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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. And you couldn't even take them to court for false advertising... the judge would probably say what did you think was going to happen ?
  2. @Arzack ❤ Yes Samadhi(Enlightenment) is the stilling of the whirlwind of mind. It's a clear snapshot at the suffering and illusion that identification with constant thought causes. The identification of the 'self' becomes loosened. The constant mind chatter lessons because it's not being entertained the way it was before. It dies down greatly. It's easy to notice people running around in the rat race in full mind identification.... they may not even appear to be suffering, but they are definitely not free. More things can become evident but it's not anything that isn't already the case now. ?
  3. Drop everything... Empty the glass completely... Start inquiry at nothing... Zero....but not a something Zero... A never existed Zero... No thing = 0 COMPLETELY EMPTY!!!
  4. Where is the one that wants/hopes it is all about ❤? Find that one...
  5. Then that's what's being experienced there...❤
  6. Sounds like there's already a belief there that it's not that easy. Easy because it's already the case... Hard because it's so easy it's overlooked...
  7. Because Enlightenment is the collapsing/death of the sense of 'self' that believes it can become enlightened. In that regard, seeking is often seen as futile because it only reinforces the belief that there is a separate individual that will one day attain something called enlightenment.
  8. This is a great inquiry...? Inauthenticity relative dualistic unnatural are all words pointing to something that doesn't exist. How could something be unnatural or inauthentic when it's what's happening... everything that happens is absolutely 100% authentic... for how could it be otherwise. Everything comes from the same source...THIS!! ❤
  9. @Farnaby ❤ that was one of my awkward jokes ?
  10. Yeah I used to think my fitness instructor was a narcissist until he got me benching 275lbs and squatting 650lbs... turns out he knew what he was talking about and the negative connotation was just my projection. How dare you categorize the Beloved Master as a narcissist.
  11. Some questions: What is enlightenment? Who had a problem with alcohol?...the Alan Watts character?... the body of an apparent separate individual named Alan Watts?... Who wants to re-evaluate his teaching? Who are you? Is there a character that exists inside that body? What does it consist of?
  12. Everything that's happening is natural.... could it be otherwise
  13. It's the death of the individual that believes it needs to find happiness. It's freedom for No One ❤
  14. ? very good description ❤ ?
  15. Wow, you did a great job putting that into words. Welcome...I saw you are from Oregon ..I'm from Spokane area ? Are you familiar with Robert Wolfe's Ajata Sunyata project? Void: Eastern mystical writings often refer to the Void, or to Nothingness, as a name for the Unnameable, for that which in the West is called Infinite or Eternal, that which is “not one, not two” and is utterly devoid of division. The nature of this nothingness cannot, even definitionally, be known. Rational exploration can only at best touch hands with intuitive suggestion. In a sense, contemplation of “no division” brings into question every single thing which cognitive thinking of man is grounded upon. For example, among our concepts (limited concepts, attempting to conceive the inconceivable) is the proposition that there is a quality and/or quantity which is described as omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. But so thoroughly is it actualized that it is the actuality of everything and has no special, separate, or particular identity of its “own”: un-name-able. Being so thoroughly everything, this actuality does not exist, in itself—as some separate, or discernible, entity. In other words, there is not any thing which can be omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. Put another way, in the realm of absolute nothingness there is no where to go, not anything to be known, not anything which needs to be changed, nor anything which needs to come into, or out of, existence.
  16. Maybe by someones standards but standards are illusory... This is complete freedom..❤
  17. This is full scale identification with thoughts feelings and emotions. When feelings are identified with as 'MY' feelings, suffering occurs. These feelings of loneliness, depression and sadness are conditioned thought patterns being identified with and experienced now. Detachment would imply that they were your thoughts and emotions to begin with, that's the misunderstanding.... it's not a denial bypass or negation of the emotions and thoughts arising either.... You see it's not the thoughts that are the issue, its the identification with them as being YOUR thoughts which causes the illusory experience of 'self' suffering. It's obvious that if a body experiences trauma abuse neglect etc... conditioned thought patterns will arise... there may be serious social anxiety/phobia/awkwardness fear anger hopelessness everything you can imagine right. The trick is to simply see things for what they are....a person that got their arm bit off while surfing will probably experience severe anxiety and fear getting back into the water. A person that got raped or abused might be afraid to be alone or get into another relationship. So it would seem conditioned thoughts can be a hindrance and a help... for example if the body doesn't go back in the water they will not get eaten by a shark... if a person stays with someone they trust and doesn't get into another relationship they will probably not get raped or abused. The problem is the pendulum has swung all the way towards full-scale identification with conditioned thought. You are not a bundle of conditioned thoughts. So what are you? ❤
  18. Constant peace sounds great but if it was true you wouldn't know what peace is because there'd be nothing to compare it to. Why not just enjoy all experiences of life and then you don't have to try to uphold peace all the time's very exhausting as you probably know ❤
  19. Who is asking? Where is the asker of the question "who is there"? What is it made of?
  20. Yeah you got it... it's just part of the dream story as well ? ❤