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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. The difference is there isn't someone left that needs or wants it to turn out a certain way. The resistance to what is, is dropped so inner peace is no longer contingent on external circumstances. not getting the hot chick or your wife leaving you might temporarily feel inconvenient or less preferred than another outcome... but there's no dramatic personal story created any longer... there's no stickiness of the self left hanging onto stories causing prolonged suffering.
  2. no it's not puzzling at all and in fact it makes complete sense... the separate sense of 'I' does not want to die. It will always deny this message. there is absolutely nothing wrong with meditation eating white rice and listening to Rupert Spira at all. All that is being illuminated here is that it's very common for Spiritual Seekers to fall into the trap of the spiritual ego. From the experience here, it usually begins with some sort of awakening, glimpse or mystical experience where as the sense of 'self' or ego feels threatened and sneaks in the back door and relabels the sense of 'I' as Higher Consciousness; The true self; higher self; God; Infinite consciousness etc... It's not an attempt to criticize judge or invalidate anyone else's direct experience. It's just food for thought!! It's real and unreal unnamable unfathomable incomprehensible....THIS ❤
  3. yes it's a totally different communication all together. this is the end of the separate sense of self that believes there is work that needs to be done for future fulfillment... it's literally the end of seeking because the seeker is recognized to be unreal. It's not about bypassing, denial or avoidance... it's the recognition there was never a path or a meaning or a purpose to begin with... So avoidance, denial or bypassing becomes a silly concept because there is no goal or end result that needs to be attained. the easiest way to spot the ego at work is by its sense of lack. for the ego there's always something more that needs to be attained. more love more happiness more awareness more consciousness more enlightenment... more more more. this is how it perpetuates it's illusory existence and keeps you running on the hamster wheel endlessly.
  4. I think what's being pointed out and sort of getting lost in the sauce of discussion, is that with this work, when the ego/separate 'self' feels threatened or gets rattled, it recognizes its own possible death. It goes in the super stealth sneaky spiritual ego mode... it's very cunning. it says this is it... we've achieved it, we are the new higher self, true self, the I AM, etc. It becomes the new spiritual do-gooder ego... and why would we want to get rid of that when it's so good. see when everything is completely let go of, there's nothing for the ego to hold on to or identify with any longer... for the first time it recognizes the ship is going down and it doesn't have a life preserver... for the first time it sees its own unreality... to die before you die. But don't count it out yet.... it kicks and blows bubbles all the way down( Dark Night of the Soul/ego backlash) when it's no longer given oxygen it stays deflated underwater waiting for a hint of inflation.... hence the term inflated ego. then for the first time everything is recognized as it is.... simply THIS. Pure unconditional freedom for No One. Paradise!!
  5. Yes it's a ?
  6. ❤ also if you haven't already, maybe check out: "Perfect Brilliant Stillness" by David Carse Just wow ?
  7. Understanding how the identification with mind creates suffering. Going into details on how our parents were taught certain behaviors which led to the way they raised us and how it affects our lives. David Bohm & J Krishnamurti are great resources on this topic ❤
  8. Nobody becomes enlightened. Enlightenment is the collapsing of the apparent separate individual thus making separation or duality an impossibility... as in it actually never happened. "The separation never occurred" -- A Course in Miracles
  9. And believing it's something that needs to be killed perpetuates it's existence.. Simply recognize its unreality.
  10. yes and some times shaking needs to occur or what appears as childlike behavior that hurts feelings. It reminds me of a story when papaji shook gangaji telling her to stop repeatedly. She instantly recognized it was her own mind causing the issues.
  11. Every song is it and not it simultaneously = 0
  12. There is no observer just observation. It's real and unreal... Real because it's what apparently happens.. Unreal because it's empty there's nothing behind it.. nothing manifesting
  13. Yes it's not a one-size-fits-all type of deal. STOP seeking outside of yourself and turn Within. What is 'I'... Where is 'I' located in the body... What does 'I' consist of... ❤
  14. Yes so true.. it is what it is ,what can be done, and who could do it. ?
  15. @cnfvm ❤ you are graduated why are you here. Go live life ❤
  16. There may be the experience there that there's someone here with wisdom.....DONT BELIEVE IT!!
  17. In fact once I make sure my parents are being responsible by paying all my bills I'm off to puffy puff land... Puff where you at... here I come you crazy Dragon you
  18. Yeah bro I'm dancing on a rainbow eating pink cotton candy can't wait to go ride my unicorn and then off to Puff the Magic Dragon Land... So much light
  19. It's not a comparison or equation that can be figured out by the mind. when you die and become zero unconditional love is the consequence. Simultaneously it's recognized that zero was always the case.