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Everything posted by Aeris

  1. I wasn't sure. But good good. Both New sections Hope they stay cool
  2. That's a good adds for certain people.
  3. Give blue psychedelics. And bs come as truth
  4. Who is this 'you' that act on it. Maybe the delusion machine started to believe it has a choice. Op is right but that would destroy your sense of 'self control' Maybe there is no such thing as choice. The op is right. When the light open for you to seek change. Was that you or the program ? It's always the original point. You 'believe' there is choice. Maybe none. Does the bird choose to fly on a choice ? All choice made by humans is just the bird opening. Or prove it to yourself. Can you have a true choice ? Only one way to know. Try reality. But when I realised that maybe the fact of becoming aware of having the choice was maybe from a desire that wasn't a conscious choice. Reality already maybe choose how you'll interact with her your whole life. Prove me there is choice for a fish to fly.
  5. Try regular sleep. + A bit of sport ( even walking ) having good and authentic relationship. Means having people you don't play a role with. Food is important. Pursue understanding of your mind and getting knowledge in all area of life. A bit of méditation After cold shower. Cultivate love for what is already fine around you ( not what tv - internet or people put into your mind ) Draw & dance on music
  6. Genuine advice. On the other side op. You clearly lack confidence and beingness. From the abandon of the toxic desire for sex ( a place of lack in the mind ) when I read you sayin : 'when I m gonna have sex again.' It's clearly : fear and fear of lack. Dysfunctional pattern. Work on this. You don't need sex. 'good' Sex Come from a place of 'no lack' even if you don't do sex. It's a paradox kind of. I got full confidence in me when I was virgin. ( At 25y ) I accepted dying without sex. I have too much sex now and the overall expérience of my relation and sex improve just like learning music. Sometimes plateau. Sometimes peak. Sometimes just nice. Work on this aspect of loving yourself first.
  7. I would introduce my gf. But what should I tell her. The World as it is seams ok to her. Death ok. Evil ok. Being a grain of sand : ok . Everything is relative : ok She likes Space science and Alan watts. I don't think she need self improvement cause all she want is discover New zealand watch the stars. ( Her dream goal ) She ain't deluded ( do you think that I would a girl that don't see yellow. ? Nah). Very pessimistic on certain points : some shadows. I think sometimes she is more dev than me. She just live her human life without trying to solve truth. As she is open to understanding healing trauma with psychédélic + speak english fully ( she is scottish from her father ) So I'll just give her mushrooms cause she want to try 'all drugs' ( she did mdma already )
  8. Both are pathetic. I m my own Porsche
  9. None I just tell my gf about the forum
  10. Add another one' Your inner work seams good enough Enjoy your trip
  12. The full circle is that ego is god. All my thoughts all my meaning is god. I m god is litteral not an idea. Sitting killing or loving. Everything is god. All delusion is god expanding his awareness through games. Being bias is god. Fantasy is god. Meaning is god. Infinite power and creativity is god' is me There is no 'no thought' 'no ego' This is all a conceptual bs.
  13. Jp didn't understand post modernism. He believe this is a delusion. So he devilize what looks like threat to his point of view of "the good society" He project his idea of the good society to tame and soothe the mass to an orange paradigm ( maintain the statut quo ). What I've seen. Maybe a bias.
  14. Yesterday I had a sense that I should erase humanity or make it rise above her duality. Exactly because if humans are devilry. My lp is to erase/reduce the devilry from this World. God is everything. A creator. I study the devil inside me and will only use it for the greatest good There is nothing to accept in cruelty or devilry. Creator' choose. Devil loose.
  15. What is a goth président ? When you do not vote. Does that mean being anarchist ? I voted fuck authority. What's wrong with not believing in democracy ? It's a theater of corrupted clown. One good high conscious king wouldn't be better than 50 unaware mongs ? Leo would you accept that law on this forum would be dictated by the smartest members instead of yourself. Which one is the best ? :-)
  16. Right because I advice people on the possible problem of their relative situations. Maybe telling : open the earth chakra would have been more neutral. Be rude if you feel it. Ideology never touch me. I assume what I've seen through my human perpective. Girl and boy are different. Believing the contrary seams deluded to me. You can believe you are a fruit cake doesn't change the shape. But how is the degree I don't know. I can assume gender role on another scale without being judgy. I will not heal a turtle because she tell me I m a poney. I could though show him some green field. Sorry if you feel hurted because I assume you're a girl so I was trying to feel in the body of a girl. I Can give you more neutral advice' as a guy : shooting myself on camera I would maybe makeup and clean myself. It's not wrong. Was just a flat exemple for possible problem. I absolutely don't know you : so all I do is assumption. Take the best - leave the cons Maybe a bad exemple to just point to a mindset : sorry about my communication skill and my wrong assumptions.
  17. I don't mdma or once a year. I m completely hateful the 2-3 day afters. Only worth doing it as a Key for emotional healing. More use will fuck you. I even believe you can fuck your chemistry brain for month in subbtle way. Just my experience. Instinct told me. Only as a drug for healing very very low mood. Mushroom I m happy and wakeful days afters.
  18. You come from a position of poverty ?
  19. is not happiness. It's the path of anti life. You can live happy with goals. In fact no goal is death. As long as you don't identify your happiness on the fact of achieving thoses goals. Having big dream is important. 'Lazyness' is not cure. It's anti god. By working I don't mean being a slave of others or your own devilry. I mean creating your goal. Your life and achieve it no matter the odds and the entire World. Flowing with being God shapes reality while flowing. God never sleep.
  20. Some are born in rich family of thieves. Others have to get their own fingers sharp. Or maybe their minds. Knowledge is everywhere for free. Only your brain makes you pay the price. Why there is pirate in Somalia ? Fucking Pirates. Get a job
  21. I m sure. Kill the narcissic side of you' it will flow. Imagine yourself not having any make up. Not even in your way to work. Be mécanic only if this is how you like to proceed. I m not a girl but I m sure you make up and all. Maybe you focus on what you look on video. Surely. This Lens you'll put on yourself whatever it is. 'not real'. It will draw you back. Look the entire work of leo. From first vidéo to middle to last. Find 3 of them and watch them in line. What do you observe ? Be authentic and passionned by the process firstly. Results will come without thinking too much of it. Don't shoot videos if this isn't the time in your life' don't mimic others 'because'. Be humble your work will Always be full of misstakes. And some of them makes you look humble. There is not true misstake unless you do nothing' that is misstake. All work is kind like art. It's never finished always in a process.
  22. You all right on certain point but careful with the sucking tits. Btw I shouldn't have bashed Leo the topic impregnated me with an energy. I understand the position of human being and shouldn't have bashed. Not my resort. It's not my work and I'll not pretend to know better. to know what should be good for him when all I should know should be about my own map. I m sure he has been eating kg of hate and critic so far he prob knows. Just that you know it doesn't come as a real critic from me just ego observation.