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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. You already said it's not logical go with that one ? Plus who cares it's not important anyways. Only thing that believes it's important is the mind running in circles trying to figure out the unknowable ?
  2. What occurred here was the recognition that the individual or the self was just an illusory character consisting of a web of conditioned thoughts and beliefs identified with as ME. It was so clearly seen that it became laughable at how much suffering occurred around something that was never real to begin with. There seems to be a lot of different experiences with Awakening but you will know when you have found what's longed for by the unmistakable freedom that entails. ❤
  3. No tightness here bro... all is well ❤ thank you for thinking of me!! I hope you're doing well also my friend
  4. @Breakingthewall you might find this interesting. ❤ Ajata Project (Robert Wolfe)
  5. @WelcometoReality okay I understand what you mean ❤
  6. Nope you're not going to trick me... you are already perfect. The dictator that judges whether something is a flaw or a strength is just the conditioned mind. A flaw to one person might be seen as a strength to another. They cancel each other out and equal 0. Value meaning purpose truth flaw strength reason right wrong good bad All conditioned mind made concepts.... Perfection is already the case whether anyone agrees with it or not. See Perfection doesn't require agreeance with it... it's just the case ❤
  7. There needs to be an openness and a willingness to trust/empty the glass. Everything's already been said. "The Greatest Obstacle to Discovery Is Not Ignorance—It Is the Illusion of Knowledge" - Daniel J. Boorstin
  8. "Hope" is just another way of saying I'm looking to find a better experience in the future. And there's no such thing as a real "reason" because that would imply there is a goal. There is no real goal and therefore no real reason for anything. Hope & Reason are just conditioned mind bullshit. Just the mind running on the hamster wheel endlessly....take a look for yourself and ? ❤
  9. Well after awakening it's recognized there never was an individual that left square one to begin with. It was just the mind believing it was getting or going somewhere. It's the disentangling from the socially conditioned mind matrix known as 'ME'. ❤
  10. There's no you either, let's be fair about this.
  11. "deeply held belief" could be replaced with "strong underlying assumption" See most start with the "strong underlying assumption" that they are a separate individual that can one day find something to make them whole or complete. Like starting a journey with a map of the wrong territory. The entire 'self' structure is just the accumulation of knowledge and experience. Layers upon layers or webs of thought that create this illusory 'ME' character that we identify as. You can be told this a thousand times but it needs to be looked at and seen there. So it's not believing, it's LOOKING and SEEING. ❤
  12. @WelcometoReality it needs to be recognized that it's just the mind running on the hamster wheel endlessly looking for something. The first misunderstanding is that there's something missing that needs to be found. The second misunderstanding is that I or some Guru might have it. It's actually the opposite.... see there is the deeply held belief there, that there is something to find that will provide a better experience in the future such as the idea of enlightenment. That experience of something missing or incompleteness is illusory. So it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack only the needle and the seeker are both unreal... see the issue!! There's nothing to find and no one to find it, the experience of seeking is the mind believing there's something missing, and keeping the illusion upheld that there's a separate individual that can one day find it.
  13. ?Enlightenment is the recognition that there never was a sufferer to begin with( it was just the mind identified with as ME)
  14. The conditioned mind can't understand enlightenment because it views everything from a subject/object self centered perspective(what's in it for me)... it will literally take something said and twist it into what it wants to hear. This is why you hear Masters speak of No mind... Unknowing...No self...Not knowing... Emptying the glass Etc. No one enters the gateless gate, so be nobody.
  15. And that's just what's being experienced there bro. ❤
  16. The end of the need for things to be one way or the other ❤
  17. Death is the biggest problem for the sense of self. That's why it creates belief's of a soul that continues on to the afterlife, infinite consciousness, reincarnation or whatever have you. What it can't recognize is that it already isn't alive. It's Maya illusion of the self. So nothing dies or continues on living because it isn't real from the very start. So safe and dangerous are equally meaningless to that which isn't real.
  18. Notice that thoughts and emotions just seem to arise. Is there a thinker or chooser of these thoughts within the body? Or is it just habitual patterns of thought arising with the immediate assumption/identification as MY thoughts. ❤
  19. I know what you mean...but the question assumes there is Currently a person that is anxious. There already isn't an anxious person. Only anxious patterns of thought being identified with as 'MY' thoughts, and thus creating a seemingly anxious experience.
  20. Everything is already the case. There never was a mystery to solve. The experience of NOT recognizing IT, and the experience of recognizing IT, are already IT...simultaneously. The difference between Bondage and Liberation is an illusory experience. Liberation is the realization that there never was a someone that could be bound from the get-go!!! ❤
  21. @JayySur well because there is an experience of being an individual which lives in time and values meaning and purpose. This illusory identity has become an entity unto itself. It doesn't have the capacity to recognize it's own unreality because it subconsciously knows that recognition will be its demise. "the ego says seek, but do not find" -- A Course in Miracles It literally stays intact by the belief that a separate individual(the ME), will one day find a better experience in the future, and finally find that which feels like it's missing.(the hamster wheel effect)... It's endlessly needy. So then the big question arises: Q) So how do "I" fix this apparent "ME" issue? A) There already isn't a "YOU" and nothing was ever missing. Look to find out: What is the YOU? What does it consist of? Can it be located? ❤ Watch 5:18 - 10:00
  22. I get these emails after attending the nothing conference back in September, and they sent me these episodes to watch... found them quite interesting thought I would share ❤