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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Yes sir take that entire weight off of your shoulders and you'll find what you're looking for. ❤
  2. Yes it's so in your face that it's unrecognized. Feeling silly is it... feeling like you haven't had any spiritual experiences or insights is it.. You're not going anywhere... it's the inescapable everythingness ? ❤
  3. @GroovyGuru for me spirituality isn't a separate category of life... it is life and everything you could possibly do is still it. While it may feel like something separate it is the entire package. Non-duality is not something separate from everything. You're like a fish swimming to a different part of the ocean thinking it found new water...?
  4. "Everything is the Beloved" -- Tony Parsons
  5. Yes this is how they catch people on camera robbing banks. Although they weren't caught in the act does not mean they didn't do it. Same with a murderer leaving their DNA evidence behind. Technology and science are great tools.
  6. this ? Have you seen this video yet... talks a lot about what was mentioned here. ❤
  7. When we are little children we learn to speak through labelling. At least this is how I remember. Mom would ask - what is this? I would say- this is a house This is a car. This is a window. This is me. Where is your nose? Here is my nose, and I would touch it... I have learned to label things and experiences and tested my limits and limits of my parents patience by throwing things, by saying no, by trying not to be conditioned. You know that little rebel age if you have kids. So I learned the language and started using it, communicating with other people. One of most important words was me and mine: this is my toy, not my brother's. No one has ever told me that 'me' is a word that is only useful in communication with others. Without others, there is no me, without I there is no them. Somehow this belief in a me became stronger and took over, it became the central belief around which everything else was turning. It's like a belief, that earth is the centre of the universe, I became the centre of my world. Until I looked. It really was just one look, it took a few seconds and all the search was over. The search for clarity, the quest of 'who am I?' was seen as cosmic joke. There is no who. There is nothing here in direct experience that is separate from experienced. Just this. Always now. If you want to test this, simply do this little experiment that won't even take much of your time. All you need is 20 minutes, a pen & paper. First write what you are experiencing right now using words I and me. Get right to the point, no past or future fantasy, just plain description of here now. Like this- I am laying in bed. I am hearing the rain, I am typing these words.. Do it for 10 minutes. Watch the body, are there any sensations of tightening or relaxing? Then for next 10 minutes write without words I and me. Just describe the experience as it is happening using verbs: Waiting for next thought, typing, breathing, blinking, hearing the rain. Again watch what is happening in the body. Now compare the two ways to label experience- is one truer than the other? If so, which one? What is here without labels? Do labels affect the experience or just describe it? Your body knows. I is a label, not experiencer. Not a thinker, not a doer, not a hearer of rain. I is not what makes eyes blink and it is not a breather, it's a word, that is used for convenience of communication. If it's believed to be an entity, the mind is confused, the body is tensed up. Unconfusing it is simple- bring attention back to now and look once again- is there a me behind the word 'me'? Life is happening. Looking is happening. Getting lost in the story is happening. With or without label I. What is not on automatic? And do we really need to be enslaved by labels? After all, experience is what labels point TO. The story goes on. The belief in story drops away. The story is way much more enjoyable without the fear that something can happen to this 'me' once it's clearly seen that there is no actual me. Confidence, grace, fearlessness, peace with what is starts to shine through as fear gets loosened. Imagine that! Humans got screwed by labels. And look at world of fashion- labels are so important! So much emotional pain, such strong desire to get home, when home is all there is. Right here- underneath all the labels. Here, now waiting to be recognized. Look. Don't think, just look. ❤
  8. Gotcha I understand... Notice this awareness is not really that aware... For example you're not aware of what the neighbors doing in their house right now. You're not aware of what documents President Trump is signing right now... In fact this awareness is more of the sensory perceptions of the body. There's looking smelling touching tasting hearing... apparent thinking. It can be described more as beingness than awareness really.
  9. Awakening is the death of this illusory sense of 'I' and the simultaneous recognition that it never actually existed in the first place. It can seem very radical for some... and completely ordinary for others..
  10. "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" -- Jiddu Krishnamurti Watch 56:55 ❤
  11. Yes, Jim and Tony say this.. But... Where is 'I'... What makes-up the feeling of 'I'....
  12. Who feels stuck? Who listens to music? Who can't stop seeking? Where is 'I'... What makes-up the feeling of 'I'....
  13. It's all created in the thoughts and dreams of the illusory separate individual. merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream...
  14. "I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside" -- Rumi "To be content means that you realize you contain what you seek." -- Alan Cohen It's difficult until it's recognized what was being looked for was already the case ❤
  15. No I didn't say everything matters, read again.... Nothing Matters... Did you forget how to read or something?
  16. If the difference between good and bad is an illusion how could it be used differently?
  17. You guys haven't heard the latest breaking news!! Astrophysicists first discovered something called Dark Matter and then were shocked to discover there is also Anti Matter, but nothing surprised them as much as the discovery of what has been called the God particle otherwise known as: Nothing Matters....❤
  18. Like this ? Thoughts that are identified with cause emotions... love these emotions to death.
  19. Everything is unconditional freedom whether it's recognized or not. Identification with habitual thinking patterns and triggered emotions creates an illusory identity(the ME) which ultimately leads to suffering. The sufferer isn't real ❤