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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. The only Heaven / Paradise possible is the complete Freedom and unconditional love for THIS that arises as a consequence of the disidentification with the habitual conditioned thought patterns that seem to arise for the illusory separate individual. ❤
  2. Well let's not just talk about it...lets take a looksie. what is your so-called transcended mind conscious of exactly? Wait let me guess, exactly what everybody else is conscious of. You look in the mirror and you see a body, you look outside and see trees bushes flowers buildings Etc, you look at your hand and see four fingers and a thumb. So what exactly have you transcended? Nothing because there's nothing actually to transcend. You believe you are awake and have transcended so-called ordinary consciousness. You are caught in the dream or Maya illusion of the self. This dream is finite and it will go on perpetuating its own illusory existence until it collapses or the body/mind/vehicle/Avatar for this illusion to take place dies. Plain and simple. It's correct to say that nothing dies because nothing was actually living. But it's ridiculous to presume that something that never was, continues on after the death of the body mind organism. Row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.
  3. Well you're very welcome my friend... yes self enquiry and introspection can be very helpful. I remember now you talkin about those Palm flipping exercise you perv LOL. ❤
  4. There's no individual here that knows this. But what's recognized after Awakening is that the experience of the separate individual inside the body is an illusion... as in it's not actually happening at all. Boundless Infinite Energy being boundless can localize itself inside the body and create the illusory experience of a separate individual. When Awakening occurs this boundless contracted localized energy melts back into the boundlessness of everything from whence it came.
  5. Are you saying you just used me for sex you bastard... ? Lol there's nothing wrong with meditation.
  6. Oneness or non-duality is always the case whether there's consciousness of it or not. That's like saying if a duck doesn't recognize its part of the entire flock then it's not the case.... or if a wave isn't aware that its the ocean then it's not the case.... or if a person in a coma isn't directly conscious that they're part of existence then it isn't the case. It's still the case whether it's recognized or not hence why it's called Awakening. Hence why it's been called "a lifting of the Veil" It's always the case it's just whether you have eyes to see it or not. "The separation never occurred" -- A Course in Miracles
  7. "His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'Here it is' or 'There it is'. Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it." -- Gospel of Thomas
  8. It will be completely lights out.... you won't even know that you ever existed because you actually don't already... it's Maya illusion of the self. The awareness is just part of the illusion. Go no further than thinking about getting knocked out in a boxing match, or being gassed before surgery, or being face down blackout drunk. Sure there is an occasional subconscious dream or thought because the body is still alive and functioning. But when you die it's completely lights out... there's no awareness or Consciousness that keeps on living eternally because it wasn't real to begin with. When people use that ridiculous awareness thing... ask them a few questions like what are you aware of other than what the body is directly observing right now... there's not awareness of what's happening at your neighbor's house, there's not awareness of what's happening at a sushi restaurant in Okinawa Japan. So awareness is just what's actually being observed or thought at this very moment by the body/mind organism nothing more nothing less. When the body/mind organism dies the illusion of awareness goes with it. Don't take my word for it look for yourself. ❤
  9. Nothing goes on... because nothing is really happening now. But shhhh...don't tell the sense of self that, it thinks it's the center of the universe and very important.
  10. That still sounds like the dream or at least a misunderstanding. It sounds like subtle dualism using non-dual phrasing and words. Basically if there is still a belief that there is a separate someone or something experiencing these happenings and taking ownership of them ...that's the dream. Because what's being said is the 'self' is what's being directly experienced by the body. For example you're not aware of what the neighbors are smelling right now you're not aware of what's happening in Madrid Spain at the supermarket. There's only awareness of that particular body/mind organisms experience, whether that be touch taste smell sight sound or the dream story. So if you want to claim that the you is just the experience of one body mind organism that's fine.... it's what's being experienced there. It's just not at all what this communication is pointing to.
  11. Lol...Well that would just be what's apparently happening... it wouldn't mean that its better or worse than any other situation... it's not like the body becomes stupid.. it knows that eating something like s*** could make it ill. Same as eating spoiled salami.
  12. "I laugh when I think how I once sought paradise as a realm outside of the world of birth. It is right in the world of birth and death that the miraculous truth is revealed. But this is not the laughter of someone who suddenly acquires a great fortune; neither is it the laughter of one who has won a victory. It is, rather, the laughter of one who; after having painfully searched for something for a long time, finds it one morning in the pocket of his coat." -- Thich Nhat Hanh
  13. The main reason I avoid saying everything is self.... is because it was recognized there isn't one first of all... And secondly it gives hope for the separate sense of self that there is a way for it to survive. See the sense of self wants to experience Awakening without dying. But this is impossible because Awakening is the collapsing of the sense of self. When the sense of self actually collapses it doesn't fully go away it's grasping on to anything that will keep it alive... it's favorite thing to grasp ahold of is the notion that it's the new true self higher self higher consciousness, awareness, God. It becomes the new spiritual do-gooder self and why would you want to get rid of that it's so good. This is how cunning the mind or sense of self is. It does not die easily ❤ and sometimes it does ?
  14. I see what you mean... In a sense it does become a one tone happening because it's recognized only thought makes distinctions about one quality or another. See the sense of self might believe the quality of watching the sunset on the beach drinking a mai tai would be a better quality than getting lets say a flat tire while driving to work. Yes they appear as different experiences but the quality of the experience is only a thought or a preferential judgement being created by the mind. when there is no preference or quality everything is just appearing as it is.
  15. The main difference is the experience is no longer happening for the separate individual in the's just what's happening. It's simultaneously recognized it never was happening for a separate person, it was a misidentification all along. Experience is no longer personal...❤
  16. It's like going to a movie at the cinema and getting so caught up in the story you forget it's a story. “All the world's a stage,/ And all the men and women merely players.” -- Jacques
  17. Yes the seeking for a better position in life ends because it's recognized every position was already it, which simultaneously makes the word 'position' non-applicable... there can't be a real position for everything and nothing. It's to die before you die... it's the collapsing of the illusion that believed it would one day find something called fulfillment/enlightenment in the future. It's unconditional freedom and love for No One.
  18. Nice ? like it.. Yes when the Seeker collapses it's recognized non-duality is all there ever has been.
  19. looking closely!! Keep the focus of attention on the sense of self and inquire: Does the sense of self have a location? Does the sense of self have a shape or a size? Does the sense of self say or communicate anything? If the answer is yes, how does the sense do this exactly? Does the sense of self have any characteristics or attributes? What is the sense of self ‘made of’? An image? Sound? Taste? Smell? Sensation? Thought Arising? If not, where is any Direct or Actual Experience of some sense of self?
  20. I got you.... yes you're welcome... sometimes I just read comments quickly and respond. I found this video very informative about what the ego is ❤
  21. This message points to every way being the way. The mind creates The Duality(illusion) of there being a right or wrong path to take. Every way is the path and every path is the way.
  22. It can be recognized although everything is perfect whole and complete... because it's what is and isn't.. Why not make the world a better place? it's complete freedom. The body is capable of all kinds of things it can learn how to reduce carbon emissions, operate heavy machinery in the Navy. It will turn its head if it's name is called and jump out of the way of a moving train and prefer coffee over tea. The sense of self takes ownership of everything that's happening creating an illusory duality and creates a feeling of separation and lack ... it feels that something is missing.. This illusory lack is a trick to keep itself alive. See as long as you believe there is someone seeking and there is something to find, it perpetuates its own illusory existence.( running on the hamster wheel endlessly for no one to find nothing)
  23. got it ?... this no reason can loosen up the sense of 'self' sometimes. ?
  24. Are you saying that Someone here believes there is a VeganAwake here that believes there will be an "aha" moment in the future. this is complete rubbish laddie nothing has already happened ?