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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. its everything... It's wild and crazy... it's completely unfathomable and incomprehensible. Its freedom!! For no one!! Nothing Matters!! There are no real goals or purpose!! It can feel shocking and terrifying at first... But it's complete liberation.. Breaking Free from thousands of years of human conditioning. It's THIS ❤
  2. The body will surely die. The sense of 'self' or 'I' experienced within the body is an illusion. Illusions do not live or die because they're not real. The body/mind is a vessel allowing for the apparent illusion of 'I' to take place, but since it isn't real, the body is actually empty. Hence nobody becomes enlightened... Hence enlightenment is already the case... Hence not 2 or non-duality... If you want to believe you're the Movie, God, The Big Kahuna, THAT in which all exists.... that's what's being experienced there... its whole complete and perfect ❤ It doesn't change apparent existence in any way at all and in that sense it's not important or special...
  3. Yes this all sounds like ego backlash coupled with burning out or overworking the mind... ❤ Eckhart Tolle has a lot of great information in this area... chilling out and just witnessing these thoughts arise.
  4. Oh well that's a much better outcome for the character... 'I' likes whichever outcome in which 'I' doesn't die.
  5. @Nahm yes and so funny because in the thank you email they said a man asked a couple weeks before the conference if he would receive a certificate for attending. They didn't know if he was joking or not so they just ended up making one LOL.
  6. @EmptyVase maybe switch up the approach... Liberation isn't the result of finding something external or gaining new insight or perception.... It's the collapsing of the individual that's trying to find fulfillment or liberation in the future...its the end of the seeker or the feeling that something is incomplete. Its so obvious that it gets overlooked. ❤
  7. There isn't a "you" Who wants liberation... Who wants understanding... What makes up this sense of "I"... What does this sense of "I" consist of... Who is "I"... Where does this sense of "I" exist... If you are physically willing to die for Truth, then you can investigate these questions with all of your energy and focus. Psychedelics are not needed. ❤
  8. 1) The ability to seek to death... 2) The ability to drop to death... Looking back prior to awakening: At the time I was a hardcore Seeker for around a year or maybe more...although I wasn't sure what I was seeking, I knew it would be found. I was seeking the truth, even if it killed me. It's as if I had shut off all external outlets to conserve focus and energy. I had also been harnessing my anxious energy to fuel my search, but I was starting to burn out. I remember thinking, I had to of come across the truth by now and maybe I had overlooked it. It seemed to be right under my nose but I couldn't grasp it. I started going back through the material I had already listened to and read for a clue to what I had maybe missed. If I remember correctly, I came across an Adyashanti video where he was describing how enlightenment was not a gaining process, but a letting go or peeling off the onion layers of everything believed to be true. At that moment I completely dropped everything. I dropped it like it was hot. I kept letting go until there was nothing left. Everything started feeling light and free as if a huge amount of weight had been taken off my shoulders. It seemed like everything I believed in or thought I knew was null and void at that point. It was empty... like being reborn or something. The minds conditioned thoughts were still there in the background, but they just weren't being taken seriously any longer.
  9. Empty everything you have ever learned completely... Complete 0... Start with an empty glass...
  10. It doesn't matter if you sniff paint behind the paint store for the rest of your apparent existence or become the president of the United States, there's no difference whatsoever at all. Liberation is complete freedom from any conditioned thought structure that says otherwise. THIS is complete freedom!! Do you have eyes to see...
  11. Your apparent thought and belief has no effect on THIS whatsoever.... can you guys understand this... like literally, what you believe or don't believe does not matter in any way at all to existence. You are not the center of the universe. No matter how much the ego wants to believe it's so. Nope not happening!! Get over it move on!! Next!!
  12. The real Freedom lies in truly understanding that THIS is it, there's nowhere else to get, and no one to get there... there's no future fulfillment that needs take place. That's what these so-called Neo Advaitist's are pointing out. Here is some Jim Newman: The solution or the end of the seeking isn't a finding. That need to find something is never satisfied; it never happens. If it does, it's very temporary. I find something and I'm afraid of losing it; I find something and I'm trying to hold onto it; I'm trying something and I'm trying to maintain it. It's never satisfied. The end of the seeking is the end of the seeker, is the end of the experience, that 'this' is real. What's left is what's already obviously everything: THIS. This doesn't need anything else, this is already all there is. Whatever is happening—whatever feelings, thoughts, experiences are happening—that is the wholeness that is looked for. It's not the wholeness the individual's looking for. It's not the wholeness that the "I am" is looking for. It will always be dissatisfied with this. It's a wholeness that's beyond the personal seeking, beyond the personal need for something more or something else.
  13. Mine was to see a T-Rex mating with a stegosaurus... Apparently that's not going to happen anytime soon.
  14. 3 years ago I would have said there batshit crazy... Post Awakening they're the only ones that make any sense... ? Interesting fact: Robert Wolfe told me over the phone that Tony Parsons is a great teacher... Just sayin ?
  15. Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the (Father's) domain]." Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is. Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death." - Gospel of Thomas
  16. Really good enquiry ❤ Have 'you' recognized the difference between intellectually understanding there is no self and actually seeing for 'yourself' that its an illusion? This can become a detachment trap for some is why I mention it. Because what's recognized is there wasn't anything real to detach from in the first place. It was simply a misidentification. Sounds like you may have already seen and recognized it isn't 4 u ?
  17. It's unknowable because the questionnaire turns out to be unreal!!