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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Gotcha, What's being said is that identification as reality itself is a conceptual illusion or misunderstanding. It seems like there is a solid "someone here" But that entity was never there from the start. Emptiness! Not even void 😟 ❤️
  2. Cult cabin fever? 😔 Yeah, he really did have an almost intoxicating vibe with his words or something. Agreed, there are some really great audiobooks of his also. ❤️
  3. The story was of osho & his followers. One person doesn't create a community. For there to be a leader, there has to be followers and vice versa. I don't think there is one piece of that story that was just anyone's particular fault. There was nothing right or wrong with what osho and is followers attempted to do. And there was also nothing right or wrong with what the surrounding community did in response. It's just something that can happen in those wild territories Look what happened to the native americans! ❤️
  4. Well undoubtedly we probably have some differences in what we mean when we use the word duality. There's duality in the sense that there's separate physical bodies, animals, rocks and trees, planets and solar systems. There are definitely different looking physical appearances within everything....THIS. The only thing that's completely illusory is that needy "sense of self", the "I" construct that feels like a separate individual either within the body or as the body or both. This illusory character endlessly seeks & packs on the spiritual onion layers of identification until it feels like the ultimate all-knowing spiritual gura 😉. But it's just spiritual ego in disguse as what some call the True or Higher Self. ❤️
  5. Yep there's nothing that's not THIS. There's nothing missing or incomplete....nothing lacking. The ego can never except THIS completeness. It never becomes satisfied. It will constantly yurn for a better experience in the future. It places an illusory overlay of meaning, purpose and value overtop of reality and operates from its conditioned perspective. What to do: There's nothing to do because it isn't real. Like trying to get rid of a mirage....there's nothing there. THIS is already liberation, awakening, nirvana, samadhi, the kingdom of heaven. It can be recognized!!! ❤️
  6. There's really no reason to fear life or death because there isn't anyone actually alive in the body in which could die. And yet repetitive feelings of fear can still seem to arise in the body, along with any other feelings/emotions. ❤️
  7. The body is either alive or dead. The "sense of self" doesn't die because it's already not real. So there's nothing there in which could reincarnate. Emptiness!! Constricted energy seemingly being a separate someone....but it's maya an illusion of self! ❤️
  8. Liberation is the end of that needy ME character trying to attain it. It's the end of that sticky self construct that's never satisfied. Liberation is already the case but the self illusion feeling seperate and lacking, goes on an endless mission to find wholeness within wholeness. ❤️
  9. It's not that everything is you including the different bodies and their conditioning! Its that there isn't a real you or them inside the body between the eyes. It's an illusion of self. If there is still a someone claiming to be all of it, that is just the illusion of self... There isn't a you & there isn't a them. No separation in that sense Not because you are everything. But because you and them are not even real. ❤️
  10. That so-called consciousness bubble is just the bodily senses coupled with the conditioned imagination. Nobody gets any spiritual cookies by just calling the everyday human experience, consciousness. This word is way overused on the forum! ❤️
  11. If you won a lamborghini in the lottery, would you park it and study it for years first to figure out exactly how everything in that car works the way it does? Or would you get your best buddy in the passenger seat and take that mean machine for a cruise outside the city limits? Knowing is overrated! The "illusion of self" thinks that it can know reality. It literally believes that if it can understand reality, it will have some sort of special advantage. It doesn't, and the body will surely rot away like the rest. The illusion of self doesn't die because it was never real from the start. There is no higher power behind the scenes creating everything. No God no Satan no heaven or hell realms. These are all just stories created by scared humans that can't except death. Even calling reality intelligent makes no sense because there's nothing to compare it to. It just is simply what it is. The good news is nothing matters at all. Whether it's spent studying the lamborghini or driving the lamborghini or both....does not matter in any way at all! There's no one on this planet that has an answer because infinity can't be grasped by relativity, nor could it be logically understood or explained by any human. There can of course be endless educated guesses and theories which amount to a dog poop on the sidewalk 🤣 Knowing is guessing in other words ❤️
  12. You are saying we are in the dark ages still, but compared to what? Imagined alien technological advancements? What i'm saying is, we are only wherever we are at. How can there be a real comparison when there's only: "where were at" ❤️
  13. @MVPJOURNEY I also do not think there real, although they still seem to have an effect on the body. There real & unreal these feelings 🤔 Try swimming laps in a pool to burn excess energy, it stretches and relaxes the body also. It's the killer diller!!!!👊 Everything is already complete ❤️
  14. Yeah it turns out addition and subtraction both equal nothing ❤️
  15. Maybe just figure out being human first. Literally master being a human, whatever that means to you. And if God realization happens along the way, so be it! ❤️
  16. Yep, ? And sometimes when this "sense of self" is seen through, it can seem like an unraveling of identity or death. The energy once used on the self illusion is released back into everything. It becomes obvious that there never was an "I" There's no one left to fall back asleep & claim to be god or anything else for that matter. All this desperate spiritual seeking ends because nobody's left trying to reach or attain something. ❤️
  17. But enlightenment doesn't have anything to do with "grasping the whole of reality" Rather its clearly seeing that this ME character trying to grasp infinity, isn't actually there. This can feel like death for some and simultaneously like a relaxed energetic release away from upholding this illusion of self. A deflation of sorts. All its deeply seeded societal conditioning is seen through, & It eventually gets starved of energy. It seems hidden until it's obvious! ❤️
  18. Nice bro hehe!! ? For me hope is just another word for not being satisfied with the current experience of reality. There's no one left here that's satisfied or unsatisfied, which funny enough, is satisfying in itself! Much respect your motivation for truth bro! ?
  19. What do you mean by dangerous! How is someone believing/doing the same things over and over again dangerous. Sounds boring to me! ❤️
  20. Sounds normal enough to me. Maybe pick up some ice breakers or jokes. Plan to mention a topic or two that your super familiar with. Go with a close friend that gets you! ❤️
  21. Those enlightened guys and gals over there seem to be having a better experience than I am having. Maybe if I do A, B, & C, I can also have a better experience like theirs in the future. Sounds silly enough but the conditioned mind will fall for it 60% of the time everytime! ? ❤️
  22. Yeah, I can see that!! I'm married with 3 kids and we have a 2 year old German doodle so I jump on & off quickly usually I also use voice text on my cell probably 80% of the time. For me it just seems like certain words "hit the mark" better than others, so I probably way overuse them. Maybe I listened to too many spiritual woo woo books in my early days...I dunno ? There's definitely some sort of human- being over here reading and responding though. ?