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Everything posted by Aeris

  1. I don't know about that, the 2 times it was serious I ended in their bed aswell in less than 24 hours. ( but the girls was already finding me very attractive so.. ) I started kissing in the same time I put their clothes off it gives you a better flow hahaha
  2. Manga are self actualization to a very solid orange paradigm. on a very flat relative projection. This is why Japan is one of the top high society I guess, they were kings in the East for a long time. Not super high consciousness, but very out of the blue. But I loose myself there, not the point. There is manga higher tier aswell. It's not always the material anyway, you could fap 20 years and get enlightened from it depending your practice and vision. It's always more about how you use it, and what are you looking for in it ? I could watch stupidity and get something high thinking from it. "You" are the master of the interpretation anyway
  3. it's about "us" but for a us to be, there need a I too, don't forget yourself neither, comprehension and understanding shouldn't makes you assertive tho, depends what the will want of you & me. love is not only charity, it's counter paradoxical, but you could kill out of pure love. in fact you cannot act without love for something. good, to know you've been getting out of this and get back on the track, good luck with the next step !
  4. what about 4-5 times in the same night ? we are ruled by mind aswell. what about the guys who go in a mountain 8 months without fapping. Use of mind to counter biology. Mind is a lot tricked by biologic needs though. just as surviving do. Unless you become godlike
  5. weed does it, there is only 3 problems with smoking weeds : - your throat becomes sour if you smoke too much. ( unless we would smoke the thc purely or take it in ) - it's costy because of repression. I don't see others problems with it, it's the best drug on earth currently for the pro/cons it makes you work as hell, always in a meditative and happy states, and you cannot loose your consciousness like on alcohol. You just slowed in thinking or cannot hold big abstract logic in mind no comedown ( just feel a bit tired the day after ) I smoked 20 days straight 2g a day, and stop instant. the problem is I don't do anything aside playing games when I m not on weed. So I smoke to work 10h a day. No weed, no fuel. I never worked without drugs, and I can't, is there a way ?
  6. "the root of all suffering is desire." humm can you desire " without wanting " ? like just so far, when you play a video games, you have a goal, you desire to get it, but you takes fun on the path to the goal, not in the goal in itself, aside, you desire to achieve it in a way, but you doesn't need to achieve, you just do it. but in the meantime, you really need it. but it's paradoxical, you cannot be properly a good achiever if you doesn't give yourself 100% you can use I want to achieve, but in the meantime doesn't attach a feeling to what happens if the desire doesn't work. like using your mind as a tool to delude yourself from your own delusion when they happen, very self aware of the thought story rising.
  7. More stories doesn't prove anything If it makes sense to you and that you see clearly on what you call my fairyland
  8. Same Did you try Electronic composing music ? Just with your background it looks like something you didn't try. Just as a passion tool tho. Don't believe you will get a career from it. But I value it. Understanding music teach so much There is too much for explain For me I never worked in a job casual only few experiences. My survival is sustain on arts or die. Because there is no others paths. I m still dying but gods state provide foods and roof. I would be a gangster if I got nothing to loose. It's more exciting. But. Not today
  9. Heal ? In which ways did you find yourself to be a more loving caring person ?
  10. He knows It's deep Infinite without sense. but he keeps trying to love the boat Or maybe .. I m Rick ! Pickles fuckers
  11. same questions in fact, I'll put him before an heavy dubstep drop, YOU ARE THE DEVIL ! BWAHAHABWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA
  12. Some people die without enlightenment. Time is absolutely relative So some people can know better in 5 years of practice than 50 years It depends of many factors and how you do the practice and what kind of experience and knowledge you start with. ( Prior expériences ) There is no path for anything litteraly...
  13. clearly stupid mind, it's more distractiv in the end for me, society is pattern of something that is not my creation you can use and love thoughts without attachment in the litteral sense
  14. "Killing lots of stuff is usually not a very conscious solution." why in the absolute ? progress / regress matter of view
  15. I would add that it is great. Devilry is a delusion. Just look the human body there is défensive cells. Fixing cells. And PURGING cells. Who clean the cells from their own dysfunction. To makes the body work conservation of a stable system is necessary for update. This is 'why' there is low cells in the system. They ain't low they do their job. White cells like to kills and broke weak cells. It's not hate or arrogance. It's the job of white cells in the system. So some people will still believe in love/hâte dynamics. Because as the cells jobs they are made for doesn't allow their mind to be at the level of another 'job' Even you knowing the 'absolute' is a part of the mindfuck of your own job. Seriously even if civilisation is 'good' doesn't make it 'right'. It's the job of some people aswell to disrupt the system. But yes sometimes the system clean itself of himself
  16. Léo talk about doing evil as an act you can consciously make. As if you can be conscious of what is right or wrong. The absolute is that nothing you presume can be truth neither. Even if it seamed to end in a result. I mean you could kill 20 innocents people and then get the power to save more. But who is the one who is holding the best karma ? It's hard to self know. Maybe society is the natural flow of things. And nothing can empower our choice. It's only energy
  17. There is no introvert/ extravert on a Real scale. You could be both or switch from Time to Time dépend of many exterior paraméter and prior experience in life.( Way of surviving by choosing a way to interact with the surrounding ) Even me who was a kid on a computer I needed to talk with people for instance. And this post and présence of you here could mean a virtual extravert. By the way where it start when you are introvert vs extravert is there a moment when you are one ?
  18. You think so You need a bit of love to hate
  19. There is no post enlightenment It's and will always remains relative to the moon
  20. wrong you can die, and ask god to show you truth. if you do it, with a mind open who wants the truth to all cost, even the cost of the question you wouldn't even dare to ask yourself. but of course you need first to accept to be dead, like litteraly, if tomorrow was a no day, what would it be today ? what would you think ? this is not a "nothing" work. it's a total work. people who say this work is "nothing" at the end. you're deluded and only on the path. it's more of knowing everything than knowing nothing. you learn to know there is nothing, so you learn something. and I m not playing with words, knowing what leo teach makes you god, maybe not in the marvel terms. but your mind is your GOD, but as long as the mind is not yours, you're nothing but an insect with ruminating thoughts. and we will all remain this way, because that's how it is, but knowing facts that are absolute on the fact that reality is nothing or that the distance between my mind & yours is as far as another planet. knowing this in absolute, being conscious of that, this makes you paradoxically still having thoughts, but not having any emotional feeling ( not in the sense you get them before ) of course words can still trigger feeling inside you, related to whom you are, it's always "dependant" I m giving a feature to enlightment but there is a "me" before and after enlightment. enlightment is the infinite process of knowing and changing states ( to me ) and knowing "not knowing". , but in reality EVERYONE IS A DEVIL and just as each words, their is only the projection put into the words. the difference is how conscious are you of your devilry.
  21. would you advice me a video to help from a green/yellow perspective, someone need a grounding in yellow, and I m looking for ways currently. not that I preach things, but it's for flowing in my personnal life, I need someone to upgrade his deck a bit. > I find old videos are better suited to reflect on some basic points of life.
  22. sure it's not your imagination ? but that could be true or truth could even be worst. Even if karma is mental, doesn't mean a billion people doesn't believe in "something" and want your head on a stake. That is truth. Knowing all is in depth "bs", doesn't mean there is no truth, dynamic truth. maybe we can't call that enlightenment. but what is enlightement ? is it a end point ? I believe the illuminati eating dead babies is more of a internet memes. doesn't mean they doesn't push button who kills billions without clinging. hahaha
  23. do you think he would rewire who he is ? a fair dose of course. or maybe he will become aware of the truth of who he is, and even double on it ? Because we all assume that psychedelics makes you someway better because they broke the veil of your illusion. ( mostly ) what if the whole life of Donald Trump is truly, his dreamed life ? we just cannot empathize this level of "happiness" because it sounds like hell to our views & ears. What if his surviving strategy is well worked ? Maybe he likes being himself and he knows why he is doing what he is doing. Maybe we assume he is stupid, but in reality he owned the presidency of USA. not an idiot could do that. I think Donald Trump is way smarter than the all anti trump think he is, you think through emotion, no rationality there. I can totaly be political and be fair about it, you cannot be rational if you see people through the lens of your own feelings. Cold analysis without any attachment, that is true rationality. Progress could aswell be named regress; depending the pov. eating shit mcdonald, talk loudly, and even we assume he is not conscious. He is maybe outsmarting everything, he is using twitter, but he got the buzz around him. why you assume there is no human wired sort of like the joker in batman ? would you say that the joker in Batman, is living through unconscious behavior ? Maybe he is living pure truth, maybe he knows that everything is bs, but he still liked it, because this was his way to live his bs, he want to maintain it, just like progress people want to see their ideal worlds. I think life is about balance.