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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. There isn't a 'you'...period!! Look and see if you can find it... not with the conditioned mind that believes it already knows the answer, that is using intellect. Actually look and see its unreality! ❤
  2. Like ? ❤ It's overlooked by being everything!! So in that sense even being overlooked is still IT. ?
  3. The thing is... this can't just be intellectually understood has to be seen on a first-hand basis. It needs to be looked at and seen clearly that the separate sense the self(seeker) is an illusion. I’d like to ask you to explore this SENSE of self very-very thoroughly. Not by thinking about it, but by FEELING it. Keep the focus of attention on the sense of self and inquire: Does the sense of self have a location? Does the sense of self have a shape or a size? Does the sense of self say or communicate anything? If the answer is yes, how does the sense do this exactly? Does the sense of self have any characteristics or attributes? What is the sense of self ‘made of’? An image? Sound? Taste? Smell? Sensation? Thought Arising? If not, where is any Direct or Actual Experience of some sense of self?
  4. Are 'you' constantly seeking for something? Does it feel like something is lacking or missing in 'your' life? Well 'you' have come to the right place!!! Because for only $0 a month 'I' can explain how since birth and for no apparent reason whatsoever, 'you' have been conditioned to believe 'you' are a 'separate' individual with free will and choice. Every thought emotion and action 'you' take is because 'you' decided to. Never mind of course if 'you' were born and indoctrinated into a very heavily conditioned culture where beliefs are force-fed and monitored for compliance as seen fit. Often this illusory experience of being separate brings about a search to find wholeness... but this search becomes endless because what you're looking for is already the case. What you're looking for hides Itself by already being everything. When the apparent 'me' is looked at closely and without distraction, what is actually there? Is there a real entity within the body with free will and choice? Don't conceptualize about it, LOOK and see!! When this entire hilarious dramatic play is looked at from the biggest picture possible it's recognized that everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be because it's WHAT IS!! "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players" -- William Shakespeare It's absolutely Everything...whole complete and perfect THIS!!!!!!
  5. @Leo Nordin yes it seems to be a completely illogical communication. Love your sincere response ❤
  6. It's the clear and undeniable seeing that the sense of 'I' that believes it will one day become enlightened, is an illusion. The illusory seeker believes that with enough focus, diligent practices and accumulated knowledge, it will one day arrive at something called Liberation.( In a few decades of course lol, see it doesn't want to be unidentified with) But with that approach it's an unachievable goal, because the very thing seeking... ISN'T REAL. So everything 'I' does to become Awakened actually prolong's it. (Its the hamster wheel effect... the more you identify AS IT, the longer the dream story is perpetuated) Turn that seeking energy around 180 degrees and LOOK and see Who or What wants to become Enlightened? Is it a real entity? Where is it located? What does it consist of? Note: This information is pertaining to Enlightenment. Its not saying 'you' should or shouldn't do anything in particular including any kind of spiritualpractices/meditation/rituals/chants...etc....It's saying there isn't a 'YOU' that has a choice. A prison cell can be updated and decorated infinitely. ❤
  7. @Javfly33 btw love your honest straightforward and basic questioning. They are Stepping Stones to realizing you are already home ❤ ❤ ❤
  8. There is a conditioned body that will turn its head if it's name is called, jump out of the way of a moving truck, prefer coffee over tea and understand basic math. The 'I' that claims to be the doer is the illusion of self or Maya. ❤ So the illusory 'knower' is the experience of being the 'ONE' that answered 1+ 1 = 2
  9. The experience of a finite individual within the body or duality is 100% unreal....meaning it never was...Its an illusion!! The word creation implies something real was created, the creation of 'yourself' never actually happened....its an illusory experience. ❤
  10. That's what's being experienced their bud, it's whole complete and perfect. ❤
  11. It's even worse than that. There was never a 'we' to actually know anything...?
  12. @Dodo this was just a shared communication because the new Adviata topic has been brought up several times recently and in the past. ❤ I hear what you're saying ? A posted thread topic does not always constitute a held belief in which was shared. Thanks for the video share, I will check it out shortly ❤
  13. The Divine Misconception On the subject of Traditional Advaita (Oneness) versus NeoAdvaita: "It has recently been argued that Traditional Oneness is somehow better than ‘NeoOneness’, or even ‘PseudoOneness’. The strangeness of this idea exposes the foolishness of trying to give title to that which is limitless. The cunning and manipulative guru mind inevitably objectifies verbal expression, and out of that objectifying arises a plethora of dogmatic movements all claiming supreme understanding of that which cannot be understood. As a consequence, so called Traditional Advaita, for instance, is just another established religion with a proliferation of teachings and literature, all of which very successfully and consistently miss the mark. It stands alongside Christianity and Buddhism as one of the many systems of personal indoctrination promising the eventual spiritual fulfilment. To quote from The Open Secret: “To translate the inexpressible into the doctrinal is to attempt to transform a song of freedom into a dogma of limitation. When the bird has flown, the essence of its song is often mislaid and all we are left with is an empty cage.” The teaching of “Traditional Advaita” has no relevance to liberation because it is born out of a fundamental misconception. Its logical and sensibly progressive recommendations include meditation, self-enquiry, self restraint, and to quote “the renunciation of the ego and all desire”. Of course, there is nothing right or wrong with the idea of desiring to renounce desire. However, these idealistic recommendations and teachings are based on the fundamental misconception that there is such a thing as a separate individual with free will and the choice to become. The belief that there is a separate seeker (subject) who can choose to attain or become worthy of something called enlightenment (object) is a direct denial of abiding oneness (Advaita). Within the hypnotic dream of separation, the prevailing perception is that of the seeker and the sought. The ignorance of this perception continues in the search for enlightenment, and inevitably the dreamseeker is attracted to a dream teaching which upholds and encourages the same premise of personal discipline and sacrifice (seeking) leading to the eventual goal of enlightenment (the sought). The recommendation to cultivate understanding and refine something called “the mind” (?) is hugely attractive to the dreamseeker because it prolongs the very worthy search and thrives on logic, detachment, complication, endeavour, hierarchy and exclusivity. Trying to understand oneness is as futile as trying to fall in love with an inch. There is no possibility of teaching oneness. However, the sharing can bring a rediscovery of that which is already known. If we are to believe recent descriptions of something called “Neo Advaita” as being “the forcing of the truth (?) on unprepared minds” or “advising people to stop seeking” or suggesting to people that they are “nothing but the mind itself”, these teachings, if they exist, are equally as dualistic as the “traditional Advaita” they were born out of. This confusion is of course as much an expression of oneness as the clarity which exposes it. All of this silly circus is simply the eternal play of oneness apparently seeking itself. It is the wonderful cosmic joke oneness plays on itself by pretending to be an individual seeking something called “not being an individual”. When it is suddenly and directly rediscovered by no-one that liberation brings with it the realisation that there is nothing to seek and noone to become liberated, then there is much laughter". ❤
  14. I had decided to just use the quotation option in this thread due to what I believe are misunderstood or unfounded biases against Tony Parsons and his communication/work.(when you shoot the messenger you don't have to take seriously the implications of the message) Yes this was shared from his Open Secret website essays but did not necessarily conclude that he was the sole author (it may well be). I had been told previously that quotations were adequate... Is this no longer the case or did I get incorrect information?
  15. "The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite" -- A Course in Miracles
  16. Yes, ? there is absolutely nothing right or wrong with doing any kind of spiritual practices. Sometimes they can become a hindrance to awakening and sometimes not... Sometimes immense suffering or a traumatic event can trigger it. Or deep self inquiry or introspection. Hence why it's been called the pathless path/gateless gate.... Hell I already thought I was using a thorn to remove a thorn ?
  17. The "sense of 'I' " isn't real. So belief's are thoughts identified with as 'MY' thoughts/beliefs.
  18. Nice...❤ Truth is a word that assumes there's something false. There's actually nothing that's false, there are just apparent misunderstandings. So if there's nothing actually false, there is no need for the word truth. They cancel each other out = 0 The cat's meow is what IS. So in that sense everyone's apparent different perspectives are not true nor false, there simply what IS. Whole complete and perfect with no separation. ❤