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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. @WaveInTheOcean it's unknowable... so try unknowing it..❤
  2. I see what you mean, I use ego and separate sense of self interchangeably. When that story collapsed here there was nothing left to surrender... it was recognized Oneness was already the case all along.
  3. Yes and just when it feels like things couldn't get any weirder they do...
  4. You're welcome yes he was great!! There was a very big difference between how I felt two years ago and now. When this collapsing first happened I felt lost... there was nothing to hang on to and it felt like the existence of self was crumbling to the ground. So naturally there was a reaching out to see if anyone else had experienced this. Sometimes I felt like mind was going crazy. I watch samadhi Maya illusion of the self and it clicked. I ran into Jim Newman videos and then found Tony Parsons and Richardin Sylvester. I resonated almost instantly with their communication.
  5. Agreed... I know it's crazy...❤ I hear you and this doesn't know either. There was just a deep turning within and inquiry into what made up the sense of 'self' that I so much believed in and felt like was running my life. As I peered closely at this sense of 'self' it went from feeling like an impenetrable brick house to a house of cards about to topple over. It was recognized the 'ME' character in the body was simply a misidentification with thoughts beliefs ideas perceptions labels energy Etc.... it was recognized to be just a fictitious story that was held onto for dear life. There was a complete letting go which simultaneously led to the recognition that it was never real in the first place. Needless to say life has been quite interesting since that experience over 2 years ago.
  6. 'I' don't care because there isn't a 'ME'... It's not like there are rules and stipulations on what happens after enlightenment. You don't become a meditating pacifist that now can't go out and share their experience with other's. The difference is the experience that everything is happening to 'ME' is what falls away... then it just becomes whatever is happening for no one. It can't be understood until it happens hence why it's called Awakening or to die before you die. Whether this apparent collapsing takes place or not makes no difference at all in any way... sometimes it occurs and sometimes not' sometimes with practices and sometimes without. It simply doesn't matter ❤
  7. Yeah but the difference is I have dozens of resources that point to the same conclusion and videos to back them up as well from others that have had the same experience You float around blabbering your nonsense to uneducated deluded young kids that took too many hallucinogenics at a young age because you're too scared to go to any real master and get your tiny little thin Paradigm that you circle around in shattered. ?
  8. It's all good we simply don't share the same experience of what Liberation or Enlightenment actually is...and that's just fine because its wholeness experiencing itself as different experiences. From this statement you said: ("Now I'm completely enlightened") it sounds like you simply can't grasp the understanding that Enlightenment is the collapsing or death of the illusory individual that thought there was something missing that needed to be sought after and found. both of these experiences are all happening within everything...its THIS and it's whole complete and perfect Paradise Freedom the Kingdom of Heaven for No One. Talk to you later brother take care ❤
  9. It was recognized the finger the moon and the apparent space in-between was never something separate. And the only thing that created the feeling of separation was an illusory experience of the separate 'ME' inside the body. When that experience ended it was recognized everything was already IT... it was already whole complete unconditional freedom for No One.
  10. Yes absolutely that's what's being experienced there. Take care of my friend and have a good rest of the weekend ❤
  11. Awesome brother and that's what's being experienced there.... it's not what this communication is pointing to, but nevertheless it's whole complete and perfect because its WHAT IS...❤
  12. When Awakening occurs there is no longer a self concerned whether it's distracted or not.... everything becomes just what it is free. There Is No Agenda that needs to be met. there's not a lot of other good non-duality forums out there... this is the best I've found... thanks to leo. I was going to mention that Jim Newman will be doing a free Zoom meeting in about an hour if you're interested... if you Google Jim Newman simply-this will find all the details. Here's a great video from David bohm discussing a little bit about what we talked about. He used to work with j krishnamurti. Take care bro ❤
  13. He is essentially talking about letting go or dropping all the concepts and beliefs we hold about things. See when we believe we already know what something is it can block the truth of what it truly is from being recognized. It's kind of like hitting a reset button on what we believe to be true, and recognizing how often our minds project, label, misinterpret and try to put everything in a box and check it off is understood, when actually in truth we really don't know. Our minds try to take a short cut in processing information by assuming it knows what things are by labeling or giving it a name so it can quickly move on to the next piece of data to process.
  14. What is the difference between egoic love and unconditional love?
  15. This is a great video of someone who's experienced the falling away of the separate sense of 'self'/ego/ "I"
  16. The Experience feels real until it dies and then it's recognized it never was. ❤
  17. you're a good guy and I understand what you're saying ❤ Just pointing to the fact that if you look closer you may come to realize that these concepts and beliefs that are being identified with as true self or (*the real you* as God/Consciousness/Love) thoughts are not transcended mind thoughts, they're just regular good old-fashioned thoughts being identified with as 'MY' thoughts. ❤
  18. ❤ absolutely Hey bro have you ever heard of David Bohm... he used to work with Einstein and J Krishnamurti and a lot of other greats. He was a rebel scientist. ?
  19. Me and Leo's reaction when 18 year olds are asking about the meaning of life.
  20. I think you have some very definite ideas of what happens to awareness and I'd like to know what they are...?
  21. For the Love of Pete why do you want to have a disagreement with a beloved master that's says something as sweet as this... disagree with Trump or Hillary or the garbage man that breaks glass all over your street ...something like that...?
  22. Well let's take it one step at a time you crazy turkish party man hehe jk ❤. Not every one gets the psilocybin opportunity you had hehe. Although the Brazilian kabenzi's my hippie buddies were growing in the Pacific Northwest back in the day had me surfing on Noah's Ark for a while in the mountains. And some of the finest liquid LSD dropped in my mouth killed the ego/monkey mind for over 8 hours... Needless to say there was an early recognition in my late teens that suggested there was more to life than the minds limited perspective lol. ❤