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Everything posted by NoN-RaTiOnAL

  1. it is a way you undestand yourself. you are actually much more than the small self but you are anaware of that so what you are left with is surface level awarness so to speak. Its like the tip of the iceberg of consciousness. The loudest part. Its like that annoying kid in your class - everyone gets to know his name before anybody else. It wants whatever it percieves as lacking. if you lack power you want more of it, if you lack appreciation you want more of it.... It wants the world to obey its will and it wants it to happen effortlessly = suffering because thats almost never the case.
  2. generally i would agree with you BUT i would say from my experience that having social connections and having small talk with different people i meet throughtout my day produces a kind of general feeling of "the world is safe and people are good" which provides a small sense of oneness with the world for me which lasts and isnt fleeting. if i compare a day i spend alone with myself or a day i had a few nice interactions i generally tend to feel happier when i had some interactions. and i say all that as an introvert. also, keep in mind that social interactions are basically a set of skills and as you become better at them you also derive more joy out of it. all those gurus who always shit on social interactions are also usually not very active socially and are not that developed in that area of their life.
  3. what you are supposed to get from these trips isnt knowing exactly what will happen but to get in touch with whats beyond this universe and realize that all is going to be fine.
  4. nobody knows. we barely even understand what the brain is.
  5. you dont. until you get tired of the illusion. then you imagine a way out of it. then you break out. when being out becomes too comfy you want to go back in again. circle of consciousness.
  6. from my experience of doing different kinds of methods for transformation - you never truly change in the sense that you just delete the old you from your mind. i feel like i always stay who i am BUT i added new features on top of that: for example: i was (and still am) a shy introvert growing up and through pickup and improv classes i created a whole new "feature" of being more brave spontanous and playful around people. now i can enjoy socializing way more, but i stiil feel like after a few hours im tired of everybody and just want to read a book in my bed.
  7. like with any tool. its not about the tool but how you use it. are you only consuming online or are you also using it to challenge yourself creativly?
  8. lucky for me i like a fat ass on my face so i never lie when i say "not enough!"
  9. then go have a nice conversation with your family about consciousness, let us know how that went
  10. if males would stop masturbation they would go INSANE. WTF is this? anyways nothing could stop a wet dream. i bet sadguru has them all the time porn definetly has negative effects though...
  11. if you were truly enlightened you would know that consciousness, truth and love doesnt give a shit about consciousness, truth and love. its preferable subjects include: shit, piss, farts and getting laid.
  12. im a solipsist aswell when i meet another guy i shit right on his face and tell him that he told me to do it.
  13. you need to expose yourself to situations which require you to react quickly - this will force you to go out of your rigid mind. one fault a rigid mind has is that it has to think about everything in advance. join an improv classs. its great and usually filled with people who will be very kind toward your mistakes. you will experience what you fear most, but in a safe container. it will help you tremendously. another option is pickup. just walk to girls on the street or start coversations with random people and try to keep the conversation going as long as you can. in time you will become more at ease with yourself, less anxiety = more sponteneity. this one is more risky, people might not be very kind towards you and you must learn to not take their reactions personally.
  14. it seems like the same theme as always in his books.. whats gonna be new there?
  15. weed for me is like snorting a hilarious joke when im with friends. I become a stupid clown for a few hours, then I pass out with a smile on my face and not a doubt in my mind. when I do it with friends and I really let loose the most hillarious stuff comes out of me. I could keep cracking jokes about everything the entire night. sometimes though, I smoke it alone and then I become so delirious I cannot understand anything anymore, I become anxiously confused and I reach a sinister place of realizing how little I really know about life. And then I pass out.
  16. truly suprising. im even suprised people here take halp a pill or a full one. i cant even handle more than a quater.. it gets so intense its terrifying for me did you actually try to do some work while on it? only when i get to doing some intellectual work i notice the big difference it makes.. i can just go on for 4-6 hours without feeling mentally exhausted for example.
  17. everything is bullshit in every game you decide to play, but irs still fun to play, if youre good at it.
  18. is not about being a thoughtless shmok sitting in silence staring at a wall. but developing a deep connection, and understanding of whats going on right now and then acting intelligently and joyfully according to that. okay, bye bye now
  19. enjoy your wall fetish my friend just a couple of questions: do you like em white or colored? do you bliss out monogomously with one wall only or you flirt with other walls aswell? how bout a quickie with the wall at the cafe? thats sexy in a weird way. byeeee lol great videos buddy. i like that option
  20. your words are like a fart in the wind. Insignificant.
  21. 1. god is already complete yes. the purpose of evolution is not to make him complete but to create an expereince that would actually reflect his awsomeness. there is no goal here, its just a game for fun. 2. yes i would hesitate, theyre life depend on you. just go lightly into spirituality in a way that wont dismante your whole life. youll have time later in life when they are more independent to do that without feeling guilty and being irresposible.
  22. you are god. there is no signal coming from somewhere else. your actual feeling about stuff are the god in you.
  23. the real question is not how to detach from all your stories but are you sick and tired of living them? detachment is a natural outcome of you becoming tired of this nonsense called life. are you truly tired of doing all of that? or are you just afraid? if your afraid than learn to deal and outgrow those fears to truly become tired of living life.
  24. that is a deep question i pondered alot on psychedelics. i came to realize it may not be “real” division but consciousness is able to project a quality of division on objects it imagines and it could happen so quickly that you dont notice it - and so reality “appears” to be divided from your POV although it is you who imagined the division and projected it in he first place with your mind. its kinda like with the shadow psychologically where you think the other person is being “aggresive” for example but he is not really, you are just projecting that quality on him but you do it so quickly you dont notice that you did it and so it seems to be coming from outside of you. this is literrally how consciousness fools itself.
  25. breath is part of survival. body needs oxygen to function. you are your body. you are something beyond the body aswell. you can control the body to a degree, if you dont - than the body will keep on doing what it has to do to survive anyway - its a smart machine. your own intelligence as well as higher intelligence are co-operating in controling the body -> instincts vs will power mostly what higher intelligence wants is for you to create who and what you want to be, and for that it keeps maintaining the body for it to serve you.