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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Gotcha...yeah I know what your sayin.. Only when the separate knower fish dies, is it recognized it was never real. And then becomes the unknowable.
  2. Me Leo and Mu attempting to describe that love is more than just a feeling.
  3. Yes physical and psychological suffering. If you stub your toe on a rock, you feel physical pain and slowly as the pain decreases you typically would forget all about it. But now let's say you break your leg and can't work for 4 months... this starts turning into psychological suffering because you now become worried about being able to support the family, and how is this new limp in my right leg going to effect my life...etc. Your boss tells you that you're not working hard enough. You tell her okay I will try to work harder. You think about this all day and dwell on it at home and the next day and the next day( psychological suffering) Now this psychological suffering can lead to physical consequences such as accumulation of stress build-up or constant worry, weight gain/loss, gray/loss of hair, fatigue etc. So it's recognized that both physical and psychological pain can lead to prolonged suffering. But who is actually suffering where is that one. See if you can find him or her ❤
  4. Plenty of good information here thought it was worth a share.
  5. I assume what you're referring to is they seem to cause a physical emotion in the body... which is correct but the feeler of emotions is Maya illusion of the self. this is pointing to the realization that there was never a separate self inside any body ever.... making dualism an impossibility or a misunderstanding at best. ❤
  6. I'm not sure, it seems to start around the Age of 2, this subject-object reality gets created(duality) and then it goes through life perpetuating its own illusory existence. Sometimes this unreal sense of 'self' collapses or dies and yet the body continues to go on functioning normally because nothing actually died.. it was an illusion or misidentification.
  7. Let's not turn this into a complex issue, there are two types of suffering correct? Physical and psychological!! If you are identified with the physical body that is experiencing pain, the identification with that body will lead to suffering... as in my body is experiencing the pain and is making me suffer. If you are identified with the psyche's feelings, thoughts and emotions, that identification will lead to suffering... as in out of my psyche arises painful thoughts emotions and memories which are making me suffer. See the actual physical pain and and negative thoughts are not the issue.... it's the identification as my pain which leads to the prolonged suffering experience. Without someone taking ownership there is just feelings thoughts emotions arising for No One. The sufferer is removed from the equation hence the term liberation.
  8. It does sound like ego backlash which usually means you're making progress so it's not a bad thing. The more you see how the mind works the better you can understand it. Did or do you happen to have very controlling parents or family members... this can make the backlash more intense... Basically anytime you're trying to make a radical change in life you will experience backlash or resistance... Your story sounds very familiar and I went through a lot of the same type of experiences... Totally normal ❤
  9. And for you and me we don't even have to say anything before we're wrong....? There's not Someone here & there's no VeganAwake...hehe
  10. Words like boundless, infinite, nameless and endless are words directly pointing to the unknowableness of everything. The mind understands knowing and knows nothing of unknowing. Yes the mind believes that it can grasp everything with thoughts. It doesn't see its own limitations, so it labels and places everything in a box and checks it off as understood so it can move on to the next thing to not understand. This is why unknowing or emptying one's class is so important during exploration. There might be the experience there that using the word infinite here is doing a good job at pinning something down... but again it's a word used to point to the unknowable. "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge"
  11. "War and peace arise together in an endless dance; they are one continuum. One half cannot exist without the other. Just as light cannot exist without dark, and up cannot exist without down. The world seems to want light without darkness, fullness without emptiness, happiness without sadness. The more the mind gets involved, the more fragmented the world becomes."
  12. 'I' don't know... but it could be said that a limited mind cannot grasp Infinity. How can sense be made out of something that's senseless infinite purposeless pointless. How can everything be grasped. It can't be pinned down because it's infinite. So when you unknow it, you get to Dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight.
  13. Yes exactly the problem does not lie within the thoughts, emotions, ideas or concepts themselves that arise. What causes the suffering is the identification as 'MY' mind, 'my' thoughts, 'my' emotions, 'my' ideas, 'my' concepts etc. Liberation or Enlightenment doesn't have to be about attempting to stay in the present moment... notice how that doesn't sound very free.(it sounds like a stipulation) you can never be outside of NOW so it's not really something that needs to be worked towards... it's already the case. Liberation is embracing everything that arises with the recognition that there's no individual with Free Will and Choice to decide which thoughts emotions ideas and beliefs actually arise. More notably is that when these thoughts and feelings arise, there's no one left to identify with them. There's no stickiness of the 'self' clinging on to them and taking ownership of them to create story after story. They are no longer given energy... the lack of identification takes the wind out of the sails sort of speak... and they slowly lose their energy over time. This is is often referred to as Samadhi Nirvana Enlightenment Liberation Moksha (the stilling of the world wind of mind) ❤
  14. Those are just labels.... it's not half its immeasurable and unknowable ❤
  15. Existence or reality doesn't try to be any particular way or the other. It just IS. It doesn't strive to match are delusions of grandeur of what love is or what it should look like. Unconditional love is looking at the world with childlike eyes and Wonder and appreciating that there's something rather than nothing. The birds the whales the trees the mountains the rivers and oceans the lakes the cities the trains the automobiles the aircrafts the flowers the bees tying your shoes cleaning up dogshit.... it's f****** incredible how can it be. We run into problems when we try to ask why and label and judge everything to our particular conditioned belief structure that thinks things should be a certain way. It's incredible it's incomprehensible it's unknowable. So unknow it!!
  16. God is a fear of death-based creation to instill hope and security for the illusory individual. We believe we are so important that we should go on living eternally... and then we create a movie called All Dogs Go To Heaven so we can believe our little Poochie pals will be along side us when we walk through the Pearly Gates.... it's actually pretty egotistical when you think about it. But why not it doesn't matter anyway's....
  17. Whichever one sounds like 'I' has the best chance of surviving. The illusory sense of 'self' cannot conceive of its own unreality. It simply cannot conceive reality without 'IT' being center stage in some way shape or form. It believes itself to be an Ivory Tower and does not want to see that it's merely a flimsy House of Cards ready to topple over at the feet of any deep inquiry. This is why distraction is the Ego's favored defense mechanism: Awakening is literally learning to die before you die, it's not merely adopting a belief about Awakening that sits well with the sense of 'self'... It's the dropping(emptying one's glass) of all illusory mind constructed concepts and beliefs that hide what's never been missing. It's not an adding or gaining of sorts, it's the crumbling away of untruth.... and it can feel like a destructive process. ❤ ❤ ❤
  18. Every experience differs so there's no real saying what will or will not happen. For example I'm a construction equipment operator in the US Navy with 19 months before I retire. If this experience would have happened 10 years ago who knows what would have happened, I may or may not have gotten out. After Awakening there still a conditioned body here. Some bodies are good at teaching others at public speaking others building houses others truck driving so on so forth.. It's not about what you do, it's that there is no one... no individual actually doing it. Now that being said a lot can change because the egoic agenda to accomplish certain things might be looked at as silly now. One might be happy working at a low-stress coffee shop for example instead of being a CEO. So in short there's no real knowing until you're in the situation.
  19. @WaveInTheOcean it's unknowable... so try unknowing it..❤
  20. I see what you mean, I use ego and separate sense of self interchangeably. When that story collapsed here there was nothing left to surrender... it was recognized Oneness was already the case all along.