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Everything posted by Aeris

  1. he was one of the most conscious dictator, even my history teacher agreed ( in the back of the teaching class ) yes he was great, "but you know...:D " he write civil code, and try to create a really conscious french society. his shadow : he wanted to much control over the world, especially the russian thing, totaly unconscious thinking. I would bet it is what happen when you push to much the warrior subconscious archetype.
  2. will you do it today ? get back to us at the end ! never did dmt myself so .. good luck & cheer,
  3. and how a mouth comes acidic or not ? what type of brand should I use as toothpaste ? ( no fluoride ) I always had perfect and regular teeth but they start to be yellowish in the bottom and had a very smooth infection lately ( I m not smoking anymore ) ( maybe cause I smoked weed.x.tobacco for 5 years, everyday > even if I was hard brushing every night ) __ - where do you buy high quality water ? - should I be worry of the quality of water in France/Germany aswell ? ( fluoride level ) - Do you mean that the dentist when he "clean teeth" he use a fluoride product ? how that ? @Leo Gura ___________ is there proof about the fluoride toxicity ? impossible that the study are just problem of sample in a wrong context ( false studies/ self validating studies )? absolute feeling - ( no answer needed ) how much trust can we put in subjects that look mostly : "pseudo science paranoïa" ? ( even science is "pseudo science" in a way, but I m talking "relative" ) People will find everyone and everything guilty when they are "living poisoned" just like the calcifying of the pineal gland is totaly a story ( doesn't mean you can't be full of shit in many others ways )
  4. Would his choice to tell nothing be made by him or god though ? The very thing that allows your hands to rises when you 'choose' to believe in your head that you'r body will obey. Do you tell your hearth to pump ? This is very serious. Would his behavior of ' I m god ' work out lesser on the cop ? And imagine he bullshit the cops then end in prison. All that would have been writen. Cause in total god absolute there is not even the choice of choosing to upgrade in a belief system or another. Prior consciousness choices systèms are not even choosen. We are all 'god/nature' is a fact. Where does the energy to 'think' a 'thought'. Where does it come ?
  5. what is your age and how many time have you been using "drugs". Only coffee ? did you exercice in your life ? weight/height : balanced ? sport daily ? ( walking/push up/etc.. ) could take 7 months apparently for smoking to makes your brain feel normal. if you used coffee for many years, could take up to 5 months to go back at starting point ( my guess though ) I would use the idea that stims abuse could take almost 1 year to be baseline for the body ( like ritalin, and all adhd drugs ) if you used them for 10 years. I would bet that 1 year coffee is 1 month for baseline, etc.. ( totaly subjective and dependant of many factors : if you do sport & eat well ) diet clean ? ( heavy meal before bed ? ) avoid, sugar, and salt in high quantity etc.. coffee is maybe only one factor and in low dose, doesn't do shit, my father drink 8-10 coffees per day ( not the big one, but probably like 10 littles one )
  6. god is laughing at you, he whispered in my ears that meditating is for pussy, a true man stuck 50 mg of 5meo straight in his ass
  7. Did you study about the sub-atomic particles and what they are made of ? Everything is consciousness means you're alone in the universe at a consciousness level. Only your experience is a 'fact' what is in this experience is basic faith in science. Just like a religious blue believer. Maybe there is truth but probably nothing you hold by direct absolute experience.
  8. I miss a lot @Hellspeed He was enlightening my day, hope everything is fine. he was a legit member, like a bone in the spine that is, a photon in the darkness Instead of pointing people here for being non enlightened, I would use this little time for all of us to reflect on the one who brought light in us. Can we point to people that we appreciated having the presence around ?
  9. I love this kind of topic @inFlow I bet you're right on the idea that another model will replace the ideas of "cells/matter" or even the model of "conversation of energy" apparently at a sub atomic level, particles are " chaotic " means they are not "stable", even non visible, there is "nothing" ( to us, cause we lack "tools" maybe ). and that's 100% sur that we are still ignorant, so I bet you physician, let's try to prove that the universe is another form of energy than just "matter/cells". sure there is still someone like Einstein that will pop out those next 10 years, follow my prediction.
  10. just a thought passing, and that's why you're one of my others favorit member, you're a "no no bs" at the core. Maybe I would dedicate a thought for you one day, I m sure you ain't have a care for it, and it is totaly right I appreciate this dynamic inside, never stop running, but I have work to do now.
  11. @tsuki this dynamic seems right. and stop devaluing your father, I know you didn't ask for, but in his mind he is feeding you and trying to makes you a warrior, he just don't know how. your dad is trying is best and love you, even if that's in a lower stage way. Understand his way, and instead of pushing your belief, accept some of his and then share what he can share with you, don't talk to him about high level of spirituality, it will sound non sense, like imagine if you were Einstein of spirituality, would you try to explain your last physics work to someone who only know addition ? a dad who doesn't love you, just put you out of his house ( and in certain case it could be love )
  12. you are starting getting it. but absolute letting go, needs knowledge, otherwise you'll think it's an added tool. Another thought, nothing absolute. you think a rock is solid, and letting go is the only way, a truth to embody as real as you believe in a rock to be solid. inquiry on why there is envy or need in the body, what is a human ? what are you ? find the source of all feelings and thoughts by active inquiry, don't stop until you can feel it into your bones
  13. Yes Indeed try to let it go My brother used to sing queen. Big Freddie Mercury fan
  14. Practice radical visualisation drawing to train the visual side of your focus and try to reach lucid dream go look for it ( techniques ) I litteraly fucked my psy in a lucid dream it was so good man she is one of the hottest milf I've been close to. I was very Virgin at this moment. But her pussie sounded very Real. And there is more but then I fucked by doing weed again. Recently I m not smoking but now I don't try to lucid. I do it in the physical dream with demonic magnetic attraction. I find a very nice succubus and that's nice we dream well together so far. Try your siddhis by working on being a lucid dreamer that's fucking practical at the end
  15. law of attraction doesn't exist. you always see you own predestination, because what you focus on is a part of reality/self experience/need experience ( the only one you contemplate, is the one in your experience ) law of attraction doesn't exist, it's just self contemplation of your own action. what you attract and want anyway, it was a thought, and you create thought story about a feeling logic, some call it law of attraction; I was thinking of having a girlfriend, at the moment where I got it, it was because my focus was on it fully. but why I had this envy or feeling at this precise moment, what created in me envy, or want, or projection of my futur. all this was a thought story that has been created by nature will. I don't believe in ownership, but I believe in it, in the meantime. You have free will, in the limit of the matrix. Hence, you are free to roam everywhere in life, but this everywhere is predestined by external and internal event. why do I want to have monney, sex, life, why does things arise and then takes form of divided and tiny multiple thought to get what I want. why do I try to be happy, why do I try anything, why do I think of anything, why a thought arise, why thought arise. you discover your true nature, being a "ultra complex biologic robot" ( in a relative ) & believing having free will or believing in no free will. ( transcend even the idea of free will, experience the truth of it, in absolute ) I see life like you see a movie, I contemplate what I do and think as a movie. and even this self thought of thinking that life unfold like a movie, I never choosed, or why would I do this choice. listening someone, focusing on something or someone, to which moment I decided to choose A or B ? is A & B non biased, of course they are biased, per nature will ! Mario can't start to live outside his game. real life is just a more mindfucky game. I know that nothing I m writing here will be nothing else but interpretation, delusion and others projection to deny, the ego doesn't want to know that there is absolutely no control over your life. if you want sex, if you want to meditate, if you want to kill, or love, or whatever, why those feeling and want arise ? is there a doer or a thinker ? the answer is yes & no, in the SAME MOMENT ! From an ego perspective transcended enlightened, there is both, from a god perspective, everything is already done.
  16. Psychédélic totaly threaten the cult elit ego that rule the collective subconscious. Like if you start giving usb to clean the bullshit we put inside your mind. Lol Big no. There is people who work toward keeping the society inside their bubble of bullshit.
  17. who is the one having a need for sharing non dual knowledge on a forum ?
  18. the pov you feel about being yourself is "being" the entire experience of yourself is an illusion deep programmed in the mind. the only reality is the "now" when you think of futur, you think of futur while "being" in the "now". this is a side of truth, another one is the fact that your brain is a tool that create fantasy every second, guessing what the world is based upon your prior relative experience of "being/self/pov". but this experience is a lie, hence, most of what we believe is just as solid as a story. if 10 peoples tell us a story, we tend to subconsciouly makes it a reality inside our brain. it is maybe real for them ( in their fantasy brain/soul world ), but it doesn't mean it's real for the entire others experiences of others
  19. I got full awakening and I m still full of shit No way to escape yourself