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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. When you get down to the brass tacks, enlightenment isn't any better or worse than anything else because it just becomes obvious that this 'ME' construct which judges things as better or worse, isn't real and never was....... It just seemed to be! ?
  2. Well escaping implies that someone is bound. What's being said is there isn't a real you to escape. It's an illusion of self! Everything else is just bad interpretation! ❤️
  3. Haha, no need to call it stupid but I get what you mean. It occasionally tries its best lol. Here it just became obvious that the illusion of self/mind desperately attempts to understand and know reality but through its deeply conditioned or biased perspective. This illusion of self/perspective, spins all kinds of radical stories about how and why reality is the way it is............this is what i refer to as the dream story or matrix but just with a spiritual twist added...... In other words it attempts to grasp the ungraspable absolute or infinity, place it in a box and mark it off as known..... This could also be referred to as spiritual ego, but to each their own I guess. Basically it's always trying to get to a better experience in the future. It never becomes completely satisfied. ❤️ "The interpreter has left the building, I repeat the interpreter has left the building" ?
  4. Well then yeah bro that's what's being experienced there..... it's whole, complete and perfect ❤️
  5. Awesome, just remember, it's not forcing the mind to be empty.... The mind empties itself under the weight of recognizing it's beliefs are all conditioned BS. ❤️
  6. No its not choosing or cherry picking....It's recognizing that PA isn't a real entity as or within the body. It can be difficult to empty the glass because it feels like death, but that is what Ralston is talking about in his "book of not knowing" ❤️
  7. I think I must like your guys energy and relentless dedication to discovery or something ? Definitely not trying to push anymore concepts. (The cupeth is overflowing) There was a very desperate seeker here for quite a few years until it died. content was there for 'me' during that time and I think I just like to try to "pay it forward" sorta speak ❤️
  8. It's not that physical objects physically change, it's that the illusion of self is no longer there to fabricate a story or place an illusory layer of meaning, purpose, and value upon the physical object itself. Reality is already itself, its already complete regardless of the names and beliefs placed on them. Awakening isn't this complex wishy-washy thing. It can be very subtle and simultaneously completely unmistakable. It's not a gaining or adding of concepts and beliefs. It's the falling away of concepts and beliefs to see clearly what already is! ❤️
  9. There seems to be, but its not real, I refer to the ego as the illusion of self or the conditioned character one seems to grow into from a baby. That "ME" character/ego isn't really there! The self/higher self or whatever is just a delusional identification game the ego attempts to play because it wants to survive, just like anything else! ❤️
  10. There is no higher self though. All the selfs & or sources are illusions. If there is a higher self or an ultimate source, that is just the ego attempting to identify as that. ❤️
  11. I think some of you are letting your conditioned minds run you around like chickens with their heads cut off! I mean, I get it & yes it's super entertaining and all, but at some point, it should become obvious that a very creative imagination superimposing its concepts and beliefs overtop of reality does not make it true. Reality doesn't care what you think about it. It doesn't need a label given to it. It doesn't need a human story of how or why placed onto it! Enlightenment is not spinning endless conceptual stories off the top of the head about reality in an effort to make the self illusion feel more comfortable or grounded! It's the end of the conceptualizer or spiritual materialist. It's the disentangling from the socially conditioned matrix of mind known as " ME " It's literally the end of the individual trying to attain it or rather the revelation that it was never real to begin with. And so in that sense, enlightenment isn't real because it's the end of something that never started. Which is exactly where the saying comes from that "everyone is already enlightened" Believing that there's more to reality than meets the eye is the bus ticket...... Clearly seeing that there's not is the ride home or the end of seeking! When it comes to reality, there's only what Seems to be happening. ❤️
  12. Answer: "Better Experience" The self illusion is always trying to get to a better experience in the future, it will always be unsatisfied with the here & now. It may even try not seeking as another way to get what it thinks is missing! ❤️
  13. It's simultaneously recognized that the idea of a "someone" having or being their true nature was also just a conditioned imaginary belief stemming from this "self illusion" Make no mistake, the "illusion" wants to be there to reap the benefits of enlightenment. But the problem is it's not real lol. Like a mirage of a tall glass of water in the desert blocking the view of the entire ocean. When the "self illusion" gets out of the way, infinite reality is recognized to be totally unknowable Its freedom in the sense that there's no one left trying to desperately understand infinity. Seeking ends because it's recognized nothing was ever missing or needs to be found or understood in the first place. Here the knower has left the building! ❤️
  14. Yeah It's confusing because Enlightenment isn't a Physical object or a state of mind to be gotten or attained. The word enlightenment refers to the lack of the "illusion of self" So it's neither permanent nor impermanent because the "illusion of self" was never real from the start. ? That's why it's often said that everyone is already awakened. Basically, the "You" seeking enlightenment goes bye bye and the energy once used to uphold the sticky "illusion of self"(You) relaxes and dissipates back into everything. Then reality is just what it is without the judgments of being good bad right wrong this way or that way. Its freedom but for nobody! ❤️
  15. @jdc7733 Enlightenment doesn't end these feelings and's fully inclusive and anything can happen although typically they do tend to slow down pretty drastically. The key difference is they are no longer personal feelings. The sticky "illusion of self" is no longer taking ownership and perpetuating the whole dramatic story. So these feelings can seem to arise but there isn't a "you" left feeding them energy. So they can seem to arise and fall away as quickly as they came! There can also seem to be an innocence & or unconditional love for apparent reality ❤️
  16. What i'm talking about is ordinary it's not complex at all! All the seeker can do is continue to endlessly seek bro. Notice it! Its motto is "THIS is not it" It cannot begin to fathom its own's way to busy seeking for a better experience in the future. Its the perfect distraction. Were just not talking about the same thing and that's totally fine! ❤️
  17. Ironically when it does seem to occur, there's no one left having that experience or any experience for that matter. Then ego seems to return and claims ownership over said experiences! ❤️
  18. Right, hehe! ❤️ Ironically it was around 2018 when this first started becoming obvious. Never the less, reality is always timelessly "THIS" or "Whatever seems to be happening" Nothing matters at all and so-called salvation;freedom;liberation is already the case which is why it seems hidden! That's the "open secret" bro ❤️
  19. Its worse than that! The first incarnation never even happened. ? ❤️
  20. No, but there can seem to be! Its not something gained or achieved. It's not advantageous for a someone. I would describe awakening as a realization which inherently carries with it an energetic shift away from upholding the illusory self construct known as "ME" Or The disentangling from the socially conditioned matrix of mind known as "ME" Only there's no one that comes out on the other side awakened or enlightened. Nobody benefits In other words its the end of the individual trying to achieve awakening! Its ordinary which can be a surprising let down for the self illusion! ? ❤️
  21. Look closely at this unsatisfiable imagination! What is it made of? What's energizing it? What are it's underlying motives? Is it just running on autopilot? ❤️
  22. Hey brother thanks ? & yes it's definitely been a little while since we chatted. We are all doing great here, I hope you and your family are all doing well also! & yeah for sure! When you get down to the brass tacks, there's nothing right or wrong with anything because there isn't a real universal law or meaning outside of these societal conditioned concepts! Jim Newman likes to call the ego "a reaction to a reaction to a reaction" etc.... I can see what he's talking about. ♥