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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. It will fight tooth and nail through and through. Why? Because it does not want to disappear. It simply cannot conceive of its own unreality, it doesn't have the capacity. It typically has decades of energy or inertia keeping the hamster wheel spinning.(running the rat race) (identifying with the thoughts) The trick however is not in denying or fighting this illusion. Rather look closely and notice its unreality. When it's really been rattled or loosened up good, one of it's last ditch emergency attempts to keep itself intact is to become the Spiritual do-gooder 'self/ego. The spiritual ego is extra sneaky because it appears to fall away and then sneaks in the back door as the new higher 'true self' or Self with a capital S. But this new spiritual do-gooder Self will eventually start showing its incredibly High levels of spiritual narcissism (usually within a short amount of time). It's very good at disguising it's egoic love agenda as unconditional love... and why wouldn't it? , it wants to survive.... it says why get rid of me, I'm all about goodness and love. Notice the special spiritual ego!! Look and simply notice, that's all it takes!! ❤
  2. The spiritual search is by nature a very self centered desire and awakening ends up being a very personal and impersonal experience simultaneously. What ends up being rather surprising is that often that drive to go out and save the universe actually falls away because it's then recognized that the only mechanism that was fueling that desire was in fact the ego with its relentless(something needs to be done and I'm just the one to do it) specialness requirement. Ultimately it ends up being fair game... and whatever happens is what's happening.
  3. Love you too bud....❤ Remember what's already the case doesn't need to be found because it's already Everything.
  4. @mandyjw ❤ those are great points. yes when an injury and pain occurs a thought arises with it claiming it as my injury and my pain and usually exaggerating the entire situation which is neither right nor wrong... just what's happening...THIS!!
  5. The relative(partial) and absolute(whole) is an illusory duality. Therefore they can't be mixed because they were never separate to begin with... that's the dream. What's being pointed out here can be directly verified. What's being pointed out there is an illusory concept constructed by infinite imagination. Go ahead and test it... See this so-called infinite consciousness theory actually holds no water when put to the test. For example have you ever actually experienced this all-knowing infinite consciousness state(or whatever you want to imagine it to be) during sleep or under anesthesia at the doctor's office.... So even if there was an all-knowing infinite consciousness, that can one day become aware of itself(duality) what does it matter in any way at all. There isn't a real consequence or verifiable outcome.... they're still not a knowing of what the neighbors ate for dinner last night six blocks down.... there's not a knowing of what's being held right now in my left hand as I get ready for work.... There is only what is directly sensed by the bodily functions or imagined( intellect)... It's sort of like saying I am the boss of a company minus the ability to actually direct anything or make any notable changes to its framework. nothing is directing the show on the runaway train. It's infinite and boundless but nothing is directing it. ?
  6. There's nothing you can do because it's like hearing the beer on the next Island over is much better than what you currently have been drinking. It can however be recognized that these are just thoughts identified with (as in 'MY' thoughts)... they are not your thoughts they are just thoughts arising. No need to entertain these thoughts about Enlightenment, simply notice them and let them pass on... don't get caught up and identified with them. ❤
  7. Have you not meditated wandered lead and taught? These are mere consequences of existence no one is higher than the other. ❤
  8. This can't really be answered because when Liberation occurs it's completely fair game for this/that and in between. If anyone tells you something should or shouldn't be done rest assured Liberation has not occurred there. Otherwise it wouldn't be liberation!!
  9. Look and notice who or what wants awakening? Can you find a real individual that wants to awaken? ❤
  10. Ajata Project Nothingness: "Underneath the condition when you are awake and aware, and beneath the condition when you are in bed at night and dreaming, there is the deep-sleep condition. Here, there are no thoughts, there is no “you”, no mind, no relationships, no other, nor world, or universe. There is merely a condition of empty presence, no-thing-ness. Everything, every form, event, etc., is superimposed on this empty presence, by the mind in the waking or dreaming state. But the organism, the body, continues to exist despite these daily reoccurrence of emptiness. This condition in which there is no mind, no thoughts, no forms, and no you, is the “ground” state, your natural state. This empty presence is the condition of the organism before its birth (and its conditioning and the arising of the I-thought), and will be its condition once again upon the death of the form of “your life”. In other words, an organism appears to arise within empty presence, matures, and recedes again into empty presence (similar to the way an electron arises and recedes in the quantum field). The organism knew nothing of existence or nonexistence before birth, and will know nothing after death: “You” will not know that you— or anything else— ever had “existed”. Recognizing the fleeting temporality of “existence” – and that existence will be completely non-existent, in due course— it becomes clear that not anything that you do, think, feel or say has any lasting significance or meaning. (This is the message of the Bhagavad Gita.) All that appears, to the organism, to be done is merely a momentary expression of the field of ever-present beingness—utterly lacking in lasting reality. This is why it is said, in the nondual writings, that “nothing really matters”. It is also why it is said that (as a book about Papaji is titled) “nothing ever happened.” All that we learn in advaita is intending to point our attention to nothingness. (And not its “existence” or “nonexistence”, since where there is nothing, neither of these are applicable.) In other words, the intention of advaita, or nonduality, is to direct us to ajata. And, I would say, a thorough understanding of the former is necessary in order to comprehend the latter. When we come to recognize that, in truth, there is nothing from the start, we understand what is meant when it is said that all that we perceive is simply a dream, an illusion— seemingly superimposed on ever-lasting empty presence. Now, is this information simply an interesting “analysis”, or does this have practical value? Someone recently sent me a book by the Dalai Lama, and I’ll extract a few quotes. All phenomena are empty. Emptiness pervades not only your individual ego or sense of self, but the whole of reality…That emptiness of mind is its ultimate nature, or mode of being. To realize that, is to pierce and see through the deception of ignorance…freedom from ignorance (is called) nirvana… Realizing emptiness is directly related to our quest to purify our mind of afflictive emotions like hatred, anger, and desire…We project onto things a state of “existence”, and a mode of being which is simply not there…. This understanding of one of the principal factors of the true path….For such an insight cuts right through the illusion created by the mis- apprehension of grasping things and events as existing… We realize the emptiness of all phenomena, not just the mind and body of the individual. In my favorite story about Ramana Maharshi, a man came into the room where Ramana held satsang, said he’d written a biography of Ramana and asked permission to read it. Ramana smile and nodded, and the man read his manuscript. It was full of inaccuracies and error: he said that Ramana was married and had children, that he’d been a Socialist before his enlightenment, and on and on. When he finished reading, Ramana smiled and nodded, and the man picked up his manuscript and left. One of Ramana’s disciples cried out, “Master, did you hear what he read? Is any of that real?!” Ramana waved his hand as if taking in the universe, and asked: “Is any of this real?” -- Ajata Project Robert Wolfe
  11. Notice how what was said, being accurate or not, does not make any real difference in apparent existence. It's only the identification with a thought that creates an illusory experience of someone there that feels offended and what was said was rude and unfounded. Awakening isn't about learning or finding something that is absolutely true to unlock the gateless gate of liberation. The word truth suggest that there's something that's false. There is nothing that's actually false, there is only misunderstandings. So the word truth then would be a word pointing to everything without misunderstanding. Its the loss of the individual that believed there was something that could be found. In that sense it could be called unknowing. See 'you' think there is someone here that believes it knows something or has attained something called Enlightenment... but enlightenment is the complete dissolving of the illusory Seeker that thought something was missing from everything(needed to be found and 'I'm' just the one to find it) There is no concern here because when the illusion of self is completely seen through there's no one left that could lose something. Anyways nice chatting with you, take it easy I was just messing with you guys to see what kind of reaction I could get out of you. I like to dabble in duality a bit sometimes to ruffle some feathers(divine game of Lila). Sorry for all the strong conditioned thoughts and emotions that may or may not have risen. nothing but unconditional love for everyone ❤
  12. Nahm, 'I' know there isn't a 'you', 'you' don't have to keep repeating that. Again they are words used as expressions for communication purposes... (when I said you, I was referring to identification with a thought or thoughts that believe it knows. Yes there's nothing for the sense of 'me' to get because it never was. Yes 'you' can't really take an ego/sense of self head on because it's mere identification with conditioned thoughts, sensations, belief's, concepts, labels, and contracted energy in the body (this again was an expression for communication purposes).... and the recognition that they don't equal a "ME" is the awakening. No I actually meant rain as in the ego rains down on others with its toxic moisture....joking ❤....yes I meant reign thanks...its my talk text use that makes me sound like a robot and misspell.
  13. "The biggest obstacle to Discovery is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge". Its because they get there head filled with concept and pursue from a full glass starting point. You know this, don't u? ❤
  14. Your not going anywhere. But not because of the belief that you are eternal or God/whatever, it's because 'you' doesn't exist....'you' is illusion!!
  15. "I' will have to sort it all out before moving on" is just another conditioned belief. 'I' have many things to reflect about = buying into a conditioned thought. STOP believing just STOP!!! and LOOK ❤
  16. @Vittorio ❤ this sounds very its right under your nose but for some reason unable to grasp...thoughts arise like "was something missed or overlooked" No thing was missed. Everything up to this point has been merely stepping stones that can be honoured, sincerely appreciated, and Now Let Go Of!! Now turn that seeking energy 180 degrees within and LOOK....LOOK for it with an empty but grounded and open if nothing else mattered!! Who or what has been desperately seeking Enlightenment? Try not to use intellect!! Just pure innocent Looking!!
  17. Because the looking becomes the direct experience/recognition that there is no one actually home. ❤
  18. My experience on this is that there is still a conditioned body/mind that can get temporary triggered offended irritated or whatever, but it just doesn't really feel personal any longer and it doesn't last at all... the stickiness of the 'I' is no longer there to identity or create a big dramatic story. Liberation then could be described as when even the small trigger moments just no longer occur. The peace and clarity are fully embodied so to speak. Every body is conditioned a little different though so no experience is exactly the same of course.... for example a body/mind that has suffered great traumas abuse neglect and things like that may take to it differently. ❤
  19. You are assuming there is someone here that knows something. See it's actually the other way around. There is an illusory experience there that believes if it gains enough wisdom or knowledge on the subject matter it will understand everything at some future point. Yes and of course there will always be more for the mind to conceptualize about within infinity. If 'you' are happy with infinitely seeking so be it, that's what's happening. Just recognize this seeking energy is endlessly neady. Its the carrot being dangled in front of the Donkey effect. The one seeking here died and was recognized by no-one having never existed. So in that sense liberation is the death of the illusory individual that thought there was something separate to find within Infinity. ❤