.” “Approaching in a smaller city is likely to get you a negative reputation.” These two takes on the matter are 100% at odds with each other. You may pick only one. Which is it?
  13. Because if you make a move on a girl who turned out to not be interested (not your fault because girls are often intentionally very vague with their signals for some reason) it’s not good enough to just apologize. She has to go out of her way to cause you as much damage to your social status as possible by labeling you a disgusting pig or worse. You make one wrong move on a girl in a club and you’re done at that club at best, at worst, sexual harassment charge. The woman has to make the moves now because modern laws and social norms have been arranged in a way that makes men much more vulnerable to severe backlash for making wrong moves than women are. We have to be very cautious because women will lead us in all sorts of ways that aren’t congruent with their actual intentions or feelings. For example, (and I’ve experienced this more than once) you can be having a totally down to earth chat about whatever where the women seem to be cool with it and not showing any signs of distress, only to later realize they were freaked the fuck out by your presence and conversational topics the whole time.
  14. Only in their Wildest Dreams. Anything you can imagine can be done through mastery of lucid dreaming or death. And remember dreams usually feel just as real (and even more when lucid) than waking life. Let that sink in. Also, in that very song she says “He’s so tall and handsome as hell. He’s so bad but he does it so well.” That’s straight outta the horse’s mouth. The being bad and doing it well part is within our ability to control, but not so much the being tall and handsome, which is clearly a huge factor in attracting women. Take it as further confirmation of this theory of 80% of women going for the top 20% of guys who’re tall and good looking AND bad. In one of her newer songs she said “I broke his heart cause he was nice.” So that’s interesting
  15. Disagree. I’m in the worst health of my life and my ducks are scattered out all over the pasture. Yet at the same time I am hornier than I’ve ever been. In the rare times when my drive starts going down, all I have to do is one single set of ten squats, not even a full workout, and my unit will be so hard the next morning I have to do a handstand just to take a piss
  16. tell me the weirdest things you’ve ever done or ever seen done, exaggerate them to seem 100x weirder than they actually are. Then I might be entertained
  17. Someone just fucking kill me already and put me in a chad’s body somewhere in a nice part of Las Vegas while letting me keep my exact same mind and ego in the next life. If any spirits or gods are watching this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE kill me and put me in Vegas as the exact same person but in a chad’s body. Either that or give me the ability to move there easily with just enough money to get by comfortably. I am giving you my absolute full, 100,000,000,000% permission and requesting to be killed and reincarnated as the same person I’m now in a Chad’s body in a pussy rich environment. For some reason, before coming into this life I decided to pull the most heinously evil prank on myself by putting me in a small city where I’m unendingly deprived of one of the highest blisses in existence. Looking for a gf in a small town is hell. Two people in a thread on the dating sub just confirmed what I already knew. Trying to get a girlfriend in a small city makes the demons (normies) hate you for simply lacking social skills. Doing cold approach makes you seem weird to them in their twisted little minds completely devoid of compassion or consideration for virgin men. You start to build a reputation as “that creepy guy approaching all the girls” unless you have absolutely godlike charisma. Exactly why humanity literally deserves to be wiped out by an asteroid. A bigger city would fix most of this but nobody seems to be understanding just how monstrously, insanely, preposterously hard it is to make that big of a move. I’m no where close to being able to pull that off. No matter what I say, nothing conveys how much this is hurting. I can’t keep doing this. I’m internally screaming loud enough to bust my vocal cords 90 percent of every day and night. EVERYTHING has failed me; life is turning into a living bad trip faster than I can control it. My physical and mental health has suffered immensely and I’ve been pushed past my breaking point. There’s no way I can express my true feelings, but this video might be the closest thing there is God is infinite and God is you, right? Which means absolutely no limits at all to what can be done after death, limits are only a thing of the physical. So why can’t I create a Hugh Hefner lifestyles for my next incarnation? Why wouldn’t that be possible?
  18. How are we pampered more than women are?
  19. I’m about to unleash the beast here guys, I’m serious. Are you sure y’all are ready for this?
  20. Do you really want me to get into it?
  21. Guys please. Out of only one or two yes’ I’ve had almost a dozen telling me no it’s not. I suspect people are just saying that to keep me from killing myself, which I’ve already said I don’t plan on any time soon. There is NO sex to be had ANYWHERE in a smaller city unless it’s purchased, and even then it’s tricky to find and legally risky. I don’t think people are fully respecting just how insurmountably difficult it is to move when you’re in a position like mine. Can I please please please please PLEASE PLEASE for the love of God have this one tiny shred of hope that all sexual desire will be fulfilled after death, and in all the exact ways I want and need it fulfilled from my human perspective?
  22. I’ve posted these before but they’re even more relevant now, it’s exactly what you guys are talking about and what I’ve been saying this whole time
  23. Don't make this sorts of silly comments I thought it was funny enough to almost get a weak smile from. We’re nothing close to a cult or a religion but he was framing it that way in mockery of those who think we are